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The Legendary Civilization

Page 6

by Ali Yazan

  The president bit his lip as Jorgensen closed the hologram. “President Mason, I think we've given you enough information. I hope everything goes well and there is no serious conflict between your countries. I hope common sense prevails. Otherwise, you will be a much easier target for the alien civilization. Now I have to go back to the ship. With your permission, I will inform The Masters about our conversations.”

  “Of course. How will we contact you if necessary?”

  “We will contact you when necessary, President Mason.”

  “I understand,” the president said and gestured his guests to the door. The Air Force Commander and the President of the FBI stayed in the President’s room while Jorgensen, with the Vice President of the FBI, headed to the plane to return to his ship. The President urged the Chief of the General Staff, the Minister of Internal Affairs, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the President of the CIA, and the National Security Consultant to arrange a meeting. As they began the meeting, Jorgensen had already left the secret base in the ship and headed for Nibiru. Meanwhile, NATO met in the United Kingdom. NATO warned Russia and the other countries that it would implement the Fifth Amendment if the repetition of such an incident occurred again. The concerned countries insisted it was an accident, but they did not expect NATO to believe it.


  In the meantime, thousands of light years away in Vonder, the main planet of the Von Civilization, The President of High Council Galdor, was gazing at the reports he received. “Are you sure that you analyzed this message correctly, Bander?” asked Bander, the Commander of the War Fleet standing in front of him.

  “Yes, honorable Galdor. My men are certain of the results.”

  “Well, where do they come from?”

  “As far as we understand, it is a planet defined by its inhabitants as Earth. It is approximately sixteen and a half toss away from us. “

  Galdor stood and clasped his hands behind him as he strolled around the room. He was only a hundred and twenty years old and, considering the average lifespan of two hundred and fifty years, he was a very young Council President. Of course, he had many military achievements and diplomatic relations. He was famous for not having mercy on his opponents in battle. He believed that if you had a purpose, every effort should be made to reach that goal, you should do what your interests require.

  Bander continued “As far as I understand from the signals, their ability to travel space is restricted. How can an underdeveloped civilization such as this send a courageous message like this? It is idiocy. In my opinion, they do not know if there is any civilization other than themselves, and they send such messages to see if there is other life forms. This curiosity will cost them.” A sadistic smile grew on his face.

  Galdor shook his head. “Bander, you do not understand diplomacy at all. You must learn to be more diplomatic if you want to advance your career. Never forget that a warrior must know to withdraw if necessary, even as a strategy. Battles are won by reason, not with weapons.”

  “I'll hold onto your advice, my lord. You were my inspiration for the position I hold now. But I do not have a political ambition. My only wish is that that Von Civilization will control the whole universe in the long run. It is my greatest pride and joy to be the commander of this war fleet.”

  “I am proud of you, Bander. That's why I have appointed you as a fleet commander. If you had political ambition, I could not have taken you for this. Greed is a bad thing.”

  “You are perfectly right, my lord.”

  -You liar-. Galdor thought, -If you find the opportunity, you would overthrow me and have my position, but you have no courage. Thankfully, I keep you in check with my other men in the army, or you would already try to do it.-

  “I have no doubt about your commitment to your duty and commitment to our republic,” Galdor said aloud. “Our long-standing Republic has given you the command of the army. This is, of course, a great honor. We want your services to continue. Send a discovery team and have them prepare a detailed report. Let's see what their civilization level is, what their intentions are. A war or a peace civilization? Is it worth adding their planet to our republic?”

  “Yes, My Lord. I will inform you as soon as possible.”

  “You are dismissed.”

  “Yes, My Lord.”

  Bander turned on his heels and stepped out of the automatic door muttering, “One day I will sit on that seat, and you will all see.”

  After giving the necessary instructions to his assistant, he headed for the military port to board a shuttle to the main ship. On the main ship, Commander Deputy Admiral Talder was waiting for him.

  Bander and Talder were loyal friends in the military academy. When Bander became the commander of the army, he had brought Talder to the chief deputy. Because of this, Talder felt like he owed so much to him.

  On the main screen, he watched Bander’s shuttle land on the hangar, and he got in the main elevator to meet him. The main ship was two and a half kilometers long with three hundred small war shuttles in it. The cruisers moved a few thousand times faster than the light, while the small shuttles had an average speed of one percent of the speed of the cruisers. The shuttles were equipped with beam weapons and explosive rockets that traveled at the speed of light to their targets. The cruisers were equipped with powerful beam weapons along with nuclear weapons that were capable of destroying a small planet with a single explosion and which could move even faster than the speed of light. Also, there were also electromagnetic wave weapons that could destroy living tissues and minds.

  “Did you send the discovery team, Talder?” Bander asked.

  “As you ordered, the team is on its way, Commander. Estimated time of arrival is fifteen days. They will complete the examination and present reports within twenty days, including the five days for the examination.”

  They went out to the bridge and the bridge crew stood up to greet them. Bander motioned for them to sit. “Did you tell them to do planet-landing and surface research if necessary?”

  “Yes, sir. They will do it if they see it as necessary and in a way that does not reveal themselves.”

  “Keep me informed about any kind of development. Is there anything other than that? “

  “Yes, sir. There was a riot in the Gudora system, but our forces suppressed it. The headless corpses of the rebels are swinging in the square.”

  Bander smiled. “Brava. As I always say, no compromise and no compassion. Only in this way can we keep these systems in our hands.”

  “Just as you said, Commander.”

  “If there is nothing else, turn my route to the Bengus system for inspection.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Talder addressed the crew, “The route is Bengus system, 1/5 toz, let’s go.” The ship headed to the system faster than the speed of light.

  At the same time, a Chinese war jet hit a South Korean warship cruising over the Chinese sea with a missile. The ship was shot right in the middle, and a fire broke out on the deck. While trying to put out the fire, the other side of the aircraft was under intense fire. Since the stealth-type plane could not be shot at, the active radar-controlled laser ball of the ship was activated. It destroyed the target.

  North Korea started artillery fire in South Korea on the pretext that South Korea violated borders. The United Nations Security Council convened at the invitation of South Korea, but they ended the meeting without reaching a conclusion due to Russia's veto. Russia, on the pretext that Ukraine tortured the Russian minority, began to push its troops into that country. Not satisfied with this, Russia attacked Georgia as well.

  NATO warned Russia and its allies that these movements would have severe consequences and began to mobilize heavy weapons and ammunition to the attacked countries. When this happened, the Russian leader was not surprised to receive a phone call from the US.

  However, the Russian Leader thought that the President had lost his mind when he told him about t
he aliens who had visited him. When he hung up, he turned to his assistant Boris Grochanko, and said, “He is bluffing.” He ordered the Chief of General Staff to continue the military actions they had taken with other allies.

  The US President looked exhausted and stressed. “As I expected, he seems to believe, but he thinks I am bluffing,” the President said to the chief of the NATO Forces Straus.

  “At least we know you are not bluffing, Mr. President. You have done the best you could. God knows where things will go now, but I will give instructions to put the decisions taken at the last NATO meeting into military action.”

  “This is all we can do now. God help us,” said the President. NATO called all the allied country leaders one by one. All the leaders reported that they would be in full solidarity as a NATO member and that they were willing to take all the necessary actions.

  In the meantime, the Von discovery team arrived on Earth by tracking the signal they had received. They hid behind the Moon as not to be noticed. The commander of the vehicle asked, “What are the results of the long-distance scan?”

  “This civilization is not yet on the level of interstellar travel,” replied one of the officers named Moran. “As far as I understand from the analysis of electronic signals, they have gone to two planets. One of these is the mini planet, called The Moon, which we are currently behind. The other is the planet, which they call Mars or the Red Planet, which ranks fourth to the star of this solar system. Regarding atmosphere and vegetation, we can live there and it has a rich supply of water. However, this civilization has used the planets extremely inefficiently and has done quite a bit of damage to its ecosystem. So, they are looking for a way out of this. This civilization is divided into various beliefs and nations, and it seems that there are intricate problems between all of them. There are military conflicts in many parts of the planet.”

  “What's their military situation?”

  “They are quite advanced. They can use nuclear energy as weapons.”

  Suvak wasn’t happy. “That is troubling. We could completely destroy it by accident. Do you remember that we experienced a similar problem in the Ongar system?

  “Yes, sir. That civilization was also on a similar level, and they preferred to use the nuclear weapons to get rid of us. Eventually, they caused the destruction of the entire planet.”

  Suvak shook his head, “The council is very sensitive in this regard. If we enter similar conflicts and consequences, how will our republic expand? So, we need to solve this problem as quickly as possible, without allowing them to use nuclear weapons against us. The council also wants to learn about the social and political structure of the planet.”

  Moran nodded. “As I understand some countries have formed blocs against each other, and the tension is about to turn into a military conflict. The trouble is that almost these countries have nuclear weapons. Wait a minute…”

  A detail caught Moran’s eye. He briefly looked at the records in front of him, “Sir, according to the records, the people of earth seem to have made a peaceful contact with a space civilization far more advanced than they were a short time ago.”

  Suvak raised an eyebrow. “What are they?”

  “A planet called Nibiru, which is in a remote orbit of the solar systems. It is also understood that the same civilization has places inside the Earth.”

  “Do you have any information about their level of development?”

  “Obviously, it is much more advanced than the Earth civilization. But I couldn’t receive clear information.”

  Suvak shifted side to side. “If this civilization is advanced, it can be aware of our existence here. I want an immediate, long-range scan. Contact the headquarters immediately and transfer them. We will act upon the next instruction.”

  “Yes, Sir,” Moran said. After a few moments, he looked up from the screen. “All the scans we made are negative. We did not find any trace of civilization or a living being in this solar system or inside the Earth.”

  “This can mean two things,” Suvak said. “Either the records of the Earthlings are fake or...”

  “Or the mentioned civilization is far more advanced than us, and we were not able to detect it,” Moran concluded.

  “If so, this is extremely bad,” Suvak said. “This is a big problem. This civilization may be at a level which we cannot handle. No action will be taken in this regard without receiving instructions from the headquarters.”

  “It is understood, sir,” said Moran and the ship hung quietly in space. A few minutes later, the instructions were received from the headquarters. Moran handed the message to Suvak who read the instructions, “The headquarters wants us to maintain the normal activities. We will follow the standard procedure, but remain cautious. We will land on the Earth and conduct research there. We will try not to get inside the Earth or to Nibiru. Enter stealth mode. If this civilization is so advanced it has noticed us already, it is not necessary for us to get in trouble.”

  In stealth mode, the ship left the back of the Moon and slowly moved towards the Earth.

  At the same time, NORAD’s office was bustling with activity. One of the operators saw a record for a short moment on the screen. He immediately called the Colonel over, “Sir, can you look at this?”

  Colonel Smith looked at the image, “What is this, Mr. Knight?”

  “I do not know, sir. It looks like it's been on the back of the moon for a little while and then disappeared. Estimated length is about seventy meters. But it is unlikely to be an asteroid because it looks like an artificial object with sharp lines.”

  “Well, how did it disappear? Did it go behind the Moon again?”

  “I do not think so, sir. It disappeared from the record while it was moving forward.”

  “I want an image from the telescopes facing that direction.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Lieutenant William Knight looked through the James Webb telescope which was facing that direction. After inputting the required coordinates and time, the telescope images came on screen.

  “Oh my god!” he cried out, and he transmitted the images to Colonel's screen. Colonel Smith looked at the pictures on the screen for a while, then called NORAD Commander Admiral Wayne and informed him. Admiral realized that it was clearly a space ship. After the first two images, he saw that there was a gap. The fact that the ship appeared on the back of the Moon after hiding for a while suggested that it didn’t belong to the last contacted extra-terrestrial nation and it had a sinister agenda. “It is bad, and it is very bad,” he said to himself. He called his secretary. “Put me through to the Secretary of Defense immediately.”

  After listening to the Admiral, “Thank you, Admiral. I will deliver your message to the President immediately,” the Secretary said. “Put me through to the President immediately.”

  The President said on the phone, “Yes, I understand. Hmm. Okay, keep investigating. I want to be informed instantly about any developments, where ever I am. Alright, Liam, I'm waiting for your news.” He hung up the phone and turned to National Security Consultant Martin Scott who was staring at him curiously, “Now we are screwed. It was the Secretary of Defense, Liam Gate. He said that the radars caught a trace of an unidentified space ship which suddenly appeared on the back of the moon and headed towards Earth. This must be the Von Civilization that Mr. Jorgensen mentioned. I informed the Russian leader, but he chose not to believe me. He still thinks that he is in the Tsarist era and is trying to become the ruler of the warm waters. We are fighting with other major world powers for energy. Millions of people continue to die because of our nonsense!” The president cupped his head in his hands and continued, “Why cannot we get out of this vicious cycle? Here we are, facing with the worst thing that can happen to us. God knows how we will get through this? Am I going to be the last US President in history?”

  “Do not say that, Mr. President. I believe that our country and the world will eliminate this danger, with th
e help of Agarthans.”

  The President turned to him suddenly. “Do you think they are aware of this ship, too?”

  “If we can realize with this level, I think they should be able to do it.”

  Meanwhile, in Agartha, Mikkel was monitoring the developments alongside the Master. Master Grimsaw said, “Dear Mikkel, if the emerging Von Civilization ship made a scan of the Earth, which it must have done, it must also have noticed the contact we made with the Earthlings. Don’t you think that we should delete this information from the Earth records?”

  “It may seem to be right that we conceal our existence, Master. But I contacted Master Stian, and he decided not to delete our existence from the records with the approval of the other Masters. The reason for this is that if the Von Civilization finds out that they contacted us, they may realize that we are more advanced than them and thus give up attacking the Earth.”

  Master Grimsaw nodded, “Thank you Mikkel.”

  The Von Civilization's ship was about to enter Earth’s atmosphere. They had planned to land near the bases where they could investigate the nuclear power without being noticed. They first decided to land near the United States' Maelstrom nuclear base in Montana. After the landing, through their invisibility technology, without needing to change their clothes, a team of five guards with Suvak started walking towards the base.

  The base was about two hundred meters ahead, surrounded by electric wires and by various cameras, including infra-red. There were six soldiers standing guard with machine guns and specially trained dogs on their side. They were constantly patrolling on foot and sometimes with jeeps at certain intervals alongside the wire. Suvak stopped when he noticed the dogs, “We did not consider them. We could get past the soldiers, the wires, and the cameras, but we may not get past the dogs. They may smell us. Have you taken the necessary precautions, Moran?”

  Moran replied, “Yes, sir. I added a special fabric to our clothes as a precaution. There is no smell spreading from us right now, you can be sure of that.” Suvak signaled to continue.


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