The Dark Expanse - Astral Clash Series - Book 1
Page 14
“Looks bad out there,” Wesley said.
Luke basked in the warmth of the house. “It’s bloody freezing man.” He told him, “Can’t believe how cold I’ve got from crossing the bloody road.”
Wesley took Luke’s coat and laid it across the radiator, before the pair headed upstairs to Wes’ room. Wesley began with an apology. “Luke, sorry I didn’t call you back last night.” Wes said. “My uncle Chad was here saying goodbye, he’s gone away on business.”
“Oh yeah, it’s no bother Wes.” He said accepting Wesley’s lies unknowingly.
“Family stuff, you know.” Wesley continued.
Luke smiled as he flicked the pages of his sketch pad open. “Whoa, did you draw these?”
Wesley nodded, unable to hide the look of anguish on his face.
Luke hadn’t noticed; too busy flipping through the book. “You should draw comic’s man, these are incredible,” he praised.
“Oh, no, it’s just something I’ve been working on.” Wes replied closing the pad and moving it from Luke’s reach.
The atmosphere changed, Luke wasn’t sure why but it was as if Wesley was hiding something from him. The pair didn’t have secrets, least he didn’t think so. “What’s up?” Luke asked.
Wes frowned, “Nothing, why?”
“You’re acting funny.”
Should he tell him about the clash he had the previous night? No, he would sound insane. Even if he believed him, would the man follow Luke too? Instead Wesley tried to explain in a short none descriptive manner.
“It’s just these crazy dreams.” He said. “Have you ever had a dream so real it feels like it’s actually happening?”
“No.” Luke said shaking his head.
Wes sat on the end of his bed. In his head he was trying to figure out the best way to avoid discussing something he didn’t understand completely himself, “These dreams have been playing on my mind.”
Luke asked, “In what way?”
“I’m dreaming about real people, real situations and it’s just.” He paused, “It’s just crazy as hell.”
“They’re not real mate. You have to remember it’s all in your head,”
It wasn’t though, Wesley thought. That’s the problem it’s not in my head, it’s real and it’s amazing. “Yeah, I know.” Wesley lied. He knew deep down he would have to tell him eventually. Wes just needed to sort it out first then he would bring his friend on board, he told himself.
“Come on, let’s do something. Take your mind off it.” Luke cheerfully suggested.
“What like?”
Luke knew Wesley’s mum and dad were out until late afternoon visiting friends as they did every Sunday, religiously, “How about a classic fight on Marvel vs. Capcom?”
“Old school, huh?” Wesley said, “On the big screen.” He nodded in agreement.
“I’ll get the game, you get the console,” Luke said rushing to Wes’ shelf of games that sat neatly on the back wall of his room. Moments later the pair emerged banging their way down the stairs, moving into the living room, they set up the Xbox.
The huge fifty inch plasma television did the classic justice. The pixels were bright and colourful and the sounds clear and stunning through the surround sound. But it had lost its shine. The previous night, armed with a shield and hammer had taken its place and then some, Wesley thought.
“Oh, thirty hit combo.” Luke gleefully punished his friend on the big screen with ease.
“How do you do that?” Wes asked. His skill in the virtual world was lacking behind his friends superiority. He wondered if he told Luke about the colosseum if he could enter too, he would love it in there.
A knock on the front door, took Luke’s attention off the game as Wesley managed to release a twenty five hit attack on Luke.
“Cheeky!” Luke said, his thumbs moving frantically across the controller as he finished Wesley in seconds. “That’s what you get for being a cheeky git,” Luke jested. “Answer the door.”
“Be right back.” Wesley replied dejection in his voice. He froze solid opening the door. It was Sadie, dressed in a beige winter coat and matching hat, she smiled.
“Hi, Wes,” she began. “Have I called at a bad time?”
“N-no, come in.” He stammered.
Sadie walked into the front room and waved to Luke who sat dumbfounded in the big comfy leather chair, “Hiya.” She said.
“Hi, Sadie,” He replied.
“I am sorry have I interrupted something?” she asked.
“No, nothing,” Luke said standing up. “In fact I was just leaving.”
“You were?” Wesley asked surprised.
“Yes, I’m bored with kicking your ass on this game anyway.” He said, winking at his friend. “Leave you two to talk or whatever." He picked up his coat, waved to them both and headed out into the cold.
Sadie stood in the corner looking anxious, she smiled again. “Sorry about that,” she apologised again. “I didn’t have your number or I would have called.” She explained.
“It’s no worries. He was hammering me anyway as usual.” Wesley admitted. “I wanted to talk to you about getting Luke into the arena.”
“What?” she said perturbed.
“I haven’t told him yet, I’d have to show him or he’d think I was nuts.”
“You can’t tell him. You can’t tell anyone, those are the rules.”
“What rules?” Wes asked.
“The colosseum chooses you, you can’t choose it,” Sadie explained. “Luke can’t just decide to play the game, he must be chosen.”
“Who chooses?” Wesley asked intrigued.
“No one knows. A story went around about a kid that told someone.” She looked uncomfortable talking about it. “He got locked up in a mental institute.”
“So I just say nothing?”
“That’s how it has to be. People wouldn’t understand. Heck, I don’t yet.”
“I don’t know if I can keep a secret from him. Not this big anyway.”
“You have to, he won’t believe you. He’ll tell someone else and then it will spiral out of control and people will think you’re nuts.” Sadie laid it all out for him. “I have friends I say nothing to.”
“He’s less a friend to be honest. He’s more like my brother,”
Sadie smiled. She had a great deal of admiration for Wes, for the way he spoke about Luke. But sadly the fact was he couldn’t know. Unless he was chosen like them, he would have to remain in the dark.
Wesley invited her to sit down and Sadie changed the subject from Luke to Wes’ previous encounter in the colosseum. “You know,” she began. “You caused one hell of a stir last night.”
“I thought a few people were unhappy.” Wesley admitted.
“So do you think Alwin was right? Your extra power came from not using it all on your Mani?”
“Your guess is as good as mine.” He shrugged, “I’m still not a hundred percent sure what happened last night, actually happened.”
“Oh, it did. It most certainly happened.” Sadie confirmed.
“I’m not sure what to do next,” Wesley said.
“What do you mean?”
“Who will want to challenge me now? No one my level will. Will they?”
Sadie laughed. “You’re kidding? My Facebook’s been inundated with requests, that’s why I came round.”
Wesley sat forward in his chair, his eyes intense as he waited to hear the rest. “Go on,” he urged.
“I have people from echelon one to eight, wanting to clash with you.”
“Oh my God, that’s good right?”
“Yeah, but choose your clashes with care,” She warned. “Study your opponents before you fight, having seen Hanson fight before was a factor for your unbelievable win last night.”
“I’d never seen him fight.” Wesley replied.
“You’re kidding? How did you…” she trailed off looking away. Clearly she was trying to understand his success, “I don’t get it.”
“Join the queue. I think it goes around the block.” Wesley jokingly replied.
“You need to get Facebook. That’s where a lot of the challenges happen, coded of course.”
“Of course,” Wesley grinned. “To be honest the cloak and dagger stuff, will most likely be the least weird part of all this.”
Sadie smiled, “I have to go. I’m going to see Alwin. He’s still all over the place after that guy was found dead outside his house.”
“I bet.” Wes replied.
“Do you want to come with me?” she asked.
“Sure, I’ll get my coat.”
The buses were still running even though the roads were dangerously icy. As they travelled towards Hucknall, Sadie told Wesley about how she and the others had started in the arena. Alwin was the first to join, later he found Sadie in there and showed her the ropes. He had even given her some pointers on manifestation choices. Darren was the last of the three. Like Wesley he'd needed more convincing. But Darren was a natural the way Sadie explained. Only losing three fights he had focused much of his energy into defence. Sadie and Alwin were going for a mixture of offence and defence. Wes had no idea what he had chosen, but from what Sadie said about his first clash it was apparent his defences were high.
The bus came to a halt on Hucknall high street. The street seemed pretty devoid of life, the corner of Titchfield Road was patrolled by a police officer in a heavy coat. They waved to him and said hello as they headed down the street. A big white tent took up a large section of the road, several police cars and even more forensic vehicles.
"I'll call him," Sadie began. "Looks a bit busy down there."
"Yeah," Wes agreed as Sadie phoned him.
Super Alwin appeared five minutes later, thankfully not in costume, but in black jeans, black boots and black coat. Wesley wondered if it was some kind of mourning for the dead man, but thought twice about asking in case it was just what he wore.
“Hey, you two,” Alwin said.
“Hi, Alwin,” Wesley nodded.
“Okay, hammer man?” Alwin smirked. “Sorry.”
Wesley shook his head, “It’s cool.”
“How are you Alwin?” Sadie asked.
“Yeah, I’m alright. Felt a bit weird last night, but I'm sound now.”
“I’d have felt more than ‘a bit weird’ if I had seen a dead guy.” Wesley openly confessed.
“Me too,” Sadie agreed.
“It’s weird because.” Alwin looked back making sure no one was in ear shot. “I had this feeling, a weird sensation.”
“What like?” Wes asked curiously.
“Come on, let’s move somewhere with some heat.” Sadie interrupted.
The Red Lion was a family friendly pub, Alwin’s dad was friends with the owners so he allowed the three of them entry. Not allowing them alcohol of course, they opted for orange juices. Seated by the window, it looked out onto the freezing Hucknall high street. The deep red plush chairs and the expensive looking dark wood gave the public house a very cosy warm atmosphere. Alwin sat quietly looking out of the window. Sadie glanced at Wesley, the pair sharing a nervous look as they waited for him to tell them what had happened last night.
Wesley was more than a little curious about the ‘weird feeling’ he had, Wes was used to them now and wondered if it was like the ones he’d been having of late. “So Alwin,” he started. “What were you saying earlier?”
He turned away from the window, “It was strange.”
Sadie asked, “How?”
“I never told the police this.” He whispered, “But I was having a shower when I heard it.”
Sadie leaned forward, “The man being killed?”
“No, it was like a call, but I sensed it, it’s hard to explain.” Alwin replied looking back out the window.
Wesley knew though, he knew exactly what that call was like. He may not have explained it like he would have, but Wes recognised it instantly. “Alwin, what did you do?”
“Nothing,” he replied. “I just went to the window.”
“Then what happened?” Wesley pushed.
“I saw him.”
“What the dead man?”
“No, the other man,” he reluctantly added.
Wesley knew exactly who he was talking about. “What did he look like?”
“I couldn’t see him properly. I didn’t even tell the police this,” Alwin explained, his voice low and nervous. “He just stood there in the shadows. I couldn’t make him out.”
“But you knew he was looking at you?” Wesley added.
“Exactly, then when I looked again. He was gone and the dead body was just lying there in the snow.”
Wesley took a mouthful of orange juice and seemed more out of sorts than Super Alwin. He sat back as the three of them fell silent, Alwin’s mind wondering about the shadowy figure, just as Wesley’s had. The doors at the far bar opened, Wesley glanced at the woman and man who walked in. From the way they stood observing the pub Wesley assumed they were most likely police.
The tall thin lady unbuttoned her long coat, revealing a dark grey business suit. She sat down with another man, Wesley couldn’t make him out. The guy she entered with was alone a few feet away, strange he thought.
Alwin looked at Wesley, “So who you clashing with next?” he asked. “Echelon two or you going for an eight this time?” he laughed loudly.
“I have no idea, I was hoping you lot would give me some pointers.”
“After you took down Hanson, it’s us that should be asking you.” Alwin continued.
Sadie just laughed.
“I’ll see what happens tonight.”
“Everyone’s going to want to challenge you.” Sadie said.
“We won’t Sadie.” Alwin began, “Darren might.” He smiled.
“No he wouldn’t.” Sadie snapped back a little quicker than Alwin expected. “Leave it.”
“Leave what?” Wesley asked. What was he missing here?
“Nothing, it’s just Alwin being an idiot.”
“Darren was a bit put out, you know he was.” Alwin retorted. “He’s had four loses to your five and my six, now Wes has already done better than all of us.”
“I don’t understand?”
“You could be the best clasher out of us four. That would upset Daz.” He explained. “I thought maybe he’d clash you just to make sure you didn’t win your next fight.”
“Stop it Alwin!” Sadie shouted, she stood up and pointed angrily at him. “Darren’s not like that.”
Sadie turned around and stormed into the ladies toilets. Alwin had a smirk on his face. He had enjoyed winding her up. “Did you see that?” he laughed, “Proper mad.”
“Why did you do that?” Wes asked, genuinely surprised at Alwin’s antics.
“It’s partly true, Darren’s the big man. Me I don’t care about what people think of me. In the arena I try to win, but if I lose, I don’t care.” He explained. “Darren’s a winner, he hates to lose, and out of us three he’s the man. But now you’re here.” Alwin smiled, “The shine has come off somewhat. If you go and win your next fight, and another, and another, Darren’s going to be a very unhappy boy.”
“Oh, right.” Wesley said thinking on his words.
“Don’t think all of us will be happy when you win because I assure you, he won’t.”
Sadie banged open the toilet door as she left, obviously still angered by Alwin’s comments.
“I’m sorry Sadie, I was only joking.” He lied.
“I hate it when you act like that, you’re such a…” She bit her tongue.
"An ass," he gratefully finished. "I know, but if I was different would you still love me?"
Sadie’s stern face cracked a smile. “Shut up.” She snapped, this time without a poisonous tone.
Wesley asked, “What if one of us did fight the other?” as he tapped a beer mat on the table.
“We have. I fought Alwin.”
“I mean for real.”
sp; Alwin and Sadie looked at each other and shook their heads.
“No.” She replied. “We wouldn’t, that would damage our friendship. We don’t fight each other for real.”
“What about me?” Wesley continued. “Would any of you challenge me?”
“I just said no, we’re friends. We don’t challenge friends for real.”
“Plus you’re double hard, Wes.” Alwin joked.
Wesley thought for a moment, he was considered a friend. The only question was would Darren also consider him a friend or a possible adversary within the colosseum?
“Look, you’ll have enough people asking to clash you. You wouldn’t need to fight one of us.” Sadie smiled. “We’re Guilford pupils, we stick together.”
Wesley caught the bus home, Sadie opting to catch a taxi. Super Alwin had returned home and Wes was left feeling anxious once again about tonight. This was different though, he wasn’t worried about entering the arena now. He was worried about who he would have to fight next. The possibility that Darren saw him as a threat would usually have made him laugh, but the truth was Wesley felt an abundance of power as he stood on that sand. After he had defeated the young boy, Wesley could feel the raw energy surging through him.
Once he had returned home, Wesley enjoyed a meal with his mum and dad. The conversation around the table centred on the good time Chad was having in Taiwan. Returning to his room, Wes picked up the sketch pad he had taken from Luke and sat at his desk with it. He flipped through the pages he stopped at the page where the gladiator appeared fighting the giant bear, Wesley was sure now, it was a polar bear.
Turning the page he saw death. Well the way comics and television describe him. The hooded figure holding a scythe looked formidable, his faceless caricature only adding to its mystery. The problem appeared to be no gladiator in the picture. But on the reverse side there was, he was fighting an ogre looking thing. Why was an image of the grim Reaper between his drawings? Spinning himself around on his chair he wondered if the pad was a guideline, showing him what to do, like a walk through on a video game. Then that begged the question who gave it to him and how on earth did he draw it while he was half asleep?