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Climax Taboo Erotic Collection

Page 64

by Kelly Fleming

"A man has a gorgeous woman like you at home and he's fucking other women? Hell, George W. Bush wasn't even that stupid." Syd said.

  "Then this morning, I left my baby girl at college. She was so excited. She's all grown up. My God Syd, where the hell has my life gone?" I said and started sobbing again.

  Syd took me in her arms again and held me. It was so bizarre; I didn't even know this girl, yet I felt completely comfortable and safe with her. Of course in my emotional state, I would have probably felt comfortable and safe with Jack the Ripper. Syd let me cry on her shoulder, held me snuggly against her rock hard, powerful body and I sensed an almost maternal warmth emanating from her; rather peculiar considering I was technically old enough to be her mother. At last I cried it all out and Syd slowly released me.

  "Feel better?" She asked with a soft smile.

  "Not really. Probably feel better than I look though."

  "You look beautiful."

  "You are so sweet; reminds me of Amanda."

  "That your daughter?"


  "She as pretty as her mother?"

  "She's eighteen."

  "I didn't ask you how old she was. I asked you if she was as pretty as you."

  I scoffed slightly and dug into my purse for my wallet.

  "You are a blunt little thing, aren't you?"

  "Among other things."

  Pulling my wallet from my purse, I opened it, took out Amanda's high school graduation picture and handed it to Syd.

  "So, this is her?"

  "That's my baby girl."

  Syd studied the picture carefully, letting her eyes shoot back and forth between it and me.

  "Nope!" Syd said as she handed the picture back.

  "Nope? What do you mean, nope?" I asked; feeling a flush of defensive anger.

  "She isn't as pretty as her mother." Syd stated matter-of-factly.

  "I'm not exactly sure how to take that." I said as I returned the picture to my wallet and my wallet to my purse.

  "As a complement." She said. "A woman fulfilled is always more beautiful. She's not completely fulfilled yet."

  "As if I am." I mumbled then cleared my throat. "So, do you know of a good four star hotel in town?"

  "We don't even have a hotel in this town." Syd replied.

  "Figures." I said as I rubbed my face. "God, I must look a fright."

  "Listen, why don't you come on back inside? I've got my little apartment loft over the garage. There's a clean bathroom up there; you could freshen up a bit if you want to and then we can figure out what to do next." Syd suggested.

  "Oh Syd, I don't want to be any trouble."

  "You've already been that; now come on. Besides, what the hell else are you gonna do?"

  "Good point."

  Syd slammed the hood and then led me back into the garage; the night was still mercilessly hot, dry and stale. Syd directed me into the small store room on the far side of the garage where there was a wooden ladder leading up through an attic door in the ceiling.

  "You live here?" I asked.


  "Above the garage?"

  "Why not? After all, it's my garage."


  "It's been in my family for generations; all the way back to my great grandfather who opened it when he came back from France after the First World War. After he died, my grandfather took it, then my father and now me." Syd told me.

  "Where is your father?" I asked.

  "He's dead. Died a couple of years ago." Syd said matter-of-factly.

  "Oh, I'm so sorry."

  "I'm not."

  "Well, what about your mother?"

  "She died five years ago."

  "Oh honey..." I gasped. "Do you have any brothers or sisters? Uncles or aunts? Husband? Boyfriend? Children? Anybody?"

  "Nope. I'm the last of the line. When I die, so will this place."

  "Surely you'll have a family and children of your own soon."

  "Ah, do you think maybe we could give up on the game of twenty questions?" Syd snapped.

  "I'm sorry."

  "No biggie. Listen, I got a couple of things to finish up down here, so why don't you just go on up. It should be at least fairly cool up there. Like I said, there's a bathroom if you wanna freshen up; there's also some bottled water in the fridge if you're thirsty."

  I studied Syd for a long moment and couldn't help but smile. I don't know if it was her blunt, straightforward approach to life or her sarcastic attitude or just her genuine goodness; I liked her. She was also very pretty; and I knew instinctively that she was the type of girl who didn't realize it, know or even care about it. Without even thinking or hesitation, I stepped over and kissed her on the cheek.

  "Thank you, Sydney." I told her.

  "Syd." She growled.

  "No. Sydney. It's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl."

  "Whatever." She scoffed and sauntered away. "I'll be up in a few."

  "Okay." I called as I wrestled my dress up about my knees and climbed the ladder.

  "And you're welcome." Sydney said as she disappeared into the shop.

  Sydney's loft nearly knocked the wind out of me for it was one hundred percent female; "girly" I guess is the better term. There was an enchanting Victorian style twin bed covered with pink sheets and a soft lavender comforter folded neatly at the foot with fluffed pillows and a herd of stuffed animals lining the cast iron white headboard. There was a hope chest at the foot of the bed, a set of matching bedside tables, each with an antique lamp atop it and a chest of drawers with an attached mirror. There was a lovely Native American throw rug in the center of the room between the bed and the dresser, a sitting area under the window with a loveseat and a tiny kitchenette area in the corner with three cabinets, a mini-fridge and microwave. There was also a small kitchen table with two chairs along the opposite wall, right next to the small entertainment center. I couldn't help but get a lump in my throat for Sydney's loft reminded me so much of Amanda's new dorm room.

  Stepping into the small bathroom, my nostrils were flooded with a heavenly scent of fresh cinnamon potpourri; and it, just like the bedroom, was all female. I washed my face and hands in cool water then applied some mascara, eyeliner, lipstick, powder base and rouge. Borrowing some of Sydney's toothpaste, I "fingered" my teeth and even flossed them before running a brush through my long hair and spraying on some fresh perfume. Giving myself a quick once over in the mirror, I shrugged sheepishly and then exited the bathroom. I then spotted a few picture frames on one of the bedside tables, so I sauntered over, sat on the edge of the bed and picked one up just as Sydney came up the ladder.

  "Honey, I'm home." She said playfully.

  "How was your day, dear?" I replied playing along.

  Sydney kicked off her boots and slipped off her socks by the ladder as we played Ward and June.

  "Very interesting; had this really pretty lady wander into the shop tonight with a blown engine rod."

  "Oh no!" I gasped. "The poor thing."

  "Boy, you sure clean up good." Sydney said as she studied me and whistled.

  "Oh...Thank you." I said and blushed. "And I just love your loft, Sydney."

  "Not exactly what you were expecting is it?"


  "Well, I'm glad you like it." Sydney said.

  "I do."

  "That's my Mom by the way; the picture you're holding." Sydney said as she came over and sat beside me on the bed.

  "Kind of thought so." I said. "And what about these others?"

  "That's my Dad there; those are my grandparents there and that one there is my great grandfather just after he opened this place in 1919. And that goofy little thing there is me when I was four." Sydney said as she pointed each picture out to me.

  I set the picture of her mother down and picked up the one of a young and adorable little Sydney.

  "This is you?" I said excitedly.

  "Yep, that's me." She replied sheepishly. "Goofy looking, wasn't I?"
/>   "You were precious." I snapped. "So cute; my God. Look at all those freckles you had."

  "Yeah, I guess I was kinda cute." Sydney finally admitted.

  "And you still are. Quite a bit buffer and leaner, but still very cute." I said as I set the picture down.

  "You like cute, buff and lean girls, Becky?" Sydney asked.

  "Yes I do, as a matter of fact." I replied as I smiled at her.

  "Good." Sydney said as she removed her hat and tossed it on the floor; her long and thick auburn hair was glossy from sweat, but oh so beautiful.

  Instantly, Sydney firmly took my head in both her hands and crushed her mouth to mine; her tongue literally burrowing its way through my lips as her mouth sealed over mine. My body went totally rigid; every muscle seized and I strained desperately to pull out, but Sydney's grip on my head was powerful. And as freaked as I was about what was happening just then, there was a part of me that was thrilled. It had been so long since I'd known the intimate touch of a lover's kiss; the wondrous feel of their hands on my body, and most of all, the feeling that somebody actually desired me.

  I managed to break free from Sydney's hungry mouth and struggled against the grip of her hands on my head.

  "Sydney, what are you doing?" I gasped; my breathing was quite labored and my heart was pounding. "We can't do this!"

  "Why not?" Sydney hissed and took my mouth again; and again I pushed away.

  "Sydney, this isn't right...I mean, I... Oh God!" I tried desperately to reason, but Sydney then started licking and suckling deeply on my chin, jaw line and finally down to my neck, where she really dug in. "No!...No, this isn't...OOHHH...No! No, I'm old enough to be your...MMMMM....And plus, we're both...Oh my God, baby!" I moaned as Sydney continued feasting on my neck with that incredibly talented mouth and tongue.

  I was fast being consumed by burning passion; a kind I'd never before encountered.

  "Becky? Does this feel good?" Sydney hissed as she ran her tongue up my neck and over my chin.

  "Oh God, yes." I moaned in sheer ecstasy and euphoria.

  "Then why don't you just shut up and enjoy it. There's a lot more where this came from." Sydney whispered.

  "Oh God!" I hissed and took her mouth passionately.

  I practically leapt into Sydney's lap as our mouths seared together and I felt those big, muscle bound arms of hers wrap around me. Though I'd never been with a woman before or ever really considered it, Sydney had captured me in a way I hadn't been in many years; possibly ever. Just having another person so hungry and passionate for the want and desire of me nearly brought me to tears; not to mention the feel of a young, powerful and buxom body against me and all around me was wondrous. You don't realize just how important passionate physical contact and intimate physical affection are until you don't get them for a long time; or worse yet, when you lose them from the person who swore to love, honor and cherish you until death do you part.

  As our mouths made love to each other and as Sydney cradled my long body in her arms, nothing else at that moment mattered at all. I didn't care that she was another woman and I didn't care that she was young enough to be my daughter. All I cared about was that she desperately wanted to love me; so I was damn well gonna let her. I wanted it! I needed it!

  Pushing me down on my back, Sydney pinned my arms down on the soft mattress as she continued ravaging my mouth with her own. Her lips were soft and sweet; her mouth was a cauldron of passionate heat and very possessive. Sydney was a sensational kisser; better than any man I'd ever kissed. Pressing her body down against mine as that ravenous mouth lathered my neck with suckling kisses, luxurious licks and sensual nips, my eyes were spinning as the passion consumed me. Sydney then snatched the hem smocked hem of my dress just above my breasts in her teeth, tugged it upward as she growled like a feral beast and then released it. Rolling off and up onto her knees, Sydney slipped my sandals off then took the bottom hem of my dress in her hands and lifted it up as she slowly spread my legs. My body tingled with intense eroticism and quivers of unbridled desire shot up my spine as Sydney pushed my dress up to my waist, sensually licking, kissing and caressing the soft skin of my long legs. I lifted my hips so Sydney could push my dress past my waist and up to my breasts; but she didn't stop there.

  "Sit up." She whispered. "I want to see all of this gorgeous body right now!"

  I sat up, lifting my arms up over my head and Sydney pulled my dress completely off. Tossing it on the floor, she pushed me down on my back again and let her hands glide slowly and sensually up my body from my waist to my shoulders; I felt those icy blue eyes literally devouring my nudity.

  "So beautiful." She whispered.

  That statement moved me like nothing ever had and I was suddenly caught between wanting to smile and wanting to cry. But before I could speak, Sydney took my mouth in another hot kiss as I cupped her face it my hands; it was so soft. Sydney licked and kissed her way down my chin and neck to my breasts where she snatched my right nipple into her mouth. I sucked in a deep, hissing gasp as Sydney suckled me; I could feel my nipple gorging and on the verge of popping in the warmth and wetness of her gifted mouth. Sensually molding my left breast as she pleasured my right, Sydney then drug her tongue in a long, sensual lick from my right nipple, down the slope, through the valley and up the left where she snatched my other nipple just as hungrily as she had the first.

  Continuing her descent now, I lifted my widely spread legs to accommodate Sydney's still fully clothed body as she slid down on the mattress, suckling and savoring the skin of my belly. Those powerful hands cupped the backs of my thighs, spreading my legs wider, bending them at the knees and pushing them into a v-shape as she kissed the creamy flesh of my inner thighs, slowly working down to my sex. Sydney exhaled a deep breath of warm air directly onto my pulsing sex and inhaled deeply of my scent.

  "Oh Becky, you have such a beautiful pussy." Sydney hissed. "So ripe and alive. And so fucking wet too."

  Sydney gave me a long, lavish lick with the full flat of her tongue all the way from my sphincter to the hood of my clit and I nearly bucked off the bed as the erotic stimulation coursed like current all through me. With that, Sydney let my legs fall to the mattress and she dove into me, slurping, licking and sucking on my most delicate flesh.

  "God, you're drenched baby!" She said with a mouthful of my puffy folds. "So fucking hot!"

  Sydney tugged and sucked my folds into her mouth as my eyes spun frantically in their sockets. I had never experienced such intense oral pleasure. Sydney snapped her lips over the hood of my clit, sucking it vigorously and battered it with her tongue as she teased the surface of my slit with her finger; dousing it in my arousal and then slid it inside me. I sucked in another deep gasp as Sydney pumped her finger deep within me and sucked my meaty lips into her mouth. My heart was on the verge of explosion and I pawed desperately at the sheets. Suddenly, Sydney released me and sprang up on her knees between my legs. Taking my hand, she placed it on my spasming vulva; I don't think I'd ever felt myself being more aroused in my entire life.

  "Pleasure yourself for me, Becky. Let me watch you while I get naked. It's fucking hot in here." Sydney ordered.

  In the near twenty-four years of my marriage, I had never pleasured myself in front of my husband. In truth, I'd never pleasured myself in front of anyone in my life; I had a hard enough time doing it when I was alone. But Sydney had me so hot that I happily complied, and had the added bonus of watching Sydney strip at the same time. She stood up on the mattress and didn't waste any time; virtually ripping her clothes from her body and within seconds, I was staring up at one of the most magnificent specimens of physical womanhood that I had ever seen. Those broad, powerful shoulders and arms; all clad with sexy bulging muscles. Then there was that pristine torso and waistline, the surprisingly bountiful and sinfully sexy breasts and that flat, muscle ripped abdomen; exquisitely defined six pack! And those legs; masterfully sculpted and shapely works of art.

  Sydney undid her ponytail
and shook out her gorgeous auburn hair so erotically that I quivered with desire to the very core as she stared so intensely down at me; her eyes burning with raw lust and unbridled passion.

  "Oh God, that is so fucking sexy." She hissed as she watched me pleasure myself. "My turn now!"

  Instantly, Sydney dropped to her knees, down on her belly and snatched my sex rapaciously into her mouth again. Her attack was so forceful and sudden that my back arched into a virtual horseshoe as I sucked in another deep, gasping breath.

  "Oh my God!" I gasped. "Oh Fuck!"

  Sydney growled and grunted as she devoured me, shaking her head from side to side with her mouth full of my pussy. My arms flailed aimlessly; erratically clutching the sheets, digging into Sydney's hair, seizing and teasing my breasts, grabbing the pillow and then the cast iron of the headboard. Suddenly, Sydney rose up on her knees, grabbed my legs and roughly flipped me over onto my stomach and wrestled me up onto all fours. There is something so incredibly sexy and arousing about an older woman being completely dominated by a younger woman; particularly if the older woman is physically larger. Positioning herself directly behind me and spreading my legs, Sydney jammed a finger deep inside me and began pumping furiously as her tongue plunged into the crack of my ass. Dropping down on my elbows, Sydney suddenly jammed a second finger inside me, increasing her velocity, while her tongue lathered my sphincter. My fists clutched the cast iron of the headboard as wails of unbridled and unprecedented ecstasy poured out of my mouth. I felt Sydney's tongue press through my puckered rosebud and she was now tongue-fucking my ass while she finger-fucked my pussy.

  Sydney's tongue seemed to sink deeper and deeper into my bowels with every stroke and her feral growls only seemed to become more wanton; of course, I could barely hear them over my own orgasmic screams. Finally the orgasm smashed over me like a tidal wave and my body literally seized and collapsed on the mattress; my heart had never pounded so hard and I was gasping desperately for air as Sydney finally relented.

  "Oh God! Oh God! Oh baby!" I moaned into the pillow.

  Sydney was kissing her way up the line of my back, crawling up over me like a stalking lioness and gliding her hands over my sweaty flesh. As she came to my neck, I rolled over and snatched her; throwing my arms around her shoulders and locking my legs around her waist as our mouths scorched together in another greedy, wanton kiss. I rolled us over and pinned Sydney's seething, sweaty body beneath me as those muscled arms and powerful legs locked around me. I squirmed down her body, dragging my tongue down Sydney's amazingly soft skin, pelting her with gentle kisses and savoring licks until I reached her bountiful breasts and took one of her nipples in my mouth. Just as she had done me, I suckled and savored each of Sydney's throbbing nipples in turn, molding the supple flesh of her breasts in my long fingers.


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