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The Enemy

Page 18

by Amelia Shea


  She glanced up and shrugged. “I just never talk about it.”

  “Then don’t.” He wouldn’t pressure her into anything. He’d done most of his bidding for information by bullying his way to answers. For some reason, he couldn’t bring himself to do that now. Not with her.

  She watched him as if she was waiting on him to command her to answer him. He drew in a breath, keeping his eyes locked on hers. The corner of her mouth curled, and she leaned forward, pressing her lips to his in a soft lingering kiss. By all accounts, she was ending any further conversation. Then she pulled away, resting on her knees and waiting.

  She licked her lips with hesitation. “I’ll tell you.”

  He eyed her, and the silence dragged between them.

  “Talk,” he commanded with a smirk.

  “He outed me.”

  Kase furrowed his brows.

  Phoebe sighed. “When Jared died and everything came to light, the debt, the infidelity, all of it happened back in California. I spent nine months trying to sort out the financial shit and suffocating under all these new revelations. More women so early on in our marriage. The fact that most of our mutual friends knew about it for years. And no one told me. It was humiliating, embarrassing. I can’t even put into words how it ripped me apart. It almost destroyed me.” She drew in a deep breath. “My only saving grace was I had this little piece of heaven.” She snorted and glanced around the room. “This shack on four acres where I could retreat and just be me without any baggage left behind by Jared. No one in Ghosttown was privy to any of the sordid scandalous bullshit of his death. They knew he died; they knew I was a widow. Without any details. And I never gave any.”

  Phoebe glanced up at the ceiling, and her shoulders bunched. “But Arnett did. A few months after I got back, I ran into him on Main Street. He was making a scene, as usual.” She snorted. “He was complaining about the new benches and how they’d encourage loitering. Anyway, it was a Saturday afternoon, a lot of people around. I made a joke about his never ending need to complain.” She rolled her eyes. “I stand behind that. We went back and forth, sharing insults and digs.” She darted her eyes to Kase. “Can’t remember exactly what I said to trigger it, but he lost his shit.” She groaned shaking her head. “I swear, Arnett had all the info hidden away in some secret asshole vault of his and sat on it before exploding with it all.” She sighed. “He started screaming about how we’d been so far in debt, I had to sell everything I owned just to pay it off, and how Jared had been cheating on me for years. Spewing shit about me not satisfying my husband so he was forced to seek out other women.” She snorted and wiped her cheek. “As if that wasn’t enough, then Arnett shared where Jared died. In the bed of his lover.” She stared down at the sheets. “Even threw in how his mistress showed up at the funeral.”

  An icy blast filtered through his blood. Even a cold bastard such as himself could feel her pain through her words. The pain, the embarrassment, the hurt.

  “You’re fucking kidding me?”

  She shook her head. “Wish I was. But no, she showed. The crazy bitch even had the balls to ask if she was named in his friggin’ will.”

  “You beat her ass?”

  Phoebe smirked and glanced up at him. “No. My dad and Carter wouldn’t let me. I’m still shocked that I didn’t go after her, but after all that happened, then all his debts I was left with, finding out he no longer paid the premiums on his life insurance so when he died, I got nothing. I sold the houses and took a loan from my father to pay off this place.”

  “I would have beat the fuck outta the old man too.”

  “I was actually walking away from him when Arnett delivered the final blow.” She lost every ounce of ease, and her face paled. “He said he should have bought my property when he had the chance so he’d be rid of me. Apparently, Jared reached out to him, unbeknownst to me of course. Offered this place.” She glanced up. Her voice lowered. “Real cheap for a quick sale. My guess is Jared recognized how far into debt he’d gotten himself into and was looking to cash in on anything he didn’t deem his.”

  What the fuck? “The motherfucker was gonna sell without telling you?”

  She nodded. “According to Arnett.”

  “Coulda been bullshitting you.” He wouldn’t put it past the old fucker to lie to her.

  Phoebe snorted. “He wasn’t. Before Jared died, I was getting calls from realtors wanting to list the house. When I mentioned it to him, he said it was probably cold calls. At the time I didn’t question it, but when Arnett said that, it was like a whole new anger built inside me. Something snapped in me.” She laughed without humor and curved her neck, staring back at him. “That’s the man I chose to spend my entire life with. And he was trying to sell off this place to Arnett, told him he’d give it to him cheap just to get rid of it.” Her cheeks flushed, and Kase could feel the anger radiating from her skin. He also sensed the hurt. He couldn’t be sure which infuriated him more. The anger he could relate to; her hurt made him want to fucking strangle the old bastard across the street. He breathed heavily, keeping his emotions at bay. He was a master at the disconnect. Until now.

  She grabbed her chest, and her eyes welled. “This was mine. I wanted this. I found it and used my money as the down payment with savings I had stockpiled away, and that son of a bitch was taking it from me.” She gritted her teeth. “Behind my back?” She narrowed her gaze. “To anyone else this place is a shack in the woods.” Tears welled in her eyes, and she whispered, “To me, it’s everything.”

  His hand itched to touch her. Ease some of the pain some fucker laid on her. He didn’t.

  She drew in a deep breath. “And then I snapped, grabbed my bat from the truck, and made a beeline for him. Luckily for Arnett, Coop got to me first and grabbed it from me. My rage was so blind I didn’t even care. I got three good shots before Coop could grab me and pull me off him. I was hellbent on making him feel every ounce of pain I was feeling.”

  “From what I hear, he did.”

  She chuckled and tilted her head. “Not one of my finest moments.”

  “That’s why ya wouldn’t sell last year, because this place is yours.”

  She clamped her lips with a short nod. She bowed her head and sniffled, discretely wiping her eyes. Fucking hold her, asshole.

  He wasn’t built to console. He wouldn’t even know how. He eyed her, watching her break before his eyes.

  “And Carter?”

  Her shoulders slumped. “After I sold everything off, I was still forty grand in debt. My dad offered to loan the cash to me so I wouldn’t have to sell this place. I took it. Been paying him back each month.” Her cheeks pinkened, and he waited. Pushing her on anything right now wouldn’t fare well for either of them. She licked her lips and sighed, deflating a bit on the mattress. “That’s what I thought, but it turns out my dad was just a front. He borrowed the money from Carter. I guess he didn’t have it, and knowing my relationship with my brother, he knew I wouldn’t take it. And he was right.”

  “That’s why you’re selling now?”

  “Yeah. When Carter slipped and told me, I made the immediate and rash decision to sell.” She snorted. “Sometimes I’m impulsive.”

  “Can’t take a loan?”

  She cocked her brows. “With my credit? No bank would let me in the door.” She shook her head. “Over a year later and Jared is still fucking me over.” She sighed. “I love this place, but not enough to have Carter’s money hanging over my head for the next couple of years.”

  He chuckled. “You and him always like this?”

  “Since the day I was born. He’s an asshole.”

  It was probably a verbatim response Caden would give if asked about him. He could relate to her with the discord, and he could relate to Carter with secretly having her back.

  Kase shrugged. “Always been good and fair to me and the club.”

  She arched her brow. “So he has helped you out, huh?” She paused, and he
read her curiosity. “Care to share, gimme something to hold over his head?”


  She swatted his leg and smiled.

  “Come here,” Kase whispered.

  She was too far away, and the fun and light mood that was usually involved with her was lost. He reached out, grasping her forearm and tugging her forward until she fell against his chest. Kase wrapped his arms around her back and smiled when she nestled closer in silence. She snuggled into his chest, and he felt the warmth of her body. It wasn’t much, but he was willing to give her what he could. It was times like this he wished he’d been a different kind of man.

  “Thank you.” She whispered so low he wasn’t sure he’d heard her right. Did she just thank him? She curled her fingers into his waist and nestled her face against his chest.

  “For what?”

  She sighed and he felt her weight bear down on him. “For this, Kase.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Phoebe was waiting on the awkwardness to set in with Kase. She’d poured out all her history with Jared and then Arnett. Hell, I cried in front of him. Letting her guard down with anyone was something she tried her best not to do. She failed with Kase. It was odd since he didn’t seem to be the heart to heart type, but he also didn’t seem the type to judge.

  She cracked two eggs in a bowl and was beating them when Kase exited her bedroom.

  They had fallen asleep after her admission, and when she had woken, he was getting in her shower. It was the first time he’d done that, but she wasn’t complaining. He wore the same clothes from last night, and his wet hair was slicked back and draped down his back. She’d never had a thing for long hair, but on Kase, everything worked.

  “You heading out?” She watched as he eyed her counter. “Or do you want an omelet?”

  He glanced up and smirked. “Three eggs.”

  She snorted and walked back to the fridge to grab more eggs.

  “You working today?”

  She turned, and he was resting against the wall.

  “Yeah, I have a deadline.”

  “You do websites and shit?”

  She nodded. “Graphic design. I used to work for a firm, but since moving here, I contract jobs. My old boss sets me up with some leads, which seem to be panning out.”

  “You reach out to Chey and Macy?”

  She furrowed her brows. “For what?”

  He shrugged, settling in on the stool at the counter. He clasped his hands and rested his elbows on the counter. “Set something up for their shop. I know they sell shit online.” He glanced away. “The shop and the yard could use one. You set it up and bill me.”

  She rested her palms on the counter and leaned across, stopping a few inches from his hard face. “You trying to get me business? That’s sweet, Kase.”

  “Don’t need you starving. Don’t like fucking bony women.”

  She dropped her head and snickered. “You are so fucking charming, Kase Reilly.”

  He reached out, cradling her jaw in his palm and pulling her closer. Her lips tingled against his, and she fell forward, rising on her toes.

  A sharp knock had her stilled in his clutches. She turned her head toward the door. It was after nine but still fairly early for visitors. He released her, and she slid back onto her feet. She started around the counter.

  “Probably one of my guys.”

  She halted mid step and spun around. “Does everyone know you’re here?”

  “I didn’t hand out a fucking memo, but they usually know where I’m at.”

  “You told the club you’re with me?”

  He shrugged. “Why the fuck wouldn’t I?”

  Phoebe felt the heat rise up her neck and turned in hopes of concealing it from his eyes. She grabbed the door and opened it wide. It took her a brief second for her brain to grasp who was standing in front of her.

  “Oh fuck.”

  “Nice fucking mouth, Phoebe.”

  Her brother Carter stood in front of her dressed in his usual uniform of dark pants with a matching jacket, white starched shirt, and tie. He took after their father with his looks. Many women considered him attractive. Phoebe couldn’t see it. His asshole attitude blocked any nice features he might have.

  “You can’t just show up here, Carter.”

  “Why not? I own some of it.”

  She clamped her lips and stepped forward. It had been years since she’d hit her brother, but that streak was seconds from ending. To his credit, Carter didn’t even flinch. Maybe it was years as a cop, but he showed no signs of backing down or concern for his own safety. She gritted her teeth and glared at him.

  “Let him in,” Kase commanded from behind her.

  Carter’s nostrils flared, and heat rose to his face. He darted his stare over her shoulder and then back down to Phoebe.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?”

  She may not have punched him, but this came as a close second. She grinned and stepped back into her house, pulling the door open wide to give Carter an unobstructed view of Kase, who remained seated at her counter.

  Carter stalked inside and stopped a few feet away from Kase. He was burning mad, and Phoebe was in complete joy. She slammed the door closed and passed by Carter, who was set on sending death glares to Kase.

  “I told you to stay away from her.”

  Phoebe laughed, prepared to use this moment for all its advantages. She strolled over to Kase, who had remained seated but turned to face Carter. She grasped his wrist, settling between his legs, and curled her back against his chest. Kase must have approved because he grabbed her hips, tugging her against him with his hand firmly holding her waist.

  “He didn’t listen, Carter. He’d didn’t stay away.” She rested her back into his chest and pressed her hand against his thigh. “In fact, Kase got close. Real close.” She smiled.

  Carter twisted his lips in a disgusted snarl. “He’s gonna use you, Phoebe.” Carter pointed at Kase. “Is that what ya want, to be some random chick he fucks, then goes back to his house and fucks the club women?”

  She hadn’t given much thought to the women Kase had been sleeping with besides her. He was in her bed for almost a week. She fought against the anxious energy rising in her chest. It shouldn’t matter, they were strictly casual. Right? She licked her lips.

  She felt Kase stiffen against her back, but he didn’t release her from his hold. His fingers dug into her hip, locking her in place. Her vengeful banter with Carter had turned to wondering if Kase was sleeping with other women. Does it matter, it’s casual, remember?

  “Get out, I wanna talk to her.”

  “No,” Phoebe snapped. “You get out. I didn’t invite you over, and I’ve got nothing to say and you’ve got nothing I want to hear.” She lunged forward, but Kase’s hand gripped her stomach, holding her back. His lips brushed against her hair, and she heard his soft whisper.


  She was sure Carter couldn’t hear, but he’d been watching them intently.

  “Phoebe,” Carter warned.

  She shook her head, settling into Kase’s embrace. He had nothing she wanted to hear, and apparently, Kase was prepared to back her up.

  “You got two seconds to get out. Don’t make me call the cops and have you arrested for trespassing, Carter.” The corner of her mouth curled. “It would make Christmas at Dad’s so awkward.”

  She expected a fight. Nothing surprised her more than when Carter turned and walked out the door without another word. They had always had a tumultuous relationship, something she wished had been different. She’d envied all her friends who were tight with their siblings. It was something she’d never have with Carter.

  Kase nudged her forward, and she stepped from between his legs and off to the side. Breakfast had obviously been ruined. She skirted around the counter as he made his way back to her room. He was leaving. She could sense it. It was confirmed when he exited her room sliding his arms through his cut.

  “You coming over ton
ight?” She hated the expectation in her tone.

  He glanced over, eyed her for a brief second, and then scowled. “What the fuck is wrong?”

  It was strange to be with a man who was so in tune when something was off with her. It was also annoying. She shrugged, content with playing it off.

  He groaned. “Ah fuck me, don’t play this nothing’s wrong when something’s wrong female bullshit. Fucking what, Phoebe?”

  He wouldn’t let it go. She inched closer to the counter and rested her elbow, glancing up at him. It was an awkward question, and one she wasn’t sure she was prepared to hear the answer to.

  “Am I the only one you’re sleeping with?” She regretted speaking the words the second they left her lips. What did it matter? What they had was merely casual sex, right?

  She waited and watched. From Kase, she could expect an immediate answer. It was either yes or no without explanation.

  He pointed at her. “Get your ass over here.”

  She circled around the counter and stopped a foot away from him. He reached out, grasping her waist, and yanked her into his chest.

  “Where the fuck did I sleep last night?”

  She gulped. “My bed.”

  “Night before.”


  He nodded. “Yeah, I fucking did. Gonna be here tonight too.”

  She cleared her throat. “Well, what about when you go on a run? Where will you sleep?”

  He smirked and leaned closer. “In a bed thinking of your tight, wet pussy.” His hand threaded through her hair, and his palm cupped her jaw. “Or I’ll be thinking of this mouth, those fucking full lips,” his thumb grazed her bottom lip, “sucking my cock.” He leaned closer, pinning her in his stare. “And I’ll do that shit while I’m fucking alone. You feel me?”

  She nodded and couldn’t resist the urge. She propelled on her feet, sealing her lips to his. If he had been offended by her questions, he wasn’t reacting. His tongue slipped past her lips, and Kase took her for an amazing, passionate kiss.

  God, this man.


  Kase walked out her door and snickered to himself. Carter was leaning against the hood of his car with his arms folded. Kase had known him for years, and it came as no surprise he hadn’t gone away. Like Kase, Carter didn’t take orders well. He straightened as Kase approached, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it up. He didn’t slow down.


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