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Climax Taboo Erotic Collection

Page 96

by Kelly Fleming

  Her empty tube floated towards me. In the rushing water, I must have missed her capsizing. I rolled out of my tube and into the water. My feet found the bottom, and I grabbed at Rhonda's tube as I continued to hold onto my own. The cool rushing water felt great on my tanning skin. The height was almost to my shoulders. Deeper than I had expected. I peered up the creek, looking for Rhonda.

  I found her standing--head and shoulders above water-- to my right of the water gap, struggling to extricate herself from a fallen tree that had apparently gone over the rapids during a flood and become stuck in a debris field. Fishermen know how such trees can be a nuisance. The many small limbs grab at your clothing--as well as your fishing equipment--and can be rather difficult to untangle from.

  But I didn't see any danger. I pushed myself up through the current, hauling the tubes. As I neared her, I moved towards the creek bank and found a spot to throw the tubes, then I worked myself towards Rhonda.

  A witty comment jumped to the tip of my tongue, but I immediately swallowed it when I saw that Rhonda was flustered. Her face was red with embarrassment.

  "I am so sorry!" she yelled, raising her voice above the crashing water. "I don't know what happened!"

  "No worries! And no hurry!" I responded. "Here, let me untangle you! I think you're caught from behind."

  I had begun to move around her when I stopped dead and unthinking. Men know how it goes: You stand over a woman. Your eyes drop to her chest. And you instinctively follow the line of cleavage.

  Rhonda had ample cleavage showing. I had stolen more than a few glances at it already behind my darkened shades. But now, she had more to show me: One naked breast.

  It was partly underwater, but wholly visible.

  During her struggles, her left breast had apparently "popped out." Large. White. Fleshy. With surprisingly small and circular red aureoles. The nipple was hard and firm, protruding far from its base.

  It seemed to ripple in the rushing water.

  It was fantastic.

  I was staring, and the thought that my behavior was inappropriate was slow to sleep into my brain.

  "Ummmm, Rhonda". I stammered. "Umm, you popped out." My pointing finger dropped her eyes to the object of my leering.

  "Oh!" She squeaked, dropping herself fast and hard into the water while she reached to cover herself. At the same moment, I heard an audible pop. My peripheral vision caught a long slender form wavering on the surface of the water behind her: It was her bikini strap.

  Her powerful, sudden movement had apparently stretched the thin fabric until it snapped.

  Rhonda had felt it.

  "Oh, my! I think I'm undone." She laughed as she said it. (How could you not? The chain of events was rather comical.)

  She turned her back towards me and reached around to rehook herself--only, she had never become unhooked. I could see her working the straps to no avail.

  "Here, let me take a look, "I said.

  "Haven't you seen enough?"

  "Absolutely not!"

  We were joking, not flirting. But I did feel relieved that she seemed calm.

  I looked at the situation. Things didn't look good. The top fastened on the back with four hooks, like a bra. However, the strap on her right side had snapped at a different spot. The hooks were still connected. The fabric would have to be tied by hand in a knot in order to hold. Assuming that that would even work. (It did occur to me there that Rhonda was a large breasted girl who would put a lot of "weighted pressure" on those straps.

  "Ed, is it possible to tie together the torn pieces together?"

  "Well, let me try." I intentionally tried not to sound too optimistic.

  Rhonda stood as tall as she could, but only her shoulder blades rose above the water. I essentially need to tie the knot at the waterline. I should have asked her to move towards shore but. in the awkwardness of the situation, I just wanted to get it down. As she held her arms crossed over her chest (to prevent the current from tearing her top off completely), I fumbled with the straps. In so doing, the part where the hooks conjoined became partly undone. Sensing it would be easier to tie the pieces together with the top completely unhooked, I tried to do so. It did feel rather wild to undress a woman I had only just met. I know it was technically only a three-inch piece of fabric, but still.... My eyes lingered on Rhonda's tanned strong back. I enjoyed the closeness of her presence.

  But...the task at hand.

  I looked down to tie the fabric and.... It was gone. The small piece of fabric that I had removed...was...gone.

  In the chilly water, my partially numb fingers must not have felt the fabric taken by the current.

  "Ah...Rhonda. I think we just lost a little piece of your top. Do you see it?"

  It took her a moment for her to understand. Then, she frantically looked around her in the water..

  "No, I don't. What does this mean?"

  I pulled the strands of her top towards each other. They were two inches apart. I app lied some pressure. Her body tensed but she said nothing. Even with all my energy, I couldn't quite get the fabric tips to touch, let alone cross over enough to make a tie.

  "I think we have a problem," I sputtered, and then explained. Rhonda grabbed the tips herself and tried to stretch them. A no go, as well.

  I hadn't brought anything with me save for my clothes and my tube. Rhonda was the same. There was nothing with which to repair or alter her top. I didn't know what to expect from her.

  She turned to face me, a bit perplexed, arms crossed over her chest. Then, an immediate change of attitude crossed over her. An awe-shucks grin spread across her face.

  "Well, I guess you've already seen me partly naked. So, what the heck."

  With that she dropped her arms, taking her top with her, fully exposing her breasts for my unobstructed view. Her nipples reached toward me, peering out just above the water line. Large, full, and white (a brilliant contrast to her otherwise tanned body), her breasts instantly aroused my base instincts. I know that I stared..

  "So, what do you think?" Rhonda asked coyly.

  "Mmmmmm. Very nice!!!" I said, mimicking a favorite voice.

  "Thanks, Borat! she laughed (she got the joke!). "Maybe later we can count chickens together."

  I relaxed at her naked comfort, and we moved towards shore to get our tubes. We flopped in and pushed off.

  "I guess we have some catching up to do," I offered, trying to ignore the fact that Rhonda was now topless next to me.

  "I feel no hurry," Rhonda rejoined. "They're not leaving without us. I say take our time." With that, she stretched herself over her tube, positioned so that only her feet and ankles were underwater. Her breasts flattened, but I enjoyed the view from the side, as they cast a nice, curved overhang.

  "Besides," she continued, "I might as well get my top fully tanned. And the fewer gawkers the better" She paused. "That doesn't bother you, does it?"

  She said the last words rather playfully, and I responded in kind: "No, in fact I'm a big believer in a full body tan. So don't stop yourself from ironing out all of your tan-lines."

  "Oh--you have a full body tan?"

  She caught me. "Oh, of course! I highly recommend it." (In truth my butt was as white as pure salt.)

  "I bet it looks nice." She stared straight up at the sky as she said this, and I couldn't see the expression on her face.

  I felt that special tingle of excitement. Flirting!?! Playful games don't last long into marriage. It had been a long time. I didn't know where things were going with Rhonda, but I felt a mutual attraction. This was fun.

  I returned: "Oh, I would say so indeed. I would love to show you, but--well, we're married and all."

  Rhonda smirked. "Hmmm. Well, I think that I am showing you a little bit of forbidden flesh without any naughty incident. Why couldn't you do the same?"

  "That's not true! I'm not seeing anything on you that I'm not showing you in return!"

  She laughed, both sweetly and heavily.

I'm afraid that your breasts aren't quite the same 'point value' as mine. If they were truly equal, I think men would have to cover them up just as we do."

  "I have long complained about the silliness of women having to cover their breasts. I mean, it is only a hunk of flesh. So they're bigger than men's. Does size really matter so much?"

  "Absolutely!" Rhonda retorted emphatically. "As one betrothed to a small-sized man in every respect, I can certainly say that bigger is better in all things. Now look at me and tell me that you don't believe the same thing."

  I was already looking at her, of course. She sat upright in her tube, put her hands on her hips, and stuck her chest out towards me. They had to be DD's. They seemed to cover her entire torso, save for a tiny strip of a firm, bull belly beneath them. Then, with a sturdy wiggle, she set them in motion for me. They swayed side-to-side, quivering as they did so. I know that women don't understand, but it's hypnotic to a man. They were simply spectacular. I followed them back-and-forth as if I were watching a tennis match. I felt a deep sense of sadness when they stopped swinging.

  "Well?" Rhonda asked in a stern voice. "Does size matter?"

  "OK! OK! I am a new believer. Size. Is. Everything." I have rarely spoken so honestly.

  "So, to return to our prior argument. You now concede that I am showing your more. Hence, our situation is unfair. I request again the pleasure of seeing your full body tan."

  I surely had a stupid-looking grin on my face as I pondered how to respond.

  "Alright, I agree that you have right to see my full body tan. But, if I did so, there would still be an injustice. You see, your eyes would then have access to my entire body and all its assets. Meanwhile, part of your body would remain cloaked. I simply cannot allow this to occur."

  "I understand,," she said. "Let's rectify the situation." And, with that, she leaned backwards, slid her hand under her bikini bottoms, and slid them up, over, and off her legs. Completely naked, she looked over at me, smiling smugly.

  "Now will you take off your shorts?" she asked in a mocking voice.

  My mind barely processed her words as my eyes stared at the white skin—broken only by a neatly trimmed triangle of pubic hair—that was formerly hidden under her bikini bottom.

  "Shit!" I sighed. "You win!" I leaned back and pulled my shorts up and off.

  "Hey! Where's that full body tan! I've been hoodwinked!" Her words were playful, not angry.

  " got me. But you know what? At the end of the day, I will have a full body tan. So I will promise what I delivered!"

  We continued floating down the river. It didn't seem awkward at all. Our nakedness changed nothing about our conversations and feelings of kinship. I did steal more than a few glances at Rhonda's body, and I felt her do the same. I sensed the possibility of romance, but I didn't make such advances. Why would I? It was a beautiful day. So much to enjoy. Why take a risk?

  But then, that's one of my fatal flaws: Overly conservative and content.

  I'm glad Rhonda wasn't (and isn't) that way.

  (Some time later....)

  Now on her stomach, Rhonda paddled over to me with her hands. My eyes feasted on her delicious white rump.

  "I am a little disappointed," she sighed affectedly.

  "What's wrong?" I inquired.

  "I don't see to be able to inspire you."

  "What makes you so sure?"

  "Floppy." With that, she reached out, picked up my limp penis, and let it drop to the ground.

  Her touch--an unexpected aggressive move--shocked me: Positively. I felt a small surge. I wondered what she might do next.

  "You could fix that, you know."

  Admittedly, not my best line, but we had already won each other over.

  Without words, she reached out and placed one hand on my side to pull me closer. With the other, she lightly picked up my hardening penis. Soon, her soft lips surrounded it and I felt the tingling touch of her warm tongue. I watched her in the midst of my deepening pleasure. She seemed so caring, so passionate, so intent. The moment should have seemed surreal but instead seemed so natural. A man and a woman who—though they had only just met—share so much in common. Our other lives seemed so distant on this day.

  I am not the type of man to only receive pleasure. Truly passionate sex must go both ways. I wanted to please her as she pleased me. I leaned across, grabbed the end of her tube, and pulled it towards me, so that my eyes stared straight into her pelvic area.

  She understood my intentions. There was some shifting weight and a few physical adjustments, but moments later my tongue lolled on the folds of her vagina. We mutually explored each other with our tongues. From time to time, one of us would stop pleasing the other to indulge in our own sensations.

  I imagine that we must have been quite a sight to on-lookers, especially to anyone flying overheard. But, at the time, I had no thoughts. I only felt.

  I had discovered Rhonda's most sensitive spots. With gusto, I took to them in earnest. What does that mean? I pressed. Hard. Extending my tongue, I used it as a penis at just that right spot and pounded again and again as fast as I could.

  I knew her enjoyment from her lips. She gripped me tighter and sucked harder.

  It felt heavenly. I could sense the early tingles of an orgasm. And I felt the same in Rhonda, as her hips began to rock with my facial thrusts.

  Our pace quickened. Faster! Faster! Faster!...........


  It happened quickly. I felt my balance go as the part of the tube behind my back (which had been partly raised out of the water by my leaning body) raised up and over. In my gusto, I had leaned deeper into Rhonda to penetrate her to the maximum. As I fell into the creek, I pulled Rhonda with me. The cool water extinguished the passionate flames moments before climax. We stood up facing each other in the hip-high water, laughing.

  But I would not let it end that way. I placed my hand behind her, on her lower back, and dropped it to fondle her buttocks. My other reached to touch one of her soft, massive breasts. As I did so, I stared deeply into her eyes, which seemed to glint with the same passion that I felt. My penis, fully hardened again, reached up and out of the water to rest against her full, firm stomach.

  Rhonda began to drop her body, but I caught her and pressed her towards me.

  "I want all of you," I whispered in her ear. She leaned up and in to me. For the first time, our lips met. I felt her hands on my butt, softly exploring its curves. I pushed her into me, tighter than before, relishing the soft tickle of her flesh. Our tongues met continuously, playfully rolling over each other in our conjoined mouths.

  I had to have her. I pushed against her, and we began an awkward walk to the creek bank, trying to maintain our heated touches. When the water was knee-deep, I moved to lay her down. I relished her body as she did so. Her mammoth breasts flattened and spread across her body. Her opening legs revealed her passionate want. I moved atop her immediately. She grabbed my penis and positioned it into her. The creek water partly flowed over her body, the clear water glinting on her flesh. I felt its coldness on my legs and against my side. My entire body tingled with prickling sensations.

  As I slowly pushed myself fully into her, Rhonda raised her head up and spoke into my ear.

  "Fuck me. Fuck me, hard. Don't be gentle."

  Heated words. The type spoken by lovers in the throes of passion. Sincere, Honest.

  I rejoined: "I want to fuck you all day. You are so beautiful. I want to stay inside you."

  "Harder. Fuck me, harder."

  "I won't stop. I'll never stop."

  If only.

  If only we could remain in a passionate bond for hours or days. Against my will, my body sought an end. Again and again I thrust into her. Water splashed about us. We were surely making quite a racket on the creek bend. Rhonda maintained a firm grip on my butt, guiding me with pulses, directing my angle and speed. I relished the marked contrast of the hot sun on my back and the cool water on my legs.

sp; And then the moment came. I didn't want it. I wasn't ready to give it up. But I had to.

  My breathing accelerated. Rhonda, sensing my impending climax, began breathing more heavily as well. I tried to time the moment, to experience the thrill together. I tried to delay, remaining inside her, but the moment grew to late. I felt myself go.

  Concerned about unwontedly cumming inside her, I tried to back out--but she wouldn't let me. She held me firmly, preventing my escape. My voice cracked with the first orgasmic spasm. Others followed quickly, but they held a delightfully long procession. I had not orgasmed so passionately in years. Perhaps decades. s

  Halfway through, Rhonda went as well. Her eyes rolled slightly backwards, and she exhaled long and slowly.

  The creek rolled over our conjoined bodies.

  As the moment slipped away, we looked at each other and smiled.

  "Perfect in every way but one, " she said playfully, her head shaking back and forth with a big smile on her face.

  "Perfect for me," I grinned. "How could it not be so? Tell me what I need to do so that it's perfect for you."

  "Perhaps you could swim a mile down the creek to get our tubes?"

  The tubes! I could have cared less, but I did look down the creek. No tubes along the bank until the river bended to the right.

  "Let's go!" I said. "You first. I want to see that beautiful white butt as much as possible."

  "Hey, I get a turn as well!"

  "To look at your butt? How are you going to do that?"

  She just shook her head.

  Down the creek we went. At first we walked along the back. It felt liberating to walk in the nude. The breezy air felt great on my skin, as did the warm sunlight. And, as I promised, I enjoyed the view of Rhonda's full yet well-shaped naked backside. There is something so beautiful about a woman walking naked. The slight movement up and down of each cheek creates a slight quiver that just speaks to the heart of men.

  We reached the creek bend and looked down the water line. There were the tubes. And next to them were Jon and Marybeth. They saw us and waved.

  Now I was conscious of nudity. Even from the 100-yard distance, they could surely tell we were naked. For the first time in a while, I thought about my clothes. I had lain them draped over the side of my tube. The tube that had capsized in the water.


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