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Climax Taboo Erotic Collection

Page 3

by Kelly Fleming

  "This may hurt just a little as I penetrate your hymen..."

  "What, no, don't worry about that, they take that when you're born, just hurry I want to feel this."

  I did as instructed and just plunged myself inside her. Her eyes shot open,

  "Oh my god, oh my god, what is that feeling, oh don't stop please don't stop."

  I was now glad that Aloinia had jacked me off earlier so that I would last longer. I held her arms down over her head and as I looked into those dark eyes of hers, I began my assault in earnest. I began pumping ever faster and I could feel the heat of our bodies rising.

  "What is happening to me, oh you must stop please I feel faint, oh god no, no please don't stop oh my, oh my oooh."

  Her excitement was driving me into frenzy until I came as never before and my energy going as fast as I pumped deep inside her. I lay on top of her, spent exhausted and unable to even think of moving.

  "Paul what just happened to me, I've never felt anything so wonderful in my life."

  "Aloinia, you just had an orgasm, don't tell me you've never had an orgasm before."

  We lay together quietly for a long time in fact I think we must have dozed off all of a sudden she pushed me off her and jumped out of bed.

  "It's late I'm going to miss my window if I don't go right now. Paul I had no idea how good all of this was, we don't do anything like this now. I have to go now but would it be all right if I came back to visit you from time to time. I promise I won't be any trouble but I need to have that feeling again."

  Of course, I told her it was OK. As she was leaving, she threw me the keys to her car,

  "Will you take care of My GTO while I'm gone, thanks you're a sweetheart."

  She was then out the door and gone.

  About two weeks later, there was a knock at my door and I opened it to find a large blonde standing there. Her attire and figure were identical to Aloinia but her looks were different. "Aloinia?" I asked, and the girl replied,

  "No I'm Ilesha, Loinia's cousin; she couldn't come back because you made her with child. That's why I'm here can you do the same with me?"

  I took her arm and as I led her to my bedroom, I told her,

  "All I can do is try."

  The End.

  The Party

  Boring. In fact if you weren't here, I'd already have left. A group of people who seem well meaning enough, it's just that there's really no interesting conversation, just banalities. But you're here, and that changes the chemistry of the evening. Not only a great friend, with a superb mind, and an interesting in all things, but a passionate lover, willing to enjoy the sensual, and spiritual side of sex, as well as the physical. None before or since has ever brought such a passion to the bed, and several other places as well.

  Smiling people, laughs, and some food, it's a pleasant evening though, but as they often do, my eyes keep wandering back to you. And them. While not overwhelming or consuming of the attention, they're on display this evening, even though mostly covered. The hint of what lies beneath, and the shape and fullness draw my attention, as they always do. And that familiar stirring below my belt line begins, once again. Knowing, as I do, the softness of the skin there, and the glory of their impression into my hands, the arousal is nothing more than a pleasant reminder of past moments of delight. At first.

  What the? So quickly I almost missed it, blinking my eyes to be sure I'd not just confused several images into one. There! Once again. A gaze from your eyes, to my lower extremities, and a quick dart of your tongue across your lips. And without anyone noticing, or so we think, your eyes look up to mine, with a slightly knowing smile. I'm a stranger in this home, I don't know the hosts except through you, so I don't know the privacy opportunities. Your eyes glance towards a hall, and then back at me with that delightfully wicked smile. It's clear that you do know them, and have something in mind. The arousal continues, now more consuming of the consciousness.

  Rising, I walk slowly to the bar, and find ice water. My calming elixir, always a jolt to bring my wandering lust back into control. A long slow drink, and I'm back into a less overt state of desire for you. Until you walk up, and with a wonderful sense of covert teasing you push them firmly against my arm, while asking for something to drink. Knowing I feel them, and smiling inwardly at my uneasiness in this foreign setting, you move in subtle ways to let me know your lust matches my own. A quick glance to make sure know one has taken any undue notice of us, I clandestinely squeeze your ass...nice and hard. Enough to make you struggle not to jump or gasp. Turning away, you walk back towards the rest of the house. Not being able to avert my gaze I watch your lovely ass as it proceeds away from me. And I look up, and see you point your glance towards a hallway, and then you're gone, down that hallway. Oh. An invitation.

  Even though the hallway is not well lit, I can see you clearly as I step into it's corridor, and I notice that you've opened your blouse, and they're clearly displayed for me, caressed as they are in black lace. Magnificent orbs, rivaling anything celestial for fascination and awe. I move towards them, and see you turn to the left and into a room. With cautious haste I follow and enter the room. With out a word you're in my arms, your body pressed against mine, your mouth devouring mine, exploring with your tongue in the way you know turns me on like a switch. My hands roughly grasp at your breasts, kneading the flesh there...pulling the lace aside to roll the nipples between my thumbs and forefingers, tugging them into their own rigidity. Feeling your breathing quicken, I quickly grasp your hair, and pull you to me...whispering fiercly... "Raya, I'm going to fuck you, as I please, as long as I please. And you cannot stop me, even if that were your desire."

  And with that, I spun you to face away from me, and pull your dress up, until that ass is uncovered. Noting with delight that you still continue not to wear panties, I unzip my trousers and allow my cock to become unconfined by the fabric. The first touch you feel, other than my hands in your hair, is the very tip of my cock against your left ass cheek. You feel the warmth of the head, and the skin texture of the shaft as it slides along side you. In an instant your dress flutters to the floor, and you feel rapidly propelled towards the bed. Before you have time to think, your body is pushed forward at the waist, with your lovely globes suspended and your hands and elbows go on to the bed while your ass raises.

  Presented with such an image I have no control of my cock, or my thoughts. My only complete desire is to enter that lovely canyon, glistening with dew. Without warning, my cock pushes deep inside your pussy, filling you snugly, and deliciously. My control of your motions is without wavering...and I move your body back and forth, as I begin to fuck you very deeply, with hard pounding strokes.

  The caress of the underside of my cock against your clit, and the alternating fullness and emptiness in your pussy pushes your own passion over the edge, and the first of the climaxes makes you shudder. As there is no letup in my fucking, you have two quick sharp climaxes, and you sense my movement intensify. Knowing my lovemaking signs, as you do, you know it won't be much longer for me. Filled as you are, and with that marvelous pussy giving my cock the most exquisite caresses, you begin to plead..softly at first, and then with more urgency... "Alan...Alan...I want to taste you...please...let me taste your cum..."...

  Summoning what little control I have left, I pull myself out of you swiftly..and spin you around...pushing you down on the floor in front of me. Pulling your head towards me I command you, firmly, without any room for dissent, "Suck me, Raya. Suck me till I come."

  Your lips part, and feel the strength of the pulsing head of my cock as it glides over them, and is caressed by your tongue, which swirls around the head. Pulsing, won't be long now...I stroke faster and balls bounding on your chin...and then you feel it, the pulse that tells you it's coming and cant' be stopped. As another almost violent climax rumbles into your pussy and up your feel my cock explode in your mouth, and my volcano erupts into your mouth. Eagerly you devour it, savori
ng the taste, but daring not to wait, lest you lose a single drop, you continue drawing it into your mouth...until you sense my movement has stopped, and my body is still, even though my breath is heaving.

  Gently detaching your lips from my cock...but unwilling to let go, continuing to caress, you watch as I recover slowly. And noting with an evil grin, that a tiny drop of that cream rests on your left breast. Eagerly dipping into it with your finger you bring it to your lips to savor the last taste.

  My mind is whirling with the effects of the marvelous fucking I've given to you, and the incredible sucking you've shared with me. I must lie down, else I let the dizziness take control. Slowly I move to your side, and sit on the bed. Your hand never leaves my cock, holding it warmly and gently. "Rest a moment, dear," you warmly chide me. And I close my eyes.

  I hear sounds, and my eyes slowly open. You've returned, but you're not alone. Another woman stands beside you, asking you, softly, almost so that I cannot hear, "Is that him?" You assure her that indeed, I am the "him" you've spoken of.

  Wanting to turn away, she is still unable to stop looking at my cock, glistening as it is, even semi-hard, with the gentle coating from your pussy, and your mouth, not to mention the cream I shared with you. Pulling her towards the bed alongside you, you pull her down onto her knees, and while she watches, fascinated, you lean over and begin a slow adagio dance on my cock with your tongue. Knowing as it does the promise of that caress, my cock summons itself again to fullness and becomes hard in mere moments.

  As my cock rises, so to does the depth of your oral caress. Until that instant, I thought we were merely showing this unknown guest how two lovers please each other, when I hear you softly, but with a command that leaves no room for disagreement, speak to her, and tell her, "Lean over here and suck him, it tastes so wonderful."

  And with some trepidation, she does, tentative at first in her licks, but soon, bobbing her head with delight on the hardness of my cock. Losing myself in the delight of her action, I lose track of you.

  Then, as my head rolls to one side, I see that you have raised her dress and have begun your own oral attention to her pussy. Your actions have a definite response on her, as her sucking and licking of my cock takes on a new fervor, a more manic and demanding tone. Soon, fearing her reflexes will result in a bite, she removes her mouth from me, and proceeds to use her hands, gently coaxing me, while telling you what she wants. "Yes, oh yes...suck me there...bite my lips...ah...ah.." and while her passion rises, I can no longer hold back and my cock explodes, onto her breasts and chin...with a cry she dives to taste it, reveling in the salty delicacy...

  And then her own shudders begin...knowing your touches and caresses have reached the tipping point, her thrashing continues...intensity growing, until at last with a marvelous groan she climaxes...and tenses up while the waves hit her, emanating from her clit, but radiating throughout her body. The shudders are beautiful to feel, incredible to see. And knowing you've pleased us both, a smile crosses my face, thinking of how I might now have an accomplice in using my will.

  To make you do the one thing you cannot. Allow me, or us, to concentrate on YOUR pleasure. More to come. Or more to cum. What a delicious thought.

  The End.

  A Long Way Home

  Tina was in trouble! The company she worked for had just gone out of business, stranding her on a space station many light-years from home, Earth, with no way home. Being out of business, they were not going to give her her last paycheck, and the credits she currently had were frozen, since they were courtesy of her employer. She was 48 hours from being homeless, too, since her hotel room was paid for by the company.

  She had been on board a luxury starliner for a one-year assignment as a maid when the company she'd worked for had won the contract. Then came the scandal about the owners taking all of the company's money and disappearing. She'd been notified by her bank that she had no money, and by the hotel that here room was only paid for for the next two days. Now what?

  She was sitting in a coffee shop pondering her fate when she saw an advertisement for "travel aids" from a temp agency. It spoke of free travel, room and board, in exchange for personal services. "Services?" she wondered. She made note of the location of the agency on board the station and took off for their office.

  Tina was a "little person". At 26, she was barely four feet tall, but her proportions were just about normal for a human. She actually looked like a young girl, but with breasts. The only "dwarf" parts of her were her arms, that didn't hang exactly straight, but the rest of her was just perfect!

  She walked into the temp agency office and advised the receptionist that she was interested in a travel aid position, to get her back to Earth. The receptionist smiled at her and told her that they actually had a specific program for little people. She gave Tina a touch-screen form to complete and called an interviewer. Tina sat down and worked on the form. She was just finishing up when a woman opened the door to the inner office and asked her to come in. She rose and walked to the door, handing her pad to the receptionist, the information already transferred into the company's database.

  The interviewer, Rose Ann, led Tina to an interview room and closed the door. "Please sit down. Let's talk for a moment about the position." Tina thanked her and sat down. "Are you familiar with our program?" she asked.

  "Only what I've seen on the monitors in the coffee shop," Tina responded, "they say you offer free transportation, room and board in exchange for personal services. There wasn't much detail, but here's my situation. I worked for Intersteller Maintenance until yesterday. Now I'm stranded. I need to get back to earth."

  Rose Ann raised her eyebrows. "Oh, I see. I just heard about their situation. You have my sympathies, and I guarantee we can help you. Let me say up front that most of the services you will probably be asked to perform will be sexual in nature."

  Tina's eyes became round. "What?" she asked.

  "Yes," continued Rose Ann, "you would essentially be a temporary mistress for a traveling executive heading for Earth."

  "Whoa; I'm not sure I'm up for that. I have to sleep my way home? I'd have to give that some thought."

  "Tina," said Rose Ann, "let me explain. First of all there are rules. It's not like they can just do whatever they want. You have some room for negotiation. For example, you can specify no anal penetration, or no violence, or no restraints. They, for example, might request oral sex, with or without swallowing of ejaculate. Like I said, there's a lot of negotiation. Also, there is a standardized contract that some of our regulars use. Above all else, our contracts are highly enforceable. Should your situation deviate markedly from your agreement, the contract is enforceable by the local police or security service, and we have a complete compliance history by law enforcement."

  "In the 10-year history of our service, we have never had a fatality, and a very low arrest percentage. For the safety of all parties, as well as to insure our continued operation, we do in in-depth vetting process regarding our clients. We want to be sure we don't put our contract personnel in any form of danger. So, if you're interested, we actually have a special program for little people. It's an incentive for our clients in that the actual space travel would be in a suspended state. You would travel in a container with its own air and nutrition supply. There is a timed reanimation procedure, so you would be fully awake by the time YOU release the door. No surprises. Given that the travel is so much less expensive for cargo as opposed to an assistant that needs a seat, we have a waiting list for people like yourself. In fact, one of our regulars is waiting to depart for earth by way of a number of stops, as soon as we find a suitable partner for him. I believe you, two, would get along quite well. Do you have time to meet him?"

  Tina sat, stunned, processing all she'd heard. She'd have to prostitute herself to get back to Earth. What were her options? She had no money with which to buy food, or to pay for a hotel room. She figured she'd at least meet the man and decide then. How her life had changed! Rose
Ann handed her a brochure and a contract and said, "any questions?" Tina had a lot!

  In the end, they developed a check list of things that she wouldn't do. There were suggestions that she couldn't believe anyone would even want to do, but she admired the service for being thorough. She assumed it was easier, and less embarrassing than listing what she would do. It turned out to be the longer list. They also made up a list of things that were negotiable, such as bondage. She saw the "intoxication disclaimers" basically stating that it would be difficult to enforce parts of the contract if certain activities took place when she, or both parties, were under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Basically, she needed to keep her wits about her regarding the question of the negotiable activities.


  James Dunmore was the Vice President of Sales for a canteen supply company. They had contracts for the coffee and gift shops on dozens of space stations in this quadrant. He was making his annual field inspections and was on the homeward leg. He was meeting with his area sales managers and visiting the random store. It had been months, and he was ready to go home. He was also lonely, and contacted the temp agency for one of their little people. He liked the convenience to be able to ship his girl rather than have to make conversation or even pay for food in-flight. The shipped version was so much easier. He'd have his luggage sent directly to his hotel room. Just before bed time he'd engage the reanimation program, and she'd be ready for sex, then sleep, then sex in the morning. She was free to do whatever she wanted during his business day, as long as she was available by dinner, and for an occasionally "nooner", if he had the flexibility. He often made the flexibility!

  Rose Ann had contacted him via his personal communicator to advise that she'd found a suitable companion, and could he please come by. She also transmitted the will/won't list for his review. It looked pretty normal. In his experience, most of the participants in this program were one-timers; regular women that found themselves in unfortunate situations and just needed to get somewhere at no financial cost. He contacted his next appointment and pushed it back to the afternoon. He wanted plenty of time to get to know the new girl.


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