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The Enemy

Page 7

by Amelia Shea

  Kase shifted off the counter and pulled her into his side, sliding his arm over her shoulder. She resisted, but he was stronger and more persistent at the moment.

  “You been carrying this family for over a fucking year now, okay? You do more for that crazy fucker than any of us.” It was true. Marissa had devoted all her time and effort to not only Caden and Trevor, but to their father.

  “I don’t mind.” She whimpered. Kase glanced up at Caden, who was watching Marissa. He drew in a breath. Cade had found the perfect partner, someone who would forever give. They weren’t worthy of her, not a single Reilly. He smiled.

  “I know ya don’t, but I do.”

  She slowly looked up with tears threatening her eyes.

  “And Cade does.” He narrowed his gaze. “Ya got the baby now. You need a fucking break.” She shook her head, and he tightened his hold. “I’m gonna tell you what your pussy husband won’t ‘cause he doesn’t want ya upset. You need this, and we’re giving it to you. Jack is coming to stay with me at the club for a week.”

  She sniffled and remained silent. It would sink in eventually. “You better bring him back.” It was a sweet, weepy demand. He tightened his hold.

  Kase smiled and leaned closer, whispering in her ear, “I will. Trust me, a week with his ass will be enough. I’ll be the one needing a fucking break.”

  Kase glanced up to Caden who stood across the room watching him. He nodded and released Marissa. He’d give them a minute to get their shit back on track.

  Kase lit a cigarette as he walked out on the porch and gazed off the property. His brother had a good set up, one he worked his ass for through the years. He’d always been hard on Caden, as their Pop had been hard on him. It’s what made a man.

  The screen door opened, but Kase kept his stare trained on the front yard.

  “She’s packing up his things.” Cade cleared his throat. “Thanks for stepping in back there. Hard to do what I know is right when I got her crying in front of me.”

  Kase glanced over.

  Caden shrugged. “She’s my weak spot.”

  Most women were, especially the good ones. Marissa had come in a year ago and changed the Reilly men, including himself. She brought a softness they desperately needed, even if he wasn’t willing to verbally admit it. Marissa was good for them, all of them. She took care of them. It was time to return the favor.

  “He’s getting worse, Kase.”

  Kase clenched his jaw. “I know.”

  “Do you?”

  Kase grasped the railing of the porch and turned to his brother. “Yeah, I fucking know, Cade. He lives here, but I know my own fucking dad.” It was his own guilt speaking. He hadn’t been there for Jack or Caden as he should have been. Caden had taken on the burden of caring for his father while Kase had run the club.

  Caden held up his hands. “Just want you prepared.”

  Kase scoffed. “For what? His death? Pop’s been losing his mind for the past few years. I know what the outcome will be.” He did. As much as he refused to admit it, Jack’s impending demise was weighing heavy on his shoulders. It had been the last few years. It was hard watching the man he’d idolized during his entire childhood become a shell of the man he once was.

  As a kid, Jack seemed larger than life. He lived for the club, with Kase and Caden coming up a close second. He didn’t fully understand the devotion until he turned eighteen and prospected. He knew he wanted to be a member, and he’d do what it took. He had visions of it being easier than it was. Jack made him earn it. He’d been harder on Kase than any other prospect.

  It had been worth it. All of it, to be sitting at the head of the table, taking over the gavel when his Pop stepped down.

  “How much time ya think we got?” Kase asked.

  Caden sighed, strolling up next to him. “He’s had a few bad weeks, Kase.” It was a warning.

  Kase nodded and drew in a breath. Caden handled mostly everything with his father. It had been a mutual understanding and agreement. Kase’s lifestyle didn’t allow the same flexibility as Caden’s. Fuck you and your fucking copout. He turned to Caden. His brother had stepped up when he didn’t. When he should have.

  “Whores and booze, he’ll have a good time for the week,” Kase said, which got the tension draining from his brother’s shoulders. Caden glanced up, grinning.

  “Not a bad way to go.”

  “Fucking best way,” Kase said, slapping Caden’s back and gripping his shoulder. Someday soon it would be just the two of them. It was a realization that weighed heavy on Kase.

  Chapter Five

  It was odd for someone to knock on her door. With so few neighbors, random surprise visits were rare, aside from Mary across the street. She started out of her bedroom and stopped near the kitchen counter, glancing up at the time. Ten-fifteen was too late for Mary to be stopping by. She inched closer to the door. Through the small part in the curtain she saw a tall figure in a black leather vest. Her heart spiked, and she angled her head to get a better look.

  An abrupt sharp knock pounded on the door, shifting the curtains. It wasn’t enough to get a full visual of the man on the other side of the door. It could be any member of the club. The black leather was a dead giveaway. Phoebe had a sneaking suspicion it was Kase. Her belly swirled with excitement as she closed in on her door.

  She grabbed the doorknob and yanked it open with a smile. Too eager, settle down.

  “Hey there, neighbor.” The sultry tone was done with purpose.

  Kase stood two feet away, donning his signature glare. “Got a proposition.”

  She leaned her head against the door. “Well, my day just got interesting.” She was teasing. The only reason Kase would show up with a proposition would be solely for acquiring her land.

  He reached into his pocket, pulled out a piece of paper, and handed it to her. She grasped the small square, and her fingers grazed over the calluses of his knuckles. Rough hands.

  It didn’t take superhuman powers to know he was giving her another offer. She slid the small paper between her fingers. She arched her brow. “How about we have drinks by the fire, and I’ll listen to your proposal?”

  His jaw squared, and his glare sharpened. “I don’t have a fucking proposal. I got a fucking number. A better offer than you’ll ever get for this property.” He released a disgusted snarl. “I ain’t gonna waste my time trying to convince you to do shit. You either take it, or you fucking don’t.”

  She widened her eyes. That was not the response she had been expecting. She was learning quick Kase wasn’t the usual type of man she interacted with. The man had a chip on his shoulder and a short fuse. Surprisingly, she wasn’t turned off. It was refreshing to see a man be upfront, honest, cutting out all the bullshit. She pushed off the door and inhaled a deep breath.

  “Okay, forget the proposal. Just have a drink with me.” She stepped closer.


  “Come hang by the fire, share my whiskey.” She shrugged. “I owe you, remember? Had you not stepped in with Arnett, I could be serving twenty to life right now.” It was a desperate attempt at a joke.

  He shook his head and glanced across her lawn. She noted he didn’t immediately take off. The deep lines between his brows eased slightly. I need to make my move before he bolts.

  She reached out, sliding her fingers over the back of his hand. He jerked his gaze back to her but didn’t pull away. She could read his face. He wanted to.

  Before she lost her nerve, she started back in the house and reached up on her top shelf to get the glasses. The bottle had been on her counter, and she grabbed the neck, walking back to Kase standing on the porch.

  “C’mon.” She didn’t wait for a response and started down the steps. All she could hope for was that he followed. Her lips curled when she heard his boots crunch into the concrete step stones.

  She had attempted to start the fire. It only lasted a minute before he aggressively took over. He nudged her aside and bent down, grabbing t
he logs and setting them up. The fire was always Jared’s thing, and she hadn’t quite gotten the hang of the stacking process. She settled in a chair, pouring the whiskey, and watching Kase. He reached over, grabbed a handful of newspaper she had stacked near the ring, and shredded strips, tossing them onto the logs. Once he’d gotten the fire started, he settled into the seat across from her, much to her dismay. There was a seat directly next to her.

  He sipped from his glass, taking a larger mouthful than she did. It wasn’t the flavor she enjoyed. It was the heat and slow burn down her throat. The warming of her belly and the ease only whiskey could deliver. Kase drank as though it was water.

  “So,” she said, staring across the flames. “What should we talk about?”

  The sharp edges of his cheekbones protruded from his face, and his gaze narrowed. “The offer.” He jerked his chin to her hand.

  She’d almost forgotten about the slip of paper in her hand. She glanced down and opened it, acutely aware he was watching her. She flattened her lips and held back her surprise at the number staring back at her. Holy shit! It was the highest offer she’d been given from the club. Too bad I’m not moving.

  She glanced up, hoping she was pulling off her poker face “If I turn down the offer, will you leave?”

  He raised his brows. She wasn’t sure how to interpret the response. Would he leave? Probably. It was his only reason for being at her place. Without her selling, he had no interest in her. Or did he? She wasn’t willing to take the chance.

  She curved the corner of her lip. “Okay. I’ll think about the offer.”

  Kase snorted, and the corner of his mouth curled. “You’re so full of shit.”

  Did he just smile? Not a full-fledged committed grin, but a smile. She internally celebrated her small breakthrough.

  “Ya ain’t gonna take anything I offer, are you?”

  She blinked and glanced up at him. She slowly shook her head. “It’s nothing personal. I just don’t want to sell. It’s home.”

  His dark gaze travelled over her face, sending a shiver down her spine. He leaned forward, and her heart skipped thinking he was leaving. When he grabbed his glass from the ground and brought it up to his lips, she sighed in relief. He kept his gaze locked on hers. Her heart picked up its pace, and a flash of heat spread across her chest and neck. Any flirting done in the past was mere child’s play when up against Kase. She watched his throat bob and could almost taste his salty skin on her lips as if she were licking his neck. She tightened her thighs together.

  “Can I ask you something?”

  “Are we fucking sharing?”

  A blustering bubble built in her belly. He had to be the grumpiest man she’d ever come into contact with. It seemed strange for a man of his age to be so pissed off all the time. Why the hell am I so turned on? She sipped her drink and licked her lips. His dark eyes had yet to look away, sending a small tingle over her skin, mainly across her breasts, shooting straight to her core.

  “Let me ask you something.” It was a command rather than a request.

  It was enough to knock her out of her sex-hazed trance and she blinked. She scooted up in her seat and turned her body toward him. “Yes. Let’s share. I’ll ask first, then you.”

  She noticed a change in his eyes. A suspicious glimmer. “No.”

  “Okay, you go first. What do you wanna know?” She waggled her brows. “Open book, Kase.”

  The anticipation was too much. Her mind was riddled with potential questions. What’s my favorite position? Can I come from sex alone, or do I need clit play? Am I willing to get naked right now? Yes, I am. She bit her lip and cocked her brow.

  He sipped from his cup, eyeing her over the rim of his glass. “Your old man?”

  She flinched before she could register her reaction. She was caught off guard. Of all the questions he’d ask, the subject of her husband hadn’t even peaked her radar. Purposely bringing up a deceased spouse was usually a major faux pas. Although, Kase didn’t strike her as the type to follow rules of etiquette. The last thing she wanted to discuss with him would he Jared. In fact, she rarely discussed him with anyone. She furrowed her brows and glanced at the sky. “Finally get to hang out with a biker, and he wants know about my deceased husband?” She side-glanced him. “I thought for sure you would ask me something scandalous, like my favorite position.”

  Kase arched his brow, allowing his gaze to drop to her tight fitted T-shirt. He glanced up and smirked. “Reverse cowgirl, ’cause you get off on being in control.” He slowly lifted his cigarette to his mouth and lit it. “Sixty-nine as a fucking second.”

  Her eyes widened, and for a brief second, she was frozen with a plastered smile on her face. The man had nailed her favorite positions by just a scan over her body. Her howling laughter ripped through the valley. He shook his head, pursing his lips. If she had to guess, he was holding back his own laughter. This was good. It made him seem more human.

  “Oh my God, that’s awesome.” She scooted up in her chair, resting her elbows on her knees. “Can you do that with anyone? Because seriously, if so, we need to go to a bar right now. I totally wanna see this.”

  Kase stared back for a few seconds before the corner of his mouth lifted slightly. She blinked, caught off guard. This was a breakthrough of sorts. Did I really just make Kase Reilly smile, sort of? It was the most emotion she’d gotten out of him. Even the lines in his forehead eased slightly. She sucked in a deep breath. His features, when not brooding and stern, were…handsome.

  “Your husband?” he asked.

  If she wanted this Kase to stick around, she’d have to continue with one of her least favorite subjects. It was a decision of what she wanted more.

  She shrugged and sipped from her glass. “Dead.”

  Kase snorted and shook his head. It wasn’t much. At least he wasn’t leaving.

  “Fucking smartass.”

  She smirked and lifted her glass to her lips, prolonging the sip far longer than it should have lasted. He stood up, adding another log to the fire before taking his seat. Kase was showing no signs of leaving. She leaned forward over the arm of her chair and pointed in his direction.

  “You get laid a lot, don’t ya?”

  It was her turn to be amused. His hand froze as he was lifting his cigarette to his lips, and he glanced up. She was sure Kase wasn’t caught off guard often. Her question definitely threw him off his game.

  “I do all right.”

  She nodded. “I bet you do.” She tilted her head. “I bet women get off on the motorcycle, the tats, the whole bad boy biker thing, huh?”

  He eyed her suspiciously. His stare darkened and took on a heated, dangerous vibe. It only made her more intrigued.

  “You getting off on it?”

  Yes! A burn heat flashed over her entire body.

  “I’d answer that, but it’s my turn to ask a question.” She licked her lips. “When was the last time you had sex?”

  He cocked a brow. “You gonna share your last fuck?”

  It was a challenging tone. He didn’t think she would, and on any given day, he’d be right. Something in her didn’t care. It’s called liquid courage, jackass. She ignored the voice in her head. If Kase wanted to share, she was game.

  She shrugged. “Last month.” She shimmied in her seat and dropped her feet to the ground. “Lucas.” She sighed just remembering him. “He was so hot, and I mean, I know women say that all the time, they are forever pledging the man they had was the best thing ever. This guy was incredible to look at. Completely ripped, dark hair, dark eyes, had a deep raspy voice.” She glanced up and lifted her brows. “Kase, he was hot.”

  “Yeah, I got that.”

  Phoebe rested her head against the back of her chair. “Twenty-six.” She arched her brow. “The young ones are so damn eager to please.” She lifted her glass, pointing at him. “See, you and me have a lot more in common than ya think. We’re both fans of the twentysomethings.” It was an assumption on her part, and a va
lid one. Phoebe had seen quite a few girls next door, and not one appeared over the age of thirty.

  She winked, expecting him to appreciate her comment. His jaw clenched tightly for unknown reasons, and he drew in a breath. Get on with it before he ditches our drunk ass.

  “It was a blind date. The conversation wasn’t anything amazing. It was the first date, which is always awkward. I invite him in, and he kinda hesitated saying he wanted to take things slow.” She rolled her eyes. “The next thing I know, I’m up against a wall and he’s giving me an orgasm.” She widened her eyes and knew her speech was slurred slightly. She didn’t care. “Like five minutes in, I’m screaming his name, biting his chest, and coming.” She sat back in her seat, released a heavy built up sigh, and grinned. “It was glorious.”

  It had been. Each and every time. She never understood women who balked at great sex. Maybe they did because they never had any, or maybe they were too ashamed at coming off dirty. Whatever their own case was, Phoebe enjoyed it. The passion, the hunger, the damn orgasm.

  The silence lingered between them. She didn’t mind. She was still basking in sex memories of Lucas to care.

  “Ya still with him?”

  “We went out a few more times, ended the night in positions I didn’t even know were possible.” She burst out laughing. “But no, I don’t see him anymore.”


  She gazed up at Kase. He was wholeheartedly invested in her story, which was sweet. But the reason she and Lucas never lasted wasn’t something she wanted to think about. It would sober her up in seconds. She desperately needed a change of subject, a diversion.

  “I screw twenty-six-year olds, I don’t date them.”

  He spit out his whiskey and wiped his mouth with his sleeve. “God, you’re so fucking unpredictable.”

  Was that a good thing?

  “Your turn, Kase. You promised.”

  He stared at her, prolonging the silence. Then he jerked his chin. “Finish yours.”

  She scoffed and frowned. “I did. We went out, we banged, end of story.”


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