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When Worlds Collide: Solarian Chronicles I

Page 16

by Mallory Anderson

  Malik knelt next to her. “Are you okay?” he gasped, his voice choked with pain.

  She couldn’t take her eyes off Kane’s body, a shaking hand to her throat. “He almost…he was going…” she said in a low, hoarse whisper.

  He took her hands in his. “Hey, hey. Look at me, Angel,” he said, and she finally looked away and met his eyes, and he could see the hysterics trying to break free. “It’s okay. Kane’s dead. It’s over.”

  She threw her arms around him, blind to his blood, and began sobbing uncontrollably. He patted her back gently until she finally cried herself out, and she leaned back, wiping her eyes. “I’m so sorry,” she apologized, wincing at the stabbing pain in her throat.

  He shook his head. “It’s completely understandable.”

  She remembered what Kane had said about killing him first, and she took a good look at him, even as he seemed to wobble on his knees unsteadily. “Good God,” she said, pulling him to his feet and sitting him in a chair. Angel had him take his shirt off, and her star appeared, but it was faint, with barely a glimmer. She was still incredibly weak from her almost strangulation, and she had to close her eyes and grit her teeth to dig down deep to get the energy she needed. She slowly healed his chest, then she began working on his head wound.

  Angel staggered to her feet, then heard Sathe call her name from downstairs. When she tried to turn, everything spun, and she fell face down on the floor with a crash before Malik could catch her. Sathe came charging up the stairs, barging in through the doors. He was already in his armor, his large broadsword drawn, but he stopped, trying to piece together what his wide eyes were seeing. Finally, he focused in on Angel sprawled out on the floor.

  Kneeling beside her, he gently rolled her over, then swore darkly at the dark bruises that were already forming around her slender neck. He felt for her pulse, but it was faint. He looked up at Malik, and he saw the freshly healed wounds on him. “What in the seven hells happened?” he demanded, picking her up and putting her on the bed.

  Malik sighed, wincing at the blood caked in his hair. “I was in the kitchen trying to clean up, and I felt one of Kane’s portals opening up behind me. He hit me in the head, then stabbed me twice in the chest. I guess he thought I was dead, and he vanished back through the portal into one he’d created up here. By the time I got up the stairs, he had her on the floor, his hand at her throat. He, um, he…”

  “What, Malik?”

  He took a deep breath. “Kane was trying to rape her. I don’t know how far he got…” Malik suddenly trailed off at the horrified expression on the prince’s face, which had gone completely white.

  “Kane was what?”

  He closed his eyes, unable to stand the pain on his new friend’s face. “Kane was going to rape her.” With a yell of pure rage, Sathe whirled around, kicking Kane’s lifeless body, and it slammed into the wall, then turned back around to face Malik. His next words came in a rush before the prince could turn on him. “When I saw what he was doing, I stabbed him, killed him. She was unconscious, but she came to, and started freaking out, but I think I got her calmed down as quick as I could. When she saw me, she healed me. She had just stood up, but she was weak. Then, when she heard you, she turned too quick. I guess it was just too much, and she just collapsed.”

  “Why didn’t she turn, though? Kane’s no match for her in that form,” Sathe asked.

  “I think he caught her by surprise while she was still asleep, and judging by the bruises on her throat, I’d say he probably choked her to the point she was just too weak to change,” Malik replied quietly. “I’m so, so sorry, Sathe. You trusted me to watch out for her, and I failed.”

  * * *

  Sathe turned to look at him with disbelieving eyes. “Are you serious? You stopped Kane from…from…” He shook his head, unable to say the word. “He would’ve killed her and doomed us all if you hadn’t stopped him.” He suddenly pulled him into a rough brotherly embrace. “You have nothing to apologize for. I’m the one who’s sorry, sorry for ever doubting you.”

  Malik stepped back with a short laugh. “You had every reason in this world to question me.” He looked at Angel. “Do you think she’ll be okay?”

  “I think so. She just needs a chance to rest and recover her energy.” Sathe checked her pulse again, and it was already stronger. He nodded. “It’s better already.” The bruises made him want to kill Kane all over again, and he turned back into his regular clothes before he ended up taking his sword out and hacking him into a million pieces. He pulled his phone out and called the others and his father and asked if they could meet at her house. They all asked what was going on, and he just sighed. “I’ll explain everything when everyone’s here.”

  It took about an hour, but everyone was settling down into the living room. “Where’s Angel?” Diamonique asked, looking around.

  “She’s resting upstairs,” he replied.

  “Sathe, what’s going on?” Michael asked, seeing the hidden anger in his oldest son’s eyes.

  “Kane’s dead,” he said bluntly.

  Neo jumped to his feet. “That’s great!” he exclaimed, then he really looked at Sathe’s eyes, and he saw the same thing Michael had seen. He sat back down. “How did you kill him?”

  Sathe shook his head. “I didn’t.”

  They all turned surprised eyes on Malik, who was standing beside the fireplace, and he quietly explained what had happened, discreetly leaving out the part where Kane had tried to rape her. Neo raised his eyebrows. “You killed your own brother?”

  Malik shook his head. “My brother died a long time, Neo. This Kane I’ve had to deal with? He was a monster wearing my brother’s body.”

  “Is Angel going to be okay?” Michael asked, and Sathe nodded.

  Damien was quiet, but he finally spoke up. “You know what this means, right? Not only do we not have anything to worry about until Ciera remembers, but even when she does? She’ll be all alone, with no allies.”

  Sathe nodded. “Exactly. That’s the silver lining in what happened today.”

  “And Selene said it could be months before Ciera remembers,” Neo said. “She’ll have all the time in the world to rest, but why don’t we just go take care of her now, before she remembers?”

  * * *

  The answer came from a weak, hoarse voice behind them. “Because, that would be the same as murder.” They all turned to see Angel slowly making her way down the stairs, clutching the railing tightly. Sathe was by her side in an instant, his arm around her waist for support. All their eyes widened at the ugly bruise on her throat.

  Diamonique opened her mouth, but Angel shook her head. “Ciera paid for what she had done on Solaris, and she hasn’t done anything here on Earth. I beat her in the fight we had at the gym, and Yazmina murdering my mother had nothing to do with Ciera. If we killed her now, it wouldn’t be anything but murder. We can’t punish her ahead of time for something she hasn’t done yet.”

  Damien chuckled faintly. “You’re sounding like your mother already.”

  Sathe took her hand as she saw down. “How do you feel?”

  She squeezed it gently. “I’ll be okay. No permanent damage done.” He understood she was talking about more than the bruises, and he smiled back. “I think the son of a bitch cracked a rib, though. He kicked the mess out of me.” She poked at her side gently, then winced. “Yeah, it’s definitely going to be tender for a few days.” She saw all of them looking at her. “Seriously, guys. I’ll be fine,” she said, then coughed.

  “What did you do with the body?” Sathe asked.

  “It went the same way as Yazmina,” she replied

  “I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you,” he apologized.

  She laid a hand on his cheek. “Hey, it’s not your fault, at all. You went to go see your dad. There’s nothing wrong with that, so stop blaming yourself. I can’t believe I was so asleep I didn’t realize anything was wrong until it was too late.”

  Sathe just sighed. �
�Thank God for Malik.”

  “Amen to that,” Neo said. “I don’t know about everyone else, but I’m sorry we ever doubted you.” Malik just shrugged, and it was obvious he was uncomfortable with all the attention.

  A little while later, everyone left, and Malik eventually went back to the apartment, accepting another hug from Angel. She tried to get up, but Sathe held her down gently. “What do you want, and I’ll get it.”

  “I just want something to drink,” she sighed.

  “I’ll be right back,” he said, then came back and handed her a bottle of water, kneeling beside her. “Are you really okay?”

  She brushed his bangs out of his eyes, and he smiled to see the light shining in hers. “I swear to you, what Kane tried to do, it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t affect how I feel about you, either in my heart, mind, or body.”

  She hugged him tightly, and he wanted to do the same for her, but he remembered the cracked rib. He smiled slowly, kissing her throat, and he heard a soft gasp that didn’t sound like it had much to do with pain. “And how does your body feel?”

  She grinned. “Why don’t you carry me upstairs and let me show you?” He started to pick her up, but she stopped him. “Actually, you know what? Why don’t you just grab a couple of blankets and put them in front of the fireplace?”

  When they laid down, she showed him exactly how her body felt, and it left them both exhausted and her stomach growling. He laughed. “How does your throat feel?”

  She swallowed, then winced. “Sore as hell,” she admitted.

  “Don’t worry, I think I saw some ice cream in the freezer,” he said, and he laughed as her eyes lit up. He got up and came back a few minutes later with two bowls full. They started eating, and she was letting the ice cream melt some before trying to swallow it so it wouldn’t hurt as much going down. Some fell off her spoon and slid down her chest. “I got it,” he said, then leaned over and licked all the way from her stomach to her mouth, then laid her back. “You know I love you, right?”

  She smiled, her arms around his neck, then kissed him. “Of course I do, just as I love you.”

  * * *

  It was two more days before schools opened back up, and the bruises around her neck hid behind a thick scarf. She saw Adea bolt for her as soon as she got out of the car, and she braced herself as her best friend collided with her, tears in her eyes. “I was so worried about you. How have you been?”

  Angel rolled her eyes. “I’ll explain everything in class. How much have I missed?”

  “Nothing you can’t really make up, since you only missed like those three days. The rest we all missed because of the snow,” Adea laughed, linking her arm through Angel’s as they went to class.

  The teacher welcomed her back with a smile, and the two girls began talking in their heads, Angel explaining everything about Kane, and Malik joining them. Adea couldn’t believe he’d really connected with a Delling, then killed his own brother. So, it’s all over except for Ciera?

  Yes, thank God, Angel wrote back. Mom said before she died the seal could last for months, so I’m hoping we can keep enjoying the peace for a little while. Adea just nodded back emphatically.

  The rest of the day went smoothly, and her guy friends welcomed her back to the lunch table gladly. Once school was out, he put his arm around her waist. “Why don’t you let me drive? I’ve got a surprise for you.”

  “Um, okay?” she said, then dropped the keys into his waiting hand, and when they got to the car, he opened and closed her door for her. She was shocked, however, when he drove her to his house instead of hers. She raised an eyebrow at him. “What in the world?”

  He didn’t say anything, just took her hand and led her into the house, and she almost had a heart attack when almost everyone she knew crowded into the living room under a huge ‘Happy Birthday’. Angel just stood, her mouth dropped open, then she smacked herself in the forehead. Adea laughed. “Let me guess, you forgot?”

  Angel stuck her tongue out, then laughed. “Can you blame me? I’ve kind of had a lot going on.”

  “Of course, you have,” she said, hugging her friend. “That’s why I knew you would forget, and that’s why I knew I could surprise you. You forget, honey, I know you almost better than you know yourself.”

  Angel went around, hugging everyone, then a large, wrapped box in the corner caught her eye. “What in the world is that?” she asked.

  Sathe laughed, then eyed Michael, who nodded. “It’s for you. We had it shipped overnight from England.”

  “You did what?” she asked.

  “Just open it and see,” Sathe said, still grinning. “Don’t worry. I didn’t spend a dime on it.”

  Angel hesitantly pulled a ribbon from the top of the gigantic box, then pulled off the top. She jumped back, her eyes wide as the box seemed to explode, confetti flying, and a guy jumped out with a huge grin. “Happy birthday, Angel!”

  Her mouth fell open, and she squealed. “Ari!” He tore through the rest of the box and scooped her up into an enormous bear hug. She laughed breathlessly. “I though you said he was your little brother, Garin,” she said, remembering to call him by his Earth name at the last second.

  Ari laughed, his green eyes dancing. Even though he was two years younger than Sathe, he was already an inch taller and broader across the shoulders. He planted a kiss on her, then dodged a swing from his older brother. “No worries, big bro.” He turned back to Angel. “I just flew in last night for your birthday. I couldn’t miss it.”

  “You’re not staying?” she asked.

  “No. I’m just here until after the New Year, then I’ve got to go back and finish my year out, then I’ll be here permanently.” She play-pouted, and he laughed. “Don’t worry. I’ll get on your nerves plenty in those few days.” Ari had always been like her own little brother on Elagon and Solaris.

  When she sat down, she had a Sands brother on either side, and even though she was tall herself, she felt dwarfed by them. Everyone began passing her presents, and clothes, music, jewelry, and more than she could imagine soon surrounded her. The last present came from Sathe, and he handed her a necklace box.

  She opened it, and she gasped, her hand going to her mouth. It was a spectacular necklace with diamonds all around it, and a familiar four-cornered star made of sapphires. “It’s so beautiful,” she whispered, then kissed him.

  “I’ve got something else for you, but it’s for later,” he whispered in her ear, and she chuckled.

  After cake, ice cream, and pizza, she realized she hadn’t laughed so much since before she remembered her past life. As she watched her friends, her family, laughing and joking, it amazed her at how happy and content she was. She hadn’t expected to feel this happy so soon after losing her mother. She had thought she’d feel lonely, but people who truly loved surrounded her. Not just because of what she used to be, or who she was now, but that loved her for her.

  * * *

  Everyone went outside, and there was still plenty of snow from the blizzard, and they all erupted into an epic snowball fight. They were all dripping wet and chilled to the bone, and they went inside for hot chocolate and coffee. Around seven, Sathe said he wanted to take her to dinner. He helped her get everything into the car, then took her back home.

  Angel took a shower, blow-drying her hair and straightening it, then she did her make-up. She’d seen Sathe had changed into a suit and tie, and she chose a long, dark blue silk dress with thin straps over her shoulders that crisscrossed in the back with a low neckline and a slit to her thigh. She found a pair of matching heels, then put on a pair of diamond earrings and the necklace Sathe had made for her, then pulled the top half of her hair back, forming a loose cross tie in the back before inserting the sapphire and diamond combs into it.

  Angel literally took his breath away, and she looked every inch a queen. He helped her out to the car, then got in. They went to one of the new restaurants, and instantly, everyone’s eyes went to her. He wrapped an arm around
her, and she smiled up at him. The server took them to a table by the window, and even he couldn’t hardly keep his eyes off her as he took their order. He didn’t bother asking for ID when they ordered a bottle of wine. At first, Sathe thought it was just because he was a little blindsided from Angel’s dress, but the more he looked at the girl sitting across from him, the more it sunk in.

  Almost overnight, the girl he’d known had literally become a woman. She had just turned eighteen, but she looked every bit of twenty-two or twenty-three. That’s when he remembered his Solarian history. According to her people, her ancestry, she had just come of age. If they had been on Solaris, she would assume the throne now. From here on out, she wouldn’t age any longer, unless she willed it so.

  They lingered over dinner, and he took her hand. “Have you had a good birthday?”

  She smiled. “It’s been the best.”


  “Really,” she laughed.

  He kissed the back of her hand, then locked their fingers. Two glasses of wine later, they were ready to head out, but when they got back to her house, they just sat in the car and talked about anything and everything. Finally, they got out and went inside. When she got back upstairs, she found her other gift on the bed and started laughing. It was a blue corset with a g-string and garters. She kept the jewelry, then put everything on. Going through her drawers, she even found a pair of black stockings, then she put the heels back on. She tied a short, black robe around her, covering everything, before going back downstairs.

  * * *

  He was sitting on the couch, his jacket and tie off, and his shirt was unbuttoned. She took the TV remote from his hand, standing behind the couch and tossed it on the other couch. She leaned over, kissing his neck and shoulders as her hands went down his chest and stomach. “Jesus, woman,” he said, his eyes closing as he felt her nibbling on his ear, and he tilted his head back, his lips on hers.


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