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The Legendary Civilization

Page 8

by Ali Yazan

  Vordor thoughtfully rubbed his chin, “As if they are playing with us. The fact that they are invisible to us and our detectors can still trace them does not make much sense for such an advanced civilization. I think they are trying to tell us not to mess with Earth.”

  Vordor received a message from the main planet. He then looked at Bagador, “Bagador, apparently, the team that went to Nibiru contacted the inhabitants and received a vague warning. The central command tells us not to mess with Agartha, but only to monitor and report the movement of the world. Of course, we will also be alert to the Agarthians watching us.”

  “I do not think we can manage it, Captain,” Bagador shook his head. “A civilization that is more advanced than us will follow us and perhaps spy on us.”

  “I also agree, enable top-level encryption methods for the communication between us and the headquarters. There is nothing to do about our communication within the ship. Let's monitor all the communications of the senior management and military of the Earthlings. Let's keep the bases under observation. We should know about the smallest military movement they make. Could the ship computer be enough to do all of these things at the same time?”

  Bagador replied. “Since this was accounted for during the mission, very advanced modifications were made to computer systems and browsers, we have enough of our technology to fulfill all these duties, Captain.”

  “Then move on and make the necessary adjustments, Bagador.”


  The US Pacific Navy aircraft carrier USS Benjamin Franklin was cruising in the South China Sea, very close to the waters of China. The ship commander Admiral Rupert Joyce was watching the vast sea from the bridge while reading the report. The Pentagon warned the entire Pacific fleet of China's intense military activity in that area. Since the President activated Defcon 2, the entire US army was already on alert. Admiral said, “Damn it, what do they think we're doing here? How much more can we raise the level of alert?”

  Colonel Roger Soul, who was beside him, said, “It’s all the same to them, Admiral. After all, we are the ones who are suffering here. They just know how to give orders from where they are.” He had been on this mission for two years, and things were getting worse. If the political and military environment were further exacerbated, the Third World War would become inevitable.

  In the last year Russia, China, and North Korea formed a NATO-like defense pact named SETO. Therefore, the tension between NATO and SETO would sometimes turn into small-scale, accidental conflicts. However, there was no big event as far as now. The Colonel jumped with the warning from the radar operator. The operator detected ten faint tracks at about twelve kilometers away in the direction of eleven o'clock, and they were approaching quickly.

  He immediately went to the operator, “Can you identify the traces? Could it be an enemy plane?”

  The operator said, “I'm not sure, sir. The tracks are very faint, but I'll try,” he said, giving the identification command. After a few minutes of scanning, the program transmitted to the screen the most likely possibility. This was the FC-31B, an improved version of the first Chinese phantom aircraft FC-31. The ship was alarmed immediately, and air defense systems were activated. At the same time, all operational F-35Cs were given the take-off command. Twenty missile warnings were made as the planes were preparing to take off. Four torpedoes and two harpoon-type missiles were shot from the sea, moving rapidly towards the target.

  The Chinese or North Koreans had gone too far in the ghost submarine technology. Neither they nor the missile destroyers around the aircraft carrier and submarines and minehunter vessels could detect them beforehand. The radar detections were instantly transferred to the fleet of ships, and the ships fired anti-missile missiles. The harpoons were destroyed in the air, but the anti-torpedo missiles thrown by the submarines was only able to destroy only two of the torpedoes. The other two torpedoes crashed into the aircraft carrier and exploded. The aircraft ship's extremely sturdy body and armor reduced the destructive power of explosions to a certain extent, but could not prevent a hole.

  At the same time, six of the Chinese planes were destroyed in the air by the anti-missile defense and laser weapons on the ship, but the other four reached the target. While the crew tried to repair the damage, the eight F-35Cs took off immediately for the dogfight, twenty more aircrafts detected by radar attacked the entire fleet.

  Admiral Joyce urgently requested air support. “Apparently, they want to destroy all the ships and destroy our dominance on Pacific and make us live a second Pearl Harbor. But as long as I am the commander of this fleet, they will not be able to do this.”

  Until the Chinese planes arrived, twenty F-35C was able to take off. Ten of them were destroyed because of the missiles that hit the deck. Despite the fire on the landing deck, this improved version of the F-35C did not need a long track. Now there was almost an equal power in the air. All the high-level air defense systems were actively used by the crew that shook off the first of the attack, and seven of the aircraft that carried out the first attack were destroyed.

  While this dogfight in the sea of China was going on, a fleet of thirty Russians and ten North Korean aircraft attacked a NATO fleet of seven ships patrolling the Baltic Sea without any warning. Fifteen of the planes were taken down by the ships, but two of the ships were sinking, and the other four became unusable. Now NATO was officially in a war with SETO.

  “God will be on our side because we are right, and the Almighty God is always with the righteous,” said the US President, publicly declared war on SETO after the NATO meeting.

  Five divisions of Russian, Chinese and North Korean army forces entered Finland with the support of armored ships and air forces. Six divisions attacked Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia. According to the agreement between the SETO countries, these former Soviet Union countries would be connected to the Russian Federation after the occupation. The decision on other countries would be based on the outcome of the war. Of course, all the calculations were made according to the probability that the victor would be SETO. The SETO countries did not want a nuclear strike. However, if it were obliged, this path would be followed.

  SETO, not content with these attacks, wanted to gain the dominance of the Middle East which was the real cause of the war, launched a sudden attack on the Mediterranean forces of NATO, including the sixth fleet of US. NATO forces responded with the same violence to this first attack. But in this attack, NATO lost two destroyers and a cruiser, and an aircraft carrier became unusable. Thirty of the hundred and fifty aircraft that were on the aircraft carrier was destroyed, the others managed to take off, some of them flew into the dogfight against enemy airplanes, and others attacked the warships that started the attack.

  Meanwhile, NATO sent air defense systems, hundreds of fighter-bomber aircraft and a land force of fifty thousand to Turkey. While NATO was struggling where it was being attacked, it wanted to open a new frontier in Turkey and cause trouble for Russia.

  At the same time, there were intense air, sea and land conflicts between the NATO and SETO forces in the South China Sea, the Korean Peninsula, and Japan. Russian and Chinese heavy bombers attempted to hit major military bases by flying over Japan, South Korea, and the United States. Fifteen of the twenty-eight aircrafts were destroyed by air defense systems before reaching their targets. However, five of them succeeded in shooting some military bases in the US, England, and Japan causing heavy damage.

  The war continued on an equal footing in the first twenty days. Because of high-tech weapons, even in short-term battles, there were heavy losses. However, as in any war, the result would be determined by land battles. For this reason, both sides attacked each other with airplanes, ships and missiles while the infantry troops equipped with tanks, cannons and helicopters were going on the war. What NATO was frightened of the most was the possibility that there would-be long-term front battles. If this happened, the losses would increase, and one of the
parties could resort to a nuclear weapon.

  The commander-in-chief of the NATO Allied Forces, Straus, who was reading reports at his headquarters in Brussels, saw that the situation was not bright. The enemy attacks in the Mediterranean has been squashed but they lost too much. They enemy was forced to withdraw from a country where it occupied in the Baltic. But he was still holding two countries. In the Pacific War, there was equality.

  In the first place, the sudden enemy attack caused considerable loss in Korea and Japan, but the counterattack of the NATO forces had hurt them. All the allies hoped that this meaningless war would end as soon as possible, but the opposite site seemed to have no intention yet.

  He leaned against his seat, rereading the demands and plans of the attack and defense he received from the high-ranking commanders. Russian forces attacked with missiles from bases in Syria to the allied bases in Turkey and Cyprus. They had attempted to enter Turkey from the Syrian border by land as concurrent air raids. However, the Turkish army's own air defense systems and a highly-advanced fighter named Hawk had neutralized air raids by ninety percent, and the land troops repelled the attackers with the support of NATO forces deployed in Turkey. In the Caucasus, Russia's strategy of intervening in Turkey over Georgia failed to demonstrate the necessary success because Georgia was resistant to the support of Turkey and NATO.

  NATO's strategic goal was to make the SETO countries unable to fight economically by stalling. Among the members of this alliance, only China's economic situation was good. Others were on the brink of bankruptcy. One of the main causes of this war was the domination of energy resources in the Middle East. North Korea and Russia would be able to boost the economy and monopolize the price of oil. China, on the other hand, would revive the recession-stricken economy and temporarily overcome the energy bottleneck.

  Straus’ secretariat called, saying that NATO Commander Allied Forces John McKenzie wanted to see him.

  “Let him come,” he said.

  Shortly after, General McKenzie came.

  “Welcome, John, tell me what's the latest situation in Europe?” Straus asked.

  General Kenzie sat on the couch opposite Straus, “News is not well, Commander. Russia made a sudden air attack on the capital of Turkey, Ankara. Twenty aircraft took part in the operation. They tried to shoot some strategic targets in Ankara by flying very low. As far as we know, these were the General Staff Headquarters, the Presidential Office, and some ministries. I think they were trying to create chaos. However, NATO and Turkey's low-altitude air defense systems identified this attempt and destroyed it before they hit the target. There will probably be similar attempts in other regions. They want to shorten the duration of the war and achieve their goals with the least amount of loss.”

  Straus shook his head, “I think you're right. Once the additional information comes from other commanders, I will present them to the NATO General Secretary. After that, they will organize a joint action plan and present it for the approval of the governments. I am assuming that the position of defense will be a violent and comprehensive attack.”

  General Kenzie said, “Is there any progress in the alien civilization that the President of the United States has contacted, sir?”

  “No,” Straus answered. “Per the information I got from my US counterparts, they haven’t made any contact yet. They must think that the situation is not bad enough yet. I do not think they will intervene and expose themselves before the world comes to an end.”

  General Kenzie said, “You are right, I think so too.”

  Meanwhile, the Von Civilization discovery ship continued to watch the Earth. “How do you interpret this report, Bagador?” Vordor asked Bagador who was reading the last report presented to him.

  Bagador said, “I think that with a comprehensive assault on the NATO nations led by the US, they could cause so much damage to the SETO countries, which could shorten the war. However, this attack must be well planned. They are already preparing for it in secret. But I doubt that this attack gives the desired result. It has to start quickly, heavily and end well that the desired result can be obtained. Otherwise, things can reverse.”

  “That does not interest us, dear Bagador,” Vordor waved his hand away. “What we really care about is how much the war will wear down both sides. We must be able to step in and take the whole world under our control when they fall. Of course, we must also consider Agartha civilization. They must not intervene while we are in the occupation. We must guarantee that they will not interfere with it. We must make it clear that we will completely leave the administration of the inside of the Earth to them. In fact, Headquarters said that we should not mess with them in the first place, but that was overruled when no other alternative was offered for the invasion of the Earth. However, our efforts to contact them have failed.”

  Bagador nodded, “Yes sir, unfortunately, every channel we call we made through every channel did not get any answer. We also failed to detect them. They hide very well.”

  Vordor stood, “I will report this to the headquarters. A clear answer will come to us after the Council meeting. We will maintain the current situation until then.”

  Bagador said, “Yes, sir.”

  Vordor returned to his desk and sent the report in an encrypted form to Headquarters. There was now nothing left to do but wait and continue to observe.

  After reading the report in the main planet of Von, Galdor convened the council with an emergency code. He stood up and addressed them. “This has to end one way or another. Either we will risk everything and start the occupation, or we will give up on this productive planet and search for new places. The decision is yours.”

  “If the occupation happens and Agartha civilization does not intervene, how long and how much loss will this operation result in, dear Galdor?” Council member Migandor asked.

  Galdor spoke calmly. “I do not think that this operation will last more than a month, dear Migandor. But I cannot say anything clear about the loss. If the world stops fighting each other and unite against us, the duration of the occupation extends, and our loss can increase. It is possible that they use nuclear weapons against us. We have to destroy nuclear weapons. The rest is relatively easy. We are doing all of our calculations in the hopes that Agartha Civilization does not interfere with us.”

  “If Agartha intervenes, do we have a plan B?” Migandor asked.

  “Of course, but I do not know how applicable it is, because we do not have a detailed knowledge of the power they have, we can only make predictions.”

  The meeting went on for a while and Galdor started the voting as the President of the Council. The Council agreed to carry out the operation, and in the event of Agartha's intervention, they accepted the introduction of plan B presented by Galdor. Galdor also notified Bander of the decisions at the end of the meeting and ordered him to prepare a detailed occupation plan, considering the likely course of the ongoing war in the World.

  Bander, like a child who finally got the toy he desired for so long, said, “Yes, sir.” He immediately went to work. Galdor, who watched Bander nearly skip out of the room was extremely restless. It seemed he had embarked on an adventure that was not going to end. He had voted no, but unfortunately, the Council was pro-war and pro-occupy. He couldn't figure out that these old men were so keen on the war. On the other hand, according to him, Agartha was likely to get involved, and if it did, they would not have much of a chance. If they got defeated, this would cause so much trouble in the surrounding civilizations. Many of the planets they conquered would rebel once they heard of Von’s defeat.

  He shook his head. “I have done my best; the rest is the responsibility of the Council. If we cannot succeed and if they search for someone to blame, then my voting No and the fact that I have opposed to this occupation are in the records.”

  The Council of Masters, which had gathered in Agartha, was evaluating the situation. Master Stian, who presided over the Council, slowly stood to
address the room, “Dear Masters, we all know why we are gathered here today. The problems that the world is experiencing are obvious. The war is continuing at full speed. Considering the reports, there is no possibility of an end soon. The greatest fear is that it turns into a nuclear battle. This is one of the two reasons why we are here today. The other is that the Von Civilization, which closely follows these conflicts, is involved in these conflicts and attempts to take a possible occupation movement knowing that the world is weak. We must make a final decision about the actions we will take against the possibility of both situations.”

  All the masters of Nibiru and Agartha attended this meeting. Master Stian stood and walked around the table. “The deductions I made from the detailed analysis of the reports are that this war will continue to be so unstable, then one of the parties – probably SETO - will resort to nuclear weapons. Although our analysis suggests that tactical nuclear weapons will be used, the result may be a complete nuclear strike. This is a possibility that all of us, even the Von Civilization, are anxious about because this makes the occupation of the planet insignificant because it will cause environmental damage to the extent that billions of people will die. So, we guess they will not want it either. Our spies informed us that an urgent Council meeting was held on the main planet in this regard. If we know this civilization - we know enough - we think they decided to invade during this meeting. In this case, we have foreseen that they will watch the weakest moments of the Earth, and as soon as they have it, they will attack it. This will be the moment when the nuclear war will begin. They will interfere before there is too much damage and the both sides will be caught in their weakest moments as they will have their full attention on their enemies. I would like to present this to the approval of the masters. Do we need to intervene in World War before the nuclear war? This is the first issue to vote.”


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