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Climax Taboo Erotic Collection

Page 32

by Kelly Fleming

  "Did you bring what I asked?"

  "Yes, they are in the bag by the front door. I set them down when I walked in."

  "Very good."

  His hand reached over and touched the inside of my knee, pushing lightly trying to open my legs, and reaching towards my inner thigh.

  "Stand up. I want to see you." I took his hand as he helped me off the couch, and I instinctively started to pull the hem of my short plaid skirt down modestly. He smiled, "It will be ok. Come sit on the footstool." As I turned to sit down, "No. Sit on your knees."

  I hesitated but turned and began to push my knee onto the coolness of the leather. "Like this?" trying to situate myself on my knees and keep my skirt down. He laughed at my fumbling, and I started to get up.

  "No, I think I want you like this. Knees here and elbows here."

  "Will this be like last time?" I remembered that the last time had left me leaving with a sore bottom. I could barely sit down for a week.


  I situated my knees and elbows on the ottoman. As I tried to balance, his warm hand moved up my back and circled around the back of my neck. He pushed my head down to the ottoman, causing my back to arch and exposing my panties.

  "This is how I want you. Listen to me this time, don't move."

  The smell of the leather was intoxicatingly strong, and I couldn't move. I heard him walk away, and go into another room. I wanted to get up and run out the door. I could hear some shuffling, things moving...then silence. The silence seemed an eternity, I was afraid to move as the room was quickly fading into darkness, as fewer candles remained lit. I closed my eyes and waited.

  The cold steel sliding across the top of my thigh, scared me and I drew in a sharp breath. "Remember." Oh my God! Is that...a knife? I was afraid to stay still, and afraid to move too. Rrrippp! And he sliced through one side of my panties. The point of the knife slowly trailed around and between my thighs and then... Rrrippp! He sliced through the other side. What was left of my panties fell to the floor.

  The cool air between my legs was unexpected, making me further aware of just how exposed I was. His fingers slid into the wetness, reminding me of why he punished me last time. Ohhh!

  "Still making yourself wet, like the naughty girl you are?" His placed his hands on both sides of my bottom, pulling my cheeks further apart. "Let me help you with that."

  Before I could speak, he buried his tongue into my already wet pussy.

  "Ooohh God! Mmmmmmm..."

  "Yes, you can call me your God." His tongue went back to working its magic, flicking and licking my clit. The orgasms began coursing non-stop through my body, causing me to shake and moan. I pushed back towards him, and he pushed me back into place.

  Oooops! One of my elbows slid too far over and I fell forward, catching myself, and trying to catch my breath.


  My breath caught in my throat, and I froze. The shock and surprise of the instant pain, made my eyes open wide. "Ooooouuch!" I turned my head and looked. What the...? He has a belt? What?


  "I'm sure you will understand soon. Now what were your instructions?" His tone, was now very serious.

  "Don't move. I, uhh, didn't mean to..." I was still shaking and the wetness was starting to go down my leg.


  "Get back into position."

  I put my head down between my hands, placed much more carefully on the ottoman, lest I fall again. My body was shaking, from anticipation, fear, excitement, and lust. The warmth was sinking in, my cheeks feeling the blaze from his strikes. As much as I feared it, I could not help but desire more. It was more of a wish that it would never end.

  His hand slid up my inner thigh, over the black stockings and reaching wetness halfway up. He pulled apart my inner lips and blew softly near them. I just wanted more, and moved my hands to grip the edges of my pedestal and pushed back towards him.



  "I don't think you quite understand, Lenore. You are here for my pleasure, not your own. Perhaps next time you will follow directions better."



  Tears immediately filled my eyes. I was trying to follow instructions, but ooohhhh.


  His fingers slipped inside, and I pushed towards him again.

  "You just can't help yourself. Well, can never have too much of a good thing." His fingers pushed in and out...and then he stepped back. He put down the belt and sat back into his chair, leaving me exposed and aching for more.


  He laughed, "Yes, you may please me..." He undid the top of his pants, and pulled out his swollen cock. "Come here."

  Shaking, and I was suddenly aching not only for him, but to please him. I quickly moved to get on my knees in front of his chair. My hand was trembling as I reached for him, almost afraid to touch him... but the desire and curiosity outweighed my fear. Almost like that of a child fascinated by the dancing flame, wanting to touch it, but fear of it burning. As I touched his hard member, I could see the gleam of cum on its tip. I stared intently, not even realizing I had moved forward to taste it. His hand cupped my chin and lifted my eyes to his.

  "Are you doing this more to please you or me?" He laughed softly, "Careful, now..." He glanced toward his belt on the couch.

  I wanted to taste him more than anything. I moved forward to kiss the tip of his cock, then slid it in my mouth. MMMMMmmmmm. At the taste and feel of his cock sliding in, I shook with orgasms.

  He came at me, slipped his hands under my arms and picking me up and pushing me back against the wall.

  "You will learn."

  His hands pushed down on my shoulders keeping my back firmly against the wall. As I squatted down he forcibly shoved his cock in my mouth. Using his body to keep me attached to the wall, I could not move. I could only take his cock further into my throat, as he began to push slowly in and out. I grabbed his hips, pushing, trying to move and gain some control, but he held me in place. His thrusts became harder and harder, tears streaming out the corners of my eyes. He thrust hard one last time, holding it hard against my throat making breathing impossible, and burst shooting his cum, choking me and filling me at the same time.

  As he moved back, I fell forward, gasping for air. My body shook uncontrollably. He helped me to the couch and allowed me to catch me breath. He ran his fingers through my hair, calming me instantly.

  "Thank you, my pet."

  The power never came back on that evening. As I was leaving, I realized that he had not even used the things I had brought in the bag. I went to pick it up, and he stopped me.

  "Leave it, for next time."

  I left, wondering what would be in store tomorrow, fully realizing I would return...and often.

  The End.

  My New Daddy

  "Hey, how are you? ASL???"

  My eyes tolled in frustration for more than one reason at that simple, cookie cutter statement. Yet, with nothing else to do I clicked on e-mail after e-mail. A long drawn out sigh escaped my lips which managed to evoke a meaningful glare from the fellow student across the table.

  My eyes flickered back to the computer screen in front of me. I noticed a new profile name sitting innocently in the inbox. Semi disappointed in its content I decided to reply anyways. It was apparent that it was a copy and pasted message that had been mass mailed to probably over 100 other girls. However, it was rare to find a young black male with interests that matched my own.

  Upon further investigation of his profile I found that, of course, he didn't live anywhere near me.

  "Fuck..." I muttered in bitter disappointment.

  "SHHH!!" retorted that annoying student that just wouldn't make herself disappear.

  For a couple weeks we exchanged e-mails from serious ones to completely XXX rated ones. One day I told this stranger how I wanted him to take me against the shelf of "World Encyclopedias." In response to my partial sarcasm he told me tha
t in a weeks' time he was going to come make me his "personal white slut." I do admit that those three tiny words made my pussy quiver.

  E-mails progressed into hour long phone calls. Calls I waited on and secretly ached for. Not to say I lacked any male attention, just maybe the kind I truly desired. This young man seemed to know what to say and how to say it in order to make me melt at his feet. I never really expected him to show up, so I merely went on about my day to day business. Then, one day, the call came.

  "Hey, I need directions, I'm about to leave."

  "Oh really? Yeah right, whatever." Was my cold response.

  "I told you I was coming to make that pussy mine didn't I slut?" He snapped back without missing a beat.

  My submissiveness kicked in without my own consent. "Yes Daddy."

  I then proceeded to give him what he had asked for. My heart was racing, stomach turning, I had never been so nervous. I knew I had at least 9 hours before he would show up. I glanced around my apartment, for once; I couldn't even busy myself cleaning up. So, I went out to take my mind off the possible encounter.

  The hours ticking by, time seemed to almost stop. I just kept telling myself he wouldn't show up. That calmed my nerves a bit. Every time I gathered myself, though, I would get a call from him. Almost as though he knew I was pushing him to the back of my mind. He made sure that he was the only thing that I could think about, dream about, fantasize about.

  Finally, around midnight there was a knock at my door. I nearly dropped the glass in my hand. I knew I had to be my sweet, sarcastic, brat self, or he would eat me alive. I couldn't bring myself to instantly bow down and worship a man I had never even laid eyes on. That wasn't me, that couldn't be me.

  A tall, caramel complected, barely legal looking man stepped into my home. My eyes scanned him up and down almost as quickly as he did to my frame. He looked harmless enough. Maybe I had been worried for nothing, since he seemed to be all talk. His grey hoop shorts sagging just the way I liked. His skinny yet, well toned body draped in a simple white t-shirt. Little did I know how deceiving his looks actually were.

  We exchanged the typical greetings, and then fell into conversation like we actually knew each other. He circled around me as we spoke. I could feel my cheeks flush a deep crimson.

  "What's wrong baby?" He laughed at my apparent embarrassment.

  "Nothing. What are you doing?"

  "Looking at what's Mine." His tone turned serious.

  Before I could say anything he had already slapped my ass and had me pinned against the wall. The look in his eyes was no longer that of a playful boy, but a lust filled grown man. My breath was caught in my throat. To my own surprise I didn't struggle or even attempt to object. I stood there completely still, my icy blue eyes locked on his.

  "Are you scared?" He asked me.

  I shook my head "no". I wasn't scared of him. At that moment I wanted him more than I wanted to breathe. A slight smirk crossed his lips as his hand crept to my neck, squeezing firmly. My eyes drifted shut, a gentle moan escaping the confines of my insides as I felt his power, his unspoken request for total control. I could feel my body arching towards his but it was like I was looking in on the situation. I wasn't myself and I had never been more content. He took in every one of my gestures, my noises, and the quickness of my breath.

  "Are you scared yet little girl?"

  Once more I shook my head "no". I needed his strength, I wanted to please him, and I wanted to be his best bitch, his only slut. I needed to make him proud.

  I could feel his hands roaming over my body, feeling every curve, every crevasse. My back still pinned against the wall I spread my legs slightly. I didn't care hoe easy I seemed, how eager I was, I was lost in him. That wicked grin crept back to his full lips, his thick fingers gliding over my clothed pussy.

  "Why's is so hot down here, slut?" His hand roughly smacked my over eager cunt.

  "I don't know daddy, I can't help it." My voice was barely audible as I fought not to cry out from the blow.

  All he did was laugh and squeeze my sex harder. I felt his body against mine; his lips brushing against the slope of my neck. My own hands ventured under his shirt. I drug my nails ever so softly over the contours of his stomach, along his sides and back up. His lips made the way over my throat and to the other side of my neck; his mouth tasting my quickening pulse. With a slow deliberate bite to my tender flesh his dark hands cupped my ample tits. Without hesitation he pulled my milky white tits from their constraints. His fingers found my hard, pink nipples, tweaking and teasing them until I could do nothing more than whimper and squirm between him and the coolness of the wall.

  Suddenly he snatched up a handful of my raven hair and pulled my head to the side.

  "You won't want anyone else after I'm through with you. Do you understand?" He spoke in a slow, deep tone, making sure that I could hear every word clearly.

  I swallowed hard in a small attempt at rebellion I replied, "Prove it then."

  This time there was no smirk. Before I knew it I had been flung around and slammed into the refrigerator door. My lips moved to speak, but before I could utter a protesting word he had my pants halfway down my thick thighs and my shirt up and over my head, thrown onto the floor. He spun me around once again and pressed my face against the freezer, kicking my legs apart. I could feel his cock pressed against my bare ass. Curling his fingers into my hair, he asked me once more.

  "Do you understand?"

  Gasping for air, "Y-yes Daddy."

  His hand came down abruptly over one side of my ass, then the other. Before the initial sting could set in I was forced to take another slap. There I was being spanked in my own kitchen by a black man I had only met not even an hour ago. I could feel my juices starting to drip out of me.

  "I can smell you baby girl. Are you really that excited?" He teased

  "Yes Daddy, I'm sorry."

  "Sorry for what?" another slap landing on my ass.

  "For being a bad slut for you Daddy."

  "That's a good girl, baby. Now turn around and drop to your knees."

  Without a second thought I dropped to the floor, pants around my ankles, tits hanging out. I looked up to him then to the bulge right in front of me. I watched as he pulled 9 inches of black cock out. I snaked my tongue over my lips and out after his manhood. My eagerness was met with swift discipline. His shaft landed hard across my cheek.

  "I didn't tell you to do anything did I?"

  "No Daddy. I just thought..."

  Another cock slap across my face.

  "I didn't tell you to think either bitch."

  With the last statement he forced his entire cock into my mouth and down my throat. My eyes instantly started to water as I gagged. Droplets of spit trickled over my lips and down my chin. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't move, and I couldn't stop my pussy from throbbing. He wasted no time raping my throat. I could feel the spit dripping down onto my whore tits. I felt ashamed, used, and degraded as he pounded his fat black cock down my throat. I loved every second of it. As quickly as the whole incident began his cock was back in his sorts. I gasped for air and looked up at him through blurred teary eyed vision. He pulled me to my feet by my hair, his free hand cupping my juicy cunt.

  "Shameless whore aren't you?"

  All I could do was nod and spread my legs wider. Only for a second did he allow me the pleasure of feeling his fingertip graze over my aching clit.

  "Go to your bedroom, finish taking off your clothes, lie down, and finger fuck that slut pussy." He demanded.

  I took a deep breath and did as I was directed. I finished wiggling out of my jeans and lay back on the bed. My scent instantly filled the entire room as I spread my legs. I could sense him watching me from the door way. I could hear his clothes dropping onto the floor as I slid two fingers down my pink slit and up inside my greedy pussy. A moan danced from the tip of my tongue, I curled my fingers inside of me, pumping slowly in and out. I felt his strong hand cup one of my tits, pinching m
y nipple as his eyes swept over me.

  "Look at you. Such a horny little slut aren't you?" He flicked my nipple hard.

  "Yes Daddy. I want to be a good girl."

  He reached down and grabbed my wrist, pulling my fingers from my wetness and smeared my juices over my lips. Like a good bitch I tasted myself, sucking my fingers clean. I could see his cock standing at attention jus t inches from my face. I wanted to taste it so bad; I wanted to feel him stretching me from the inside. Without a word I opened my mouth and stuck my tongue out. He grinned down at me and slapped his cock head against my tongue, rubbing the tip over my hungry lips, then all over my pretty face. My hips lifted from the bed, rolling against nothing as I tasted him. He left his cock lying across my face as he grabbed one of my ankles and pulled my leg back towards my head. He leaned over and spit down onto my waiting pussy. I rebelled again, this time taking his thick cock between my lips, sucking on the head. I twirled my tongue around his member, my lips gliding partially down his shaft, my moans vibrating through him. I wasn't met with a punishment, just a smack to my bare pussy.

  I could feel him growing in my mouth, soon his cock head was easing down my throat. I worked my muscles around his dick like a good bitch, trying to take it all with ease. However, I couldn't help myself from choking for too long. He didn't allow me this pleasure but only for a moment because he pulled out of my mouth, then knelt between my legs.

  "Open my pussy for me slut. Show me how bad you want it." He slapped one tit, then the other.

  I groaned out, wanting more, but knowing better than to ask for anything. I reached down with both hands and spread my pussy open. I slid a finger from each hand inside my tight little fuck hole and spread myself even wider. His smile was apparent satisfaction as my response. He gripped the base of his black cock and began to ease the head inside my waiting hole. I held my breath as he entered me. He was thicker and a bit longer than I was use to. I loved it. My heart fluttered as he finally took what he had already claimed as his. My fingertips glided over his shaft, feeling every inch as he sunk into my depths. The warmth of my pussy overwhelming him, I clenched my sloppy wet cunt tight around him.


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