Book Read Free


Page 10

by Posey Parks

  “Carmen, why are you avoiding me?”

  She didn’t answer right away. “Do you even remember me?” She turned a small knob on the side of the microscope.

  I placed my hand over hers. “Carmen, stop hiding behind the microscope and talk to me.”

  She raised her head then sat on the wheeled stool. Carmen laughed, running the base of her hand over her forehead. “Of course, you don’t remember. I stepped on your shoe in the cafeteria the first week of school years ago. You were with your girlfriend.”

  I grimaced. “She wasn’t my girlfriend.”

  Carmen glared at the counter. “She was fucking rude.”

  I felt the tension between us.

  I raised an eyebrow. “You’re right, she was. And I apologized.”

  She nodded. “Still doesn’t explain after all these years... Why do you want to talk to me now?” She wouldn’t meet my gaze.

  I wanted to grip her chin and force her eyes on mine.

  “I saw you at a party. You rolled your eyes and walked off. I’d seen you at other parties but didn’t bother to get your attention. I saw you in the school halls too. By then I avoided you.”

  I ran my hand over my grown-out mane. “Carmen, I haven’t seen you since my freshman year in the café.”

  She folded her arms across her chest.

  I didn’t think she believed me.

  “Out of all the times you’ve seen me who was I with?”

  She glared into my eyes. “I don’t know several women. Look, I’m not sure if you are bored with your normal plethora of women, but I have tons of research to continue. If you’d excuse me.”

  She stood and stepped toward the microscope. I intercepted and stalked toward her until she halted at the cabinet behind her. I placed my hands on either side of her and leaned into her ear.

  “I couldn’t get you off my mind that day. Several times over the years I’d thought about you. I didn’t know your name. Had no way of finding you. I can promise one thing.” My lips grazed her ear. She whimpered and fidgeted against my muscled frame. “If I’d seen you at any party, I damn sure would have talked to you. I wouldn’t ever ignore you.” I stepped back and watched her visibly swallow and run her hand across her collar bone.

  “I won’t crowd you. But I damn sure won’t give up. I want to spend time with you, Carmen.”

  Her eyes softened a little. She didn’t say a word.

  I turned on my heels and walked out of the lab.

  I had no idea she remembered our first encounter and damn sure had no idea she’d seen me on several occasions. Why didn’t I see her? Maybe it wasn’t our time. I was extremely busy back then. I knew she liked me. That glimmer in her eyes both times we’d met was evident. Once again, I said she wouldn’t be an easy nut to crack.

  I hated I knew when her birthday was, but I couldn’t tell her happy birthday. If I did, she’d know I’d looked into her.

  That fucking moan that escaped her throat, I’d shove my tongue down her throat until she moaned louder. My goal was to break Carmen. Tear all her safety walls down. One day she’ll run into my arms instead of run away.

  As difficult as it was, I waited until mid-January to talk to Carmen again. Didn’t mean I didn’t see her. When she returned to school from break, the second she walked through the door her eyes scanned the coffee shop. I kept my head low. Brian and Hugo said she saw me and began walking my way then changed her direction.

  No need asking what she was afraid of. We were afraid of the same thing giving all of ourselves to the other.

  Where was Carmen on a Saturday night? The library. I plopped in the seat beside her. “Hello, Carmen.”



  I placed my hand over my brow and stared at my laptop. What the fuck was he doing here?

  My heart beat louder and louder. I wanted him to fucking leave. God, he smelled good enough to eat. That damn cologne he wore. I squeezed my thighs together and crossed my legs at my ankles.

  I hadn’t recovered since the last time I saw him.


  Nope won’t let his name fall from my lips again.

  I couldn’t believe he walked into the lab where I worked. Oh, and the audacity to not even mention he remembered me. Over the break I wondered if he was telling the truth about him never seeing me at those parties.

  The way he pinned my body against the cabinet revealed why I needed to stay away from him. I’d give all of myself to him without fail. His lips grazed my ear with desire. Fuck, makes me wet just thinking about it. I hated how persistent he was. Shit the whole, ‘I won’t give up on you’ spiel. Almost for a second, I contemplated speaking to him at the coffee shop, then I changed my mind. I couldn’t.

  I glanced at the bag and drink he sat on the table. “You can’t eat in the library. I’m sure you know that.”

  He still rocked the drop-dead gorgeous mountain man beard. Dominic sat back in the chair, tossing his arm across the back of my seat. “It’s your dinner.”

  My body heated and all my nerve endings went crazy.

  “I don’t know you. I am supposed to just take a meal from you.”

  He typed something on his cell then laid it next to my laptop.

  “My name is Dominic Sergio Magarelli.”

  I swiped my finger over the cell screen.

  “Carmen Drake,” I stated nonchalantly. “Your father is the governor of New Jersey and you are studying law.” I glanced over his shoulder two men covered the exits on either side of the library. The same guys I’ve noticed at the coffee shop. “And they are?”

  “My bodyguards. How long do you plan to study tonight?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Ok. You can warm the soup when you get home. But drink the tea now. No one will tell you to leave. Have a good night, Carmen.” He swiped up his cell.

  I immediately sipped the drink. I was parched.

  “Thank you.”

  He smiled over his shoulder as he walked toward the exit.

  The second he disappeared out the door, I glanced in the bag. Spinach artichoke soup. My favorite. Wait how did he know?

  Later that night, I stepped inside my apartment, sighed, and fell against the door.

  Paisley glanced over her shoulder from the sofa. “Why are you all flustered?”

  “Dominic, brought my favorite soup and tea to the library.” I flopped on the sofa next to her and sat the soup on the wooden coffee table.

  “Oh, I know his last name.”

  Her eyes widened. “What is it?”

  “Magarelli.” I retrieved my cell from my pocket and opened the browser. “Look.” I leaned in.

  “I’ve scrolled through so many pictures of him.”

  Her hand flew over her mouth. “That’s Ryan’s friend. I’ve seen him, but he’s never seen me.”

  Ryan and Paisley were best friends. They grew up in Baton Rouge together. Although, they’d never been seen together on campus. Paisley loved California. She wasn’t sure if she’d move back to Baton Rouge.


  “Yeah, and he deserves the name Mr. Sexy.”

  “He does.” I bit my lower lip. “I couldn’t believe he came back.”

  “Carmen, he told you he wasn’t going to let up.”

  “I know.” I squeezed my head. “He didn’t stay long. He made it a point to share who he was and left.”

  “I think you should give him a chance. He doesn’t cross boundaries too much.”

  We laughed.

  “But do you want to see him?”

  “The part of me that’s lusting after him does. But the rest of me is afraid to fall in love with him.”

  Paisley dropped her head against the sofa. “I think it’s a little too late. You have it bad for him.”

  I sighed. “I know. That’s why I’ve made it a point to never call him.”

  “Well decide soon, before some other woman swoops in and takes your man. Women have always hung all
over him and Ryan.”


  For months, Dominic or his bodyguards brought meals to the library and to the lab. The times he left food at my station he made sure my boss locked the meal in my drawer.

  Smiling from ear to ear, I’d send him a text.

  Hi, Dominic, thank you for dinner. That was sweet.

  Carmen, you work hard. I want to make sure you’re eating well balanced meals.

  A few days later, I decided to shoot him a text.

  It was his birthday. I recalled from the information he shared in the library awhile back.

  Happy Birthday, Dominic.

  Thank you, Carmen.

  I ran my hands over my face, sitting in my bed.

  I’d like to take you to lunch or early dinner. But nothing too expensive please.

  Where do you love to hang out?

  Dominic, it’s your birthday.

  I know. Humor me.

  Tin Pot Creamery.

  That’s where we’ll go. What time would you like me to pick you up?

  We can meet there at 4 p.m.

  See you then.

  I threw my cell at my side and shook my head. How embarrassing. I asked him out, then told him not to choose an expensive place.


  Twiddling my fingers, I sat at a small table inside the busy creamery. I didn’t know if I should have waited outside or texted once I arrived. My stomach churned. It wasn’t a far walk. I arrived five minutes early.

  Dominic strolled over. “Hello, Carmen,” he smiled.

  I waved.

  He sat caddie corner. “Are you all right?”


  The light green shirt rested open showing off the white T-Shirt. And his khaki shorts revealed his hairy legs.

  “What’s wrong.”

  “I’ve gone on one date since I’ve attended Stanford. And before that never. My brothers were over protective. I brought a guy here before as a test. I wanted to see what his intentions were. After two dates, I guess he saw he couldn’t get as far as he wanted to or I was too much work. He was the teacher’s assistant in my lab class. He quickly moved on to the next woman.”

  “You are a knock out. Every man wants to have sex with you. But the man who wants more will take his time with you.”

  “Oh, like yourself?”

  “I don’t want to talk about sex. Come on, let’s go. I want to take you somewhere fun for my birthday.”

  He stood and stretched out his hand for mine. I hesitated then placed my hand in his. Dominic guided us out the door. The sun radiated my skin the second we stepped to the curb. He nodded to his guards and opened the passenger door. I slid onto the bucket seat of the black Lamborghini. He hopped in the driver’s seat. I glanced out the side mirror. His guards hopped in the Suburban behind us.

  “So, what my date spot wasn’t good enough?”

  “It’s not that. It’s late April, I’ve waited since December to date you. Well really longer than that. I want to spend as much time as I can with you.” He pulled his lower lip into his mouth.

  Shit, I just realized I told him I was a virgin. Live in the moment for once.

  “Back in December, I returned from my trip a week late because my grandmother passed away on my birthday.”

  His eyebrows rose. “I am so sorry for your loss. Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I didn’t want that to be our first conversation.”

  “Going forward. I want to know what’s happening in your life. I could’ve sent flowers or just been a shoulder for you to lean on.”

  My eyes dropped in my lap. “Thank you.”

  “Ask me anything.”

  I tapped my finger on my chin. “Why do you wear suits most of the time?”

  He chuckled slipping on his aviator sunglasses at the traffic light. “I do wear suits often. But not all the time.”

  He held open his button-down shirt. “I wear suits because I would like to prepare myself to express professionalism to my clients.”

  “What happened between you and the woman you were with that day?”

  His eyebrows ruffled together and his olive skin turned a tinge of red.

  “She wanted to be my woman, then my wife.”

  My eyebrows rose. “Oh.”

  “Yeah, I was content dating her. She wanted more than I was willing to give. In the end she didn’t listen and I broke her heart. In New Jersey everyone knows who I am. Here I have freedom to be myself. There aren’t any cameras in my face at every turn. Many times, when I arrive in New Jersey I try to remain under the radar. During my father’s campaign for governor I flew home often. I graduated a year later, because of all the photo ops and campaigning.”

  “The woman was from New Jersey, right?”

  “Angelita, yes.”

  “Her accent was so thick. She was so nasty.”

  “She felt threatened by you. The way you and I stared at each other. I wish I would have known your name so I could have found you again.”

  My cheeks heated. His words sent my heart skipping a beat. Made me consider throwing caution to the wind and fall in love. “Dominic, all the times you dropped off meals you never touched me or overstayed your welcome. The have a nice day notes attached to my meal was so thoughtful. Are you always so charming with the women you pursue?”

  “Never. You’re worth the hard work. I know what I want with you. Too many years have gone by not having you in my life. If I have to continue to take baby steps to show you how special you are to me, then that’s just what I will do.”

  “But Dominic, you don’t know me.”

  “I am trying. I cannot swoop in and kiss your lips or tell you how you make me feel. You may not believe me. I get it. I’m rich. I’m entitled. I don’t have a problem keeping my hands to myself. If you weren’t attracted to me, you would have made it clear you weren’t interested in pursuing a relationship.”

  My eyebrow rose. “Is that what’s happening here?”

  He snickered. “I told you I’d break you down. Look we’re in the car on our way to enjoy a festival on a Saturday afternoon. You may have made the first move. You know asking to take me out for my birthday, but after today, I’ll call you and take you out for a nice fun evening.”

  I nodded.

  “Do your brothers know how you live?”

  My eyes widened. “What, wait. Where did that come from?”

  “Carmen, I shared information about myself with you. I in turn needed to know more about the woman I was pursuing. You don’t make much money researching.”

  “God, Dominic, you had to look into my financials?”

  “Yes. I told you my father is a politician. I can’t make just any woman my girlfriend. If my father were to ask about you, I’d need to be prepared.”

  “Just because my brothers are professional football players, doesn’t mean I have to become dependent upon them. I have to stand on my own two feet. Is that the real reason you buy lunch and dinner for me almost every day?”

  “Carmen.” He grabbed my hand, and pulled it against his lips.

  “You are the hardest working woman I know. You’re married to your research. I bet you’ve gone to work and forgot to eat all day.”

  I yanked my hand away and stared out of the window. I sighed. “It’s happened a couple of times.”

  He grabbed my hand again. My eyes darted back to him.

  “I want to make sure you eat every day. Just wait until Brian or Hugo show up at your apartment with groceries.” He smirked.

  A tear slid down my cheek. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”



  We strolled through the crowded festival scanning the bustling white tents filled with art, jewelry, jam, wine, books, and so much more lined the street as far as the eye could see. The bushy trees hung over head shielding us from the blistering sun. The aroma of Italian sausages and funnel cakes dangled under my nose. I gripped my stomach hoping to stop it
from rumbling. Dominic glanced back at his security detail. Doubt he heard my stomach over the chatter and laughter filling the streets.

  “Are you ok?” Dominic’s thick brow rose.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.”

  “I only asked because you held your stomach.”

  I smiled.

  “What did you eat for breakfast?”

  “Hm. Strawberry yogurt at five this morning.”

  His eyes narrowed and his jaw twitched.

  “I couldn’t sleep. Dominic, I was nervous to be in your presence.” I stole a glance of his sexy features.

  He wrapped his arm around my waist, halted my steps, and melted his lips against my ear. I swallowed hard and my body shook under his grasp. “You have nothing to be worried about. I see we have a long way to go. Get used to my hands holding your tight little frame.”


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