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The Boyfriend Series Box Set (Books 1-6): YA Contemporary Romance Novels

Page 90

by Christina Benjamin

  College! That’s right. Parker cleared his throat. “You’ve made that clear, Beth.”

  She frowned at his tone. “Fine, but answer one question and I’ll drop it.”


  “Why did you apply to Harvard and those other schools if you never intended to go?”

  It was Parker’s turn to frown. The answer was simple. Harvard was his dream school. He’d applied there because it was the best and he wanted to be the best. Plus, it was in Boston. He could stay near Beth and his father. Parker and his father were close. They were all each other had after Parker’s mother died. It was hard to think about leaving him all alone. Just as hard as thinking about leaving Beth. With Harvard, he wouldn’t have to. It had everything he wanted. He’d only applied to the other Ivy Leagues at his guidance counselor’s recommendation. But Parker couldn’t admit that or Beth would never let it go.

  “I don’t know. I guess I did it on a whim. Just to see if I could even get in.”

  Beth huffed. “You don’t do anything on a whim, Parker. If you don’t start going after what you really want in life, you’re gonna be full of regrets,” she said, and then she laid down, turning away from him.

  Beth had no idea how right she was. But what could Parker do about it? It’s not like he could just make some grand bold gesture and tell her how he felt and have all his dreams come true. That’s not how life worked—at least not Parker’s life, anyway.


  Beth tossed and turned for hours. Stubborn Parker. It made her furious that he was letting an old musing from his mother force him to go to college at Cornell when that clearly wasn’t where he wanted to be. Beth knew he wanted to go to Harvard. She’d seen the joy on his face when they first toured the prestigious campus as freshman. But if Beth was honest with herself, that wasn’t the real reason she was so upset. She wanted Parker to go to Harvard so he’d stay in Boston and she wouldn’t lose him.

  She knew it was selfish and she had no right to want that from him, but she couldn’t help it. Beth exhaled her frustration and tried to untangle herself from the sheets. The stupid robe was making her hot. Its thin satin material really wasn’t hiding much. Plus, it was so twisted from her restlessness that the hem kept bunching up around her middle. Beth was ready to rip it off of her, but first she sat up and glanced over at Parker. He’d fallen asleep reading. Her heart stuttered seeing him that way—glasses askew, hair rumpled, face soft and beautiful. He looked so perfect. Sometimes she couldn’t believe how lucky she was to have him in her life.

  Beth leaned over and shut Parker’s laptop, placing it carefully on the nightstand next to his side of the bed. His cell phone lay on his chest, battery dwindling. She plugged it in for him on her extra charger, then returned to gently remove his glasses.

  Parker’s good looks always took Beth by surprise. She was so familiar with him that for the most part she didn’t let herself give him a second glance. He was just Parker, her best friend—the boy she’d considered family since birth. But on certain occasions, when Beth really let herself see Parker, he stole her breath away. And now, with the moonlight spilling over his handsome angular features, washing his jet black hair with a midnight blue shimmer, her heart squeezed with unrequited longing.

  A sudden urge to run her fingers through his hair gripped her. She should fight it, she knew she should, but her fingers moved of their own accord. Beth’s breath hitched as she smoothed a dark lock of hair back from Parker’s forehead. The sensation of his hair slipping through her fingers released a fury of desire. She withdrew her hand quickly, shivering against the bold thoughts pulsing through her.

  What the hell was wrong with her? They were Beth and Parker. They didn’t like each other that way. And besides, she had a boyfriend. A moody, egotistical boyfriend, but still . . . Beth glanced at the antique alarm clock next to the bed and groaned. It was going to be a long night. And tomorrow promised to be even longer if she didn’t get at least a few hours of sleep.

  Beth shrugged off her robe and settled back under the covers, willing herself to remember it was Parker sleeping next to her and not the gorgeous man he was becoming.



  Jared looked at the Aspen house in complete awe. He wanted to pinch himself. Suddenly he couldn’t believe he’d even considered missing out on this opportunity for a girl, even if that girl was as great as Beth. Jared had never seen something so lavish. He was just a kid from Long Island. This was not the world he was used to.

  The closest he’d come was when his school played lacrosse against the over-privileged brats from St. James Prep in Manhattan. The bastards had beaten Jared’s team by a goal. But that wasn’t enough. The St. James guys invited Jared’s team to a party at some ritzy hotel only to kick them out after they got a glimpse of the world they’d never be a part of. Jared would never forget the smug look on this one smarmy jackass’s face when he had security throw him and his friends out on their asses. He even had a smarmy jackass name—Cranston.

  If only Cranston could see me now, Jared thought to himself as he surveyed the massive structure Caroline ridiculously referred to as a cabin. It looked more like a high-end ski lodge than a private residence. There were six levels and probably over a hundred windows. The top of the building rose above the tree line into varying levels of steep angles capped with soft peaks of snow.

  Jared had never seen snow like that before. He was used to East Coast snow—heavy, icy, dirty. Aspen snow was like light clouds of finely ground diamonds. It sparkled like fairy dust on the pristine grounds surrounding the house.

  “Epic, right?” Sullivan said, thumping Jared on the back as he came up behind him.


  “Come on, we gotta go grab rooms before all the good ones are gone.”

  Jared laughed. Like that could happen. There were probably thirty bedrooms. But he followed Sullivan into the house anyway. Jared was glad Sullivan was able to come to Aspen. Of all the guys on the team, Sully was his favorite. He was one of the few who didn’t bust Jared about dumping Beth for Caroline.

  Sullivan had actually brought a date on the trip. He asked his long time crush, Vera Martin to come. Apparently, Sullivan had been asking Vera out since freshman year without any luck. She was cheer co-captain and didn’t give him the time of day until she found out he could get her an in with Caroline. Jared was learning no one said no to Caroline Voss. That was another reason he was glad he had his boys in Aspen with him. Coming to a place like this with just Caroline would’ve been asking for trouble. But Sullivan would help keep Jared honest.

  Speaking of honest, Jared pulled his phone out wanting to call Beth but he groaned when he saw the battery was dead. He’d seen her messages on the bus but he hated trying to talk to her when the guys were around. They always gave him shit. Plus, Caroline was watching him like a hawk. Her paranoia was getting to him. Jared couldn’t stop wondering if Parker was going to try to turn Beth against him. He’d have a week alone with her. Jared let Parker go to the movies with Beth and do lame stuff like going to her plays, but this felt different. It felt like he was tempting fate.

  Jared took a deep breath. He needed to chill. It was Parker, for God’s sake . . . the guy was a total non-threat. Jared chuckled to himself. Him worrying about Parker was like a dog worrying a puppy would steal his bone. Jared shook off his anxiety. He had nothing to worry about. Besides, he was in Aspen now, so he might as well enjoy it.


  Parker was strangely warm and stiff when he opened his eyes. He blinked a few times, letting the blurry edges of the world come into focus. He made to reach for his glasses and immediately sensed the source of the unusual warmth that surrounded him. Beth! She was sprawled across him, her head on his bare chest, her arm strewn over his shoulder.

  Parker instantly closed his eyes, willing his mind to reel back the countless fantasies that sprang forth the moment he realized it was Beth lying on top of him. It didn’t help that from
the brief glimpse he’d gotten it appeared she was half naked thanks to the barely-there garment she was wearing. Good God, how was he going to get himself out of this?

  His arousal was growing uncomfortably evident as he tried desperately to slip out of the bed without waking her. His efforts were slow and each time he inched a bit further toward freedom Beth murmured adorable sleepy sounds, which only fanned his craving to pull her into his arms and kiss her the way he’d always wanted to.

  Parker’s fantasies ran away with him. In his head Beth opened her eyes and kissed him back, whispering she’d always loved him too. In a flash the scrap of satin she wore would be on the floor and Parker would make her his so nothing could ever come between them again.

  But in reality, Parker made little progress to rein in his thoughts or remove himself from underneath Beth. He focused on calming his racing heart, utterly amazed that its wild thumping hadn’t woken her already. In a final effort to save his dignity, Parker shifted his hip from under Beth. The moment he did it he knew he’d woken her, yet still he was unprepared when he met her gaze.

  Beth’s dark eyes were wide with shock as she blinked at Parker. From the way she fumbled for words, he guessed she was just as confused at how they’d ended up in this position.

  “Morning,” he said, trying to play off the embarrassing situation for Beth’s benefit.

  But she didn’t respond. Beth only stared at Parker, making no move to untangle herself from him. Their faces were inches apart. She tilted her head as though she’d just noticed their closeness and a curtain of blonde hair spilled over her eyes. Without thinking, Parker reached up and brushed it away, gently tucking it behind her ear. His hand lingered there, against her warm neck. In that stolen moment, they shared a look full of deep unspoken emotion.

  “Beth . . .” Parker started.

  But as he searched for the right words, the doors to their room flew open, causing them to leap apart.

  “Gooood morning!” Brenna’s voice sang interrupting their moment. She stopped short when she saw them in bed together, a devious smile curving crookedly across her familiar face. “Well, well. It seems like someone’s having a good morning.”


  Leave it to Brenna to blow in like a damn hurricane. She always arrived at the least opportune time to maximize impact and damage. Brenna perched proudly on the edge of Beth’s bed grinning like the hyena she was.

  “Brenna?” Beth said through gritted teeth. “Could you maybe come back in a minute?”

  “You mean like when you’re both decent?” Brenna asked sweetly.

  Beth felt her cheeks burn as she nodded.

  “I could, but where’s the fun in that? Besides, this looks scandalous,” she said her eyes darting between Beth and Parker. “Tell me everything!”

  Beth felt the mattress shift as Parker dashed to the bathroom mumbling unpleasantly under his breath.

  “When did Parker get so hot?” Brenna whispered, her eyebrows dancing.

  “When did you forget how to knock?” Beth shot back.

  Brenna completely ignored Beth as usual. “Does Jared know about you and Parker?”

  Beth climbed out of bed and scrambled into her robe before grabbing Brenna by the arm and hauling her onto the balcony. The sun was blinding and the balmy Georgia weather smacked Beth in the face as she drew herself to her full height to berate her intrusive sister. “There is no me and Parker.”

  “That’s certainly not what it looked like.”

  “We got in late last night and fell asleep, that’s all.”

  Brenna giggled. “Fell asleep on top of each other. Does Mom know you’re sharing a bed with Parker?”

  “I don’t know! I haven’t even seen Mom yet. We got in after midnight because we drove all night to be here for your wedding. And it’s your fault we’re stuck in this room anyway.”


  “The woman at the front desk said this was the only room left because you planned a last minute wedding and as usual you expect everyone to just drop what they’re doing for some whim.”

  Brenna’s mouth fell open.

  Shit. Maybe Beth had gone too far. She flinched as Brenna reached for her robe.

  “Is this La Perla?” Brenna asked, enviously.

  Nevermind. As usual, Brenna wasn’t listening to a word Beth was saying. She was too busy coveting Beth’s wardrobe.

  Beth rolled her eyes. Her robe was in fact La Perla, but it wasn’t Brenna’s business. Admitting she’d spent a small fortune on her lingerie for Jared would only incite more mockery from Brenna.

  “Pretty racy for nothing to be going on with Parker,” Brenna chided, tugging on the exposed strap of her nightie that peeked out.

  Beth cringed internally realizing that now two people, who weren’t her boyfriend, had seen her lingerie. The allure was ruined. “Mind your own business,” Beth shot back.

  “Well, I hope you spent as much on my wedding gift as you did your tease wear,” Brenna huffed.

  Beth shook with anger. “Are you kidding? You do realize I’m missing spring break with my boyfriend to be here, don’t you?”

  “Oh please, like anything would even happen. You’re such a prude.”

  “At least I’m not a slut having a shotgun wedding!”

  Brenna lunged, tackling Beth to the floor. She struggled to get up. Even though they were the same size, Brenna had always been scrappier than Beth. Brenna had a hold of Beth’s messy blonde hair, giving her no choice but to grab a handful of Brenna’s dyed red locks in order to save her own.

  “I’m not pregnant, you idiot,” Brenna snarled.


  “So, it’s not a shotgun wedding.”

  “Well that is a surprise,” Beth said struggling to break Brenna’s hold.



  Brenna’s response was a sharp yank on Beth’s hair.

  “Stop it!” Beth screamed.

  “Not until you apologize.”


  The fight raged on for another few minutes before the doors to the balcony slid open.


  Beth and Brenna stopped their bickering at the sound of their mother’s voice.

  “Morning, Mom,” Brenna greeted, still holding Beth in a headlock.

  “Girls, honestly. Aren’t you too old for this?”

  “We’re just messing around,” Brenna replied, releasing Beth and helping her to her feet like she hadn’t just been trying to strangle her.

  Beth glared at Brenna, but held her tongue. Beth hated disappointing her mother, and fighting with Brenna on her wedding week, no matter who started it, would only reinforce her mother’s view of Beth being the baby of the family.

  “I’m so glad you’re here, sweetheart,” Beth’s mother said, pulling her into a hug.

  “Me too, Mom.”

  “Was the drive terrible?”

  “No, we actually had fun.”

  “Where’s Parker?” her mother asked.

  “He’s in the shower,” Brenna replied smugly. “I was surprised to find them sharing a room.”

  Beth’s mother sighed. “Oh, I’m so sorry about that, sweetheart. I meant to tell you there was a mix up with the rooms but we’ve been so busy since we got here that it slipped my mind. You don’t mind sharing with Parker, do you?”

  Beth paused. “No, but are there really no other rooms?”

  “Well, you could share with Uncle Harold if you want. He has a double room, but I figured you’d be more comfortable sharing with Parker. Harold snores like a horse.”

  Hell no! Uncle Harold smelled like mothballs and moldy cheese. He was really Beth’s great uncle, but insisted on being called ‘Uncle Harold’. Like no one could tell he was eighty. Plus, he hit on the female wait staff at every family event and it made Beth uncomfortable. “No, I’m good here. I’ll share with Parker.”

  “Good.” Beth’s mother clapped her hands together. “Now we have a lot t
o do today. Brenna, did you ask Beth if she could help with the wedding favors?”

  “Yep, she said she’d be happy to.”

  Beth glared at Brenna. She most certainly hadn’t agreed to any such thing! But with her mother beaming at her, Beth couldn’t really object.

  “Good girl,” her mother replied. Then she sighed happily. “I just love weddings. It’s the only time I get to have all my girls back together again.”

  “Oh Mom,” Brenna and Beth said in unison.

  “I know, I know, I’m being sappy, but that’s my job,” she replied pulling both her daughters in for another hug. “Well, I’m off to meet with the caterers. Brenna, do you want to come with me?”

  “I’ll meet you there,” Brenna said. “I have a few last minute items I need to go over with Beth.”

  “Okay, don’t take too long. We’re already doing all of this without the groom’s input, so it makes yours even more important.”

  “Wait, what?” Beth interjected. “Why am I here if the groom hasn’t even arrived yet?”

  “Eric is serving our country,” Brenna replied, bristling. “He’s flying in the night before the ceremony so we can spend the few days he has for leave on our honeymoon.”

  “He’s a Marine,” Beth’s mother said, practically swooning. “We can’t wait to meet him, sweetheart.”

  “I won’t be long, Mom,” Brenna promised. “Why don’t you get started with the caterers and I’ll meet you in the kitchen.”

  As soon as their mother was out of the room, Brenna turned, grinning fiendishly at Beth. “Thanks for helping with my wedding favors, Bethy. Filling five hundred sand bottles would’ve taken me forever, and you know how bad the sun is for my complexion.”

  “We have the same complexion,” Beth growled.

  Brenna shrugged. “The supplies are in the lobby. Have them done by five. Mom wants us all to go out to dinner in town.”

  “How am I supposed to get them all done myself?”


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