Page 30
I muscled my way through the crowd and stepped outside.
Dom, I wanted to you let you know I returned Carmen her phone. She asked about Gilbert. I didn’t give her any information. She might call you.
As pissed as I am, I need you to keep and eye out for her.
I disconnected the call.
Stepping back inside, I stood at the front entrance. My eyes gazed over the crowded banquet hall. The dance floor was filled with dancing guests. My grandfather was huddled at a center table deep in a discussion. Lasagna, parmigiana, and other Italian dishes swept through the air. My cell buzzed, I peeked at the screen and Carmen’s name appeared. My heart raced.
“Long time no see.”
I peered into the woman’s blue eyes. “Hello, Angelita. How are you?”
Gripping my cell, I pushed it into my pocket.
The silver dress hugged her curves. She looked beautiful. My cock wasn’t impressed. The only woman who could make my cock jump was Carmen. Even with the stupid lie she told. My heart and my cock only wanted her.
“I’m well.” Her eyes sparkled.
“Good. Your brother seems well.
A waiter halted and offered us drinks.
I grabbed a whiskey and Angelita swept a glass of champagne off of the tray.
“Yeah, he’s adjusting to being part of our family again.”
We sipped our drink at the same time. The awkward silence between us hung in the air.
“Are you still single?”
“No, I’m not. Are you?”
I knew the fucking answer but I wanted to hear it from her.
“Yes, off and on. Just can’t find the right guy. I thought I had him. But I guess I was wrong.”
My eyes cut, glaring at her to my right.
“Dominic, we should have become royalty.”
“I told you that wasn’t ever going to happen. I’ve moved on I told you to do the same. I am married.”
Her jaw slacked. “Is she here? I’d love to meet her.”
“No, she isn’t. You met her.”
Her eyebrows wrinkled and her face turned a dark pink.
“I’m sure I would have recalled that encounter.”
I turned to her. “You don’t remember?” I gestured with my hand. “The first weekend I arrived at Stanford, you and I were in the cafeteria.”
She squinted trying to recollect.
“She stepped on my shoe. You told her to watch where she was going. You were a total bitch to her.”
Her face changed from pink to a dark red hue. “You married her.” She dragged out her words in disgust.
A fake smile lit up her face as she glanced around the room then back at me. Angelita leaned in. “She won’t last. She can’t handle this life. You needed a woman willing to do anything for you. And I do mean anything.” Her lips grazed my ear.
I stepped back. “You assume every woman not born in to this life can’t handle it. That’s where you’re wrong.” I lied. My wife cracked in under two weeks, asking for a divorce. A fake smile also stretched across my face. I gulped down the remaining harsh contents in my glass.
I peeked across the room, Dillon and Marco argued, sandwiching Sierra.
“Enjoy the party, Angelita.”
Stalking toward the bar, I pulled Dillon monstrous ass back. Fire raged in his eyes. “Bro, what the fuck is wrong with you?”
Sierra clutched her stomach and ran out of the building. Dillon ran after her. Guests gawked and whispered.
Tony told Dillon to calm down. Said he’d keep an eye on Sierra. I laughed inside. And dad and grandfather said I couldn’t control my temper.
Dillon and Sierra’s wedding still went on minus that minor hitch.
I never returned any of Carmen’s calls.
All the messages were similar.
Dominic, you’re upset with me not him.
Please don’t do this.
It’s your fault. Not mine. You left me.
Her words stung. She thought I left her. What the fuck?
Dominic, what do you want from me? She cried.
My fucking heart plummeted. I hated listening to my wife cry.
It was simple. I wanted my wife to admit the truth.
Strolling into the well-lit warehouse, my eyes landed on Gilbert. He fidgeted in the chair in an attempt to free his tied hands from the white nylon rope behind his back.
His eyes widened. “Dude, why the fuck am I here?”
I peeled off my mirrored aviator sunglasses and stopped in front of him. I slid my sunglasses inside my gray suit jacket pocket. “You’ve seen me in the lab with Carmen often yet the moment I am away, you move in. You cozy up to her. She’s unavailable. Let me make it clear. She was my woman, now my wife. Back the fuck off.”
“It’s not like that. We work together that’s all.”
I cocked my head to the side. “So, you never thought about fucking her?”
There was silence. “I should slit your throat.”
“Come on man. I am physically attracted to her that’s all. I swear. I know she is with you. How could I not you make it obvious every time you’re in the lab.”
“Dominic!” I heard from behind.
She stepped between me and him. The warm blood coursed through my veins. I was at my breaking point.
I sent Hugo to pick Carmen up and bring her here.
“Let him go. This is between you and me.”
“No, that’s where you’re wrong. He admitted he has feelings for my wife,” I roared.
Gilbert and Carmen flinched.
“I didn’t know you were married,” Gilbert pleaded.
“Gilbert, did you…fuck…my wife?”
His forehead creased. “What? No. I like her, but I wouldn’t touch her.”
Carmen squeezed her eyes shut.
I stood over her. “Is he telling the truth?”
Her beautiful brown eyes popped open. She nodded.
“Open your mouth and say the words, Carmen.”
“I did not have sex with Gilbert or any other man. Just my husband,” she cried.
Exhaling was what I wanted to do, but I couldn’t let her see how relieved I was. The boulder on my back just lifted.
Pulling her into my arms and taking her lips was what I desired.
She peeked over her shoulder. “I am sorry, Gilbert. I never told my husband who I allegedly slept with. He assumed it was you.” Her eyebrow rose as she turned, staring me down.
“Let him go, Dominic.”
I nodded to Brian.
Gilbert stood, and peeked at me, rubbing his wrist. “No hard feelings man?”
I grimaced. “No hard feelings, Gilbert. At least you’re honest.”
He scurried out of the warehouse.
Carmen’s arms crossed her chest and she turned her lips to the side.
“Why did you lie, Carmen?”
“You know why, Dominic. You can be overbearing. I needed space and time to fucking think. I didn’t want to lie. You hurt me.”
She was right. I wouldn’t allow her out of my sight. She wasn’t my girlfriend anymore. She was my wife. No matter how much I wanted to explain what drove us apart. Now wasn’t the time. It was time to take a step back again.
“I loved you, Dominic. You broke my heart.” Tears streamed down her face.
I pulled her into my arms.
“I love you; Carmen and I would never do anything to purposely hurt you.” Her frail body shook in my arms. My beautiful wife hadn’t taken care of herself. It was tearing me apart. For the past couple of years, I’d taken care of her. How could I walk away from her?
I pulled back, clutching her arms lightly, gazing into her eyes. “Hugo, will take you to pick up your car. Get what you need from the condo. I won’t be there tonight. Goodbye, Carmen.”
Her eyes sadden even more. I turned on my heels and exited the warehouse. Choking back the tears, I slid my sunglasse
s over my eyes. “Brian, to the airport, I’m flying to L.A. I need a change of scenery.”
“Bro, how’s it hanging?” He stood in the doorway of his spacious contemporary home, arms stretched. His perfect blond hair, infectious smile, and tall lean stature swayed all the ladies in college over the years.
I threw my arm around him. “Thanks for having me, Ryan. Your California valley accent has improved. You’ll never lose that Louisiana drawl though.”
We laughed.
We attended college together.
The rich son of a bitch fucked off in school and was in no rush to graduate. He said whenever I needed a break to join him in L.A.
“Come on in. I’ll show you to your room. As you can tell the bar is stocked.”
I smiled.
We walked across the white slate tile floor. I scanned the beige walls. What was with the weird gray furniture? The living room and kitchen were sleek. Some shit out of an architecture magazine. But nice bachelor pad. I twirled the platinum wedding band on my finger as I followed him into the large bedroom.
“Dude, you have to tell me what happened. I thought we just threw you an epic bachelor party.”
“Yeah, I know.” I dropped my suitcase on the floor.
The same weekend the ladies were in Vegas for Carmen’s bachelorette party, Brian and Hugo were in on the secret bachelor party Ryan was throwing for me.
“My wife and I are already having problems. I won’t give up on her though. Tonight, I want to drink myself into oblivion.”
He slapped my back and his gray eyes brightened. “A shit load of people are coming through tonight. You are always so fucking serious. No suits on this vacation only T-shirts and shorts. Well a possible button down if we hit the club. You get settled. The attached bathroom is right through the door to your left.”
“Thanks again, Ryan.”
Peeling off my suit jacket, I sat on the bed. I dialed Gio’s number.
Hey, Dom. How are you?
I’m all right.
What’s on your mind?
I am on vacation for a couple of weeks. Any problems that may arise, I need you to handle.
Not a problem. I’ll inform Teck.
Thanks, talk to you later.
He disconnected the call.
After a hot shower, I sat poolside sipping a whiskey sour of all drinks. Heavy metal music bounced off the concrete walls. I didn’t care about any of the chicks walking around half naked. I focused on relaxing and partying. Something I didn’t do often. Flinging the T-shirt over my head onto the chair, I tossed the sour contents down my throat, then hopped into the pool.
Thursday, Ryan and I sat at a plush bar in downtown L.A.
We sucked down two scotches at the bar.
Ryan said his best friend Paisley was having personal issues and needed a place to crash. I told him a couple of years ago, I knew what his secret crush looked like. And that she was Carmen’s roommate. Not sure why he never told the woman how he felt about her. They kept their friendship a secret until after they graduated from college. This would be my first time seeing them together.
“Thanks for being a good sport about all this.”
A waiter sat us at a table.
“Ryan, it’s cool.”
Not sure what Carmen told her about our break up.
His eyes widened and he stood, staring across the room.
“Shit, man I had no idea she was coming.”
I peeked to my left. Paisley and Carmen froze.
My heart dropped. Carmen wore a flowing red and white maxi dress and her hair was styled in a puffy ponytail. I wanted to grab her ponytail, toss her against the wall in the restroom and fuck her long and hard.
“Rye, you didn’t tell me, he was here.” She nudged her head in my direction.
I stood. “Hello, Carmen.” I pulled a chair out for her.
She smirked planting her pretty ass in the chair.
Ryan grabbed Paisley by the arm, pulling her into a corner across the room.
“Ryan said Paisley was coming. He didn’t say she was bringing…that you were accompanying her.”
“I don’t think Ryan told Paisley you were here.”
“Don’t worry about it. There’s more than enough room at Ryan’s. He parties every night though.”
“That’s why I tagged along. Paisley said he threw the best parties.”
“That’s true.” I chuckled. If you don’t feel comfortable staying in the house while I’m there I can reserve a hotel suite for you both.”
“I can’t let you do that. Paisley and I will be fine.”
The waiter approached. “May I take your drink orders?”
“Yes,” I replied.
Carmen, scoured the menu. “The usual.” Her eyes darted toward me.
“My wife. I mean she’ll have a whiskey sour. I’ll have a scotch on the rocks. Bring a bottle of chardonnay also.”
“Right away.” He nodded.
We sat in silence. She stared at the menu and I glanced over notes for the Bar Exam.
“How have you been?” I asked still staring at my phone.
“Ok. I guess. Gilbert said he received a check for thirty thousand dollars. He said he forgives me for lying on him. I didn’t argue. How are you?”
“I’m well. I felt sorry for the guy. And I never feel sorry for people. He liked you, but never planned to disrespect our relationship.”
She glanced at me then back at the menu.
“I came to L.A. because I wanted to be around friends. Not be alone. I guess I could have flown home. But I need to take the Bar exam in a few weeks so I chose to stay close to school.”
“Sorry guys,” Ryan said, approaching the table. “That was rude of Paisley and I.” He pulled out her chair next to Carmen.
Ryan sat beside me.
“I want to clear the air,” I stated.
“I told Carmen I don’t have a problem with them staying at the house. Carmen, you don’t have to worry about me.”
“Carmen, so are we good?” Paisley asked.
The waiter returned, taking our orders.
“Dominic, I’m proud of you bro. You’ve had it really rough the past few weeks.”
Carmen scowled.
“Ryan, we don’t have to talk about it. It’s only going to make Carmen upset.”
“But dude.”
Ryan raised his glass. “Here’s to Dillon Magarelli returning from the dead.” He chuckled.
I placed my hand over my face.
“What?” Carmen asked.
“Let’s enjoy our meal. Because I came here to enjoy myself not reflect on what destroyed my marriage.”
“Dude, how did Dillon destroy your marriage?”
“Carmen didn’t know that’s why I was away.”
My eyes scanned the trendy restaurant bustling with people from Silicon Valley.
Carmen kept shooting glances my way throughout dinner. I knew she wanted to know more about Dillon.
“Bro, the welcome party your mom threw looked cool from the video you sent.”
“Yeah, she was in her element. I think she introduced Dillon’s fiancée Sierra to everyone in the room.”
Ryan purposely mentioned Dillon because he knew Carmen refused to hear me out when I arrived at her apartment.
He glanced at his watch. “We should get going. People will arrive at my house soon. Dominic, do you mind driving my car? I wanted to ride to the house with the ladies. Paisley needs to tell me what bullshit asshole John pulled.”
“Not at all.” I felt uncomfortable around my wife for the first time ever.
Carmen was itching to know what happened. I wasn’t telling unless she asked.
We strolled through the sleek black steel doors. “Sally, Ryan called as we walked into the family room.”
His assistant ran into the room. “Yes, sir?”
“Are we r
eady to party?”
“Yes!” She threw her fist into the air.
“Sally, show the ladies to their rooms please.”
Relaxing in the cool water, I puffed a cigar, staring at the star filled sky.
“Dominic, would you like to play pool volleyball?” one of the ladies asked.
“Sure, once I finish my cigar.”
I glanced into the house. Carmen and some guy were dancing. His hand clutched her waist. If his hand moved any lower, I’d rip his head off. Carmen moved his hand. I sighed. Good.
Lightly, I tapped the ball over the net. No chance of using my other hand, it was throbbing. After Dillon’s welcome home party, I paid a visit to our special family doctor. You know the one. The doctor who stitched our men up after they’d been shot. He said my pinky finger was broken and I fractured my hand. I was sent on my way with a small black brace that clamped over my hand and forearm and painkillers. The good painkillers. I hated popping pills so I’d rather suffer through the pain.
“Mind if I join you?” her southern accent shined through.
“Come on in.” One of the women motioned her hand.