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The Boyfriend Series Box Set (Books 1-6): YA Contemporary Romance Novels

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by Christina Benjamin

  When Beth was younger and her crush on Parker had been fresh, she’d often wondered if it was possible for things to be different between them. If they started dating would she be able to think of him differently? Could they cross the line from friend to boyfriend, or would their familiarity be an obstacle?

  That fear had been obliterated the moment he’d kissed her on the beach. Then again last night.

  Beth realized there was so much more of Parker for her to discover. She knew him so completely as her friend, but this new Parker, the one with the smoldering gaze and wandering lips . . . she’d only begun to scratch the surface of him. And it made her pulse race just thinking about what else she would uncover.

  A knock at the door pulled Beth from her thoughts.

  “Come in,” Brenna called, but the door remained shut.

  A more forceful knock made Beth and her sisters pause their primping.

  “Bren?” A deep voice called through the door.

  Every eye in the room swiveled to Brenna, who’d gone utterly still.

  “Eric?” she whispered.

  The door cracked open. “Is everyone decent?”

  Brenna was on her feet now, moving toward the door as if propelled from a canon. “Eric!”

  Brenna called his name with urgency and he threw the door open just in time to catch her as she leapt into his arms, squealing like an over-caffeinated cheerleader.

  Beth stared at Brenna. She’d never seen her badass sister act so girly. And from the bewildered looks of the rest of the Bennett sisters, neither had they. They watched as Brenna cried tears of joy in Eric’s giant tattooed arms. Eric whispered sweet things too low for Beth to discern. He continued kissing every available spot on Brenna’s head as she buried her face in his burly neck.

  Eric looked just as Beth suspected—a muscle-bound Marine with a collection of tattoos and scars to accompany his rugged good looks. His dark hair was buzzed short and there was a fire blazing in his green eyes. Instantly, Beth saw how Brenna would’ve been drawn to him. He had that dangerous edge about him. But there was something else, too. He seemed as much of a protector as he was bad boy and that made Beth like him more than she’d expected. Brenna could use someone to look out for her.

  When Brenna finally peeled herself away from Eric, she introduced him to everyone. Beth’s admiration for him grew. Eric was polite and eager to talk to all the Bennett girls, even if his eyes never left Brenna entirely. But that only reassured Beth that Eric was a good choice for her wild sister. Brenna needed someone who would put her first for a change. She didn’t have a stellar track record with guys and it was nice to see she’d finally picked a good one.

  After all the introductions had been made Eric cleared his throat. “Pardon my behavior ladies, but I’ve been away from this woman for far too long.” Then he scooped Brenna into his arms and kissed her in a way that made Beth blush and look away.

  The rest of her sisters swooned and giggled, and Britton called, “Get a room.”

  “We plan on it,” Brenna called detaching herself from Eric’s face. “Right now actually.”

  “Don’t you know it’s bad luck to see the bride before the wedding?” Bianca asked.

  “There’s no such thing as bad luck with this woman in my life,” Eric replied. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some catching up to do with my bride.” Then he hoisted Brenna over her shoulder like she was a sack of flour and started toward the door.

  “Brenna!” Brianna hissed. “It’s your wedding day!”

  “I know,” she replied with a sinful grin. “Wish me luck!”

  “Your dress!” Beth called running after her sister with her light silky gown in her arms.

  “Thanks,” Brenna replied, grabbing the gown from Beth and balling it up as Eric carried her from the room like a caveman.

  Beatrice laughed. “Brenna may have met her match with that one.”

  “Finally,” Beth and her sisters chorused in unison, causing them all to dissolve into a fit of giggles.

  Brenna had always said she would never change for a man, and it was good to see she hadn’t. She’d just found her perfect match instead.



  The wedding went off without a hitch. Brenna made it to the altar in time—wrinkled dress and all. Both Brenna and Eric wore such happiness on their faces that Beth was sure no one even noticed the wrinkled dress or Brenna’s slightly disheveled hair. Besides, that was Brenna. She was authentic to the core, and never apologized for her spirited nature. It wouldn’t feel right if her wedding day was an exception.

  Besides, Beth didn’t think Brenna and Eric would’ve made it through the ceremony if they hadn’t gotten their reunion out of the way first. She’d seen the way they’d looked at each other earlier—like even the universe wouldn’t dare to keep them apart.

  But for all Beth noticed about her sister and Eric, it paled in comparison to the way she felt when she’d first seen Parker waiting for her to walk up the petal-lined aisle. Beth’s heart had leapt to her throat as she drank in Parker’s long limbs, outfitted in an expertly tailored gray suit. He wore a slim tie almost the exact shade of his ocean blue eyes, and he’d traded his glasses for contacts, which only made the brightness in his eyes more fetching. And when Parker smiled, Beth felt something in her chest crack wide open. She knew his smile down to her very core—it was the one he reserved just for her. It spoke of secrets and promises and amazing things yet to come. Beth returned his smile, hoping to convey just how much she was looking forward to all of those things with him.

  When the ceremony was over, Beth slipped her arm though Parker’s as a thousand nerves danced under her skin. Parker leaned in and gave her a knowing look. “Ready?” he asked.

  Beth nodded. She truly was ready—ready for forever with him. She smiled, linking arms with Parker. If forever had a beginning, it would feel like this.


  Parker swayed with Beth in his arms on the dance floor. They hadn’t left it once since the music started. He couldn’t bear to not be touching her, and this was the best excuse they had. Beth had obviously told her sisters about her feelings for him, or maybe they’d just guessed from the giant smiles both he and Beth couldn’t seem to wipe from their faces, but as far as Parker knew, everyone else in Beth’s family still thought they were just friends.

  Parker was happy to keep it that way for now. Beth’s parents were strict about dating and he didn’t want any more obstacles to overcome just yet. His hesitation to tell anyone his good news came from his deep-rooted fear that when things seemed too good to be true, they usually were. Even now, as he held Beth against him, Parker couldn’t help thinking that something would swoop in and ruin all of his hopes and dreams.

  Dancing with Beth cradled in his arms felt like heaven. Her cheek pressed against his neck, her fragrance of light citrus filling the night air—it was all too perfect.

  Parker slowly stroked his thumb against the bare skin of Beth’s lower back. Her bridesmaid dress was white and lacey with a low-cut back, and he couldn’t help feeling like he was holding an angel in his arms. The thought did little to calm his nerves. Parker was dying for a moment alone with Beth to reaffirm last night hadn’t been a dream, that she really had picked him and ended things with Jared. But then again, he didn’t want their perfect moment to end. Dancing under the starlit sky with Beth Bennett in his arms was a dream come true.

  “What?” Beth asked catching his adoring gaze.


  “Nothing?” she asked, eyebrows raised.

  “Well, not nothing, but I don’t want to jinx it.”

  “Jinx what?”

  Parker moved his mouth to her ear and whispered. “How happy I am.”

  He felt Beth shiver as her mouth quirked into a smile. “Me too.” She gazed up at him, her deep brown eyes twinkling. “You know . . .” she said playfully. “This is starting to feel like a date.”

  “Oh yeah?”

p; She gave an impish shrug. “I mean there was dinner and now dancing . . .”

  “And we could take a moonlit walk,” Parker offered catching her drift.

  “And if I’m not mistaken, those were all the things you said you wanted us to do first.”

  “You’re not mistaken,” he replied.

  “So now what?” she asked.

  It was Parker’s turn to shrug. “The world is our oyster.”

  “Well, I have an idea,” Beth offered.

  “What’s that?”

  “I think maybe we should take that moonlit walk back to my room.”

  Parker’s heart nearly beat out of his chest. “So you were serious about that note you left me?”

  Beth smirked. “I was wondering when you were going to bring that up.”

  “It’s pretty much all I’ve been thinking about,” Parker admitted. “I mean, come on. You can’t tell a guy you want to wake up next to him in the morning and expect anything else. It’s torturous. Do you know how many cold showers I had to take?”

  Beth giggled. “I’m sorry.”

  “No you’re not.”

  She laughed. “You’re right. I’m totally not sorry.”

  “Good,” he said. “Because I’m holding you to it.”

  Beth grinned. “I was hoping you’d say that.”


  Beth’s willpower got her through one more song, but the sensation of Parker’s fingers stroking the small of her back was doing unholy things to her insides. She stretched up on her tiptoes and whispered into his ear. “Ready?”

  She couldn’t see his smile, but she felt it against her cheek. A moment later he was guiding her off the dance floor and through the crowded reception, his hand never leaving her back. It was a new, yet welcome feeling.

  Having Parker nearby had always been reassuring, but now, his touch was intoxicating. Everywhere he brushed her skin lit up with heat and electricity. The feeling spread through her body in unexpected and delicious ways. Her heart beat faster and her chest felt tighter. She wondered what she looked like to the people she passed. In her mind, Beth felt like she was sprinting away like a thief in the night. She held her breath, sure someone would notice she’d stolen the most precious guy at the party.

  When they made it far enough away from the outdoor reception, Parker took Beth’s hand and began to run. She pulled him up, giggling and breathless after only a few steps.

  “Wait. I can’t run in these,” she said reaching down to slip off her shoes. She handed them to Parker and picked up the long hem of her gauzy white dress. “Race ya,” she said.


  But Beth was already bolting barefoot across the lawn. She knew it was cheating, but she also knew Parker would catch her in a heartbeat. She hadn’t been able to beat him in a race since she was six.

  She was right. In no time, Parker’s arms snaked around Beth’s waist. He dropped her shoes and hoisted her off her feet. She gasped and half-heartedly tried to slip his hold by tickling him.

  Parker barked a laugh. “You’re such a bad sport.”

  She was about to say something witty when he swept her feet out from under her, catching her just before she landed on the ground. She shrieked which made Parker smile so wide his dimples carved handsome grooves in his flushed cheeks.

  “You almost dropped me,” she gasped.


  “You could have!”

  Parker smirked deviously. “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.” Then he attacked her with his own brand of tickling that left Beth panting with laughter.

  When he stopped, they were tangled together on the cool, lush grass. Parker’s beautiful face was inches from hers. Her heart raced with the promise of his kiss. He made her want to be reckless. Beth looped her arms around Parker’s neck and he leaned in, kissing her with abandon.

  Fireworks erupted in the distance and Parker pulled away, laughing when he saw Beth’s awestruck expression. “I swear, I didn’t plan that. I’m not that good.”

  Beth laughed. “I don’t know. You should give yourself more credit. It sorta feels like fireworks in my chest every time I kiss you.”

  Parker grinned and leaned in to kiss her again, and that’s when it happened. She heard someone call her name and dread spread through her like a crack ripping through ice. Even before Beth looked up, she knew who she’d see standing there. She’d know his voice anywhere. Except he wasn’t supposed to be here. He was supposed to be in Aspen.


  Jared couldn’t watch it any longer. He called Beth’s name because his other alternative was to rip Parker off of her and beat him to death. But when she looked up he wished he’d gone with beating Parker. The look on her face broke his heart all over again.

  He’d beaten himself up non-stop since Beth had caught him and Caroline together. Jared didn’t think anything could hurt worse than the betrayal he’d seen on Beth’s face that night. But he was wrong. This hurt worse. Much worse.

  Jared supposed he deserved it, but that’s why he’d gotten on a plane. He had to find Beth and tell her how sorry he was and that he didn’t want to lose her. Jared hadn’t expected to fall in love with Beth, but he had and he’d screwed it up. But this was all so new to him. He didn’t know how to be in a solid relationship. He’d never had a good role model, but somehow Beth had changed him. She made him want to be better and he couldn’t let her go. Not without a fight. Not without telling her how he felt.

  Jared had been rehearsing what he wanted to say the whole way to Georgia. He wavered between truth and denial. He’d decided on truth, but he hadn’t been expecting to find Beth in someone else’s arms so soon. Especially not Parker’s arms. The guy had no spine. And apparently no pride if he was already going after Jared’s leftovers less than twenty-four hours after they’d broken up. At least Parker had the decency to look scared. They both did.

  Parker helped Beth climb to her feet and Jared took a step toward her. She tensed and in a flash, Parker was between them.

  “You need to leave, Jared,” Parker ordered.

  “That’s not up to you,” Jared snapped. “I’m here for Beth.”

  “She doesn’t want to see you.”

  “Why don’t you let her decide for herself?” Jared snarled.

  Beth pushed her way around Parker. “Easy,” she warned him. “I can speak for myself.”

  Jared grinned smugly, but then Beth turned to face him. “And he’s right. I have nothing left to say to you, Jared. You should leave.”

  “But I need to explain . . .”

  “Explain? What is there to explain? You were my boyfriend and I caught you sleeping with my best friend!” Beth shouted.

  Parker put his hand on Beth’s shoulder and she lowered her voice when she spoke next. “This is my sister’s wedding. My whole family is here. It’s not the place to discuss this. And there’s nothing you can say to make what you did excusable.”

  Jared ran his hand through his hair, frantically. He wanted to punch something. Parker would make a nice punching bag—but that would only get Jared in more trouble. “Beth, I’m sorry, okay? I know I screwed up, but I truly care about you.”

  She huffed a laugh and he took a pleading step toward her again only to be immediately blocked by Parker.

  Jared glared at him. The guy was begging for a beating. Jared tried to leash his anger. He needed to get Beth alone. He was sure if he could just kiss her again, he could make her see how he felt. But Parker kept getting in the way.

  Beth spoke up. “Jared, I’m serious, you need to leave.”

  “Not until I say what I came here for.”

  Beth crossed her arms. “Fine, then get it over with.”

  Jared eyed Parker, then Beth. “Can we go somewhere and talk, just us?”

  “Absolutely not,” Beth replied.

  “What I have to say is kinda personal.”

  She shrugged. “Then don’t say it, but I’m not going anywhere with you. I told you, we�
�re done. If you need to get something off your chest then do it right here. Otherwise you can leave.”

  Jared stood his ground. He hated being put on the spot and he didn’t want to admit how deep his feelings for Beth were or how Caroline had manipulated him in front of Parker. Why couldn’t the kid take a hint and get lost?

  Out of patience, Beth turned to walk away. She slipped her hand into Parker’s and Jared snapped. “God damn it, Beth, will you just listen to me? I’m in love with you!”

  Beth spun around, her mouth hanging open in disbelief. “In love with me? You just slept with my best friend and you have the audacity to come here and tell me you’re in love with me?” She laughed cruelly. “You don’t know what love is, Jared.”

  “I do. And I know you’re not going to believe me, but I did what I did with Caroline because I had to.”

  “You’re right. I don’t believe you.”

  “It’s true! Car was blackmailing me.”

  “Right,” Beth replied. “Because Caroline Voss doesn’t have a line of guys waiting to bed her.”

  “Maybe she does. All I know is the bitch is crazy. The scholarship I won was from her dad’s company and she threatened to take it away if I didn’t do exactly what she said.”

  Beth’s eyes widened.

  “Beth, I’m so sorry. I know I screwed up. It was only supposed to be a one time thing, but then I fell for you and I didn’t know you two knew each other the first time we hooked up, but when I found out, everything just got messed up and—”

  “Wait,” Beth said interrupting Jared’s rant. “What do you mean the first time we hooked up?”

  In his panic, Jared realized he’d just made things even worse.

  Beth had tears in her eyes again. “Was this not the first time you were with her?”

  There was no going back now. Jared knew the honest route was his only chance. He nodded. “We had sex in the janitor’s closet the first day of school.”


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