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Blood Song: Immortal Keeper Vampire Paranormal Romance Series

Page 8

by C. D. Gorri

  Hours later, I couldn’t really tell the time anymore as my days had somehow become nights and vice versa, we were seated in the back of a long limousine with Ivan behind the wheel. I didn’t know when that asshole had turned back up, but he was here now.

  “Have I told you, you look divine?” Alek said without glancing my way and I could not help the smile that spread across my face.

  “You might have mentioned it once or twice.”

  After some debate, I went along with his suggestion of what to wear in terms of a gown. The short-sleeved black confection looked as good as he said it would when the boutique had sent it and a dozen other items over for my perusal.

  It was modest from the front, though I had to admit it was so tight it outlined every curve of my body down to my ankles. And the back was another story entirely. By that, I meant there was no back, like at all, to the dress. It was a miracle it stayed on.

  Okay, maybe not a miracle. More like a silver clasp behind my neck that held the top in place and a thin band of rubber that kept the skirt from sliding off my ass. But all in all I was bare all the way down to the small butterfly tattoo I’d gotten as a teenager that sat right above my right cheek.

  The gown was designed so that I was forced to forego undergarments. A fact which seemed to make Alek grin wickedly while bringing out his increasingly hot, possessive side. The memory of the long, warm shower we’d taken together after waking up from our first round of lovemaking had me licking my lips in pleasure.

  “Behave,” he growled and nipped my earlobe, “I can scent your arousal.”


  “And I love it, but if anyone else comes near you when you smell so delicious, I will kill them where they stand.”

  Okay. So that should not have made me wet, and yet it did. Holy sexy-pants. He took my hand and placed it on his elbow, eyes straight, and I couldn’t help but think how good he looked in his tuxedo.

  “I know you’ve been avoiding it, but we will discuss the whole biting and drinking thing, Alek,” I whispered and he lifted my hand and kissed it before placing it back down on his arm.

  He’d been close-lipped about the whole thing, but I heard him talking to Klaus. Not all humans survived the blood exchange. That was one reason there weren’t millions of Vamps running around. I had something to tell him that would change his mind, but not yet. Nerves made my stomach clench, and I inhaled his spicy scent for strength.

  This was not my scene, not my crowd, but for some reason, as we pulled up behind the other limos at the exceedingly gaudy estate of the Vampire Princess in the heart of Manhattan, I felt perfectly at ease.

  My gown was couture, my shoes cost more than my rent, but that wasn’t why I felt so good. It was because of him. Alek was generous in many ways. None of which could compete with how thoroughly giving he was when it came to sex.

  I didn’t want to think about how he became so knowledgeable, after all, I’d been a virgin. We’d exchanged everything but blood, and I was still as human as ever, but I felt different somehow. Changed evermore.

  Everything I knew about Vampires said they were beautiful, powerful and well, I was just me. How could I compete with that? With Princess Ana and her minions?

  “There is only you for me, Carina,” he whispered in my ear and placed a kiss on the spot where he’d first bitten me after I was attacked by Vladek’s men.

  For some reason, that caress seemed to ease every doubt and calm every nerve. I believed him. He was not lying when he said he wanted me. That much was very true. The things he’d whispered to me when we made love were not the words of a man or Vampire who was afraid of commitment.

  Yes, we had yet to discuss turning me, if such a thing could even be accomplished, but we would. It didn’t matter right now. I knew I wanted to be with him more than anything. Even more than the revenge I craved for the crimes against my parents. Maybe I had to let go of the past in order to embrace my future. Only time would tell for certain.

  Life was an adventure, a glorious journey for most. I never thought it would be that way for me. Never dreamed I would have a fairytale ending of my own, even if that fairytale was somewhat dark and twisted. Maybe I wouldn’t get to keep him after all.

  There was no way of knowing. I would have to learn to enjoy the life I was living. To be in the present. Glancing at the man beside me, I knew it wouldn’t be difficult. He was mesmerizing. Almost too beautiful in his tailor-made tux with his thick hair combed away from his perfect face. And I meant perfect. The man had cheekbones most women would die for. That and those crazy silver eyes framed by thick lashes and dark eyebrows. And lastly, the carefully trimmed smattering of facial hair that drove me wild with need.

  Guys like him never gave girls like me the time of day, and yet there I was. And I had never felt better.

  “Are you ready, little one?” he asked.

  I nodded though, to be honest, I wasn’t sure. Was I ready? Who knew?

  But one thing was certain, it sure as hell was time to find out.




  “Princess Ana de Medici cordially invites you to her annual Wolf Moon Court Ceremony,” Carina read the invitation I held in my hand.

  The touch of her hand seemed to burn through the fabric of my jacket, scoring the skin beneath, and I growled softly. I would’ve given anything to be anywhere else.

  Two exchanges. We’d had two exchanges of fluids, one through my healing bite, and one through sex. More was required to start the process that would alter her DNA to make her like me, but could I risk it?

  Not everyone survived the turn. Of course, I hadn’t planned on what had occurred between us earlier that night. Her near-death experience after her encounter with that damned egg left us both needing to reaffirm that she was still alive the moment she came out of the trance-like state.

  Vampires don’t typically do fear. And yet I had never been more afraid of anything in my life than I was of losing her. I was glad to be getting rid of the fucking vile artifact.

  Still, I was curious about what had transpired. Carina was tightlipped, and I knew she needed time to process everything. But that might not be possible. Especially not now that I had a taste of the caramel and cocoa butter scented beauty.

  The sound of her heart beating inside her chest was the only thing that calmed me as my Vampire instincts picked up on the predators lurking nearby. These damn moon ceremonies were always full of Vamps, but Ana, well, she enjoyed a wide variety of guests.

  Members from the Royal Court of the Fae, the local Werewolf Alpha, and a few other Shifter Clans were represented here tonight. The sound of classical music swelled softly from the open doors as we walked up the marble staircase to the first security guard. I knew the Vampire well.

  Charles accepted the invitation I passed him but did not move aside. Growling a bit louder when I discerned the reason why as his gaze settled on Carina with more than passing interest, I lifted my lip in an open snarl. Charles raised an eyebrow but this time he moved. Swiftly.

  Maybe he was not as dumb as he looked. We walked past the double doors into the ballroom where the evening was to take place. Ana had, of course, outdone herself.

  Black-clothed tables were decorated with gilded cups. Blood-red roses spilled from vases and candles floated in crystal bowls of water on every available surface. The wait staff passed flutes of champagne and tall glasses of a deep red liquid that smelled like A positive.

  From where I was standing, I recognized another waiter pass with a very rare carafe of blood and smirked at Ana’s decadent ways. She was truly incorrigible. The floor had been polished to gleam under the light of the actual full moon. The entire ceiling was made of retractable clear glass panels, and the sky was visible even in the center of midtown.

  It was winter, so she’d kept them closed, but still, the moon looked magnificent. Along the walls were glass cases filled with treasures. Many of which I had curated for the Vampire Prince

  “Is Timeless Possessions responsible for all this?” Carina asked in a whisper of a voice that tickled my sensitive ears.

  “Most of them, yes,” I nodded, “but this is the only Faberge in the lot.”

  “What about that?” Carina raised her eyebrows and I saw in the center of the room on a pedestal a replica of the Cherub and Chariot egg. I was unsure what game Ana was playing, but there was definitely something going on.

  As we made our way through the crowd, I found myself fighting the instinct to pick up my Chosen and flee to safety. But I was in no position to do so. To run would be to admit defeat and to keep Carina safe, I needed to be strong.

  Instinctively, Carina pressed against my side, and I calmed, slightly. She did not look too closely at anyone. Smart. Very smart. But what did I expect? She was that and so much more.

  “Aleksei, darling,” Ana practically shouted my name, and I stilled immediately, “come. You are the guest of honor after all.”

  “Am I?” I smiled coolly and kept a slow pace as I ignored Ana’s outstretched arm in favor of my Chosen.

  It was ballsy, but I meant no insult. The fact was, I could not bring myself to touch another. Carina was my all.

  “Indeed, I see things are different now,” she said and smiled widely at Carina showing off her sharp white teeth for too long a moment.

  I hissed softly, and she raised her eyebrows. Ana was not as strong physically, but she was bloodthirsty in her own ways. And this was her territory. Despite the measures I had taken to ensure Carina’s safety, I needed to keep my protective instincts to a dull roar.

  “Everyone,” Ana smiled and clapped, turning her back on me in a show of arrogance I silently applauded, “I have an announcement to make. The egg you have all been admiring is a fake! A fraudulent piece that came into my possession bearing Aleksei’s seal.”

  “I told you, Ana, that was not of my design-”

  But she did not let me finish, and I clenched my jaw in frustration. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Klaus, with him was Boris, Gregor, and Marcus. Ivan too had left the limo and was now taking up residence against the wall.

  My Clan would not have their Knyaz vulnerable to attack. I was certainly strong enough to protect myself, but I had Carina to think about. And I thanked my guard through our Clan bonds.

  “Yes, poor Aleksei was the victim of a little subterfuge by my other guest,” she grinned and turned.

  Then I saw him. Vladek the Merciless. Immediately, I hissed and placed myself slightly in front of the suddenly stiff female beside me. Carina’s mouth hung open, but I did not ask myself why. I had to control my own emotions and her fear was driving them wild with the need to protect.

  “What is this, Ana? Do you know what he has done?”

  “Indeed, I do. Vladek, maybe you would like to explain while I observe the piece you have brought me, Aleksei.”

  I moved to hand over the egg, but Carina took the case from me and removed it herself.

  “So, you’re calling yourself Vladek now?”

  My Chosen held the priceless egg over her head as if to throw it. Shocked, I raised my arm to stop the tide of Ana’s clan from rushing over. Klaus and my men moved into position, surrounding us as Carina’s eyes blazed with something like rage.

  “That’s mine!” spat Ana.

  “That’s funny cause I am the one holding it,” Carina responded and she glared at her before turning to him.

  I cursed under my breath. What the fuck was going on? I liked Ana, but if she even looked at Carina the wrong way I would rip her throat out with my fingers. Fucking hell. I would burn the entire world down for her. She was my reason. My blood song. The only thing in the world worth anything.

  “Ana,” I warned then turned to my lover, “Carina? Maybe you can explain?”

  It took me centuries to find her, and now that I had. I was not letting go. Especially not for a fucking Easter egg.

  “But that’s just it, Alek. This is not the typical Faberge egg,” she responded , picking up on my thoughts again, “Is it Vladek?”

  “You think you know what you have there?” the crazed Vampire with the long beard grunted and began to close in on us.

  I crouched low, taking up a defensive stance with my claws out and my fangs descended.

  “I know exactly what this is,” she held her head high, “This is why you killed my parents and made it look like drug dealers were responsible. This was why you attacked me. It was never about the egg, it was the secret inside.”

  Carina too had been keeping secrets from me. Quite astonishing since we’d been in and out of each other’s minds and bodies for the past two days.

  “You’re just a filthy human, you have no idea what that is,” Vlad hissed, and I growled with all the rage building inside of me.

  “My name is Carina Martin. That’s short for Martynovna and my bloodline can be traced back to the imperial house, but you know that don’t you? Vladek, or should I just call you Rasputin?”

  Heads turned and shocked gasps sounded as Carina identified the Vampire who’d been plaguing me for decades. Vladek the Merciless was Vladimir Rasputin. A fucking cockroach in the history of Russia. A madman and self-proclaimed mystic who’d left bodies upon bodies wherever he roamed.

  “This egg holds the key to where you hid the rest of the Romanov treasures, doesn’t it? I absorbed the information. I know where they are, and I know how to access them. This, this has no secrets now,” Carina said.

  “You stupid fool,” Rasputin spat and to my surprise he sprinted the distance, blinking out of existence and back again directly in front of Carina with his hands around her neck.

  I snarled and hit him hard, forcing him to let go. Carina didn’t hesitate she tossed the egg to Ana who whipped it from the air. Those treasures were priceless, but to me she was the only thing worth anything. And I would kill anyone who dared touch what was mine.

  Rasputin lunged forward, but I was faster. As Knyaz, I was trained since my childhood for combat. The blue-eyed Vampire was no match for me. Even so, he was strong. And killing him in Ana’s territory would not be wise. But I didn’t give a fuck. As I raised my clawed fingers to remove Rasputin’s head, Carina’s voice rang clearly in my brain.

  “Wait,” she said, and put her hand on my shoulder.

  She was the only person who could’ve gotten away with touching me in a full on fury. I was hers to command. Stilling immediately, as our hostess stepped in.

  “Seize him,” Ana commanded, and for once I was grateful for her unusual taste in guests.

  Only the combination of Fae, Shifter, Witch, and Vampire magics could safely imprison a mystic Vampire such as Rasputin was claimed to be. Of course, no one had put the criminal Vladek together with the vile cretin who helped destroy the Romanovs.

  “Are you okay?” I asked Carina moments later and ran my hands over her body to ensure she was whole.

  “Yes, I am fine,” she nodded, but I could see she was shaken.

  Lifting her in my arms, my guard surrounded us as I walked to the exit, but we were stopped by Ana before we could get away.

  “Alek,” the Vampire Princess called out, “Bring your Chosen back after you’ve turned her. I can’t have my guests being so vulnerable to attack, besides, I might want in on the treasures she can locate.”

  Carina sat up and gave Ana a sly wink before curling her arms around my neck. I nodded once and took off for the stairs.

  “Ivan bring the limo around. I will meet you all back home.”

  I hardly ever sprinted from such a distance, but I needed Carina home. In my bed. Now.

  The need to reaffirm her safety burned within me, and I used all my speed and strength as I pulled us through time and space until we were back in my bedroom.

  “What happened when you touched that egg?” I asked as I sat her on the edge of the bed and knelt down to remove her shoes first.

  “I saw the past, Alek. I know who I am not, who my parents were,” sh
e licked her lips, “My father’s people were lower nobles, but related to the Romanov line. I saw Vladek, or Rasputin, and how he lied and connived, stole from the family. He made a deal with a Vampire to be turned so he could come back and find his treasures after the Bolsheviks destroyed the royal family. He,” she frowned, “he knew they were going to kill the children, and he did nothing to stop it. That lowlife only wanted the treasure. Money and power.”

  “I am glad you were not hurt,” I said and pulled her into my arms. Even kneeling on the floor while she sat on the mattress I was taller than her, but she felt so good in my arms. Where she belonged.

  “But don’t ever do that again,” I murmured into her hair.

  “Do what?”

  “Put yourself in danger,” I growled and kissed her hard on the lips.

  “You know what to do to stop me from being vulnerable, Alek,” she said.

  Fear trickled up my spine even as my cock throbbed and my gums ached with my fangs. Yes, I wanted to claim her again, to drink her blood and to give her mine, but what if she didn’t make it? I could not risk it.

  “It’s too dangerous,” I said, “Not everyone survives.”

  “I can,” she stated with absolute assurance.

  “How can you know?”

  “I saw it. My bloodline has been linked with yours for ages. The same way your Grandfather knew he could turn you and make you heir to the Clan. My family and yours, tied for centuries,” she smiled and tears rolled down her cheeks.

  “What? How can you?”

  “It’s why Ivan acts like he hates me,” I laughed as someone knocked on the door.

  “Come in,” Carina said, while I would’ve refused entry.

  “Moy Knyaz i Knyazhna, you are both safe,” Klaus nodded at me, and shoved Ivan forward, “Tell him.”

  “She tells the truth, Aleksei. Carina Martynovna is my cousin, though a few centuries removed. She can be turned.”


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