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Icing: A Seattle Sockeyes Puck Brothers Novel (The Scoring Series Book 4)

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by Jami Davenport

  She laughed. “I wouldn’t make you have public sex our first time. Back here.”

  I wanted to ask her what about the second time, but she grabbed my hand and led me to a back room before I managed to form the words. The windowless room had a few tables and a pool table. Releasing my admittedly sweaty hand, she turned her back on me and grasped the hem of her tank, lifting it over her head and tossing it aside.

  My throat grew dry and my tongue had to be hanging out. I deftly unhooked the back of her bra, hoping I’d correctly guessed what she wanted. Her bra joined her tank on the floor. Now we were talking. I stared at her gorgeous back with its jungle canvas, so many secrets within that canvas. It’d take a lifetime to unveil every one of them.

  She shimmied out of her tight jeans, her ass pointing to the sky as she did so. She had a fine ass. A really fine ass clad in a purple G-string and a jungle full of animals. I licked my lips and swallowed hard.

  She spun on her heel, holding out her hands and rotating slowly to give me the full meal deal. And I was ready for dinner and dessert.

  I locked both her wrists with a tight grip of one hand, and none too gently shoved her down on the pool table. She didn’t complain. In fact, her blue eyes flared with passion.

  Then I saw it. Not only did the jungle continue on her front side, but her breasts were pierced with tiny barbells. The barbells were linked to each other by a fine chain that hung loosely. My gaze swept down her body. I was on sensory overload when it came to her endless tats and incredible body.

  And oh, yeah, she shaved. Everything. It was fucking hot, beyond hot. She incinerated me into a pile of smoldering ash.

  I didn’t know where to start. Her body was a smorgasbord of sex, and I was wearing entirely too many clothes. I leaned down and cupped one of her ample breasts. I had large hands and long fingers, and even then, her breasts were a handful. I loved big tits. I was a tits guy, always had been. Cin had it goin’ on. I released her wrists, needing both of my hands to do this job properly. Or would that be improperly? There was nothing proper about what we were about to do. It’d be dirty, sweaty, hot, and hard. Nothing proper at all.

  I squeezed her breast, loving the feel of her flesh giving under my fingers. Bending down, I took her nipple in my mouth and locked my teeth around the barbell. I sucked and tongued that fucking nipple as she squirmed underneath me. The little witch rubbed her crotch against mine, but I didn’t relent.

  “Hold still,” I ordered, my mouth still full of nipple. She didn’t comply, and I gave a slight jerk on the chain. She squealed and squirmed all the more.

  All right, Hyacinth, have it your way. You want to squirm, you’ll pay the price.

  “You like it rough?” I asked.

  She nodded enthusiastically, and I grinned. Oh, yeah, she was my perfect mate when it came to sex. We were on the same page. I fucked like I played hockey. All out and nothing held back. Sex and hockey were the only times that I allowed myself to let loose. I was still controlling. I liked to control the game I was playing, and I liked to control sex. I suspected Hyacinth would have something to say about that.

  I took that barbell between my teeth and pulled, stopping short of causing her real pain, because I wasn’t into that. There was a fine line beyond rough that I didn’t cross, but I liked to take it to the edge.

  “Oh, shit. Oh, fuck,” she gasped. Her body ceased squirming, and she held perfectly still.

  “Good girl.” I moved to her other nipple and sucked and nipped at the hard nub while rubbing the already tender nipple I’d just deserted between my thumb and forefinger, increasing the pressure slightly with each rub. When she whimpered, I released her and ran my hand down her rib cage to her waist and lower.

  I stood and grabbed both her legs and moved her higher onto the pool table. Holding her thighs apart, I gazed at her glistening pussy. She began to squirm again, pushing her hips upward and trying to rub her crotch against something—anything—to relieve the pressure.

  “Fuck me, Steele. I can’t take much more of this.”

  “You can’t? I’m just getting started.”

  She groaned as if genuinely in pain. I’m guessing she was—the pain of abstinence. I understood that pain all too clearly. It’d been a while for me.

  “Keep your legs spread wide.”

  “Yes, sir,” she complied. Not her usual argumentative self, though I did detect a bit of her smart-mouth self in her tone.

  I bent down and put my best effort into the task at hand. Parting her, I ran my tongue up her slit and down again. She was sopping wet, and my index finger slid easily inside her. I added another finger and began to fuck her with those fingers and my tongue. She bucked like a crazed animal caught in a trap. I had to put one hand on her stomach to hold her down as I brought her to orgasm, sending her rocketing into the skies in a delirium that made me jealous.

  As she slowly made her way back to me, I stripped out of my clothes.

  My turn, baby. My turn.

  Chapter Thirteen



  How had I ever thought sex with Steele would be boring and regimented? We hadn’t even had sex yet, and I could tell it would be anything but.

  The man was a master, and I bowed to his expertise. He’d given me the best orgasm of my life, and he hadn’t even put his cock inside me yet.

  This could only get better.

  Way better.

  He liked it rough, and so did I. My greedy body begged for more even though I was still flying high.

  I blinked a few times and waited for my soul to rejoin my body. When I was finally lucid again, I realized Steele was buck-assed naked. He rubbed his condom-clad cock slowly as his gray eyes watched me.

  “Steele,” I whispered, unable to form another word beyond his name.

  “My turn.”

  I nodded mutely.

  “Roll over. On your stomach.”

  I scrambled to comply. He was going to take me caveman style, and I was all in for that. Any way he wanted me worked for me. I held my breath as I waited to feel his cock at my entrance. I didn’t wait long.

  The tip pressed against my slickness and pushed inside me.

  “Fuck me now,” I demanded. “Don’t hold anything back. Give it all to me.”

  He hesitated, repositioned himself, and groaned. Grasping my waist, he lunged into me until he was balls deep in one hard, powerful thrust. I gasped at the invasion, but I was so wet the pain only lasted for a brief moment before my body adjusted to him. He filled me deeper than I’d even been filled, stretched me to my limits, and touched parts of me no one had ever touched. I was dying of lust, and what a death it was.

  I propped my upper body on my elbows to gain a little purchase of my own. He ground his crotch against mine, and I whimpered, begging for more.

  “You want more?” Steele asked through gritted teeth. He reached down and wrapped the nipple chain in his fingers, giving it a sharp tug. Wonderous pain sent an electrical shock through my nipples and directly to my clit.

  He began to thrust, starting slow and building with each thrust. My head was spinning, and my ears were ringing, and nothing about my body was mine anymore. It was his. All his. And I had no control over my reaction to him, but I could torture him a little in the process.

  I began to meet his thrusts with thrusts of my own. We were an orchestra playing music together, starting slow and quiet and building to a crescendo of excitement and blind passion, blind because I couldn’t see beyond the passion. I didn’t want to. All that mattered right here and right now was the music we were making together, a masterpiece worthy of a Beethoven or Mozart.

  I’d never been much for classical music, but our coming together was classical, timeless, unparalleled in my rather extensive experience.

  This man was my maestro, and he played my body like a priceless instrument.

  The finale was coming and so was I. He pounded into me, harder and harder, faster and faster. I was spinning o
ut of control, heading for a crashing of cymbals. An explosion, as real as a Fourth of July celebration, detonated around me, lifted me, destroyed everything I’d ever believed about sex, and put the pieces back together in a way I’d never thought they’d fit.

  He came, too, a few moments later, holding on to me as his body convulsed in ecstasy. Then he rolled to the side onto the pool table, pulling me with him. We lay there, chests heaving and breathing labored with sweat-slicked bodies hard against each other.

  I’d had good sex before, great sex, but I’d never had anything like this. Sex with Steele was an entirely new level I’d never known existed. I’d want more. I’d need more. I wouldn’t be able to resist more of him.

  I didn’t know what I was going to do about that. The power he held over me was frightening in how completely it’d overtaken me and wiped out anything and anyone else. He had to feel the same way. This couldn’t be normal sex for him. What we’d experienced together had been epic, the stuff that romance authors wrote about but most of us didn’t believe existed.

  The biggest revelation of all was that maybe, just maybe, I did like him—a little.

  Chapter Fourteen



  How was it possible that the best sex of my life was with a woman I didn’t like and had nothing in common with? How was this turn of events going to affect my play? How would we react to seeing each other? Was this a one and done?

  So many questions rolling around in my mind.

  After we’d had sex, I’d walked Cin back to the condo. We’d made small talk, both of us avoiding discussing what’d just happened and whether it’d happen again. Ziggy looked up from playing video games with Cave when we’d walked in. Judging by his sly smile, he knew what’d been going on.

  I ignored him and went straight to my room, while Cin took Herc out for a walk. Several minutes later, I heard her bedroom door shut.

  I lay on my own bed and memorized the ceiling for hours that night, going over everything in my mind. By morning, I had no sleep, no answers, and no clear path on how to proceed.

  I needed a plan. Yet every plan I came up with had too many holes, and I struggled because I didn’t know what I wanted for the first time in my life. Oh, I wanted more sex with Cin, that much was a given, but what I wanted and what I needed were two different things.

  I did the only thing I could think of—I avoided her. I’d become a bit of an expert at avoidance, and so had she. Once again, we managed to barely cross paths for the next week, though that didn’t mean she wasn’t occupying space in my head way too much.

  Through sheer force of will, I kept thoughts of her at bay when I was on the ice and the bench. My game had stabilized and returned to my usual steady, dependable performances in our first two regular games of the season. I wouldn’t be touted as the hottest defenseman in the league or even on the team, but I was working on that.

  This was hockey. This was my life. I wouldn’t let anyone, even a smoking-hot, jungle-tatted, smart-mouth vixen interfere with my goals. But that didn’t mean I had to be celibate, did it?

  On Sunday afternoon, after we’d won our first home game of the regular season the night before, I was feeling pretty good. I was also restless and bored. I’d had a conversation with my mother earlier that morning and almost asked her advice, but I’d held back. If Mom knew I actually had more than a passing interest in a woman, she’d be planning the wedding and looking forward to her first grandchild.

  Ziggy was still distant and cold toward me despite my best efforts to apologize. I backed off and gave him some space and time to think.

  It was almost four p.m. when Ziggy shuffled from the bedroom, yawning and bleary-eyed. I didn’t know what time he’d gotten home after the game, but it had to have been in the early-morning hours. I’d worked out this morning and gone to an optional skate in the afternoon. Ziggy hadn’t been at either.

  He glanced at me as he waited for the Keurig to make his cup of coffee. Not seeing the usual disgust in his eyes, I jumped on the opportunity.

  “You hungover?”

  “What the fuck does it look like to you?” Ziggy said with a wry smile. He took a few sips of his coffee and slumped in the recliner across from me.

  “I hope you enjoyed yourself.”

  “Uh, yeah. One word—twins.”

  “Ah. I see.”

  “Yeah, they just about broke my dick. Those two were insatiable.” He cradled the mug between two hands and sipped some more.

  We were back on solid ground. I was relieved but concerned that Ziggy’s partying had notched upward lately. I wasn’t his keeper, so I kept my mouth shut. No matter what that guy did the night before, his play was never impacted.

  “Coach asked about you. I said you were busy with some charity work.”

  “Practice was optional.”

  “I know.”

  “Thanks for covering for me, anyway. I know Cave and I are on thin ice with the team, and this wouldn’t have helped.”

  “You’re welcome,” I said simply.

  “Want to go get a drink?”

  “You want to go out?”

  “Yeah, hair of the dog and all that.”

  I wasn’t about to turn down this gesture of goodwill. “Yeah, where to?”

  “Blue Dog is closest.”

  “I, uh…” I didn’t want to be around Cin any more than I had to.

  “Seriously, Steele, you aren’t fooling anyone. I know you fucked her.”

  “You don’t know anything of the sort.”

  Ziggy rolled his eyes. “Whatever. Be in denial. Let’s get a drink.”

  “You’ve probably had enough.”

  “Don’t worry. I won’t get wasted. I just want a drink. Are you afraid of seeing Cin?”

  “Of course not. Let’s go then,” I reluctantly agreed. To not do so would be admitting Cin got to me, which she didn’t. Well, not too much.

  Ziggy took a quick shower, while I grudgingly walked Herc. The dog cast suspicious glances my way as if expecting me to take him to the dog pound or something. As tempting as that sounded, I didn’t do it. I hated picking up dog poo, but I tried not to breathe and deposited the bag in the nearest dumpster.

  When we returned, Ziggy was waiting, looking a little better than before.

  Herc, not plagued by separation anxiety one bit, settled on his cushy dog bed as we shut the front door. I guess that was a good thing. The last thing I needed was some neurotic dog having an anxiety attack and tearing apart the couch cushions.

  The bar was quiet on a Sunday afternoon when the Steelheads weren’t playing. A smattering of patrons sat at the bar and tables. Cin chatted up a guy dressed in biker leathers and covered in tats. At first glance, I thought it might’ve been Tug from a few weeks ago, but it wasn’t. Obviously, these biker types were her jam, not a tightly buttoned-up guy like me.

  What the fuck did it matter? We’d had epic sex, that was all.

  If it didn’t matter, why was my stomach tied up in knots and jealousy pulsing through my veins? Even worse, the asshole was sitting on my stool.

  “Down, boy,” Ziggy said with a snort of laughter.

  “What?” My scathing glare in Ziggy’s direction brought about more laughter.

  “You’re so fucking transparent.”

  “I am not. I’m hard to read.”

  “Maybe in most things. But not in this.” Ziggy shrugged and ambled to the bar, taking a stool down from the biker dude. Against my better judgment, I sat on the stool between them.

  Cin glanced our way with a smile for Ziggy and a grimace for me. “What can I get you?” She was already pouring Ziggy a beer from the tap before we had a chance to answer. She turned to me. “You’ve been scarce lately.”

  “I’ve been, uh, busy.”

  “Right.” She poured another beer and handed it to me.

  “Maybe I wanted something different today.”

  “You never have. If nothing else, you’re a creature of

  “Ain’t that the fucking truth.” Ziggy held up his glass, and Cin held up an imaginary glass to toast Ziggy. I glowered at both of them.

  “If you’re insinuating I’m stuck in a rut, I am not.”

  “You’re right. You’re not stuck in a rut; you’re wallowing in it.” Cin grinned and fist-bumped Ziggy. I didn’t find this gang-up particularly entertaining.

  “He’s made that rut home.” They both laughed uproariously, as if they were comedians or some such shit. I wasn’t amused.

  I was saved by a patron who called for Cin from across the room. She gave Ziggy a conspiratorial wink and hustled to serve her customer. I hunkered down over my beer and brooded like the cranky old man they both thought I was.

  Ziggy wandered off to a table full of women having some kind of celebration. They welcomed him with open arms. Ziggy charmed the panties off just about any woman, and several of them were sizing him up already. I watched the spectacle with a mix of irritation and admiration. The guy was a master when it came to being a playboy.

  That wasn’t my MO. It never had been. I was a loner, and sometimes the loneliness got to me.

  My gaze slipped to Cin as she walked back to the bar area.

  I realized something for the first time like a sucker punch to my jaw.

  When Cin was around, I didn’t feel so lonely anymore.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Slow Burn


  Steele hung out at the bar for the rest of the evening, watching hockey and ordering a burger and fries before the cook went home. I didn’t know if he was waiting for an encore performance of our liaison last time he was in the bar after closing or what. For now, he contented himself by hanging out and having the occasional casual conversation. He signed a few autographs for a table of Sockeyes fans who recognized him and chatted them up for a short time.


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