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The Enemy

Page 22

by Amelia Shea

  He walked toward a beat-up dresser and pulled the second drawer open.

  “Gonna run to Cade’s. Get dressed.”

  She sighed, shucking off the covers and gathering her clothes. She got dressed in silence and put on her shoes. She stood and waited on further instruction. Kase passed her and gestured toward the small door he disappeared into earlier. She followed to find exactly what she thought it would be. A bathroom.

  He bent down toward the bottom drawer and pulled out a new toothbrush and set it on the counter.

  She furrowed her brows. “That for me?”

  He jerked his head. “Yeah. Gotta go check out a truck.”

  “I’ll just head home. You coming by later?”

  He scowled. “You’re coming with me. Brush your teeth.”

  She was? She had yet to meet his brother. Marissa and Caden were supposed to come to the party yesterday, but the baby was running a fever. She eyed Kase and cocked her head. Meeting the family seemed to be a step, though he was treating it as if it wasn’t a big deal.

  “Meeting the family, huh? What’s your brother like?”

  Kase rolled his shoulders and gave her a bored stare. “You’ll find out in twenty minutes if you hurry the fuck up.”

  She glanced down at her body. This is not the best first impression.

  “Can I go get changed?”

  “No.” He turned toward the small closet.

  “Kase, I’m unshowered, smelling like tequila, sweat, and sex. I can’t go meet your brother like this.”

  He glanced over his shoulder with a small smirk. “Never brought anyone to Cade’s. He’s not gonna give a shit how you smell.”

  She tilted her head and arched her brow. Never brought a woman to Cade’s. All the more reason to look half decent. Caden may not care, but she did. In a perfect scenario, she’d go home and get ready. From Kase’s impatient scowl, she was sure it wasn’t an option.

  “Fine. Fucking take a shower, do what ya gotta do. We leave in twenty.”

  She chuckled and did what he said. She took a quick shower, washing off the sweat and makeup from the night before. She opted to ditch her panties and go commando. She sifted through her handbag for a hair tie and put on her shoes, emerging from the bathroom. Kase was on the phone and angled his head, watching her as she moved through the room. She may have exaggerated her moves for his eyes.

  She leaned against the wall with his heated stare penetrating her body and sending a blazing heat over her skin. She smiled, and his scowl deepened.

  “Next Saturday,” he said into the phone without wavering his glance from her. “How many guys coming with ya?”

  He nodded, which she assumed was a response to the person he was talking to. “Later,” he snapped and got up, stalking to Phoebe. He grasped her neck, pulled her into his arms, and took her for a deep, heated kiss. She grasped his waist and moved closer. The seam of his jeans brushed up against her clit, and she gasped into his mouth. He pulled back an inch, eyeing her in confusion. Mentioning to Kase she wasn’t wearing panties was probably not a good idea.

  “C’mon.” He stepped back and opened the door. She followed him down the long hall and breached the bar.

  She wasn’t sure why she did it, but she grasped his hand, clasping her palm against his and intertwining their fingers. If he minded, he didn’t let on. They walked through the bar. It was empty except for Nadia rounding the bar and cleaning up last night’s party. She smiled and glanced down at their hands. Her lips curled into a wide grin, and she glanced up at Phoebe.

  “Good morning,” Nadia said with more enthusiasm than an early morning called for.

  “Morning,” Phoebe said with a short wave of her free hand.

  Kase led them outside and past a few bikes to his at the end. While she’d always found motorcycles intriguing and had been on a few in the past, she didn’t know anything beyond their outward beauty. Kase’s was especially sleek.

  “Can I drive?” She smirked.

  He angled his head slowly. A verbal answer was not needed. She bit back her smile.

  “Where’s my helmet?”

  “No helmet law here.”

  She widened her eyes. “Kase, I need a helmet.” She waved her hand in front of her face. “I like the way my face looks, don’t you?”

  He started back to the clubhouse without saying a word. She watched him walk in. It was quiet with only a few people filtering around the yard. When Dobbs rounded the back, he looked up. Phoebe shot up a quick wave. He grinned with a comical smile and headed her way.

  “The prez taking you for a ride?”

  “Going to Caden’s.”

  He nodded and eyed her body, which seemed strange.

  “How ya feeling?”

  It wasn’t so much what he said but how he said it. Details from last night were scattered and came in pieces. She squinted, watching his smile turn to a full all-knowing grin. She swallowed the lump in her throat, fighting back the blush rising from her chest. What the hell did I do last night?

  She licked her lips, and Dobbs raised his brows. Oh fuck. Something definitely happened, and from the look on Dobbs’ face, he had the details. She bowed her head and groaned.

  “What did I do?” she asked, shaking her head and then peeking up when she heard him chuckle.

  Dobbs laughed with a shrug.

  “How bad was it?”

  He snorted. “Fucking torture.”

  She gasped and widened her eyes. “What the hell did I do?”

  Dobbs glanced over his shoulder with a sly smirk and then glanced back at Phoebe. “Kelsey was talking about your tits, saying they looked bigger than hers.” He paused. “You offered to show them to her.”

  She could feel the blood drain from her face, and her mouth gaped opened. Oh. My God.

  Dobbs snickered and held up his hand. “You were about to take off the dress when Kase put a stop to it. He threw you over her shoulder and took you to his room.” Dobbs winked. “Never came back out after that, but uh…” He glanced up with a sexy smirk. “Mine and Kase’s room share a wall.”

  She snorted. “You heard us?”

  “The whole fucking club heard ya.”

  Phoebe shook her head and cocked her brow. “Am I gonna have to live this down?”

  He snorted. “Gage will bust your balls, and the other brothers.” He smirked. “We’ll just hope Kase isn’t around for the repeat performance.” He chuckled and lifted his chin as he turned.

  She rolled her eyes and shouted, “There won’t be a repeat performance.” Dobbs didn’t look back, but from his hunched shoulders and his head shaking, she assumed he was laughing. She caught sight of Kase coming out of the house eyeing Dobbs. They spoke briefly in passing, but she was too far to hear what was being said. When Kase was a few feet away, she raised her brows.

  “You neglected to tell me I was trying to flash my boobs last night.” She narrowed her eyes and folded her arms.

  Kase raised his brows, and the corner of his lip quirked. He remained silent as she glared at him. He mounted his bike, waiting for her to get on. She remained in her position.

  “What the fuck are you waiting for?”

  “How come you didn’t tell me?”

  He shook his head. “You didn’t ask. Besides, do you give a shit? Everyone was partying, drinking, so you wanted to show your tits, big deal.”

  In her inebriated state she may have wanted to, but she never pulled it off, which had Phoebe cocking her hip and tilting her head, eyeing him.

  “If it’s no big deal, then why’d you stop me?”

  He drew in a deep breath. “’Cause I don’t share what’s mine.”

  “That’s a pretty bold statement, Kase, claiming me as yours.”

  “We gonna talk all day? Get your ass on the bike, we gotta go.”

  She smirked and paced forward. Her thigh brushed against his knee. She lowered her hand, pressing her palm against his leg, and leaned closer. He watched her through hooded lids, giving
nothing from his admission.

  “Phoebe,” he growled in warning, but she refused to let it go. She swept her lips against his tense mouth.

  “Do I get a ‘Property of Kase’ patch?”

  He furrowed his brows and leaned back. “Would you wear it?”

  She smiled, grasping his neck and kissing him again, and this time her tongue breached his lips. It was a kiss more suitable for the bedroom unless they were at the clubhouse, where apparently anything went. His hand reached around her waist, spreading across her ass and tugging her body to press against his side.

  She broke off the kiss, staying close, and smiled. “Fuck no, I won’t wear it.” She winked and stepped onto the peg. Due to her panty-less dilemma, she carefully tucked her dress between her legs and took a seat.

  Kase hadn’t responded to her and handed her the helmet. He knew damn well she was messing with him about the property patch. He seemed genuinely shocked she might consider it. She wasn’t sure of the whole meaning behind it. It didn’t really matter either way. For her, she’d never wear anything identifying her as someone else’s possession. She wrapped her hands around his waist and kissed his neck.

  “I do like being yours, Kase,” she whispered.

  He started up the bike without a word, and they headed down the driveway. The ride was shorter than she liked. She caught a few stares, and some residents seemed a bit shocked when they recognized her on the bike. The rumor mill would be exploding today. She hugged his waist, pressing her chest to his back.

  Let them talk.


  For all his years riding, he’d never enjoyed anyone at his back. Him and his bike was the only way Kase felt completely free. Somehow, Phoebe was changing shit for him. He grasped her thigh as she scooted closer. She’d obviously been a passenger in the past, though she did tend to lean too much into the turns.

  The ride was short. Too short for his liking. He would have rather been taking her on a trip than going to his brother’s house.

  Kase pulled into Caden’s driveway, riding up past the house and through the gates. He hadn’t mentioned to Phoebe they’d be eating there too. He parked the bike near the units and shut down the bike.

  His intention was to get her settled with Marissa and then check out the truck. The business had taken off, and they had bought three more trucks to add to their fleet. They were used and had to be checked, which was why Kase’s attendance was needed.

  “This is your brother’s place?”

  Kase got off the bike. “Yeah, c’mon.”

  He started through the yard and opened the back door, allowing her to pass through. He led her into the kitchen.

  “Hey, Uncle Kase, how’s it going?”

  Kase smirked and lifted his chin, taking in his nephew Trevor. The kid was seconds away from manhood.

  “Phoebe, this is Cade’s kid, Trevor.”

  “Hi, Trevor, nice to meet you.” She extended her hand, and Trevor moved closer with a sly grin. Kase didn’t miss the obvious perusal of her body.

  “Same here, Phoebe.” Trevor smiled, eyeing her breasts. Kase cocked his head and glared at the kid who was about to turn eighteen. At this point he’d be lucky to see tomorrow if he didn’t take his eyes off her tits.

  Trevor must have felt his stare and jerked his head. It was a non-verbal warning his nephew heeded, and he ducked his head, walking around the table.

  “You’re here. I didn’t hear the bike pull up,” Marissa said at the doorway. Caden followed her in, walking up to Phoebe.

  He extended his hand. “I’m Caden, nice to meet you.”

  “You too, heard a lot about you.”

  Caden furrowed his brows and snorted. “Half the shit he says about me is bullshit.”

  Phoebe laughed. “Same here.” She winked, and Caden smiled back at her.

  “This is the first time Uncle Kase ever brought a friend for dinner. You must be something special, Phoebe.”

  Kase sighed. “Let’s check out this shit.” He pinned his stare on Trevor. “Get up, your ass is coming with us.”

  Trevor leaned back on the chair. “Thought I’d stay here and get to know Phoebe.” Trevor glanced over with a smile. Fucking kid was too damn good at the player card. Caden passed by his seat, gripping the back of his shirt.

  Kase turned and grabbed Phoebe’s waist, catching her completely off guard. She gasped but fell into his side. He pressed his lips to hers.

  “So barbaric.”

  He arched his brow and smacked her ass before walking off with a grin. “Yeah.”

  It didn’t take as long as they had thought it would to check over the trucks. Drake, Caden’s best friend and main mechanic, had checked it thoroughly before they arrived. One of the trucks would stay with Caden and the other two would be used to make transfer of the parts and deliveries.

  They were walking out of the warehouse when Caden glanced over suspiciously. “You settling down here, is that what I’m seeing?”

  “You know me better than that, Cade. I don’t do heart to fucking hearts with anyone.”

  “I know my kid’s a pain in the ass, but he wasn’t off on what he said.”

  Kase laughed. “One fucking dinner and ya got me married? What’s next, a fucking kid too?”

  “Missing out, Kase.” He jerked his head to find Caden staring at him. “The domesticated shit, it’s a good deal. Just sayin’.”

  “For you, brother.”

  It was a good deal for Caden. His brother got exactly what he wanted and deserved. But Kase wasn’t Caden. They lived different lives. While Kase had managed to get the club on the right side of the law, for the most part, and making money to support the members, his life was far from traditional.

  He had no intention of letting Phoebe go, but he did secretly struggle with a future. Even if he wanted it, was it fair to her? She was evoking new emotions and thoughts for him.

  Kase could have ended their talk, but he continued. “You fucking forget our childhood, Cade? Pop was hardly around.” He raised his brows. “And that bitch who calls herself a mother? I wouldn’t wish her on a fucking enemy.”

  Cade knitted his brow. “You ain’t Pop, and Phoebe, as far as I can tell, is nothing like our mother, Kase.”

  Both sentiments were true.

  Kase started forward, but Caden gripped his arm. “Is that what you think? If you settle down, you’ll be sealing the same fate as we had as kids?” Caden shook his head. “It’s bullshit, Kase.

  “Ain’t looking to repeat the past for some poor fucking kid and a woman who deserves better.”

  Caden straightened his back, standing only an inch shorter than Kase. “You’re a good guy, great president to the club, and when you’re not being an asshole, a damn good brother. I don’t tell you that shit ’cause your ego is already two fucking sizes too big, but it’s true.” Caden glanced across the lot. “Could Pop have been a better father? Fuck yeah, but he did the best he could for us. He ran a different club, Kase, he was a different kind of president than you. He was good.”

  Kase turned to find Caden staring back at him. “You’re better. You pulled your guys out of the shit, made it better for them and their families. You did that.” Caden shook his head and smiled. “Will you be a good husband? A good dad?” He shrugged. “Who the hell knows? You let them decide. Let Phoebe decide, man.”

  “Hey.” The voice from the distance had both men looking at the back of the house. Marissa stood on the porch. “Dinner’s ready.”

  The conversation was done. Caden didn’t know it, but he’d given Kase a new outlook, a much needed one. He’d always been the better of the two in Kase’s eyes. Caden had proved him right tonight. His brother held the door open for him when they reached the porch. A verbal ‘thank you’ would have been best. Again, not Kase’s style. He reached out, gripped Caden’s shoulder, and gave him a sharp nod. It was the Reilly way. Caden returned the gesture, and they headed inside.

  Kase settled in against the wall in the kitch
en, watching the banter between Phoebe and his dad. It seemed Kase had competition, not only from the younger generation, but from the older. His Pop was fighting dirty giving some throwback stories, which Phoebe seemed to thoroughly enjoy.

  The dinner lasted longer than any he’d ever had at Caden’s, mostly with Jack holding court, Phoebe on one side and Marissa on the other. When the baby cried, it was Kase who left and got her, cradling her in his arm and sitting back down next to Phoebe.

  “I call him the baby whisperer. I swear, she can be screaming her lungs out, and as soon as he picks her up, she’s quiet,” Marissa said, resting her elbows on the table and smiling at him.

  Phoebe leaned closer, peeking over his forearm at Cora. She glanced up. “Wouldn’t have pegged you being good with babies.”

  Kase ignored the comment and reached for his beer, feeling the stare from the end of the table. He glanced over at his Pop. It wasn’t Kase he was looking at, it was them—him, Phoebe, and Cora. The corner of his mouth cocked.

  When his dad sat back in his seat, his gaze travelled up to meet Kase’s stare. He waited on his father’s usual scowl or sharp tongue to lash out. Jack remained silent. He flattened his lips and sighed. It was a side to Jack that Kase hated. Sadness.

  They sat around the table and bullshitted for the next hour. Whatever had been weighing Jack down earlier had been lifted, and he was back to telling tales of the good old days. It was after ten when Marissa and Phoebe started to clean up. Trevor had taken Cora back upstairs, and Kase was ready to get home.

  “I’m heading up now.” Jack stood and walked over to where Phoebe was leaning against the counter. He yanked her shoulders. Obviously surprised by his dad’s maneuver, she fell into his chest. Jack wrapped his arms around her back for a tight hug.


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