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Laird of the Underworld : Book 1

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by Verna Cyril

  Amber giggled then returned to her mother’s side.

  The woman cleared her throat then introduced herself: “My name is Katherine. I am Alaric’s mother.”

  Genevieve smiled lopsidedly then nodded her head respectfully, “Nice to meet you Katherine. My name is Genevieve.”

  Katherine was tall and slender. She looked too young to be a mother, her face didn’t show a wrinkle of age. It was now evident where Alaric had taken his eccentric good looks. Her hair was brilliantly dark and full and her eyes were also amber coloured. She wore a red ankle length dress, which revealed her perfectly shaped legs on one side. Genevieve noticed that she too had very pale skin. Her lip was ruby red.

  Genevieve moved away from the mirror then walked sorrowfully to the sofa in the room. She held her stomach, a huge lump in her throat as tears threatened to spill down her eyes.

  “Now, now, my dear,” Katherine coaxed, rubbing her shoulders. “You will ruin your makeup,” Her amber eyes roved the room as she demanded: “Leave us, ladies.” She ran her hands through Genevieve’s glorious mane, saying: “This must all be terrifying, I know.”

  “I don’t want to marry. I don’t want to be here. I want to go home!” Genevieve snapped. “Please Katherine, I don’t know your son enough and I can’t be the one he is searching for.”

  “Hush child!”, Katherine interrupted. “Your father agreed to this arrangement.”

  Shocked Genevieve stared at the woman in horror. “My father would never!”

  Katherine persisted. “Yes, he did. Your father never told you the truth.”

  Genevieve stood angrily, hands fisted. “How dare you!”. She turned on her heels storming towards the door with hopes of finding solitude. Unfortunately, she nearly ran into a hefty man at the door. Dismayed, she wrung her hands realizing for the first time that she was trapped. She turned around and made her way back into the dressing room, tears brimming her eyes. Hopelessly she whispered, “My fate is sealed.”

  Chapter three

  “What’s taking so long?” Alaric muttered under his breath. His amber eyes followed the white carpeted altar as he waited impatiently for a glimpse of his bride. The blossoming trees and enchanting scent of wild flowers wafted the air as beams of sunlight slit through the canopy of trees above their heads. Although the wedding was impromptu, having it outside was both ideal and refreshing. Plastic white chairs were lined on either side of the altar with white fine silk draped along their edges in loops. He frowned, turning his gaze away from the fancy wedding arch then stared into Father Kuligan's face. An odd squawk-like sound burst from the man’s lips and his eyes bulged with fear, suddenly pink from anxiety. Annoyed, Alaric raised an eyebrow. If he was not so concerned about his new bride, he probably would have been amused by the man’s fluster, but currently all he could think of was the wedding. He glanced at his father who was standing much too close to Father Kuligan to ensure the smooth performance of the ceremony. A deep scowl hardened his features. His best man Damon was at his side reassuring him every now and again with a gentle pat on the back. He flexed his hands and breathed a low expletive as he tried his best to curb his flooding anger.

  The gasp from his friend’s lips drew his attention, followed by a buzz of excitement from the congregation. Alaric followed their stares down the aisle. To his relief, flower girls and bridesmaids holding colourful bouquets danced down the carpeted floor. The relaxing melodious chirps resounded through the trees and the warm breeze rushed through their long peach dresses.

  Alaric sighed, a wave of relief washed over his handsome features, thankful he didn’t have to get her himself. He had wanted to give her the wedding she’d deserve, hence the reason he had ensured the ladies had all the help

  needed for preparation. His breath caught in the back of his throat and his loins tightened as he watched her move down the aisle with deliberate tiny measured steps and the grace and sensuality of a beautiful goddess. He sucked in his breath. Her hazel coloured eyes glistened with unrestrained defiance, chin held high with a stubborn willfulness. He chuckled softly, remembering the way she had fought him the night before. Indeed he admitted to himself, she had proven to be a little hellion. Hot desire pulsated through his veins. She was without a doubt the most beautiful creature he had ever laid eyes on. A beautiful floral head wreath was perched over her soft golden tresses giving her the exotic and mystical look of a nymph. A soft gust of wind swept her hair away from her face , showing off her elegant and angelic features. Delightful, he feasted his eyes on her in appraisal, as she reached his side. His passion overwhelmed him. He reached out and took her small clammy hands into his large ones. Misty and fearful eyes met his briefly then slowly dropped to the soft carpet at their feet. The defiance he had witnessed in those honey coloured eyes minutes ago was now replaced with vulnerability. Remorsefully, Alaric’s heart lurched. He reminded himself, he was going to protect her and give her the life she very well deserved. She was his and his to keep.

  The priest stammered throughout the vows. Genevieve had never seen anyone in such a wretched state. She gulped after he asked her to repeat her vows and hesitated, fearfully glancing at the crowd. She could not help but realize that most people looked like corpses. She did not recognize anyone. Terrified, her heart lurched. She wished her father was there.

  Alaric cleared his throat impatiently. She slowly looked up into amber coloured eyes that searched her soul. For this occasion, his hair was brushed back at his nape which really flattered his strong jaw line and defined his handsome features. He was dressed immaculately handsome with an outrageously expensive black suit. How could he have planned all of this in such a short space of time? she thought apprehensively. His attire was devilishly attractive and made him appear like the perfect gentleman.

  “I ..”, she stammered then turned to the crowd who were now buzzing quietly. “I..” she repeated.

  Alaric turned to the priest menacingly. “Yes, she does.” His tone was uncompromising.

  Genevieve waited for the priest to disagree. She looked into the man’s eyes pleadingly.

  Priest Kuligan pretended not to notice. “You are now husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.”

  Genevieve gasped, then opened her mouth to disapprove but it was too late. Alaric’s tongue delved deep inside her mouth for a long sensual kiss. Soon she was in his arms walking down the aisle as the crowd shouted in joy. She could not believe it, I am now married to this stranger!

  She buried her face in his shoulder as she wept all over again. She didn’t know when the pain would disappear but she prayed it would soon be over.

  Chapter four

  The ceremony was held under a tent pitched outside on a large plot of land separating many contemporary homes. Surrounding the homes were large evergreen trees. Very odd, Genevieve thought, an entire village secluded from the world. She pretended not to notice the leering eyes on her. Jealousy was obvious in the countenance of a few women.

  “Can I leave, please?”, she pleaded with Alaric as she tried to hide her hurt.

  The tension was thick. His eyes were suddenly glued to the three men entering the tent. Genevieve watched as his lips curled into a cynical smile. His father stood and so did Damon.

  “Gentleman,” Alaric drawled, “your presence here is not welcome.”

  Apprehension engulfed Genevieve. She had no idea what was happening but the men looked dangerous under those trench coats. Again, she repeated through clenched teeth, “Can I leave, please?”

  Alaric did not respond, but his jaw clenched in anger. Finally, he stood. So did the rest of his men. The undesirable guests remained in their positions. Genevieve could not see but she heard growling in every direction. Fear rushed through her veins as she bolted from the table and stormed into the dark night.

  Almost immediately, she was hemmed in by two men. She screamed, backing away slowly. In a heartbeat, she watched as one of her antagonists was tossed to the ground. The sound of flesh hitting flesh and the
nauseating smell of blood wafted through the air. Genevieve watched in disbelief as her husband mercilessly cracked the other man’s neck. She screamed in skepticism. Reinforcements appeared as two other men flanked Alaric.

  Alaric threw her a sidelong glance. She didn’t see his mouth move but the words Don’t move resonated powerfully through her mind. She hesitated, the urge to flee was intense. However, she remained still, afraid that she might expose them both to danger. She remained in her position, pulse racing and watched as he defeated his attackers with swift and deadly movements. He flung another to the ground and decapitated him with his blade. Terrified, Genevieve shrieked in horror as blood spewed in the air, and kept whimpering until the four men were lying lifeless on the ground.

  Norwick approached them, fury in his eyes.“Is everything ok?”, he questioned his son as he surveyed the bodies on the ground. Alaric did not reply, his eyes were fixed on Genevieve. Colour was drained from her face; sheer terror was in her eyes. Anger was palpable in Alaric’s demeanour as he marched towards Genevieve. He was furious with her.

  “Easy now,” Katherine called out to her son as she watched him grab Genevieve by the hand and drag her away from the already crowded scene. Katherine looked at her husband with concern in her eyes. “Do you...?” she thought pensively.

  Norwick interrupted his wife’s thoughts, already anticipating what she was thinking. He replied reassuringly, “No, he won’t.” He held his wife around the shoulders tenderly as they disappeared into the night.


  “Let go of me!” Genevieve yelled.” You are not my father!”

  Alaric pushed her into their home, his eyes shone a startling green. “Undoubtedly, now you are my wife and you shall behave like that!”

  “I never wanted to be your wife. You forced me into this”, she blurted out and darted across the room away from him, but instead, ran straight into his large frame. Mind boggling, how he moved so quickly. I didn’t even hear him move.

  Alaric growled: “I don’t care, but you will obey me from now on, missy. When I tell you walk, you walk; run, you run!”

  Genevieve snarled, “Oh, I hate you”, as the onset of sobbing escaped her lips. She fell to her knees on the carpeted floor, filling the room with her heart-wrenching cries.

  Alaric immediately felt like a jerk. He only now realized that this was all new to her. She was obviously having a hard time comprehending all that occurred. He sighed, then lifted her into his arms, Genevieve still crying. The room was dark yet he moved easily and didn’t stop until he reached the large bed in his room. He placed her over it tenderly, breathing in her alluring scent. She felt so light in his arms, so dainty, almost ethereal. Her heart was racing wildly and the sound was appetizing for Alaric. He turned away from her. He knew he had to feed and his carnivorous instinct was rising steadily, nearly driving him insane. Nevertheless, he turned away from her, choosing not to touch her. He did not wish to increase her fear. “I won't’ hurt you,” he vowed, then disappeared.


  Genevieve’s head was pounding. Stories her father had told her, when she was a child, of terrifying men who dominated the night, were perhaps true. She had just witnessed the killing of men by her so-called husband. She was in an entirely new world now and the thought of what could happen to her was petrifying. She began to weep again. “Daddy,” she cried hoarsely, fresh tears stinging her eyes. “I don’t know how to live with this; please help me.” She curled into a fetal position on the large bed, unaware of the passage of time, reminiscing of herself as a child sitting on her father’s lap and eventually sweet repose blanketed her mind.


  Jared could tell that she was hurting. He could hear her but was unable to communicate with her. He kicked at the furniture in the empty room and snarled in frustration. Unshed tears pricked his eyes, he shook with anger. “Why, why have I failed you, Genevieve

  Chapter five

  Alaric moved swiftly into the shadows of the night as he stared intently at his prey. He tried not to feed on humans, however, he was famished and angry that evening. He sneered then moved swiftly in anticipation of devouring his prey. Upon seeing him, adrenaline rushed through his victim’s veins and the small pulse at her neck moved rapidly. Alaric pounced on his prey in a frenzy and feasted on her blood, dropping her lifeless body on the ground. Satisfied, he made his way home, shape-shifting through the dead of night. Images of his wife lying in bed came to mind and within minutes he was at her side. She was still wearing her wedding dress. Gently he undressed her, then took her in his arms, tenderly caressing her limp body. Tears had stained her flawless cheeks. He slowly undressed himself, consumed by her silent moans as she stirred in his bed. He moved over her and passionately planted a kiss on her lips, his naked body pressed against her warm flesh.

  Genevieve resisted. “Please,” she whispered as his tongue delved inside her mouth to claim her. Alaric kissed her until she stopped fighting and melted into his arms. He smothered her with butterfly kisses down her nose, cheeks and neck. Genevieve drew a shaky breath, confused by the feelings which now stirred within her. She tensed, fighting hard to regain her already shattered composure.

  Alaric groaned, then whispered in her ear in reassurance: “Trust me, my sweet.” When he felt her relax in his arms, he ran his tongue down her body, deliberately teasing her nipples with his hands and lips which soon jolted shockwaves down Genevieve’s stomach and limbs. She heaved, confused by the alarming pleasure his kisses ignited in her. Heat curled in the pit of her stomach and flooded between her thighs. She felt the gentle ease of his finger over the soft mound between her legs. He sucked in his breath from the feel of her silkiness upon his fingers. Eagerly he lowered his lips and gently nipped on the tiny hardened buds of her breasts then rolled his tongue down her stomach, navel and slowly descended between her thighs. Genevieve nearly jumped off the bed, gasping with pleasure as his tongue swirled passionately between the soft folds of her inner thighs. Suddenly, embarrassed, she tried to close her legs. Alaric continued, unmindful of her reluctance, kissing her hungrily, nipping at the tender flesh between her thighs until she was writhing and moaning with desire for him. Genevieve held his head between her thighs and rolled her hips to meet his caress. She moaned as he teased her with his mouth and his hands wildly roamed over her nipples .She cried out, whispering his name between small gasps as he teased her nipples, mounting the intensity of her arousal. She could not contain herself any longer and threw her head back in pleasure as her body shook with the spasms of her ecstasy.

  Alaric watched her, satisfied that she came to a release. He lifted her chin to meet his gaze, not wanting to forget the look on her face while she came for him.

  “You are so beautiful, my sweet '' his eyes roved her body in appraisal, admiring the small curves of his hips and narrow waist. Aching, he brushed his lips against hers, while inserting his throbbing member into her. He knew she was a virgin and planned to go gentle. Genevieve flinched under him as she felt Alaric’s shaft enter her, nearly breaching her maidenhood. He grunted softly from the excitement she aroused within him and locked his lips with hers in a deep searing kiss. He stroked her golden tresses, consumed by desire as he continued to slowly invade her body startled by how impatient he was to be inside of her. Genevieve whimpered, squirming under him as she tried desperately to push him off her. The taut muscles of his chest rippled under her palms. The light beaming through the slits of the heavy curtains gave her a glimpse of his strong sunkissed chest and the deep frown and grimace that contorted his handsome face. Genevieve gasped and so did Alaric as she tightened even more around his member. “Shit”, he whispered, then began to plant gentle kisses all over her face and neck between short breaths wanting her to endure to the end. He released a breath as Genevieve absentmindedly wriggled beneath him in an effort to free herself from the growing discomfort. Alaric groaned inwardly trying his best to comfort his concerned bride.

  Genevieve persisted, unaware of how
she escalated his arousal with her movements. Alaric let out a guttural sound, every thought of restraint vanishing. He lifted her buttocks and with a single, deliberate thrust, plunged headlong, down into her utmost depth. Genevieve screamed and shook with sobs of distress. He paused and inhaled deeply, crushing his lips over hers. He waited for her to relax but Genevieve was bent on getting him away from her. He delved his tongue in her mouth and stroked her breast until he slowly felt her relax under him. At his persistent caressing, her pain eventually subsided and instead, she eagerly responded to his rhythm as he stirred passionately within her. He wanted to go slow but Genevieve raised her hips to meet him and so in the throes of passion, he began to rock savagely inside her, his face buried in the crook of her neck. Shuddering with pleasure, Alaric kissed her lips and increased his tempo until he spilled his seed into her. He held unto her tightly, overwhelmed with sweet pleasure.

  Chapter six

  Panting with relief, they lay quietly in each other's arms. Genevieve’s hazel eyes glinted with satisfaction; her cheeks flushed. She had never imagined such pain, yet so much pleasure at the same time. She chewed softly at her lower lip, running her fingers through Alaric’s dark mane. He reached out and turned on the lamp on the bed side table. He was extremely handsome. Amber eyes gazed back at her with passion. She smiled lazily, then suddenly frowned as the reality of what had happened dawned on her. Feeling stupid, she drew a sharp breath. How unlady-like and uncouth she thought. He now must believe you are just some bimbo at his disposal.

  Alaric cleared his throat. How unbecoming of a young woman.

  Genevieve’s thoughts continued as tears threatened to overcome her seemingly calm composure. If only my father knew. Her cheeks tinted peach with indignation


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