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Edward's Law

Page 12

by Brandon, Felicity

  “Better,” he soothed, stroking the side of her delectable behind. “Just like that, Alice. Big, deep breaths.”

  Alice’s head fell forward again, and with her next exhalation, Edward pressed into her.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Alice’s every instinct told her to tense and buck to get away from the intrusion. Edward’s member between her legs had been one thing. She had feared its intrusion at first, but in the end, Alice had been desperate for him—for more of the wonderful sensation the thing elicited as he slid it inside her. But this? This was different. It was wrong. Surely Edward knew that? Yet as he pushed deeper between her cheeks, it seemed the pirate had no regard for the disgrace he brought upon them both.

  “Edward!” she screamed his name into the bed, pulling in strands of air between her flared nostrils. His erection felt monstrous lodged in her backside—far too colossal for her to tolerate—and as he lunged on, the intensity of the act overwhelmed her.

  “You’re doing well,” he praised from somewhere far behind.

  While logically, Alice knew precisely where the words had originated, she could not place the sound. Edward’s voice seemed a hundred miles away, floating out on the ocean breeze, and could do nothing to quell her concerns about the way he was impaling her most private place.

  “Please.” Fingers balled in the sheets, she arched her back, straining to lift her chin and focus on the pillows out of reach of her grasp. Alice could not say the act was painful, perhaps an element of hurt initially, but that sense was gone now, replaced by a daunting realization.

  She was his now.

  Everything Edward Law had said was proven to be true, this one act sealing it in Alice’s mind. He had not just claimed her, he had conquered her—mastering every aspect her femininity had to offer and doing so without needing to overpower her. She had offered him this—she had succumbed.

  Edward lunged deeper still, the fullness making Alice’s lips part of their own accord until she called out at the ferocity. She felt his fingers in her hair and the sudden injury as his fist jerked her head back toward him.

  “You’ve taken nearly all of me,” he growled.

  Alice’s eyes fluttered wildly in response. Nearly all of him. So, this astonishing sense of possession wasn’t everything Edward had to offer? She panted at the thought there could be any more than this.

  “By the heavens, you are tight and glorious.”

  Another guttural grunt escaping her lips, Alice tried to shake her head at the sound, though her head was immobilized by the large fingers in her hair. She could barely believe any of this. How had she surrendered to such a lewd and immoral man? As his cock eased from her backside, another thought struck her—why was she reveling in the supplication so much?

  Edward pressed back into her. “Do you feel me, Alice?”

  Alice huffed in response. Of course, she felt him! She would have to have no pulse at all not to register the custody Edward exerted over her body.

  “Y-yes,” she spluttered. “Yes, sir.”

  He groaned at that, his hips withdrawing before snapping his erection back into place—each time Edward filled her anew, she bit down into the bed covers.

  “You have no idea how good you feel.”

  Alice could feel the caress of his fingers at her midriff while the other hand held her hips.

  “No idea, at all.”

  Her whimpers were the only answer she could offer. There were no words for whatever this act represented. Nothing she could say to ease the intensity of the moment. Alice was quite certain she would never be the same lady again by the time Edward was done with her.

  Edward pressed on, claiming a little more of her with each thrust. By now, it seemed his was the largest organ in the world, every inch of him intent on dominating Alice. It was not just her vulnerable backside he claimed but the essence of who she was. The woman who had so ardently resisted the attention of every gentleman her father had encouraged to call. The one who had pursued her education long after it was considered acceptable. The one who had foolishly schemed to take on Edward Law and seize the Dexterity. That woman was erased from Alice’s memory, subdued by the authority of the pirate who now owned her father’s ship. As his rhythm increased and Alice began to lose her breath, she could no longer decide how she felt about it anymore.

  Did she even want the Dexterity after this?

  Would she be able to bear the sight of the ship now that she had been so soundly spanked and thoroughly claimed within its confines? Her disgrace was complete, but worse than that, her desire for the man who had orchestrated it was not satiated—she still wanted Law. Though the man intimidated the hell out of her, her fascination was far from complete.

  “Oh, sweet Jesus!”

  Alice heard his blaspheming words as he thrust even deeper into her core. She cried out, lurching forward on the bed as she was forced to accept him. A moment later, Edward collapsed over her, his body jerking with the power of his pleasure, his eyes fluttering closed when his face landed beside hers.

  Tentatively, she clenched her behind. Edward was still lodged inside, and his eyes whipped open to acknowledge her deed.

  “So keen to have me withdraw?”

  She pulled in a shaky breath as best she could under his weight. What was the etiquette for this moment, she wondered? As though he read her mind, Edward grinned, easing himself from her.

  “Is that better?”

  Alice bit her lip. Was it better? She felt ashamed and uncertain, yet there was no denying how much she had relished his possession of her body—both the punishment and the carnality had thrilled her.

  “Thank you.” She did not know what else to say.

  She caught sight of his smile as he rose, and a moment later, his large hands helped her upright.

  “Come to me,” he ordered, beckoning her forward with both palms. “You need to be held.”

  Instinctively, Alice wanted to argue the point. She did not need to be held. How could he possibly know that? She was not some piece of chattel he could keep, to punish and overawe whenever it suited him. Alice had fought that fate for so long; it just was not right she should end up this way.

  “Alice.” The authority was back in his voice again, and her feet shuffled forward in the direction of his embrace. Edward’s arms snaked around her, smoothing down her skirts. “That is better, my naughty girl.”

  Her nostrils flared. “I do not need to be held.”

  Alice could hear the petulance in her tone, yet she hardly cared. Her body may have submitted to Law’s will, yet it seemed her mind would need considerably more persuading.

  “Nonsense,” he mumbled, drawing her closer to his body. “I may be your captain, but I am not a brute. That was quite a spanking you just received and now, your first anal experience.”

  Her muscles clenched at his words.

  “It is a lot to bear.”

  She squeezed her eyes closed, denying the hot tears that burned in them. What was she crying for? She was not upset by this. She should not be this vulnerable. Alice pulled in a deep breath as the vexation washed over her.

  Damn him! Damn Edward for purchasing the Dexterity and coming into her life this way. Damn his infernal arrogance and the natural authority he seemed to ooze, and damn her own pathetic responses. Alice should have been stronger. She should have been smarter.

  “Alice?” Edward stroked her hair away from her eyes to reveal her no doubt pained expression.

  Embarrassed by the sudden exposure, she buried her face back into his scruffy shirt, no longer caring about his cleanliness. There was no way she could look him in the eyes after this—no way at all.

  “Miss Jaggers?”

  All of a sudden, he dropped to his haunches in front of her, the comfort and protection of his chest and arms disappearing in a heartbeat. She was revealed to him, her flaming face and tears more than evident. Alice twisted away, desperate to be free of him. Edward was everywhere now—e
verything she could hear, smell, and see—like the man had become part of her in some very real and unnerving way.

  It was maddening.

  Edward grabbed her wrist, preventing her from fleeing. “Do not run from me, Alice.”

  He sounded neither angry nor upset, and she swallowed hard as she turned back to face him.

  “I have nothing to say.” Her voice sounded tiny, but she knew from the look in Edward’s eyes, he had heard it.

  “Then say nothing,” he replied. “But say nothing here with me. No running and no hiding. You belong to me now.”

  Alice blinked at his assertion. Never had a truer thing been said before.

  “You should finish your supper,” he told her, gesturing in the direction of the plate still sitting on his desk.

  Her gaze followed his toward it, and she considered the instruction. “I am not hungry, sir.” For once, Alice wasn’t just trying to be difficult. She truly was not in the mood for food anymore.

  “That as it may be, you still need to eat.” Edward’s voice was insistent, his hand moving to the small of her back as he guided her back into his seat.

  She gazed up at him, too weary to counter the point. Reaching forward, she collected a piece of bread and forced it between her lips. Her eyes traveled over the desk, scrutinizing the place he had just spanked her. Alice writhed against the chair. The punishment had stung this time, and she could feel the effects even now.

  Edward strode back to the decanter of rum, lifting the crystal and holding it into the moonlight. “A night cap before bed?”

  Alice pushed the bread down her throat. She had about as much desire for the liquor as she did the food, but her emotions were wrung out, barely even an ounce of energy left in her body. She had no will to fight—at least, not until the sunrise.

  “Please,” she murmured in a hoarse voice.

  Edward’s lips curled, but he said nothing as he filled two fresh glasses with rum and brought them over to the place she was sitting. Placing one down in front of her, he raised the other above her head.

  “To you, Miss Jaggers.”

  Alice forced her attention back to his rugged face. She should despise the man—in some ways, she was certain she did—yet as her fingers found the glass, Alice could not say it was loathing that coursed around her veins. More, it was that same low-lying lust, the simmer of an attraction that should not exist. Sinking the liquor quickly, she hoped the liquid would help dowse those flames.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  Edward carried Alice’s exhausted body to his bed soon after, and for once, the lady put up no resistance. Blowing out most of the candles in his quarters, he climbed under the blankets beside her, pulling her into his body as his body cocooned her. He had no sense of the significance the day would bring when he left his lodgings at sunrise, yet now as the scent of her hair filled his nostrils, Edward marveled at all that had transpired. Not only had his dreams come to fruition—years of looting and planning in order to acquire enough wealth to buy a ship as incredible as this one—now, he had another prize. Arguably, an even finer one.

  Alice would not take him far across the blue water to discover new chances at prosperity, and she would not make the knees of his enemies buckle when they caught sight of her on the horizon, but she had captured her captain. He was mesmerized by the lady, by her spirit and determination as much as her natural charms, and though he fully intended to satisfy himself, he had the sudden yearning to sate her as well. That was unusual. Traditionally, Edward could not give a damn about the pleasure of the women he took into his bed, thinking only of himself, but with Alice, everything was changed.

  She let out a small sigh against him—a sound of contentment, perhaps?

  Edward smiled at the thought. He hoped so.

  He had meant what he said to Alice. She was his now, and her impetuous decision to board his ship meant she was bound to the Dexterity every inch as much as he and all the rest of the crew were, but that did not mean she could not enjoy her time on board. Edward would look after her, protect her, and if the erratic hammering of his heart was anything to go by, he might even learn to love her.

  Edward dozed, sleep washing over him like the troublesome waves outside. His mind was peaceful. Carlisle was in charge of the ship, the crow’s nest was manned, and he had a beautiful, warm woman in his arms.

  Life was good.


  A loud noise cut through his sleep, sending his pulse racing, though Edward could not say what was the cause for alarm. His body tensed, his eyes wide open while he strained his senses, waiting to hear if there was another sound, a warning—anything to indicate what had stirred him from slumber.

  The thudding sound came again, followed by another, then the sound of a man shouting.

  Letting go of Alice, Edward sat bolt upright in his bed. Although there was no reason for undue concern, his instincts told him something was amiss, and Edward always trusted his instincts. He swung his legs out of bed, reaching for his sword left by his side.

  “Edward?” He turned at Alice’s sleepy voice, her face dimly illuminated by the one remaining candle at his bedside. “What is it? What’s wrong, sir?”

  His cock roused at the way she addressed him, but there was no time to scratch that itch.

  “I am not certain,” he admitted, sliding his weapon into its holdall. “Something is not right. I need to go and see for myself.”

  Alice gasped. “No,” she breathed. “Please, do not leave me here, unsupervised.”

  Edward snorted. The concept of Alice wanting to be supervised was laughable. She had resisted his every attempt to tame her, ensuring he resorted to taking her in hand to gain her compliance.

  “I’ll lock the door behind me,” he assured her. “You’ll be perfectly sa—”

  He never completed the sentence. The sound of a single gunshot splintered his thoughts, sending his heart into fresh panic, causing his feet to halt their progress.

  “What was that?” Alice hissed.

  Edward drew in a deep breath. “That was a gunshot,” he informed her. “We’re under attack. I have to be with my men and protect my ship.”

  He reached for the lock at the door, searching his pocket for the key at the same time.

  “Wait!” Alice was up on her feet now, heading in Edward’s direction.

  “Not now, Alice,” he chided. “We do not have time.”

  “Please, you’re not listening!” Alice reached for his face, her petite hand guiding his chin back toward her. “I know a better way.”

  Edward’s brow knitted. The adrenaline flooding his body was making it difficult to concentrate. “What way?” His voice was demanding. “To what do you speak of?”

  Alice’s hand fell away. “Follow me,” she ordered quietly as she skipped toward the other side of the room. “And bring the light with you.”

  His eyebrow arched. “Are you giving the orders now?” Edward’s tone was sardonic, and Alice’s gaze narrowed as she glanced back at him.

  “Do not be headstrong, sir,” she admonished. “Remember, my father designed and oversaw the building of this vessel. I know every inch of the Dexterity, Edward.”

  “So?” He grabbed the candle and strode after her diminutive frame.

  Alice fell to her knees in front of the place he had found her hiding.

  “So, that means I know her secrets, too and not just this one.”

  The noise of men shouting increased the sense of urgency.

  “What do you know, Alice?” Edward was down on his knees with her now, helping her to shift the panels that had hidden his stowaway. “Something that will help us?”

  Alice flashed him a grin. “Aye, Captain Law.”



  Had she ever felt more alive than this? As Alice climbed into the crawl space where her personal possessions were still strewn, she doubted she had.

  “What’s back there?” Edward called, his impatience
clear from his tone. “I can’t just hide, Alice. I have to fight.”

  Alice rolled her eyes. Why were men always so gung-ho to fight without the correct readiness for battle? If there was one thing her father had taught her, it was to always be prepared. That was where she had gone wrong yesterday when she had boarded the Dexterity. Yes, she had done her research, but she had not prepared for what would come next and had no way of dealing with the man who happened upon her. Alice would not allow Edward to make the same mistake.

  “Trust me,” she murmured into the darkness. “I need the light, Edward.”

  She reached back for the candle, and the conflict in his eyes was obvious. His heart was telling him to have faith in her, but his gut was contradicting that thought.

  “Whatever you’re going to do, do it quickly.”

  She nodded, waving the flame around in the opposite direction while her fingers grazed the woodwork below her knees. Somewhere around here was the panel Alice was looking for. She had studied her father’s designs for hours and knew precisely what was hidden below them.

  “Here!” Her heart raced as her fingers finally grazed the uneven surface—the one tiny discrepancy her father had left as a sign of what lay beneath. Running her hand along the outer rim of the space, Alice could easily identify the hidden spot she was looking for. “Help me,” she insisted. “We need to remove this panel.”

  Edward was there in an instant, his giant frame huddling in the confined space as Alice held the light aloft for him.

  “I feel it,” he confirmed, and a moment later, he lifted the wooden panel from the floor.

  Both of their gazes fell upon the space, and Alice smiled. It was packed full of weapons. Swords, cutlasses, and pistols were crammed inside, along with more rounds of ammunition than Alice had ever laid eyes on before.

  Edward turned to her, blowing out a breath. “This is an impressive haul, Alice, thank you, but I still need to get to my men.” He shifted on his knees to retreat from the dark space.


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