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Jax and Jokers: A Demented Sons MC Texas Novel

Page 3

by Kristine Allen

  Banging on the door as I opened it, I shouted into the small house, “Yo! You ready?”

  Truth came out of the single bedroom with his shoulder-length hair wet. He was buckling his belt and shuffling to the living room in his socks. “Yep. Just need to put my boots on.”

  “So what are you working on at the shop right now?” I asked as I helped myself to a beer from his fridge.

  “A 1980 Harley XR750,” he said with a mischievous smirk.

  My eyes narrowed. “You racing again?”

  Truth had grown up flat track racing. His parents had split up because they’d spent more time taking their kids to races and hockey games than they did together. Both boys had been homeschooled so they could continue to compete. Truth’s career had ended with a hellacious accident when he was twenty-one. His brother had recently gotten picked up by the Texas NHL team, and he hadn’t even gone to college. The kid was fucking phenomenal.

  He shrugged. “Just some weekend stuff for fun. I’m too big to compete seriously now.”

  “How’s Alex doing?”

  “They have him set to start in Austin at the start of the season. He’s pretty stoked to have gotten selected by the team here in Texas.” Truth beamed with pride. He was proud as fuck of his little brother, as he should be.

  “That’s fucking awesome. When are we going to watch him play?” I sipped my beer as Truth laced his boots.

  “As soon as the season starts this fall. He’s hooking me up with season tickets.” He grinned, and we bumped fists. I fucking loved hockey. Dad used to make a little rink for me and Lock to skate on at the farm back home. It had started with my grandfather scooping snow off the lake for us when we were little. We grew up in the north, where it was much more popular than it was down in Texas. But according to Truth, it was quickly gaining interest at the state colleges in Texas.

  The sound of bikes pulling up told us that the rest of the guys were there. Truth pulled his cut off a hook by the door and slid his arms through the holes. “That’s our cue. Let’s get the fuck out of here.”

  I went outside first, and Truth closed the door behind him.

  “Hey, hey, fucker! The prodigal son returns again!” Slice shouted from where he sat on his bike, looking at something on his phone. I flipped him off with a grin. “Ooo, is that a threat or a promise?” he ribbed me.

  “You’re fucking nuts.” I laughed as I slid my shades on. Radar, Drew, and Cale got off their bikes and greeted me.

  Cale pulled off his jacket and lifted the arm of his T-shirt to show me his shoulder. “Check it out, Gunny.”

  “Nice ink, bud. Who did it?” As soon as the question was out of my mouth, I knew it was a dumb one.

  “Raiven did it.” He grinned from ear to ear as he held out his arm. “Pretty sick, huh?”

  “Yeah. It’s badass, little man.” I ruffled his dark hair, and he jerked his head away.

  “Dude, you’re going to fuck up my hair!” he said with a laugh.

  “What the fuck? You’re wearing a helmet.” Slice gave him a hard time, and Radar threw in his own teasing comments. Though Cale shook his head with a smile, his cheeks turned red. He was filling out to look more like a man than a kid, but it was obvious he was still young. From what Smoke had been saying, if he continued to be a kickass hang around, they wanted to vote him in as a prospect next church. I’d place my vote by proxy if it didn’t happen this time around while I was home. I liked him.

  “Aww, leave the kid alone. If he wants to look pretty for the girls, let him think his helmet ain’t gonna fuck up his shit.” I laughed. He took it good-naturedly and only shook his head at all of us as he smiled.

  “Man, fuck off. I’m not a kid,” Cale grumbled. Everyone laughed, and he shook his head as he rolled his eyes.

  We all mounted up and rolled out together.

  Enjoying the wind whipping at my clothing, I relished the freedom of being on my bike. My head tipped to look over at Radar riding by my side. He caught my movement and looked over at me. We reached out and bumped fists as we rode.

  A grin plastered my face until we exited and parked on one of the side streets. Sixth Street was already blocked off for the night by the time we got there. Hanging my helmet on the handlebar, I enjoyed the knowledge that no one would fuck with our shit. People knew that when bikes had certain stickers on them, it meant no one fucked with them unless they wanted to be missing teeth.

  “Let’s go! First round is on Gunny!” Slice announced as we walked into the crowd. He snagged a girl around the waist as she passed with a group of her giggling friends and kissed her. Then, with a big grin, he let her go and kept walking.

  “In your fucking dreams.” I chuckled as I looked at him like he’d lost his fucking mind.

  “What? You’re Mr. Big Bucks and all,” he jested.

  “Yeah, and I worked for it, motherfucker,” I said with a grin, then flipped him off.

  “Now, children,” Radar said as he draped an arm over each of our shoulders. “We’re here to have a good time, not argue. You’re setting a bad example for the young one.” He nodded over his shoulder to where Cale was trailing after us with Truth.

  “Nah, fuck that,” said Slice as he ducked out from under Radar’s arm and spun around to grab Cale around the waist. He hefted him up and tossed him over his shoulder, then started hauling ass with him down the street.

  “He’s gonna get the cops after his dumb ass,” muttered Truth as he stepped up to walk alongside me and Radar.

  “That’s on him.” I chuckled. “How come Straight didn’t join us?”

  Truth shrugged.

  “Guess his sister decided to stay longer, so he’s hanging out with her.” Radar was the one to answer.

  “She could’ve come out too,” Truth said with a cocky grin. I elbowed him.

  “You fuck with Straight’s sister, and he’ll cut your fucking balls off.” Truth laughed like he thought I was kidding.

  “Dude. That’s not even a joke,” said Radar with huge eyes.

  We reached the Portly Pup and headed in. The bouncer grinned, gave us each a one-armed hug, and waved us in. When he collected a cover charge from the kids behind us, I heard them grumble. Fuck them, we essentially owned the fucking place.

  Slice and Cale were already at the bar, and Slice was leaning in and talking to the bartender with a big smirk. The band hadn’t started to play yet, so we could still hear ourselves talking.

  “Hey, Scarlett, get me a round of Dos Equis?” I asked the bartender Slice had been chatting up.

  “Bro, I was just giving you shit,” Slice said with a raised brow.

  “I know, but I planned on it anyway,” I replied with a grin. He shook his head.

  “To the Demented Sons! Brothers forever!” Truth said, and we all tapped the tops of our bottles together. With a chorus of agreement, we took a long pull. Truth, Radar, and Slice wandered off to the pool table while I stayed with Cale.

  Leaning back against the bar, I surveyed the area, then met Cale’s slightly nervous gaze. He tipped his bottle back again, and I watched his eyes dart around.

  “Everything okay, kid?” My brow furrowed with concern. Elbows resting on the edge of the bar, I dangled my bottle from my fingertips.

  “Yeah. I’m good. Don’t want to get busted for underage drinking though. It’s one thing to drink at the clubhouse.” He raised a shoulder in a half shrug.

  “Dude, ain’t no one going to mess with you. Cops know we keep the peace in the Pup, so they don’t fuck around in here. Long as you don’t get stumbling drunk and leave out of here acting the fool, it’s all good.” He seemed to visibly relax at my assurance. I tipped my bottle up and swallowed.

  Long dark hair caught my attention, and I could’ve sworn I recognized the tattoos on the chick’s inner forearm as she reached for her bottle of water. Her head turned until I caught her profile, and my dick stood at attention.


  The star of every single one of my personal medi
tation moments. You know, the ones where my hand is wrapped around my dick. Hell, I might’ve pictured her during those hook-ups where I’d been trying to forget her, too.

  Fuck, she was gorgeous. My resolve to stay the fuck away from her so she didn’t get the wrong idea wavered with her so close. Except some dickwad came up to her and placed his hand on the middle of her back right as I pushed off the bar to go over to her.

  The band was warming up, and it was getting loud. I drank my beer as I watched him help her out of her seat. She had on a long sweater with some of those legging things chicks wore with tall boots. Covered damn near head to toe, she was still a knockout.

  “You know her?” asked Cale. We watched her walk past with her attention focused on the floor as the douche spoke in her ear. Why it bothered me so much, I had no idea.

  “Thought I did. Must’ve been mistaken,” I said and emptied my bottle as they exited the front door. Tapping the bar, I held up my empty.

  “Here ya go, sugar. You want me to start you a tab?” Scarlett purred. Her dark eyes swept over me, and I knew she’d probably fuck me in the back room if I asked. The problem was, though my dick had strained at my jeans over Avery, it seemed to pout at the thought of having Scarlett instead.

  What the actual fuck?

  “Yeah, babe. Thanks,” I said as I grabbed the new bottle. Ice cold, it hit the spot. “Come on, kid, let’s go see how bad Slice is cheating at pool.”

  By the time we left, I wasn’t shitfaced, but I’d had way too much to drink. Stupid, considering I had to ride my bike home. The wind had picked up, and there was a serious bite to the early February air. It helped sober me slightly.

  I was in front of our group walking next to Radar when a big hairy dude shoulder checked me as he passed us.

  “What the fuck, dude?” Yelling at him, I waited for him to turn around, because I was in the mood to beat his ass. Asshole turned around and walked backwards with a sarcastic grin peeking through his unkempt beard. When I started to charge at him, Truth and Radar grabbed my arms.

  “Not here,” Truth said in my ear as he motioned to the side street. Several mounted cops were there, watching us closely. Pissed at being thwarted from my tension release, I shook them off but stayed there.

  “Fine. Did you recognize that fuck? Because the next time I see him, I’m gonna have his ass,” I growled.

  “He looked really familiar, but I’m not sure,” Slice murmured as he stared in the direction the guy had gone.

  “Come on. Let’s swing by the clubhouse,” Radar said.

  Truth shook his head, and I laughed because I knew why he didn’t want to go there. “No, thanks. I’m gonna swing by Hardtails.”

  “Suit yourself, bro.” Slice chuckled, and we started walking again. Agitation still simmered in my guts at the nerve of that guy, topped with the fact that Avery had been out with some dude. Stupid, because it wasn’t like we’d ever been a thing.

  By the time we turned the corner to where we’d parked, I was feeling buzzed but questionably able to ride. When Radar shouted, I stumbled.

  “Someone is dead!” Truth added through gritted teeth. My eyes widened when I saw their bikes that had been parked on the end. Both had been tipped over, and Radar’s had been spray-painted with red. A paper was fluttering in the wind where it had been stabbed into Truth’s seat.

  “Motherfucker,” Slice muttered.

  Radar and Truth righted their bikes. After looking them over, it seemed the damage included scuffs from being tipped, and they both had body damage from what looked like a baseball bat or a pipe. Truth yanked the knife from his seat. Anger seeped from his pores as he read the paper and handed it to me.

  Blinking a few times to clear my vision, I read the scrawled writing.

  Demented Pussies, I’m coming for you

  That’s all it said. I glanced up and met each of my brothers’ furious gazes. “We need to get this to Smoke.”

  I’d already pulled out my phone to call him.

  It rang a few times before Smoke’s gruff voice came across the line. “This better be good.”

  “We got a problem,” I announced.

  Little did I know that would only be the beginning.

  “Hungry”—Rob Bailey & The Hustle Standard

  Four months later…

  “Why aren’t you working as a firefighter?” Walter asked me.

  Though I worked as a welder on the rig, I’d also been working a lot with Walter. He was an old grouch, but one helluva knowledgeable guy when it came to fires. He was one of the oil well firefighters. He’d actually trained with Paul Neal “Red” Adair back in the eighties, when Walter was a young fresh-faced firefighter.

  “Never any openings. Though my brother said there might be some openings coming up at the local station or down in Austin.” I laughed. “They keep their ears to the ground in hopes that I’ll stay one of the times I’m home. But then I’d have to shave off this majestic beard,” I added as I stroked my beard lovingly and grinned.

  Walter snorted out a laugh.

  “A beard don’t make a man, son. Besides, this ain’t you, boy. You got fire in your veins. I can see it every time we talk.” With a lopsided grin and a shrug, I shook his hand.

  “Well, maybe I’ll look into it more when I get back this time.”

  “You do that. And while you’re at it, find you a good woman.” His tone was gruff, and his weathered hand held mine tight.

  “Oh, I plan on it.” I gave him a teasing wink.

  “That’s not what I meant,” he scolded.

  “Well, Walter, I don’t think I’m meant to find a woman long-term. So I’ll just enjoy them by the night,” I jested, trying to keep my mind from wandering to the hurt I experienced when I thought too much about it.

  Getting away from the constant reminder that Raiven was with my brother had been one perk of the job; meeting Walter was the other. The money didn’t hurt either.

  Thankfully, there was rarely anything that got out of hand, but I’d still learned a lot by talking to him. It also made me really miss being an EMT and firefighting. Even though I’d only ever been a volunteer because there hadn’t been openings, I’d loved it. It wouldn’t pay near as well as what I was doing on the rig, but sometimes there was a trade-off.

  When Smoke had told me they might be hiring at one of the local departments, I’d at first been elated. Then I’d wondered if it would be worth it. I needed to find a way to get the fuck over Raiven. It was killing me not being able to feel comfortable seeing my little brother.

  He’d obviously been wondering what the hell was up with me, too, because he kept trying to get me to come home. Yet even when I was off, I would visit our parents, see him at the shop when I knew Raiven wouldn’t be around, and then find places to go.

  It sucked to be envious of, yet love the hell out of, my baby brother at the same time. All I’d ever wanted was for him to be happy. At one time, I’d thought that might be Letty. Then she’d died and he’d damn near crumbled. The only thing that had kept him together was Presley. Then he found Raiven. I’d never step between them, and I’d never let either of them know about my emotions and the thoughts in my head.

  Except I’d found another dark-haired beauty occupying a helluva lot of my thoughts lately. Way more than Trixie’s cheating ass ever did. Possibly more than Raiven had, too.

  “That’s no way to live. Trust me, one of these days, you’ll find the one. Like my Ida was. I miss her like hell, but I wouldn’t trade a single day that I had with her. You’ll see.” He gave me a sly grin and tipped his hat before heading back to work. His schedule was a few days off mine, so he wouldn’t go home for almost another week.

  “Not everyone can be as lucky as you, old man,” I said as he walked away. He threw up a middle finger as he kept walking, and I laughed.

  After catching the helicopter back to shore, I waved goodbye to the guys on my team and climbed in my truck. At least it was a manageable drive back, but it was long
enough after a long month that I needed to get my ass on the road before I faded.

  The sound of my phone ringing filled the cab when I was about an hour in on my drive.

  “Hey, little brother,” I answered.

  “Hey, yourself. Raiven wanted me to see if you were up to coming over for supper.” When he said her name, it made my stomach cramp. There was no way I was strong enough to endure that after the month I’d had coupled with the drive back.

  “I’ll probably just eat at the house. I’m exhausted.” It was an excuse, but it wasn’t completely untrue.

  “Well, if you change your mind, there will be plenty left for you,” he replied, voice heavy with disappointment. Again, it left me feeling like a big, steaming pile of shit.

  “I appreciate it.”

  “Will I see you tomorrow?” he asked.

  “If I don’t sleep the day away.” I chuckled at the truth of my possible routine upon returning home.

  “Well, drive safe. You hear?”

  “Always,” I promised. We ended the call, and I cranked up my playlist. Straight Wicked blared from the thumping speakers, and I made a mental note to find out when they would be back in Texas. Maybe Styx and Gwen would go with me.

  About an hour or so later, my phone rang again. “Hey, Smoke, what’s up?”

  “You on your way back?”

  “Yeah. Everything okay?” Suddenly worried more shit had gone down, I was on alert. Smoke rarely called on my way home.

  “You know Straight’s sister ended up staying, right?”

  “Yeah, he mentioned that when I was home last.”

  “Well, she went out last night.” He sighed with a whispered curse. “Bro, she got raped. Someone followed her home from the bars, we think. Straight had come home shortly after her and the attacker hit him over the head with a baseball bat. Thankfully, he was able to block the brunt of the hit, but he’s bruised up a bit.” He sounded tired, and I didn’t blame him.

  “Fuck. Why didn’t Lock say anything? What do you need from me?” No matter how tired I was, if they needed me, I’d be there.

  “He didn’t know. I’m just now calling everyone. Straight’s a mad motherfucker but he was adamant that I make sure everyone knows not to stop by. His sister is a basket case and doesn’t want visitors. Can’t say I blame the poor girl. And there’s nothing for you to do, I just wanted you to know. Everyone is home from the hospital. Straight’s sister is shook the fuck up and not talking much, but no serious physical injuries, thank fuck. This is gonna be a tough mental recovery for her and Straight, though. Stay alert. Watch your six.”


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