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The Boyfriend Series Box Set (Books 1-6): YA Contemporary Romance Novels

Page 31

by Christina Benjamin

  “Yeah, I guess you’re more of a nature nerd.”


  She didn’t risk looking at him, but she could hear the smile in his voice and it made her smile too.

  “Hey, Sam?”


  “I think you like camping.”

  “Shut up.”

  “No, you definitely like camping.”

  “Almost,” she said trying not to smile.

  “Hey, Sam?”


  “I’m not pressuring you, but I really meant what I said.”

  Her chest tightened and she finally asked the question that had been nagging her. “What if you change your mind?”

  “About loving you?” He sounded shocked. “I wont.”

  “How do you know?”

  “I just know.”

  She was silent, refusing to look at the bed next to her. The bed that was illuminated with a bright slice of moonlight as if the heavens were daring her.

  “Hey, Sam?”


  “I really wanna kiss you.”

  Oh, God! Oh, God! Oh, God! She swallowed hard. “Yeah?”

  “Yeah. And I think you wanna kiss me too.”

  She couldn’t resist any longer. Sam turned to look at Devon. He was already looking at her—his face glowing in the moonlight.

  “Sam?” he whispered reaching for her hand.

  She let him take it. “Yeah?”

  “No more almost, okay?”


  She held her breath as Devon pulled himself closer to her. He hovered over her, his face blocking out the stars as he gently cradled her head. He hesitated, almost like he was waiting for her to push him away. She didn’t. She wanted this. She wanted at least one more kiss. She fought not to close her eyes as Devon finally lowered his face to hers. When their lips met, she let her eyelids flutter closed with a sigh as she clung to the afterglow of the stars and lost herself in his perfect lips.

  It was only one kiss, but Sam had been right to worry, because it changed everything. She’d barely been able to pull herself away. They were both panting and breathless, and Devon pressed his forehead to hers like it pained him not to have his lips on hers. They both sat up, staring at each other—pupils wide, breathing ragged. Sam’s entire body was on fire. Holy hell! And that was just a kiss! Sam didn’t think she could actually handle anything more than kissing Devon. But he was like heroine and she was already itching for more.

  After the life-changing kiss, Devon pushed his bed against Sam’s so they could hold hands and gaze at the stars together. She could tell he wanted to kiss her again, but as long as they were touching, he seemed content enough. Sam lay on her back staring at the sky while Devon traced electric circles on her palm with his thumb. It was heaven.

  Sam’s favorite thing about the tent was the skylight. Okay it was probably the kiss. But her second favorite thing was gazing at the stars with Devon. She felt like she could reach up and grab them. She used to pretend she actually could when she was little. It’s one of the few things she remembered doing with her mother. Just to be silly, Sam raised her hand and pretended to catch a star between her fingers. Devon reached up too. Then, he threaded his fingers with hers. And it was just the two of them, with the stars in their hands. Sam felt the world stop. Devon was right. The oneness was grand—everything was grand.

  Sam decided she definitely liked camping. And she definitely, definitely liked Devon. She was tired of being afraid to want him. She took a deep breath and tried to harness her fear. For the first time, she was starting to realize that her fear of making the wrong choice was so much smaller than her fear of never making a choice at all.

  She looked over at Devon. He was grinning at her and her chest threatened to strangle her. This was it. This was Sam’s moment. And she knew with perfect certainty, that she wanted to take it. “Devon?” she whispered.


  “You were right.”

  “About what?”

  “I don’t want to be almost anymore either.”

  He sat up so fast his covers fell to his waist. “Sam . . . are you serious?”

  Her heart was thumping in her chest so hard she worried it might crack open. But she was sure that she wanted the real thing. And she wanted it with Devon. She’d never been more sure of anything in her life. She nodded her head. “Yes.”

  Devon exhaled her name. It was barely a whisper. He raised a trembling hand to stroke her cheek. She caught it and kissed his palm, then his wrist, then his arm. Then, she was crawling into his lap so she could kiss all of him. Everything was a frenzy and she couldn’t get enough. She lay on top of Devon, letting him hold her tightly against him while they pulled at each other’s clothes, kissing as if it were the only way to breathe. And maybe it was, because Sam had never felt more alive. Was this what she’d been missing all these years? Was this what not making choices cost her?

  She wanted more. She wanted everything. And she wanted it with Devon—now. Sam pulled his shirt off over his head and started to pull off her own.

  “Sam . . .” His voice was husky with desire.


  “Are you sure?”


  He looked like he didn’t believe her, so she kissed him again, deeper and greedily, until he let go of the hem of her shirt. She pulled it over her head, shivering as the cold night air raced across her bare chest. Devon’s eyes were tethered to hers. She tried to pull herself back into his lap but he tensed. “Sam, wait.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. I just . . . I’ve wanted this for so long. But I don’t want to rush you. I don’t want you to think you have to do this.”

  “I want to do this, Devon.”

  “But, have you ever . . . done this?”

  Sam’s cheeks flushed and she shook her head slowly. “But I want to. And I want it to be with you, Devon. I want to remember this-us, forever.”

  His tension eased and he pulled her to him, stroking his hands down her back while he kissed her. She twisted her fingers in his thick hair and pulled him on top of her. Everything escalated to a frenzy of lips and hands again, and soon she was tugging at the waistband of his pants. He sucked in a breath and stilled as her fingers found the band of his boxer-briefs. “Hold on a sec,” he said jumping up from the disheveled sheets.

  Disappointment flooded Sam. What had she done wrong? But Devon was back in a flash with a square foil packet between his fingers. Sam’s insides squirmed as she felt her whole body flood with nervous excitement. This was really going to happen.

  “Do you always carry condoms with you?” she asked mildly embarrassed.

  “Yes. I’m a guy.”

  That was Devon, open and honest, and proud of his manhood. And at that moment, Sam was so grateful for it, because she didn’t want this to stop.

  Devon slipped under the covers with her and pulled her gently to him, kissing her forehead. “Promise me you’re sure.” he whispered.

  “I Promise.”

  Devon was patient and gentle. He made Sam feel sensations she didn’t know she was capable of. He made her feel warm, and safe, and most of all, loved. When she was with Devon like this, the world stopped rushing ahead without her. Sam felt like she’d finally caught up, maybe even surpassed where she was meant to be. When they were together like this—just Sam and Devon—they were untouchable. They could do anything. They weren’t trapped by someone else’s plans or expectations. Their future was now! They were in it, and it was endless, in the best way she could imagine.

  As Sam drifted off to sleep in Devon’s warm arms, she gazed up at the winking stars. Plato said every soul has a companion star they return to after death—Sam only knew this because one summer Megan had been obsessed with Plato. But now, as Sam stared at the blank space between the stars she’d picked out for herself, she found she was hoping there might be space for Devon there with her.

  26r />

  Waking up next to Sam was a dream. Devon felt like he’d captured an angel. Last night had been beyond his wildest fantasies. He’d never expected to have sex with Sam. Of course he’d wanted to, but all he’d hoped for this weekend was time with her—just to be near her. But somehow, between drinking whiskey and gazing at the stars, something had changed. He’d felt the shift in her—like she’d finally let that last little bit of her guard down. And it let all of her flood out, almost overwhelming him—almost. But he couldn’t get enough of her. If Sam were a well, then Devon wanted to drown in her.

  Sometime in the night Sam had curled into his chest and fallen asleep. He wrapped his arms around her, never wanting to let go. He loved the way her eyelashes fluttered against the hollow of his throat. And the feel of her breath softly on his chest. He could lay like this forever, listening to the birds greet the sun while he held happiness in his arms.

  Unfortunately, Eggsy had other plans. He wanted breakfast. Devon had already pushed his impatient dog away twice, hissing at him to wait. But finally Eggsy had enough and started howling, rousting Sam from her sleep. Her eyes fluttered open drowsily. Devon waited for her to panic when she figured out where she was. But to his surprise, she didn’t shove him away. Instead she grinned, her cheeks glowing pink.

  “Morning, kitten,” he said, kissing her head.

  “Morning,” she murmured.

  “I’ve gotta feed the hell hound,” Devon said rolling his eyes when Eggsy started pawing at him.

  Sam giggled and swatted playfully back at Eggsy.

  “Remind me never to bring you camping again, Eggsy,” Devon growled as he climbed out of the warm covers.

  “Yeah, Eggsy. Don’t be jealous. I love you both.”

  Devon froze, one arm shoved into his heavy jacket. He knitted his eyebrows together in surprise. “Love?” he asked.

  Sam looked mortified as she tried to stutter a response. “No-well-you know what I meant-I . . . shit.” She threw the covers up over her head and hid.

  “You love me!” Devon teased. He knew she only meant it innocently, but it was too good to let go. Friend-Devon wouldn’t let a comment like that slide, so more-than-friend-Devon wasn’t going to either. And after last night, they were way more than friends.

  “I knew it!” Devon continued leaping on top of Sam’s bed with Eggsy hot on his heels. “Sam Connors loves me!”

  “No!” She squealed when he started tickling her through the blankets. “I. Do. Not,” she managed to get out between fits of laughter. Eggsy had totally forgotten about breakfast and was now pouncing on the squirming blankets like it was his favorite new game.

  “Mercy!” Sam screamed and Devon hauled Eggsy off of her.

  She popped her head from under the covers. Her toffee-brown hair looked like it had been caught in a tornado and Devon burst into laughter.

  “Well, we love you too, Sam,” Devon said ruffing up her hair even more, before placing a kiss on her forehead. She blushed. “Let me feed this beast before he starts drooling,” he said, pulling Eggsy from the tent. “I’ll start breakfast,” he called over his shoulder.


  Sam sat huddled under the covers, waiting for the strangeness to take over. After having sex with Devon last night, she expected to feel different when she woke up. And she did, but just not in the way she thought she would. Sam felt stronger somehow, more sure of herself. She expected she’d be embarrassed or feel strange around Devon, but it was just the opposite. Sam felt more connected to him than ever. It was like sex had fused more than just their bodies, but their minds and hearts too. God! She couldn’t believe Megan hadn’t told her how magical sex was!

  She stood up and stretched, dressing quickly so she could join Devon outside. She couldn’t wait to wrap her arms around him and kiss him, again and again! She sighed, as visions of last night floated back through her mind. Sex certainly changed things. Sam didn’t feel scared about anything anymore. All she felt was alive, and hungry. And maybe a little preoccupied with plotting how she could get Devon back in bed so they could do it again.


  Sam waltzed out of the tent with a toothbrush in her mouth. She was still in her pajamas and had added a pair of boots and a blanket around her shoulders. Her hair was still a mess, and Devon was sure he’d never seen something so adorable in all his life. She finished brushing her teeth and joined him by the fire. He pulled her into a crushing hug, kissing her head and face all over.

  “What’s that for?” she asked.

  “For last night, for this morning, for having sunshine in your smile, for everything,” he said squeezing her tighter. He just couldn’t help himself. His chest felt like it had blown wide open and if he didn’t hold Sam tight, he might just float away. How could one person make him this happy?

  “It really happened, right?” he asked.

  She laughed nervously. “Yeah.”

  “And is everything still okay?”

  “Almost,” she said shyly.

  Devon’s brows furrowed, wondering what she meant. “What’s wrong?”

  “This,” she said standing on her tippy toes to kiss him.

  Devon wrapped his arms around her and lifted her off the ground, deepening their kiss until he forgot where he ended and Sam began. When he finally set her back down they were both breathless.

  “Okay, everything’s good now,” she grinned.

  Devon was pretty sure if he were smiling any wider his face would crack in half. “Grand.” He handed her a mug of coffee.

  “You remembered coffee?” she exclaimed.

  Devon didn’t drink it, but he knew Sam loved it. “Your dad told me you’re dangerous without it.”

  She laughed. “You still think I’m dangerous after last night?”

  “You’re even more dangerous.”


  “Because I’d pretty much give you the world after last night.”

  She beamed. “Lucky for you I think I’m still on a natural high from last night. I only require coffee and food, for now.”

  Devon grinned, pulling Sam into another hug, careful not to spill her coffee.

  They couldn’t keep their hands off each other, and Devon almost burnt their breakfast—bangers and mash—his father’s favorite. And another thing Cara wouldn’t let him have.

  Devon and Sam sat next to each other by the fire and ate. He kept stealing glances at her. She looked so beautiful with the sunlight turning her hair into strands of bronze and copper. Then he was staring at her lips. Her perfect, plump, ruby lips. Good Christ, he couldn’t stop wanting to kiss her. Now that they’d started, how would they ever stop?

  “Put that thing away,” she said jokingly when she caught him smiling.

  It only made him smile more and his heart felt too big for his chest. “Come here,” he said pulling her onto his lap. He kissed her again, forcing himself not to get too carried away.

  “So, is it safe to say you like camping?” he asked after he traced feathery kisses from her ear to her mouth.


  “And what about me?” he asked. “Do you like me?”

  “I’ve always liked you, Devon.”

  “Liar,” he teased tickling her.

  She laughed. Christ, he loved that sound. And he loved being the one to make her make that sound. He loved making her smile. He loved everything about her. And he wanted to carry her back into that tent and show her all the ways he could love her. But he couldn’t—not yet. She still felt as flighty as a bird. Devon could feel her little heart pounding into his chest every time he held her. He wanted to make her feel safe first. He wanted her to be sure about him first. Last night had been perfect—beyond perfect. But he hadn’t been planning to move so quickly. He wouldn’t rush this. It was too perfect. And he’d waited too long. They had all weekend to explore what this was between them. But there was something he did want to know.

  “I want to ask you something,” he murmured bet
ween tender kisses.

  “Devon, I don’t know if I can handle any more revelations,” she mocked. “I mean we already went from zero to I love you. What else is there?”

  He grinned. “Well, this will be easy then. Go to the Grad Ball with me, Sam.”


  “Yes. As my girlfriend. I want to take you on a real date, Sam.”

  Sam looked up at him, her big blue-green eyes wide. “Girlfriend? Is that what I am now?”

  “Only if you want to be.”

  Her eyes had been bright all morning, but Devon watched a bit of fear creep into them now. “Hey,” he murmured, softly taking her chin. “Don’t be scared, Sam.”

  She shivered under his touch. “This feels big,” she whispered.

  “It is, Sam. It’s us. And I know we’re worth the risk.”

  She blinked. He could see her on a precipice and he held his breath, waiting to see if she would jump. Jump! Please for the love of Christ, jump, Sam. I’ll always catch you.

  She slid her hands up his chest. They felt like they were pushing him away and he closed his eyes trying to contain his disappointment. But her hands kept going until they were around his neck and in his hair, pulling his forehead to meet hers. He opened his eyes. He was almost too close to look at her. Her lips brushed his for a moment and then she whispered, “Okay.”

  Devon disintegrated as Sam kissed him without restraint.

  It was like breathing underwater. It was like magic. It was everything.

  They were back in the tent, quickly headed for a repeat of last night, when a loud ringing startled them apart and Sam tried to slide from Devon’s lap.

  “Ignore it,” he said pulling Sam back to him. Their lips had scarcely left each other’s for the past twenty minutes.

  “Devon . . .” she warned. She didn’t have to say it. He knew what she was thinking. He was thinking it too. What if it’s your dad?

  But he didn’t want anything to ruin this perfect moment. Everything was perfect and he didn’t want it to end. But his phone kept ringing. Sam slipped off of Devon and he reluctantly got out of bed to rifle through his pack for his phone. When he saw Cara’s name on the screen, his heart stopped.


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