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All Hail the King (Celestra Forever After Book 6)

Page 52

by Addison Moore

  A laugh strums through me. “Kres, you do realize Chloe will melt if you toss a bucket of baby urine at her. I’d try Emma. She’s Mally’s only hope of avoiding diaper rash.”

  “No.” Chloe tips her head back abruptly. “Try her father.” Her lips flirt with a devious smile. “I’ve never seen a man dote more over a child. No offense, Laken and Kres, but Wes has nothing on Gage in the father department. I’m sorry, Skyla, but the boys have all but taken a back seat. That little ball of pink glory has her daddy wrapped around her little finger.”

  My blood boils in an instant. “I’ve got a finger for you, Chloe.”

  Kresley groans, “Skyla, I’m sorry to have to tell you this, but you’re going to have to grow up. That’s exactly how I got over my obsession with Wesley.”

  Chloe rolls her eyes. “Please, if Wes wanted it, you’d bed him right here at this party. If he made the offer, you couldn’t wrap your legs around him fast enough.”

  “Okay, you got me.” Kresley flashes a short-lived smile. “Don’t worry, Laken. Wes has drawn a hard line in the sexual sand. He’s made it crystal clear that my legs won’t be wrapped around his head again anytime soon.”

  The three of us groan at the visual.

  Kres leans in. “But as soon as you vacate the premises here at Chez Edinger, that boy and his delicious body are mine for the taking.” She stalks off just as baby Mally begins to fuss.

  Chloe laughs. “Keeping it classy with a K—and that K stands for Kresley.” She shrugs over at Laken. “What are you gonna do? I had to put up with that witch, too. But you’ve got Wesley’s heart forever. I guess you could say you’re lucky I didn’t have my sights set on the other Edinger brother.” She bats her lashes my way. “Because what Chloe wants, Chloe gets.” She trots off to Gage, who looks as if he’s in the process of passing on the idea of spending some quality diaper time with his daughter. The old Gage would have done it for me.

  Em and Bree head this way. Both Em and Bree are dressed like a couple of Goth girls, and I do a double take because just beyond them I spot Giselle and Emerson Kragger heading this way dressed the very same way.

  “What’s with the Goth army?” I ask just as G and Emerson join our circle.

  “Right?” Laken adds. “It looks like we didn’t get the memo.”

  Emerson grunts, “With those dark circles under Skyla’s eyes, she could be the leader of the pack.” She gives a sly wink. “Guess what I’ve been up to, Skyla?”

  “Avoiding my mother and the lightning bolts she wields that are powerful enough to take you back to paradise?”

  Bree ticks her head. “I kind of liked her as a bird. When you turn her back into an owl, can I keep her?”

  “No,” Emerson and I say in unison.

  Emerson growls my way, “I’ve been instructed to follow your sister. You do realize she spends her time stalking this island.”

  I grip my belly as the baby indulges in a lumbering movement. “Who instructed you to do that?”

  “Dudley.” She shoots her icy blue eyes to the left where I spot Marshall speaking with Cooper and Brody.

  “We’ll talk later.” As much as I’m dying to know what she’s gleaned, I feel another one of those Braxton Hicks contractions coming on and it feels like my entire stomach is turning into concrete. A hard groan comes from me.

  Emerson groans right back, “You’re really getting into the undead spirit. I’d better go. Your mother put Giselle and me in charge of finishing up the decorations across the street.”

  “Since when do you take orders from my mother?” This new, far more affable version of the cranky Kragger makes me suspicious.

  “Since it gives me the keys to that Sector’s kingdom. What?” She gives a mean look to the entire lot of us. “I like to snoop.”

  She and Giselle take off with Emerson strutting her stuff while Giselle skips alongside her.

  “I’m pretty sure my mother has Emerson living and breathing on Paragon for a reason, but spying on Marshall isn’t it. I’d better give him the heads-up.” Chloe killed Emerson ages ago.

  “Not so fast, Messenger.” Bree snatches me by the elbow. “We have to talk about your bachelorette party. You’re wedding day is like a month and a half away. We need to shore up details.”

  “I vote for a movie at Whitehorse,” I say. “I’ll be nursing the baby, so I can’t go far.”

  Laken perks up. “I’ll bring Wesley Cooper and nurse right alongside you.”

  Em grunts, “I’ll nurse Ella.”

  Bree scoffs. “Is that where this is headed? I’m pretty sure when Logan and Ellis tossed around the idea of opening up a titty bar, that is not what they envisioned.” She scowls at Laken as if it were all her fault. “If you hadn’t gotten knocked up, Skyla would never have even thought about having another baby. Everyone knows it’s contagious.”

  Laken’s mouth falls open. “What about her?” She looks to Em. “Why isn’t it her fault? They live together. She could have just as easily caught the baby bug from her.”

  Bree squints and the dark glittery eye shadow she’s wearing glimmers in the light. “Because Emily doesn’t care to steal my best friend.” She looks my way. “Pick another venue, Skyla, or I’ll be left to my own devices. No houses, no movies. This is a serious girl party we’re going to have. This is you and Logan we’re talking about. That’s pretty special.” She looks to Emily and ticks her head toward the midway. “Come on, Em. Let’s see who can eat the most churros in a five-minute window.”

  Em looks my way. “I’ve got a vision, Skyla. And I have to give it to you or I’m going to explode.”

  Laken rolls her eyes. “There’s paper and crayons set out at the picnic tables. If you can get Charlie to share, have at it.”

  Em shakes her head. “This can’t be contained on a single sheet of paper. This is bigger than that.”

  Bree hops over her back and spanks Em’s bottom until she trots them over to the churro stand.

  I shudder. “I would have accepted that churro challenge.”

  “I guess I know what you and Logan will be doing later.” Her eyes cloud over. “I’m doing something later, too.”

  “Spare me the dirty details of what Wes makes you do to him nightly. Hey? We should develop a code word if you should ever need to get out of this relationship—like pumpkin.”

  “Or how about paternity test?” Her brows lift an inch and my mouth falls open.

  “Are you saying you’re open to doing one?”

  “I’m saying I’ve done one,” she whispers as she does a quick sweep of the vicinity. “I didn’t want you mucking up the results. No offense, but you are full of hormones. And this way I figure I can get you off my back.”

  My jaw unhinges. “So? What are the results?” Although judging by her demeanor, I guess I already know.

  She shakes her head as if refuting the idea. “I find out tonight.”

  “Tonight,” I say it breathless.

  She nods just as the shrill cry of a baby lights up the air and we turn to find my mother desperately trying to coax little Wes Cooper back into submission.

  We head on over, Laken slinking sexily and me waddling painfully, only to have Emma, Dr. Oliver, and Demetri offer their meager hellos.

  Laken takes the baby and promptly pulls up her sweater covertly over his head.

  Mom gives a hard clap. “That’s what he wanted. Laken, if you have any milk pumped, I can nurse him myself. I have the apparatus strapped to my breast for Mally. I just need to change out the bag.”

  Laken’s lips quiver as if the thought made her sick, and she kindly declines.

  “Skyla”—Dr. Oliver gives a mock bow—“you look like the picture of a healthy mother-to-be. How are you feeling?”

  “I look like the picture of a woman who ate a dozen mothers-to-be,” I say and both Emma and Demetri chortle away—with Emma braying the longest and the loudest. Figures. Leave it to her to enjoy a potshot at myself even if it was me who doled it out.
/>   A body pops up by my side and the familiar shade of blue on the West football jersey catches my eyes so I wrap my arm around him.

  “Skyla,” Laken hisses.

  I glance up and freeze.

  That’s not Logan my arm is warming. It’s Gage. I pull my poor limb back as if I had just set it in the mouth of a fire-breathing dragon, and I did.

  Gage grunts my way, no smile, no dimples, not one ounce of kindness for the mother of his children. But then, apparently, I’m not the mother of his favorite child, so it’s all starting to make sense.

  Mom giggles awkwardly. “In just a bit we’re all going to move the party up the road. The Halloween spectacular this year is set to be the best yet. Professor Dudley and I worked very hard to make this happen.”

  Emma makes a face as if she doubted my mother’s good-time theory.

  “It will be,” I say, completely going off faith. “Laken, will you and Wes be joining us?”

  “Oh, yes.” She gives a wistful shake of the head. “That child assessment you suggested I take will be scored in just a few hours and I can’t wait to brag that I’m beating you at Parenting 101.”

  My mouth falls open. Laken has some serious lady balls to even hint at the paternity test in front of Wesley’s little spies.

  “I can’t wait.”

  Dr. Oliver leans in. “Skyla, we’re excited for the twins to turn three in just a few weeks. Have you made plans on how we’ll celebrate?”

  Mom practically gags. “It will be a fine soirée at Demetri’s home.”

  Demetri nods. “Per my request. My thirst to spoil all of my grandchildren is very real. Taking care of them is of the upmost importance to me. Of course, I offered the same for Tobie.” He gestures toward Laken.

  “And Wes and I thought something at our home would be better suited.”

  Emma offers a sour smile. “Yes, well, the boys come from a broken home, so you see, they’ll have to have their birthday celebrated at a neutral site from here on out. Feel free to book our home for their fourth. I would be delighted to have an entire gaggle of children.”

  “So they can drown in your pool?” I say without thinking. “No thanks.”

  Chloe steps up and giggles as she wraps her arms around Gage. “The Skyla and Emma Show. Why didn’t you call me, honey?” She hikes up and kisses him on the lips and my stomach begs to dissolve in a vat of its own acids. “You know I absolutely adore the infighting.”

  “There’s no infighting,” Emma is quick to correct. “Skyla is no longer my daughter-in-law.”

  Mom takes a step forward and plants her fists into her hips. “That’s because your son decided to run around with another woman.” She swivels her neck before wincing at Chloe. “No offense to you, sweetheart. As soon as Em finishes up with Mally, she’s mine for the night. You kids have a great time.” She winks at Gage.

  I’m about to scoff or vomit when my stomach seizes as if a belt were being cinched around it and I groan instead. Thankfully, it was on the heels of one of my mother’s baby tirades. There are no nipples as hungry as my mother’s who thirst for the mouth of a starving child. And if that sounds wrong, it’s because it is.

  Demetri frowns over at me. “Skyla, you don’t mind that I’m hosting the boys’ special day, do you?”

  “Not as long as we all get to leave with our heads intact.”

  Chloe is the one and only to chortle her ass off. And why not? Both she and her vagina benefited greatly from the disaster.

  Demetri’s expression sours. “Yes, well, I can assure no such catastrophe will befall anyone. The Fems will be providing extra security provisions for their king.” He nods to Gage and I can’t help but look up at the beast who was once the love of my life.

  “That’s too bad,” I say as I glance to Chloe. “I’d like to see a couple of heads roll this time.”

  Gage sighs as if he didn’t know what to do with his rude ex-wife.

  “Skyla”—he says my name with a certain level of disdain—“Chloe and I would like to gift the boys bicycles for their birthday. We just wanted to let you know in the event this would upset you somehow.”

  “No,” I flatline just as Logan comes up with a pissed look on his face.

  “No what?” He steps between Gage and me, and already I can breathe a little easier.

  Emma rolls her eyes to heaven. “Skyla won’t allow Gage to buy his boys a couple of bicycles for their birthday.”

  Logan shoots Gage a look. “We’ll all go in on them together.”

  “See there?” Emma presses her gaze my way. “The voice of reason. The bikes will be from the four of you.”

  Demetri nods apathetically. “I’m afraid that’s what’s best for the boys from here on out. But whatever makes their mother happy must be accommodated as best as possible. There is no stronger bond than that of a mother and child.”

  I glance to Gage. “I agree. Some men never outgrow their desire to please their mother. I’ll make sure to teach my boys to put their wives first. There is nothing more pathetic than a man who doesn’t have the balls to stand up for his wife and constantly chooses his mother time and time again. Face it, you’re still dangling from your mother’s umbilical cord.”

  “Okay!” Laken attempts to rip me from Logan, but I’m far more solid than she anticipated.

  Gage glowers at me. “It’s fine, Laken. It’s nothing I haven’t heard before. It was the point of much contention between us.”

  Mom shakes her head and waves it off, her cheeks pink with embarrassment. “The two of you never fought once the entire time you lived under my roof.”

  Emma smirks. “That’s because they had all of their disagreements about me at my house.”

  Dr. Oliver steps in. “Now, Emma, Skyla is in a very delicate state.” He does his best to hook his arm to hers and she quickly untangles herself.

  “Oh, please.” Emma practically pushes poor Dr. Oliver into the bushes. “I’ve had enough of this poor pregnant Skyla bit. If she can dish it out, she can take it. That’s right, Skyla. Gage loves me. Imagine that. A son loving his mother.”

  “More like his monster.” I don’t miss a beat.

  “Skyla!” Mom reprimands.

  “Skyla,” Gage moans and I suck up all the oxygen in the vicinity.

  “You don’t get to Skyla me anymore. I’m not your wife. I’m not your friend. You have lost all privileges to speak my name. Too bad you’re not man enough to admit to the fact that you had zero balls when it came to defending me to her.”

  “I defended you,” he roars and half the party stills around us.

  I take a step forward and Logan catches me. “Liar!” I roar right back.

  “Enough,” Logan whispers as he pulls me to the side. “Skyla, it’s not worth it.”

  “It’s worth it.” I try to push past him and gain a few inches. “You’re not a man. You’re a coward and a liar, Gage. You promised to love me and you chose to follow in your wicked parents’ footsteps—Emma and Demetri, rather than bravely breaking away from them and loving our family the way you promised. You ripped my heart out, and one day the boys will know of it. I won’t have to breathe a word. Their natural curiosity will take care of that. And they will hate you far more than I ever could for hurting me.”

  Everyone around me groans as if I had gone too low, and maybe I had, but it’s the truth.

  Chloe steps in and sighs. “Skyla, you bore us with the same song and dance. Do I really need to have you tossed off the property?”

  Laken shakes her head. “Skyla is welcome to live here if she wanted.”

  Emma chortles. “Don’t say that too loud. She might just take you up on it.” She tilts her head and I can feel the zinger coming. “Oh, wait. No, she won’t. You see, it’s really Skyla who’s still dangling from her mother’s umbilical cord.”

  Mom growls, “Oh, come on, Emma. Skyla has the boys and an infant on the way. A girl needs her mother at times like these. I’m the one who helped her stay up all those nigh
ts with the boys. Not your son, Emma. I changed more diapers than I could count in those early weeks. Not your son, Emma. The feeding, the bathing, the constant washing of laundry.” A dull laugh bucks from my mother’s chest. “And from what I hear, it’s you who got stuck doing it for Mally. And now that you’ve quit your position, that little angel will be all mine, just like the boys.”

  Emma belts out a garble of words like a stoned sailor and Dr. Oliver finally pulls her away.

  “We’ll be heading home now.” Barron looks more than mildly alarmed as he says it as if the thought of being alone with her was too much to bear. “Thank you for having us. Perhaps we’ll see you tonight. Perhaps not.”

  Demetri chuckles and I step in, full throttle annoyed.

  “What are you laughing at?”

  The wily Fem struggles to frown. Figures. He can’t even do that right.

  “I apologize, Skyla. But I’ve never seen anyone work Emma up quite the way you do.”

  Mom pulls me in and combs her fingers through my hair. “And nobody works my baby up the way that woman does.”

  I shoot Chloe and Gage a look. “Oh, she’s got competition that’s beating her out by a mile.”

  Wesley comes out looking as if he just put a racecar together in his garage. His hair is mussed, his clothes are covered in grease, and I think there’s a tear in his sleeve.

  He looks around at our motley crew. “Who’s ready for cake?”

  Chloe pretends she’s mother of the year and herds the masses together and we sing “Happy Birthday” to Tobie. The boys help the little princess blow out the candle and she scoops up a piece of her cake and pelts them with it.

  I can’t help but think that’s the way it is—a Bishop pelting a Messenger by proxy.

  The party wraps up and Laken assures me she’ll be over tonight and that we’ll learn the results of her paternity test together.

  Gage catches my eye from across the yard, and I can feel his hateful gaze piercing me as if it were a hot bullet.

  I’m not done with you, Gage Oliver. I’m sending you straight to hell.

  Night falls, and the island comes alive with a parade of trick-or-treaters. Logan and I take the boys up and down the street before getting ready to leave for Marshall’s. Logan maintains his jock from West costume and I put on a white lace gown that Bree lent me with a sparkling tiara and a banner strapped across my chest that reads Ms. Teen USA.


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