Whatever Arises, Love That

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by Matt Kahn

  As love is revealed, the light of your highest potential eases the overactive mind by releasing layers of emotional clutter. These are the natural results you’ve always been destined to receive to celebrate the true purpose you came to fulfill. Such a divinely appointed purpose helps you recognize your own heart as the center of the Universe. One heartfelt embrace at a time, all beings are blessed, uplifted, and returned to the magnificence of their original form. This is what it means to begin your own love revolution. It is an opportunity to inspire the transformation of all by cherishing your innocence as never before.

  By loving what arises, you cross a life-changing threshold during the most exciting time in Earth’s history. As more beings than ever before are awakening to the truth of their eternal nature, you are assisting in the spiritual growth and energetic expansion of an entire civilization, just by learning to live with an open heart. A sign that you are ready to take such an important leap is often felt as an intense calling to unravel the collective unconsciousness of humanity by healing yourself. Perhaps this calling may feel like a recurring impulse to find personal fulfillment, true liberation, and abiding peace without having to regularly rearrange the furniture of your reality. No matter the signs that signify your readiness, these words confirm that you have successfully answered the call to return to love.

  Throughout this heart-centered revolution, you come to realize that underneath it all love is what you are and all you’ve ever wanted. The willingness to accept this truth and assist in the transformation of humanity is an essential stage of growth that I call the eternal cultivation. During this vital stage, your body expands into a conscious vessel of awakening by providing your innocence the encouragement, kindness, and care it has always desired.

  In the most practical and approachable way, I am honored to assist you in opening your heart to release each worry, dissolve every limitation, and raise the vibration of the planet as a gift of transcendence for one and all.

  Love as the Ultimate Equalizer

  As you embrace yourself more sincerely than ever before, you may discover how your own heart has often been the last in line to receive the support and attention that you give to others. As your heart expands, you no longer overlook opportunities to provide yourself with the same kindness and care that so many in your life are blessed to receive. One loving embrace at a time, you become a living testimony of just how powerful, aligned, inspired, and happy you have always been destined to be.

  By loving what arises, you set aside any tendency to deny, avoid, or fight with the inevitability of life to awaken the most profound intimacy within you. In honor of how far you’ve come, I invite you to take this moment to celebrate the arrival of a new reality.

  Whether you wish to speak these words out loud or read them silently to yourself, please repeat the following healing mantra:

  When I’m sad, I deserve more love, not less. When I’m angry, I deserve more love, not less. When I’m frustrated, I deserve more love, not less. Whenever I’m hurt, heartbroken, ashamed, or feeling guilty, I deserve more love, not less.

  Even when I’m embarrassed by my actions, I deserve more love, not less. Equally so, when I’m proud of myself, I deserve more love, not less. No matter how I feel, I deserve more love, not less. Despite what I think, I deserve more love, not less.

  No matter the past that I’ve survived, I deserve more love, not less. No matter what remains up ahead, I deserve more love, not less. On my worst day, I deserve more love, not less.

  Even when life seems cruel and confusing, I deserve more love, not less. When no one is here to give me what I need, I deserve more love, not less. In remembering the greatest way I can serve the world, I deserve more love not less. No matter what I’m able to accept, whomever I cannot forgive, or whatever I’m unable to love for whatever reason, I deserve more love, not less.

  In celebration of your true innocent nature, love doesn’t ask you to accept what cannot be accepted; it simply says, “Just embrace your own heart, and I will accept on your behalf.” It does not ask you to forgive what is unforgivable, but simply says, “Just embrace your own heart, and I will forgive on your behalf.” It doesn’t even ask you to love what cannot be loved. Instead, it simply says, “Just embrace your own heart, and I will love on your behalf.”

  No matter the circumstance at hand, love ensures that everything is done through you, instead of by you. By embracing your innocence more than anyone has ever dared to embrace it, you find the parent you’ve never met, a best friend you never knew you had, and the lover who has been there all along, as the truth of what you are. Equally so, by making your own heart the object of your affection, you invite the truth of others to be recognized beyond the characters they’re imagined to be. With love as your guide, the uniqueness of all can be equally appreciated, without the pain of conflict dividing you from another.

  While it is necessary to realize that others may not be able to love you in the way you have always desired, you don’t have to lack the kindness, support, and care that your love revolution brings to life. Whether in the aftermath of disappointment or at the brink of despair, the depth of attention that you can provide yourself allows emotions to no longer be the lingering evidence of a painful existence. When rooted in your heart, every reaction can be viewed as a perfectly orchestrated activation of consciousness, clearing out the old paradigm to make room for something new to unfold. This often occurs at the rate in which each particular feeling is honored and given permission to be.

  No matter how easily or slowly you open up to the feelings that inspire your most profound transformation, it is important not to rush the process. Instead, it is essential to take your time and make every moment count by remembering that you always deserve more support, kindness, and encouragement along the way.

  No matter how daunting, overwhelming, or uncomfortable your experiences seem to be, the ups and downs of everyday life can be transformed into a deeply fulfilling spiritual adventure, simply by becoming the source of your own fulfillment.

  The invitation love offers is never bound by any belief or limited by any role you happen to play. It is an invitation to merge back into the light of divinity by remembering those four words that call out to you: whatever arises, love that.

  Through a willingness to love more often, you are able to remember the deeper spiritual reasons for why circumstances occur. Beyond beliefs in superstition, every moment is created by the Universe to ensure your highest growth. The fact that you experience discomfort is only evidence of how rapidly you are expanding. In an effort to make your adventure as rewarding and joyful as possible, we have been brought together to remember how exciting change can be once your heart has been given permission to open. With love leading the way, each feeling and circumstance can be celebrated as an activation of expanded consciousness.

  As you make peace with the sudden discomfort or lingering pain of your personal frustrations, a greater perspective allows you to view life through the eyes of the Universe instead of feeling stuck as a person within it. No matter what seems to trigger you, each reaction represents the releasing of cellular debris collected from lifetimes of experiences. When your heart is open, you are able to notice that anything you are feeling is part of a healing taking place within you. Conversely, when your heart remains closed, the emotions you sense always seem to be viewed as barriers to your highest fulfillment.

  Learning to Love What Arises

  Throughout this process, it is important to remember that a sensation only feels like a barrier for as long as you refuse to feel it. As it is invited to be felt, a willingness to experience each moment as an opportunity to heal clears out layers of cellular memory to make room for the emergence of heart-centered consciousness.

  For many people, it’s easy to judge those uncomfortable feelings that always seem to erupt at the most inconvenient moments. The more often such feelings are triggered, the more effortless it becomes to interpret each surge of emotional reacti
on as an ongoing problem that has to be fixed. You can even seek out countless healing modalities, or various spiritual paths, hoping something will make the distracting, painful, and inconvenient nature of feelings disappear. While a path or healing process can offer you momentary relief through reframing or changes of state, the feelings inevitably come back until you are able to acknowledge each reaction as evidence of a deeper journey already in progress.

  While many become disheartened and frustrated when the promise of a modality or spiritual path doesn’t live up to its claims, through the eyes of the Universe it is obvious that nothing can take away the proof that profound healing is underway. Your highest wisdom invites you to see every reaction as a moment of spiritual activation. Through the welcoming of any feeling, cellular debris is released out of your energy field. Since each individual is an expression of the Universe, the cellular debris released out of one person simultaneously assists in the healing of all.

  This is why loving what arises is the single most important way to fulfill your divine destiny. One heartfelt embrace at a time, you are able to welcome the spontaneous healing that shifts your reality and supports the evolution of every being—all at once.

  Like children tugging at the pant leg of a parent, each emotional reaction reminds you of the perfect moment in time to participate in your healing journey. By acknowledging the deeper healing that occurs when allowing each emotion to be openly felt, you have already taken your first exciting step toward loving what arises. The farther you go, the easier it is to make peace with the perfectly orchestrated catalysts that can often make your life seem out of control. The more each feeling is welcomed, no matter how uncomfortable or inconvenient it seems to be, the easier it is to be aligned with your heart—despite the circumstances in view.

  While many people acknowledge love as a noble value and even recognize it as the highest vibration in existence, very few are aware of how to love without being inspired by the actions of another. It can be easy to reciprocate when you are on the receiving end of compliments from your partner, and it is natural to find the innocence of animals and children endearing. However, for many, the very remedy their heart cries out for—love—seems elusive because they do not know how to cultivate it by offering it freely.

  Once you allow feelings to be felt on a more intimate level, the next step is learning to relax your body. While you may not feel relaxed in response to the emotional waves that churn within you, notice what happens when you relax everything around the emotion you feel. An easy way to relax your body is to slow your breath. Many people attempt to deepen their breath but wind up inhaling quickly along the way. The key is slow, gentle breathing to remind your body it is safe to let in and feel what could only be another moment of transformation.

  Once the intensity of a strong emotion is welcomed in with slower breaths, the next step is to locate the feeling you are sensing. While there can be a tendency to label each feeling in an attempt to trace it to a root cause or childhood trauma, such processes are geared more toward psychoanalyzing your memories, which can reframe your experience without healing it on a cellular level.

  When only love can make it safe enough to face what you feel, the deepest healing is accessed by welcoming each sensation, without a need to analyze, contemplate, or process your experiences any further. Just by bringing greater attention to the part of your body where strong emotions or physical pain linger, you are loosening each layer of cellular memory to assist in another moment of healing. Perhaps instead of thinking about your feelings or focusing on who is to blame for your circumstances, you can choose to locate the part of your body where you notice such sensations. Once you’ve located this place within your body—whether it feels centered in your head, stomach, chest, or any other part of your body—simply allow your attention to rest in the center of it. If you are unsure where the feeling is located, always choose your heart as a central point of focus.

  In whatever way is most comfortable for your experience, notice what happens when you allow your attention to rest in the center of any feeling by slowly breathing into it. Can you notice that the more intimately emotions are explored, the more easily they seem to disippate?

  The next step in your healing journey is remembering and affirming the intention of the Universe. No matter how often you judge any reaction, your highest purpose is for every emotion to be recognized as an opportunity to return to love for the healing, awakening, and transformation of all. To help shift the insufferable nature of human conditioning into a spontaneous moment of healing, please repeat the following healing mantra:

  I accept that this feeling is only here to be embraced as it’s never been embraced before.

  When you recognize that the intention of the Universe is to invite whatever reaction, event, outcome, or circumstance that ensures your greatest spiritual discovery, you are able to reduce the sharpness of feelings and benefit from each emotional release.

  As the war against discomfort and inconvenience is unraveled by accepting your experiences as contributions toward a more evolved humanity, you are able to view the activity of your life in a more spiritually aligned way. This can help you recognize even the most insurmountable odds as gateways into new paradigms of consciousness that do not require you to suffer when loving what arises.

  When you remember a wise and loving Universe has orchestrated your life to inspire your highest potential in physical form, you are able to more freely offer yourself the support you need during moments when it matters the most. This can be as simple as finding a comfortable place to sit and closing your eyes while your hand rests on the location of an uncomfortable feeling. As you gently breathe your attention into the center of any feeling, simply repeat the following healing mantra, either silently or out loud:

  I love you.

  In a soft, supportive, and gentle tone, continue saying “I love you” like a lullaby that you would sing to a child. The more playful you allow each “I love you” to be, the more your heart will open.

  Try offering “I love yous” for a two-minute period. Even if the reaction dissipates after the first few, continue to offer love as a way of reminding your innocence:

  When healing occurs, and even beyond the releasing of emotional debris, you deserve more love, not less.

  This reminds your innocence of your role as its wise and loving guardian. With more attention given to whatever arises, your true innocent nature learns that it doesn’t need to be in constant crisis or emotional peril in order to receive the support you are now willing to offer.

  If a reaction returns, repeat the process for another two minutes.

  Whether you are experiencing constant upheavals of emotion or reveling in the large gaps between each reaction, the point isn’t to be in a space where no feelings arise. Instead, you are allowing the grace of love to transform how you relate to your lifetime of experiences.

  When rooted in your heart, human reactions contain an essential spiritual role, both in your personal journey and throughout the evolution of humanity. One “I love you” at a time, the perfection of divine will offers you opportunities to accelerate your healing through your willingness to embrace your heart like a child in pain. No matter how the child in your heart is feeling—fearful, agitated, sad, grieving, guilty, jealous, angry, hateful, or hurt—when returning to love becomes your primary response, each emotion acts as an invitation into a more spiritually aligned existence.

  Perhaps each feeling reminds you of a time in your life when you didn’t receive the attention and support you so deeply desired. One “I love you” at a time, you can offer the one who remembers the past that shaped your view: the kindness, support, acceptance, and care that allows the influences of human conditioning to be resolved. By embracing your feelings with heart-centered attention, you are equally helping to dissolve patterns of judgment throughout the collective unconscious. This may help you acknowledge so-called “negative” experiences as remarkable expansions in evolution. Ev
en if confronted by an emotion that is too difficult to face or feels impossible to love, this simply becomes an opportunity to love the one who is unable to openly face the fate of their experiences.

  Like a processional line of cosmic redemption, each moment of healing brings to the surface layers of emotions that await your embrace. Each one represents moments from the past, where your feelings or experiences may have been judged as bad versus good.

  Whether loving the one in pain, honoring the one who is scared, or acknowledging the one who refuses to face discomfort, loving what arises helps you unearth a greater cosmic picture, even in the most subtle or uneventful moments of life. Sometimes it may be difficult to believe, but everything in reality only seems the way it is so that you can recognize it as an invitation to harmonize with the light of divine will. In fact, there is no other reason that something would come into view, no matter where the finger of blame tends to point.

  With every step forward along a heart-centered path, you are able to clear away the confusion by acknowledging the most pivotal reason that anything emerges to the forefront of your life. Beyond the outdated beliefs that your thoughts create your reality or are karmic punishment for past indiscretions, each emotional surge invites you to welcome in yourself all that has yet to be faced, acknowledged, or honored by anyone else.

  In the most honest and intimate way, you are able to resolve every conflict that has been stored in cellular memory and projected into appearance as the world around you. Whether it seems easy at times, or impossible to approach, always trust in the power of love to make things right on your behalf.


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