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Forbidden Kiss: Carson Cove Scandals

Page 7

by Callahan, Kelli

  “You’re so beautiful…” Bryant let his lips linger on my neck, and I felt his cock against the entrance of my pussy. “It’s been so long since I’ve felt anything—these few days with you have been amazing—and tonight is going to be even better.”

  “I want you…” I exhaled sharply as he began to penetrate me.

  I would have never dared to even try when he was married—and even if he wasn’t, my friendship with Victoria would have prevented it. Maybe there was a small part of me that had always compared the guys I met to the one who held a special place in my heart because he was my first crush—that seemed like a silly thought, but I never truly stopped wanting him—even after Victoria moved away and I stopped seeing him on a regular basis. All it took was a few seconds with him for those feelings to come back—and that set everything in motion for me to end up in his arms—which was exactly where I wanted to be.

  “I’m going to go slow until you get used to it.” Bryant lifted up and held the base of his cock as he began to push it deeper.

  “Oh wow…” I grimaced when I felt the pain of being stretched for the very first time.

  “It won’t hurt for long.” He leaned forward and silenced my impending groan with a kiss.

  Bryant slowly pushed his dick into the entrance of my pussy and gave me a few gentle thrusts as he worked his way inside me. I knew the first time would be uncomfortable. I had heard enough girls talk about losing their virginity to expect it. Once the initial shock wore off, it wasn’t as bad as I expected—until he was deep enough for his cock to make contact with my hymen. He made sure I was ready before he shattered the membrane with a harder thrust, and the sting was noticeable—even more so when he pushed past it.

  When the pain got to be a little more than I thought I could handle, I simply stared into Bryant’s eyes—that steel-blue stare used to enthrall me when I was younger, and that hadn’t changed. He slowed the speed of his thrusts and didn’t try to go deeper—it was like he could read my mind without me having to say anything at all. He gave me time to adjust to the way it felt—and the pleasure began to manifest in a different way. It was internal—a little more muted than it was when his tongue was against my clit—but it seemed to be a form of pleasure that tugged at my emotions while it made me tingle.

  “That feels good…” I dug my nails into his shoulder. “Don’t stop.”

  “It’s not a matter of telling me to stop or keep going.” He leaned forward until his lips were against my ear. “I still haven’t decided how many times I’m going to make you come before I do.”

  “Once?” I grimaced as he pushed a little deeper, but it didn’t hurt as bad as it previously did.

  “You need to set your expectations much higher,” he growled into my ear.

  “Twice?” I exhaled sharply when he pulled back and drove his cock past the point that had just gave me a twinge of pain.

  “Still not high enough—I’m thinking ten.” He gave me a harder thrust.

  “Is ten the magic number with you for everything?” My head rolled back, and I felt a quick burst of pleasure.

  “It’s what I think you can handle…” He lifted up and put his hands on my thighs.

  “Do the ones I already got count?” I bit down on my bottom lip and grinned.

  “No.” He narrowed his eyes. “Those were just a tease…”

  I really don’t think I can handle ten—the ones I got downstairs nearly destroyed me.

  Bryant kept his hands on my thighs and started to deliver thrusts that were both quicker and harder than the previous ones. It was a mixture of discomfort and pleasure—sometimes it was hard to tell which feeling was stronger. He didn’t have much further to go until every inch of his cock was buried inside me. I was ready for it—because I knew that would be the point where my body adjusted based on what I had felt so far.

  It didn’t hurt except when he went deep—aside from the spot where my hymen had stood for twenty-three years—that spot was still tender. My body was adjusting to Bryant—my pussy fit him like a glove once he introduced it to pleasure. I was so happy that my first time was with a man who was experienced enough to take care of me—it was definitely worth the wait.

  “You feel so fucking good,” Bryant exhaled sharply, and I started to see real pleasure register on his face—there were hints of it before, but it was getting more intense.

  “So, do you…” I sighed, and a moan rushed across my lips.

  That isn’t a lie—every thrust is getting better than the one before it.

  Bryant gave me a few quick thrusts, then he squeezed my thighs, shifted his weight, and the last few inches disappeared into my pussy. I grimaced—but the pain evaporated quickly. He left his cock buried inside me until I adjusted, and then he gave me a few gentle thrusts. Those felt really good. He pulled back to the entrance of my pussy and gave me the slowest thrust imaginable, but I got every inch of his length before he repeated that motion. It was a tease, but a damn good one. He started to alternate—a few gentle thrusts—a harder one—then the extremely slow thrust. The pleasure was incredible—I couldn’t figure out which thrusts I liked best because they all felt amazing in a different way.

  “It’s not going to take much to make me come.” A loud moan echoed in my throat.

  “I’m going to teach you how to come on command—and you’re going to love it.” He narrowed his eyes and chuckled.

  “Oh god…” I felt the familiar pressure building.

  Bryant kept repeating the same rhythmic thrusts as the pressure continued to build. The harder thrusts got me close, the slower ones pulled me back from the edge, and the slowest one made my whole body quiver when it went deep. I was ready to come, and he could have easily brought the orgasm to the surface with a steady stream of harder thrusts, but he seemed to like toying with me. The pressure got so intense that I could feel my muscles getting tight—but I wasn’t there yet. He kept me on the edge for what felt like an eternity before the slower thrusts were enough to make the pressure build—then the slowest one sent me spiraling into euphoria. As soon as he felt my pussy spasm, he picked up the speed—and the quick thrusts tore my understanding of pleasure in half.

  “I’m gonna come! Oh god! Fuck!” My mouth opened wide, and my words just turned into garbled nonsense as my body erupted in bliss.

  Bryant bent me to his will—and I didn’t realize he was doing it until my body was already at his mercy. Once the orgasm seized control, he literally owned it. He used the quick thrusts to make it peak so high my entire body shook—then gave me some slower ones to keep that peak going—but it wasn’t just moving in a straight line—the peak was getting higher too. Another series of harder thrusts made my body literally convulse, and a stronger orgasm devoured the first one. It was a high that I couldn’t come down from—and it was still trying to peak, despite the fact that I had already been taken to a level that I didn’t even realize could exist.

  “Come for me again.” He leaned forward, and his words came out as a raspy-growl. “I want to feel it—and you’re going to do what I say.”

  “I…” I tried to say can’t, but that word didn’t exist in my vocabulary—nor was it true—because my body simply obeyed him.

  In the midst of orgasmic euphoria, I felt a stronger sensation emerge. I heard stories about the mythical g-spot but had no idea if they were true until Bryant awakened it. It roared to life with another orgasm on top of the newfound source of bliss. I was starting to lose count—and I began to actually believe he could make me come ten times—but there was no way I would know for sure. My thoughts were shattered, and my head was spinning out of control. It was filled with so many endorphins I didn’t know how to function—all I knew how to do was come on command.

  “You’re not done,” Bryant growled into my ear.

  I know…

  Bryant started to hammer his cock into my g-spot. The orgasm that was currently consuming me—whichever one it was—began to fade. That was a moment of respit
e that I savored in the midst of passion, but I could feel another one coming. All of my senses faded except the pleasure I felt when the next powerful surge of euphoria swept through my veins. My pussy had gotten so sensitive that it was beginning to ache from the spasms, but the pleasure was too intense to focus on anything else. I couldn’t even tell when one orgasm stopped and another one began—I didn’t know if he could tell either. I was just strung out on the endorphins while my body chased the next high, they would bring.

  “Now you’re going to make me come.” Bryan pushed my chin to the side and kissed my neck—slowly lifting his lips to my ear.

  “Yes—I want to feel you…” I dug my nails into his back.

  Bryant’s cock had throbbed several times while he yanked the bliss from within me, but it started to pulsate even harder than it did when I used my mouth to make him explode. Feeling it throb and pulsate against my g-spot was enough to bring me close to the edge—if it was ten, he was right on target—it definitely wasn’t less. His thrusts got faster—harder—and I could hear the bed protesting underneath us. A loud primal roar echoed in his throat—his head flew back—and then I felt him come. His seed flooded my pussy—quick, powerful bursts that teased me before a gasp of pleasure caused a release that sent me across the threshold of euphoria one final time. My spasms milked his cock as he unloaded inside me, and when the final drop was drained from his balls, he simply slumped forward.

  “Give me a few minutes—then I’ll be ready to go again.” His voice sounded dry and raspy—like the release had taken everything out of him.

  “Again?” I sighed. “My whole body feels numb…”

  “It’ll pass.” He pressed his lips to my ear. “Because you belong to me now—and you’re going to come every time that I tell you to.”

  I promised myself it would only be once—I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep that promise now…

  * * *

  Several hours later

  I wanted to stay in Bryant’s arms until the sun came up, but I knew it wasn’t a good idea. I was old enough to come home when I wanted, but I had never stayed out all night—my mother would definitely worry. Bryant kept his word—it wasn’t long until he was ready for another round of mind-bending bliss. Thankfully, it was just a quick trip to paradise for us both to get one final release. I don’t think I could have handled more than that. We stayed tangled in a lover’s embrace for a few hours after—we both dozed just to get enough energy to crawl out of bed. He drove me home—we shared one last kiss when he stopped in front of my house—and then I had to sneak in under the cover of darkness for the first time since high school.

  At least everyone is asleep…

  “You’re getting home pretty late.” A light came on at the end of the hall, and I nearly jumped out of my heels when I saw Anna standing in her doorway.

  Scratch that—apparently my sister isn’t in bed.

  “Keep your voice down.” I brought my finger to my lips to shush her. “I don’t want mom to wake up.”

  “You must have a boyfriend.” A devilish grin spread across her face, but she did lower her voice to a whisper.

  “Don’t say anything.” I shook my head back and forth. “Please…”

  “I won’t.” She smirked and chuckled. “I just hope I’m not still sneaking in the house when I’m twenty-three…”

  Hopefully the guy you’re with won’t be someone that can’t come to the front door. Wait—still?

  I didn’t get a chance to grill my sister about what she said—and truthfully, I was too exhausted. It wasn’t my place anyway. I remembered how I was at sixteen, and while I was a fairly good kid, I made a few mistakes that turned into great memories. I was just surprised to hear that she had possibly done something in the evening hours except stay up late reading whatever book she had her nose buried in—I didn’t think she even had a social life. She was smart enough not to do anything stupid—smarter than I was at her age.

  She’s probably smarter than I am right now. I don’t regret what I did with Bryant, but if this continues, we’re not going to be able to hide it forever…

  Chapter Ten


  The next day

  The scent of passion and desire still lingered in my bedroom and on the sheets when I woke up the next morning. I wished I had awakened to the sight of Taylor’s beautiful body beside me, but I understood why she couldn’t stay. I was so exhausted from what we shared that I didn’t even bothering working out before I went to work. I showered, got dressed like a zombie going through the motions, and fixed a cup of coffee before I walked out the door. I normally waited until I got to the office to have my first dose of caffeine, but I didn’t think I would be able to make it there without having some to get my blood pumping.

  It’s going to be a busy day too, because I put off some of my meetings yesterday to see if I could figure out what is going on with Alexis Devereaux.

  Cassie was as chipper as ever, but I needed more coffee before I was ready for it, so I tried to just shut her out as I walked to my office. I did take a moment to compliment her new haircut, because she would have been in a foul mood if I didn’t—that was a mistake I only made once. My morning was consumed with meetings that took way too long. They were pointless for the most part—the economy was in good shape which made my job easier. It was the downturn that usually required attention—or an emergency like we had the previous weekend. By lunch, I was feeling ragged—it was the first time I had felt my age in a long time—and I didn’t like it. I silently swore to put in a little more cardio at the gym—I was going to need it if I intended to keep up with the voracious appetite I awakened in Taylor.

  “Hey, Mr. Benson.” Cassie pushed my door open. “I’m about to take my lunch break. Do you want me to pick something up for you?”

  “No—wait.” I held up my hand. “Actually, yes. I need to work through lunch.”

  “Yep, I’m going to the sandwich shop—BLT, right?” She raised an eyebrow. “Heavy on the mayo.”

  “That’s right.” I nodded.

  Bacon and extra mayonnaise aren’t the best way to kick off my new dedication to extra cardio but fuck it.

  “Oh, and you got a call from Moretti’s. They said you had a reservation last night, but you didn’t show up?” She titled her head inquisitively.

  “Right…” I sighed. “Please apologize—actually, you know what—order lunch from them for the entire office on Friday. That should smooth things over.”

  “And make everyone here very happy.” Cassie beamed. “Myself, included!”

  “Perfect.” I reached for my coffee and nodded.

  I found myself spacing out as I tried to do work, but it wasn’t aimless. I was thinking about Taylor—and wishing that I didn’t have to wait until the weekend to see her again. I tried everything except tying her to the bed to convince her that she needed to be back in my arms when the sun went down, but she had a few assignments for school that required her attention. She promised to make it up to me once we were together again—so I reluctantly agreed to wait—but that didn’t mean I couldn’t daydream about her between meetings, even if I did have emails that required my attention. I barely got anything done during the time I reserved for lunch, despite staying in the office for that very reason.

  Damn it; Cassie rescheduled one of the meetings I canceled yesterday for four-thirty, and it’s with Jon Alcott—I already know that’s going to take a while because he needs to talk through some post-divorce options for his investments…

  I drank coffee with my lunch, drank another cup as soon as I was done, and by the afternoon, I was starting to feel somewhat normal again. The crash was going to be a bad one, so it was probably best that I wasn’t spending the night with Taylor. I would have pushed myself past my limits just to savor the passion, but I would have really been feeling it the next day. There was a time when I could go for several days without needing much sleep, but I think the sleepless nights I experienced after Shain
a was born changed my constitution—or maybe I just needed to accept the fact I was forty-five.

  I didn’t feel forty-five last night—fuck, Taylor made me feel like a teenager again.

  “Mr. Benson?” Cassie pushed my door open. “Mr. Alcott is early…”

  “That’s okay.” I looked up at her and nodded. “Send him in.”

  Maybe I’ll get home earlier than I hoped…

  “Ah, there’s the busiest man in Carson Cove.” Jon walked into my office and waved his hands towards me.

  “Most days,” I chuckled under my breath and stood. “Would you like a drink?”

  “Yes, please—you might as well make it a double.” The smile quickly faded from his face—it probably took a lot for him to wear it into my office.

  “Absolutely.” I walked to the small bar I kept in my office for clients and poured him a glass of whiskey—double, just like he requested. “I had a few of my guys run some figures for you. I think you’ll be okay—your company is doing great.”

  “Mary wants me to sell it…” he exhaled sharply.

  “Wait, what?” My eyes opened wide, and I nearly spilled his drink when I tried to put it down on my desk. “That’s your father’s company!”

  “It’s an asset—according to my divorce attorney—and assets can be liquidated in a divorce if the compensation package requires it.” John grabbed his drink and took a huge gulp.

  “That’s ridiculous.” I sat down behind my desk with a thud. “Mary wouldn’t do that to you—would she?”


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