Page 34
“And you call me a persistent bastard.”
He dropped his head laughing.
“How about a whiskey? I have your favorite.”
“Sounds good.”
He smoothed his hands over his gray slacks. Dillon wore a yellow button-down shirt folded under his elbows.
I walked over to the mini bar.
“What was the business you and Marco had?”
Shit. I can’t fuck this up. I hope Dillon will stand by Marco and I.
“Dillon, this is a sensitive situation. I handled the matter as I saw fit as the man in charge.” I placed a low-ball glass of Jim Beam whiskey in his hand and sat beside him.
“Because you are my brother, I will tell you. Not because you are the Don.”
I sighed, then sipped the whiskey.
“So, what now I would turn my back on family?”
“Dillon, I don’t know what you would do. We aren’t kids anymore.”
“Just fucking tell me all ready,” he grimaced.
I told Dillon the entire story. From Marco calling asking for help to sitting in his father’s office being grilled.
He sat back in the chair, jaw twitching. Silent.
“Luca had no idea his illegitimate son was involved with the heist or that he planned to kill him?”
“No. Like I said Marco and I disposed of all our loose ends.”
“Sounds like he dodged a fucking bullet. But he was still his son. If he finds out you two killed him, there could be consequences. We’ll set that problem a side for now. We need to discuss everything you’ve handled over the years. Monday we’ll meet in my office at ten a.m. I want to be kept in the loop on everything.”
I ran my hand over the back of my neck. “Everything huh?”
“Fuck, Dominic, I am afraid to ask about other problems you’ve handled.”
“Nothing happened with the other problems. They were handled clean.”
“I made a deal about six months ago.”
He leaned in. “What kind of deal? I know you’re capable of making deals, Dom. So why do you look concerned?”
“Do you remember our cousin Demetri from New York?”
He nodded, running his hand over his gruff chin. “Yeah, yeah. I do.”
“His brother Gabe is the boss. Demetri works on his behalf in various situations.”
“Demetri asked to swap businesses. This would give them a small piece of the pie in Jersey and in turn we’d have a small piece of New York. I told him don’t come in raising the points on bets. Gradually increase over time.”
“We’ll meet with grandfather. Pick his brain. Find out why the separate territories. Then we’ll meet with Demetri.”
“Sounds good. I hope you’re hungry.” I stood.
“Our chef has prepared a feast.”
“I’m hungry. I haven’t eaten since this morning.”
We walked toward the kitchen. “Somehow I don’t believe that. I doubt you miss a meal.”
He socked me in the shoulder. “I usually have a protein shake and eggs for breakfast. I work out every day. Then I eat a big dinner.”
I halted. “Shit, wait. What does your work out consist of chopping logs in the backyard? Fuck dude. Thanks for the tip about the protein shake.” I shook my head. “Not. If protein shakes and chopping wood made you this big, I’ll stick to a normal workout routine.”
Carmen and Sierra rose from the black countertop.
“All right, you two, it’s time to eat.” My wife smiled. I slid my hand down her silky hair swaying below her shoulders.
Dillon pulled Sierra into his arms. “Which way to the bathroom?” Dillon asked clutching Sierra’s hand.
“Down the hall to the right.” I kept it cool. Didn’t want to give him that ‘bro, what the fuck look?’
I smiled until they disappeared out of the kitchen.
“He’s about to have sex with his wife in our bathroom.”
Carmen chuckled. “No, he’s not.”
I pulled her close, smacking her ass. “Yeah, he is. I’ll be sure to repay the favor once we are invited to dinner at their home.”
She rolled her eyes and pulled my hand. “Come on. I want to make a pitcher of virgin Sangria for Sierra.”
“Chef George, the food smells terrific.”
He smiled, waving his spatula in the air.
I sat at the outdoor bar. Carmen retrieved several items from the small refrigerator to her left.
“Were you planning to make Sangria? I see you have everything pre-sliced.”
“I made a pitcher containing white wine earlier. Since my husband forgot to tell me my sister-in-law was pregnant, I am making a second pitcher. I’ll label it virgin.”
I raised my hand.
She peeked at me. “No virgin jokes, Dominic.”
“Ok. Two beers please.”
She smiled, grabbing the bottles from the refrigerator and placed them on the counter.
“I want everyone to feel at home. Can you unstrap my stilettos please? I love the way the smooth slate tile feels under my feet.”
“Sure, sweetheart.”
“Your outdoor space is nice,” Dillon said.
I unbuckled and slid her shoes off of her feet.
She sighed. “That’s better.”
“You dropped a couple of inches,” Dillon laughed.
I sat her shoes to the side and stood.
Sierra and Dillon were sitting at the bar.
“Yeah, Carmen’s short.”
She slapped my shoulder. “You two do realize you’re above average height.”
Dillon and I stared at each other smiling. “Yeah, we see your point,” I stated.
“Sierra, feel free to kick off your shoes. Please make yourselves comfortable.”
“Thank you.” She placed her feet in Dillon’s lap and he removed her shoes.
“Who remodeled your yard?” Dillon scanned the outdoor space.
“Some guys from our construction company.”
“Smart man.” He flashed his white teeth.
“That beer is yours.” I pointed.
He snapped it up. “The house we bought is a total gut job. We are actually living there during construction.”
“It sucks,” Sierra chimed in. “I can’t wait for the construction work to end. I do want to add a fireplace to our backyard. It would be nice for the kids to enjoy and Dillon and I.” She made googly eyes at him. They were made for each other.
“The oversized pergola is nice too.” Dillon sipped his beer.
I grabbed the remote and turned to the sports channel.
“We don’t have to stay at the bar. We can move to the couch behind us. Babe, are you sure you don’t need any help?”
“Nope, adding the ice now. “Sierra would you like a virgin Sangria?”
She grinned. “I’d love a glass.”
We gathered our drinks and made our way to the oversized cream couch.
“Sierra, have you had a tour of New Jersey?”
Her face brightened. “Partially. Dillon showed us the boardwalk.”
“That’s awesome. Dominic and Alexandria are taking me next weekend. I don’t know my way around that well. Usually Brian drives me to my research lab.”
“Oh, that’s right you’re a scientist.”
“Yes, I’m actually developing a contraceptive ring for women. It wards off various sexually transmitted diseases.”
“Wow, Impressive,” Sierra stated.
“Thank you. My other lab is in Vegas. Since Dominic runs the casino.”
“Dominic, how’s the casino business?” Dillon asked.
“Great. We are in phase two of the condo development behind the casino. You have to check it out. It’s like its own little city on the strip.”
“The family has thrived since I’ve been away. The night I had to leave I remember dad was in Vegas making the casino deal.”
“Yeah. The casino and the penthouse suites are state of the a
rt.” I needed to change the subject. Dillon didn’t need to ponder on the past.
“The next month should be eventful. Running Magarelli Enterprises. You as the family attorney.”
“I am bringing on a few people to work under me. You know a legal secretary and a second attorney.”
“Sounds good.”
“Hopefully, we can get Tone to join the company. I know he doesn’t owe us anything anymore.” His brow furrowed.
“Dillon, I get it you feel responsible for him missing out on his life with Nadine. He made the choice. Look at him now. He appears happy.”
His lips curled a little. “Yeah, he’s a father of a teenage son who looks just like him. Trouble.”
We laughed.
“Yeah, don’t forget their having twins. Who would have thought, Tone a family man?”
“Yeah, he deserves happiness.”
I slapped Dillon’s shoulder. “So, do you.” I glanced across the L shaped sofa at his wife. “You picked the right woman this time. You two are building on to your own little army.”
He smiled bright. “Yeah, feels good to be home.”
I embraced my brother. “Happy to have you home, big bro.”
I remembered his face. Handsome, rigid yet sad. Full of pain and mystery. He did not shed a tear at his brother’s funeral. Dominic Sergio Magarelli sat between his parents at the burial grounds unmoved.
Men like my father Alvin Terenzio huddled around Salvatore Magarelli. He was the mob boss of the Magarelli family. He stepped aside and placed his son Sergio in charge as the next mob boss. The Magarelli mafia crime family was at the head of the pyramid. The other four families answered to the Magarelli’s.
I didn’t see Dominic again until we were fifteen. He was on the Lacrosse team at Princeton high school. They played my school New Castle High.
He was tall, muscled with gorgeous dark features. And green eyes that could melt any girl’s panties.
The decision was made that day. He’d be mine.
Storming through the front door of our mansion, I scanned the living room for my mother.
“Ma! Ma!”
She ran out of the kitchen drying her hands with a towel.
“What is it, Angelita?” Her gray eyes widened.
“It’s been some time, but I saw Dominic again. His Lacrosse team played my school.”
She sighed. “Angelita, I thought your crush ended for him.”
I shrugged tossing my backpack on the silver sofa. “I did too.” Smacking my gum, I followed my mother into the kitchen.
The red and white apron was tied around her slender waist. My mother wore pretty dresses every day. She said you were always to look your best for your man. My father always appeared smitten with my mom. I wasn’t for sure he had a goomah.
My best friend Draia and I always talked about our father’s who were made men in the mafia. She’d heard so many conversations about murder it was second nature to her.
“Ma, does daddy still have business with Mr. Magarelli, Dominic’s grandfather?”
“I’m sure he does.”
My father owned a shipping yard in New Jersey. I wondered was that why they had business together.
“Maybe daddy could arrange a meeting between Dominic and I.”
She slid the oven mitts over her manicure hands and pulled the steaming baked ziti from the oven.
She glanced at me as she sat the large dish on the custom countertop. “I will talk to your father.”
My smile brightened my face. She swiped her hands over her blonde locks, then removed her apron. “Get washed up for dinner, Angelita.”
I nodded, walking out of the kitchen. My blonde ponytail bounced behind me.
The time had finally arrived. My father spoke to Mr. Magarelli. He said he’d arrange for Dominic and I to meet. He said it cost him big. Mr. Magarelli wanted to be the only mafia family moving his shipments through our yard.
Goosebumps popped up along my arms. Calm down, Angelita.
The second our eyes met I flashed a coy smile. He wore a suit. Fucking handsome. I wanted to take the mafia world by storm at his side.
He was very polite. Asked me on a date that night.
I knew everything would work out the way I planned.
Standing at the concession counter my friends and I talked about Dominic.
“I see you finally snagged the mafia prince,” Draia stated.
“Yup.” I admired him from a far when he wasn’t looking.
“What’s up bitch? Relia asked.
I crossed my arms. “On a date.”
Talia scanned the lobby. “With who?”
“With Dominic Magarelli. That’s who, Draia stated.
Her head swiveled again. “Get the fuck out of here.”
“Shit, he’s hot.”
“Hey, put your eyes back in your head before I fucking carve them out. He’s my man.”
“Calm down, Angelita.
Talia was paying you a compliment,” Relia stated.
My eyes widened a bit. “Shit, he’s coming,”
“Hello ladies.”
I introduced him to my friends. They disbursed, fleeing to their movie.
Dinner was romantic. We talked about our plans for college. I hated he wasn’t attending school on the east coast. I knew I had to make it known how I felt. The other bitches needed to step aside. I planned to be his number one. Sharing him wasn’t something I wanted, but I’d expected to be his number one.
Sitting in front of my house, I peeked over at him. His lips taking mine would end our date perfectly.
I leaned over and crushed his lips. They were so fucking soft. He walked me to my door. I wrapped my arms around his neck and whispered in his ear.
“Dominic Magarelli, together you and I can be mafia royalty.” I pulled back. “See you tomorrow, Dominic.”
After our first date he’d come over to my house three days a week.
I wasn’t a virgin. I’d hooked up with a few guys. Being experienced in bed, I knew was important to a guy like Dominic.
The doorbell rang. I ran my fingers through my hair before I answered the door.
“Hey, Dominic. Come in.”
“How are you?” He stepped into the atrium.
“Good. Would you like something to eat? Or soda?
“A coke.”
“Follow me. We can watch the movie in the family room.”
He sat on the leather sofa. “Pick out a movie. I’ll be right back.”
He nodded and snatched the remote off the coffee table. I strolled into the kitchen, grabbed two sodas, glasses, and the whiskey from my dad’s liquor cabinet.
Returning to the family room, I poured whiskey into our glasses.
“You’re a little lush, aren’t you?”
I snickered. “No. I just like to relax. Alcohol makes everything better. You don’t agree?”
He tilted his head side to side. “Sometimes. Where’s your parents?”
“They drove to Atlantic City to gamble and have dinner.”
He glanced at me then swiped up the glass and sipped. Thirty minutes later, I was on my knees sucking his fat cock. His head fell against the top of the sofa as he gripped my hair. Dominic’s cock slammed against the back of my throat then he exploded in my mouth.
I wobbled to my feet. Feeling the effects of the alcohol.
“Let’s go.” I stretched out my hand.
“To my bedroom.”
Once upstairs he fell on my bed. I reached into my nightstand drawer and grabbed a condom.
His eyes followed me as I stripped him naked. Standing before him, I slipped my sundress from my slender frame.
Hovering over him, our lips collided. I sheathed his dick. “You can do whatever you want to me, Dominic. Even fuck me in the ass.”
His eyebrow arched. “Shush and ride.”
And ride I did. It was p
erfect. I was with the man I planned to marry.
Dominic was adamant about not being in a committed relationship. I learned when to turn up the heat and when to lower it.
The three girls he fucked in high school were no bodies. I had my cousin find out where they were attending college. I knew Dominic wasn’t visiting any women.
I flew to California to hang out with him his first weekend in college. Me. Not any of those other bitches. That was a step in the right direction for Dominic and I.
Then that klutzy bitch stepped on his sneaker and fumbled on her words profusely apologizing. She was pathetic. No way could Dominic be into her. Then he did the unthinkable. Told me not to be rude to her. The way he stared at her, I thought he got hit by cupid’s arrow. I yanked him away from the nerdy little chick.
Once I returned home, I admit I was worried. Had he seen her again? Would he date her?
We talked on the phone sometimes and when he’d come home, he’d visit me. When ever he told me he’d be in town, I’d leave school so we could spend time together. This went on for four years.
One night he came over before heading back to Cali. He tried to break it off with me. He said I better not bring up marriage again. I was devastated. But I couldn’t lose him. I promised I wouldn’t and grabbed his cock. He pulled me up into his big strong arms and carried me into my bedroom. Sexually he couldn’t get enough of me. I bit my tongue and accepted what we had.