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Climax Taboo Erotic Collection

Page 47

by Kelly Fleming

  "Stay where you are I am the police there was a report of a carjacking." He says putting his head behind the revolver to look down it at me.

  "I am sorry Mr. Policeman I do not know what a carjacking is I do not know what these things are that you move around in. I have not been to this city in quite some time, it has grown much in strange ways since I was last here, did the automobile become as successful as my father said, I bought stock in a new company that was going to sell them, Ford Motors I believe was the name." I say moving a little closer with each word his head pulling up higher.

  "Stop right where you are, if you move any closer I will shoot you." He says putting his head back behind his revolver.

  "I am sorry I would not like that much." I say from behind him, grinning at his shocked and scared smell.

  He starts to turn saying dear god help me, I smile at this, policemen apparently are all god fearing. I turn up my pheromones in seduce mode, he is really quite attractive with his blonde hair in a tussled mess atop his head, his strong jaw and nose completing the look of an athlete. When his revolver is lowered and forgotten about I kiss him, he kisses back with a lovely passion that leaves me excited and wanting more.

  "Please what is your name Mr. Policeman?" I ask as I pull back from the kiss purring in the back of my throat.

  "Detective Tony Samson, I would like to know your name I do have to write a report about this."

  "For now call me Jaguar though I would prefer if you do not mention me I shall make my appearance known in my own due time. I have your scent you will see me again later, though I must ask, is the harbor as dangerous as my pa told me as a child?"

  "More so I would say, though the real problem is somewhere in the warehouses. There is at least one drug smuggling group operating out of them."

  "I do not understand laudanum is only restricted it is easy enough to get a doctor's permission."

  "I don't know what this laudanum is cocaine and heroin is the big sellers, LSD is making a strong comeback."

  Before I can ask any more questions I hear two more of those boxes approaching with the wailing noise makers. I kiss him again before moving away, I leave a claw mark in the lighter colored strange rock made from small rocks of the raised section. I turn and look at him again before leaping atop the building and continuing on my way toward the harbor.

  The large gap makes me backtrack two buildings so I can get up a good amount of speed easier. Doing so I am able to listen to and see my detective friend speaking with the two new policemen and the horribly distraught woman. She is going on and on about a wild animal that walked on two feet. I grin when one finds the claw mark, there are a lot of strange words uttered I assume swear words and one prayer. I let loose a roar and am off, my feet quickly getting me to a suitable speed, with one pause to plant my feet and propel myself I am leaping across the wide gap.

  The smaller buildings turn into giant buildings that extend outward more than upward. Some I recognize as warehouses, I have leapt across to two warehouses when I stop and look around. I sigh when I realize my parents house was here somewhere, my ears align to draw in a rhythmic noise, very fast moving and more depth in the deeper tones. When a voice accompanies the thumping rhythmic noise I wrinkle my nose in disgust, it is a banal voice saying nothing I understand about something called ho and pounding her ho hole.

  When I realize her is in there I wonder why any woman would want to be called ho or have her pussy referred to as a hole. I notice another box moving along with the same style of rhythmic noise emanating from it heading in the direction of the noise I hear ahead. I run ahead three warehouses then drop to the tar covered rock pathway, I let my normal brown hair show running partway down my back and resting atop my shoulders. The box comes closer the strange lanterns on the front lighting me up as I put my hand up. The box screeches and whines as it slows down swiftly before moving beside me the glass opening rolls down and a dark skinned man sticks his head out.

  "Damn bitch what you on to be standing in the middle of the street wearing that insane get up." He yells like I am standing far away instead of a scant few feet.

  "Smoking hot body under that get up though, damn bitch where you headed." The one next to him says this one is lighter skinned though both are similarly dressed.

  "I am not a dog please refrain from speaking of me as such. I would like to head to yonder dance if at all possible, and I have some questions I would be thankful if you answer them for me."

  "As long as you are thankful with your body you can ask as many questions as you want." The dark skinned one says as he reaches behind him the section of the box he is reaching toward opens.

  "I suppose my first question has to be is cocaine illegal now?" I ask as I get into the box, the two men laugh for a second.

  "Lady where you been, coke has been illegal as long as I have been alive." The dark skinned one says after turning to look at me.

  "Oh dear me, what does coca cola use as an additive now then?" I ask actually perturbed, I had traveled to Atlanta to sample some the year after it was first sold.

  "Oh hell I have no idea here have some though it is awesome." The light skinned one says passing a small bottle back to me.

  I look at the bottle it is filled with a dark bubbling liquid that I recognize as coca cola. It smells largely the same as I remember though the bottle itself is the thing that has me curious, it is clear like glass yet soft like paper, it is not paper however. When the light skinned one urges me to take a sip I do to find it is largely the same tasting without the strong aftertaste of the cocaine.

  "Please what is this bottle made with?" I ask as I pass it back to him.

  "It's plastic dang where have you been the last fifty years?"

  "I was in the jungles of South America. Please can I get some cocaine at this dance?" The two men look at each other before the black one turns back to me.

  "You can though you should stay away from that shit it is addictive and turns you into an idiot. What you should be looking for is some pot, that shit is the bomb."

  "I do not know why I would want a pot, I do not grow plants. I also have no desire for a bomb, I simply wish to head for this dance and get more information."

  The two look at each other again before the box begins moving, I look around when I notice a strange smell emanating from behind me in the box. In just a minute or two we reach the dance, there are men carrying large metal things that smell like the strange guns from earlier. I am thankful my hearing is not as strong when I have my hair out with my normal ears the rhythmic sound is much louder than it was. As the box turns to go into an empty area around a warehouse I am looking right at one of the men with the strange large gun, he puts a hand between his legs and smiles in at me as we pass him his hand moving up and down.

  When the box stops the two men get out, the dark skinned one goes next to me then does something to make it open again. I hold my hand out for him to give me assistance like a gentleman should, he grins then takes my hand. He walks to the back of the box now suspended upwards with the light skinned man they pull out large brick like shapes of aluminum foil I look at another dark skinned man as he walks over, his eyes on me.

  "Dude, who the hell is this bitch and why she being here," he asks as he gets closer in a loud voice as if he was farther away.

  "Marcus dude chill she doesn't like to be called that, we found her on the street, she is after some coke and has questions she apparently will repay the answers with booty calls." The light skinned one says looking over at me, I give him a smile curious as to what these booty calls are.

  "Damn man I don't give a shit, she could be a cop for all you know. Granted a fucked up cop with a smoking body but a cop is a cop is a cop." The new man yells then walks over to me. "Alright bitch spill what you needing coke for and what the fuck you dressed up in some fucking cat suit for."

  "My reasons for wanting cocaine are my own business it is very rude of you to be asking. I am going to tell you now, if you ca
ll me bitch one more time you will be very unhappy with what I do to you. Now can you get me some cocaine or should I find a man who is man enough to procure what I wish?" I snarl at the man, a little growl escaping with the words.

  "Damn bitch I should just cap your ass now, maybe get me some of that before you bleed out." The man says as he takes a step back and pulls up his shirt revealing another of those strange looking small guns.

  "Here let me see that." I say as I pull the thing from his pants, I walk away a short distance.

  "Lady you really don't want to do that, you should give it back to him." The light skinned man says as the one I took this gun from starts yelling.

  I ignore him and look over the gun, it is boxy and not shiny like the revolvers I remember. There are no cylinders either though there is a trigger, I notice a little switch saying safe I push on it, it moves with a click revealing a red circle. I pull the trigger, the gun reports just like the one the man at the woman's box attempting a carjacking did. There are a lot of clicks behind me I turn to look to see a number of dark skinned men pointing guns at me, some like the one in my hand, others with the large ones.

  "Alright bitch just one chance, give me that fucking gun back and maybe we will just gangbang you." The mouthy one I had warned about calling me a bitch says his arms crossed standing amongst the largest grouping of the men.

  I growl allowing my face to go full feral I let out a roar then jump at the mouthy one first. I punch him in the nose putting a lot of strength into it, he slides backwards a short distance then falls over. Swiftly I put a kick into one of the men standing next to him then roll back the way I came as the remaining men open fire where I was, several fall down screaming with new holes in their bodies. I dash to the ones on my left laying out two with two swift kicks, another gets a broken nose before I dash across to the other side where I lay out three more before I dance away as the fire of the remaining men trails after me taking out more of them.

  As the last of them falls the mouthy man yells at me, he was not knocked out he had gone to his gun where I had dropped it. He is pointing it at me saying if I move I am dead, I move and he fires. It takes him two tries to hit me with a bullet I bend over making him smile and laugh. He laughs until I stand up anyway I walk toward him the hole he put in me closing up as he stammers his unbelief. When he raises the gun again I move fast to knock it away then lean over him growling.

  "If you have learned to not call me bitch I would like to get some cocaine, as much as you have. If you can not get it for me tell me where I can or you will be very unhappy with what I do to you." I say licking my lips showing fangs.

  "Oh Jesus it is in my trunk ten kilos, take the car even just please don't do anything else to me." He says the scent of his fear strong.

  "The police are coming I believe you shall stay here and tell them everything." I say before slapping him across the face hard enough to render him unconscious. "How and why did you alert the police?' I ask after moving over to the men I had arrived here with turning my face normal.

  "I am a cop." The dark skinned one says.

  "I grew up next to some of these guys, my neighborhood used to be nice now it is a shithole I could not just watch it get worse." The light skinned one says.

  "Those are very good why's, the how is eluding me I do not see any telegraph towers."

  "Cell phone, it is like your telegraph except it sends a voice to other cell phones with no wire. I hope those ambulances get here soon I think some of these guys are going to die." The dark skinned cop says.

  "No they will not, two are not doing well only hours to live, the rest have days untreated." I say after listening to the wounded men and sniffing the air, death is present but not soon. "Please I must ask, do you know a detective Tony Samson, I would like to find him again yet this town is much larger than I remember I can not pick out his smell.

  "Oh well shit leave it to that blonde asshole to find the kickass woman first. He lives in the high rise apartments I can give you a lift after doing a shitload of paperwork." The dark skinned cop says.

  "No thank you I do not need to be lifted, if you could tell me which direction it is from here and which house is his."

  "Wait doesn't she like have to be arrested and interviewed and shit?" The light skinned one asks.

  "Shit man would you like to put cuffs on her after watching her do that, just be glad she is not pissed off at us." The dark skinned cop says before pointing at an angle to the direction I came from. "His apartment is that way, and it is not a house he lives in a tall white building way up on the twelve floor. If at all possible you should get some clothes on, his neighbors would freak if a cat woman took the elevator."

  "I am not going to need an elevator, there are two different wailing noise makers coming, they are perhaps a mile away now." I say before walking over to a car and leaving claw marks.

  "Thank you, what is your name and what are you doing?" The dark skinned cop asks.

  "I am Jaguar that is all you need to know. I am leaving my mark as a lesson to other bad men. Be sure and tell the newspaper men, I will pay them a visit in the morning." I say before running off leaping over the strange looking metal fence.

  I revert to full feral to get more speed, in no time the warehouses turn into smaller buildings. I leap from building to building always headed in the general direction indicated. I am forced to pause when I hear the rapid tatter of gunfire, there are no screams and there is the wailing noise maker in the same general direction so I continue on. I stop again at a place identified as a bar, the smell of unwashed smoking men hits me first under this smell is the smell of beer and whiskey.

  I almost move on, the sound of an argument holding me in place atop the bar. Someone shouts to take it outside, I move to the end of the roof to watch, two men smelling heavily of beer and a hard day of work stumble outside then face off. Their arguing ensues I do not understand what they are talking about, football, Steelers, and Raiders being their chosen argument material. Apparently each is saying one is the team that will win the super bowl, when they move to fisticuffs I move on.

  As it turns out the dark skinned cop was not quite correct on his direction, I had to turn to my left three miles to reach the white building, standing twelve stories. At least it has twelve levels of windows there are terraces at each level, one per level. Pondering if each level is one house or not I leap from level to level all the way to the top. Once there I find his scent as strong as it was when I was standing with him. Feeling devilish I crouch low then scratch at the glass door meowing, Detective Tony Samson walks closer to his glass door gun in hand.

  "I don't have a cat, your ass moves into the light or I will be forced to open fire." He yells still more than five feet from the glass door.

  "You surely know how to ruin a woman's mood." I say standing up and moving into the scant light.

  He steps to the glass door then reaches over to flick something, I hear a low buzzing noise then the terrace is awash in light. I look around in amazement, so much light from just one lantern. I sniff there is no smell of oil or gasoline, he opens the glass door and I am awash in the cool air of his home.

  "The air is so cool did you have extra ice brought to your house?" I ask letting my fur wave in the cool breeze.

  "I do not understand why you think I had ice trucked to my home, I have air conditioning if you would like ice my fridge has an ice maker on it. I am curious as to why you are here, if you would enlighten me." He says motioning for me to come inside.

  "I am here because you are handsome, you are catholic, at least all policemen were the last time I was in town. I have many questions and you took me in stride, I have been away for a very long time if you have not noticed." I say looking around the room, there is a large box emitting images and sounds of people talking on the beach.

  "I... well shit I was catholic I am not practicing anymore. I got a call from Derek the cop that watched you beat down some twenty men. He said he is getting chewed out
by the captain for letting you go. I got away with it since I said I only saw a shape that disappeared fast. Fuck he said you got shot and the wound closed on its own, did the bullet go through?" He says fast not letting me ask after the box with the images and sounds.

  "Yes he hit me low in the side. I must ask what is this box, with the moving images and sounds and what is a fridge?" I ask moving closer to look behind the box.

  "This is a television, it shows movies and shows. The fridge is in my kitchen it keeps the food cold."

  "Ah an icebox, yes I understand that, this I do not get it how did they fit the projector inside this small box and are there people inside? The movies I remember only had a piano playing and voice boxes between scenes."

  "Oh well shit you are talking silent movies, I... damn woman how long have you been out of town as you put it?" He asks sitting down on a strange looking sofa.

  "Let me think, we left in January of 1906, we were going to see if we could find the only known building of Jaguar left in the forests of Brazil, or was it Peru it was close to the border. It was not only a building to Jaguar, it had Jaguar inside, he took me on as his replacement."

  "Hang on let me get this straight, you left L.A. in 1906, spent the next one hundred four years with a god to a people that have been gone for a thousand years and now you are back?"

  "One hundred three is closer to the truth it took almost a year to get close enough to the temple for Jaguar to come say hello."

  "So I suppose the reason Jaguar was depicted as a man and a woman is because they get successors of the opposite sex?" He asks leaning forward with interest.

  "Well no I had always wondered that one myself. In actuality Jaguar is female she turns male when it is time to find a successor. It is rather embarrassing but the reason I spent so long with Jaguar is because the first 10 years were spent getting me able to lose my fur." I say willing away my fur to reveal me in all of my naked glory.

  "Now that is distracting, hang on I have a robe." He says getting up and going into another room, when he comes back with a long dark green robe he hands it to me before sitting down again.


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