Whatever Arises, Love That

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by Matt Kahn

  Being Worthy of Love

  As you become more receptive to your feelings than ever before, it is normal to wonder if you are worthy of receiving this much focused time and attention. Perhaps you’re not feeling the love or it seems inauthentic to say “I love you” so often. Maybe you are accustomed only to hearing words of praise as a sign that you’ve done something right. It’s natural not to know how to let encouragement in if it has been given only as a reward for good behavior. It is also understandable to push away love when it is associated with those who have hurt you.

  Even if the words “I love you” have been offered by those who betrayed, hurt, abused, or abandoned you, it is imperative for you to embrace your own innocence as a way of recognizing that attention doesn’t have to lead to pain, manipulation, or rejection.

  With the utmost respect for every tragedy and insufferable environment, each of us has been given the power to survive; may every step forward guide you out of the ashes of a painful past to make peace with love even if you’re unwilling to forgive those who have hurt you. Whether hurt, heartbroken, or hopeful, it is not uncommon for loving yourself to seem like such a new experience that your subconscious mind has no reference point for it.

  The subconscious mind is comprised of two basic categories: the “familiar” and the “foreign.” If, in your early history, self-love was a rare occurrence, these newer, heart-centered experiences become filed in the foreign category. As you begin to love your heart, any lack of authenticity or resonance is simply your subconscious mind’s way of saying, “You haven’t done this before.” Since you may not have taken the time to cherish yourself on a regular basis, you are starting your own love revolution to change the way your subconscious mind responds to being the center of attention.

  Every time you send love to your heart, it gets subconsciously recorded as a vote of familiarity. Even just one “I love you” acts as a precedence-setting moment once you are able to honor yourself unlike any other time in the past.

  As “I love you” becomes one of the most popular phrases you either say to yourself or send as a blessing to others, your subconscious mind is rewritten to recognize love as a familiar experience.

  Over time, what once fell under the category of foreign has now moved over to the category of familiar. When this shift occurs, the subconscious mind gives your body permission to resonate with love as a fully embodied experience of truth. As your subconscious mind becomes more acquainted with love, you are able to sense the validation, safety, and security that you may have thought always needed to come from others.

  Each time you are able to love what arises, you are not only releasing cellular debris out of your body but unraveling judgments out of your subconscious mind. The more judgments are unraveled throughout this process, the easier your heart is able to remain open.

  Simply by repeating the phrase “I love you,” you become the source of your own fulfillment, while rewriting your subconscious mind with consistency, patience, and ease.

  As you resonate with love as a truthful and more familiar experience and feel safe enough to let life in, you are able to provide love to others as a profound gift of transformation. Whether through compliments, acts of kindness, deeper eye contact, or even a simple smile, to the degree that your innocence is embraced, you can provide the same to others.

  When opening your heart is acknowledged as one of the greatest contributions you can make, you further your journey by inviting love to evolve our planet. From this space, you can recognize true healing as a willingness to treat yourself and others better than you were ever treated in the past.

  Rewriting the Subconscious Mind

  One of the most important steps in loving what arises is learning how to rewrite your subconscious mind. By allowing “I love you” to become a familiar phrase that you offer to yourself on a regular basis, love is no longer interpreted as a foreign invasion.

  Simply by treasuring your heart more often, you provide your body the much-needed permission to receive the highest vibration in existence that only love can deliver. With your body calibrated in greater resonance, you access an innate ability to change all past associations to love that may have influenced you to have a painful or skeptical view of it. Such resonance also informs your immune system how to act since the body tends to function as a living expression of the most popular phrase recorded in your subconscious mind.

  With love as your remover of obstacles, delivering frequencies of light into every aspect of your being, you are assisting in the awakening of the world, simply by daring to shine more brightly. By being on the receiving end of your own emotional support, you allow the innocence in every heart to end all fights, heal each wound, and surrender every judgment.

  As is true with any spiritual path, it is natural to notice a tendency to push yourself faster than your innocence is ready to respond. This of course creates more discord and causes your heart to stay closed instead of opening up. In order for your heart to blossom, it must be given the right to open as quickly or slowly as it desires. If this creates a stir of impatience or panic inside, it can become an opportunity to recognize the one who feels this way as the next one in line to be loved. Whatever arises in response to your experiences, which can include no response at all, shows exactly where love can be sent.

  This allows loving what arises to be one of the most unique and foolproof paths in existence because even the feedback that you interpret as “this isn’t working” could only be another perfectly orchestrated moment of healing underway.

  Whether your feedback reveals “the one who feels like a failure,” “the one who can’t get it right,” “the one who has no control,” or even “the one who never gets their way,” each one of these invites you to locate such feedback in your body.

  With a soft nurturing voice, can you allow each one to be loved as they have never been loved before? If not, can you accept this as an opportunity to embrace the one who can’t?

  While your innocence opens up in exactly the way that ensures the evolution of your journey, there is another way to give your inner child permission to open. As a way of offering your heart the approval, support, and encouragement it needs to come out of hiding, please repeat the following healing mantra:

  I don’t know how to love the sadness I feel.

  I don’t know how to love the fear I sense.

  I don’t know how to love the jealousy I notice.

  I don’t know how to love the pain I’m in.

  I don’t know how to love the judgments I have.

  I don’t know how to love the struggles I face.

  I don’t know how to love the past I remember.

  I don’t know how to love the people who hurt me.

  I don’t know how to love those who ignored me.

  I don’t know how to love those who punished me.

  I don’t know how to love those who abused me.

  I don’t know how to love the resistance I feel.

  I don’t know how to love the doubt I sense.

  I don’t know how to love the darkness within me.

  I don’t know how to love the things I hate about myself.

  I don’t know how to love what’s here to be loved.

  I don’t know how to love what I may never be willing to love.

  I don’t know how to love the one who can’t seem to shift.

  I don’t know how to love the one who doesn’t want to forgive.

  I don’t know how to love the one who refuses to grow.

  I don’t know how to love the one who always thinks they’re right.

  I don’t know how to love the one who always seems victimized.

  I don’t know how to love the one who believes they’re entitled at the expense of others.

  I don’t know how to love the one who is always in need.

  I don’t know how to love the one who is always desperate, lonely, and never fulfilled.

  I don’t know how to love the one who’s nev
er satisfied and always needs more.

  I don’t know how to love the one who’s afraid of having less.

  I don’t know how to love the one who always thinks there’s something to earn.

  I don’t know how to love the one who just wants to go home.

  I don’t know how to love those who have denied me.

  I don’t know how to love the one who has always been denied.

  I don’t know how to love the one who always feels unworthy.

  I don’t know how to love the one who chases desire, only to push away all that is given.

  I don’t know how to love all that I am.

  By acknowledging that I don’t know how to love, I relinquish each conflict, burden, and hardship by entering the heart of surrender.

  Please take a moment to feel the effects of this healing mantra. It might seem counterintuitive to confess the depths of what you don’t know or what you don’t know how to do.

  And yet, in your body, there might be a profound amount of spaciousness, relaxation, and relief as a result of each confession. As you accept what you don’t know, the Universe within you that knows and does it all is called into action. In response to such a mantra, the Universe resolves through you what only the grace of your honesty can ever set free.

  One reaction, confession, and “I love you” at a time, you liberate yourself from a painful past to clear out your subconscious judgments and allow love to enter your world.

  Even if you are unable to face certain feelings or say “I love you” for whatever reason, your healing journey expands by confessing what you don’t know how to do. It’s never wrong not to know how to do what you don’t know how to do. It could only be the next thing to confess as a way of softening the edges of your reality.

  Honoring Your Innocent Nature

  Maybe you’re already feeling the profound effects of becoming the source of your own loving attention. Are you able to sense how much lighter you feel when honesty is embraced at a much deeper level? No matter what your experience happens to be, everything can be seen as a powerful sign of how quickly life evolves once you reunite with the beauty of your innocent nature.

  At times, you may be aware of your innocence in the aftermath of disappointment, in the presence of insurmountable change, or throughout the turbulence of unavoidable pain. Since everything is precisely orchestrated by the Universe, it is not as if you are being punished or hurt when you come in contact with these uncomfortable feelings. Soon, you may be able to see that each climate of circumstances has been assembled only to bring you into deeper communion with the feelings of your inner child. Often, it is through discomfort that your innocence is heard the loudest.

  It is natural to develop an aversion to feeling difficult emotions if you’re aware of your vulnerability only during moments of adversity. Maybe when you were the most open about your feelings, this led to judgment, ridicule, rejection, or even punishment from adults who became frustrated with their inability to address your concerns or change how you felt.

  There might even be a sense of “if only I kept my feelings to myself, everything would’ve been fine.” Of course, every relationship, interaction, and encounter are only brought together or ever pulled apart as catalysts of divine will in action. Although you may not receive the result you hoped for, in the end, you will look back and see every ending as the best possible outcome for everyone involved. Until then, it is essential to become reacquainted with the sensitivities of your wise and innocent heart. Perhaps it can be envisioned as the child you remember being in the past or even as the child you were never allowed to be. Whether your innocence is seen as your inner child or noticed as a raw aliveness of being, it calls out for your loving attention as a way to ensure the highest possibilities you were always meant to explore.

  By making peace with uncomfortable feelings, you don’t have to walk around trying so hard to feel a particular way, when in reality you’re just hoping to avoid more pain and despair. It’s understandable to want to avoid pain and despair, even to the extent of anticipating it on a regular basis. This is not wrong. When experienced, resistance or avoidance could only be the next one in line to be loved. Through this process, you are free to admit, “It’s okay that I don’t like feeling this, and yet it’s here, so I can make peace with it. I recognize that the one who feels this way is like a child who never behaves the way I want them to act. No matter how this child feels, they are as deserving of my unconditional love as anyone else.”

  Even if you can’t embrace your emotions or cherish the one who can’t accept their feelings, each moment of vulnerability inspires a greater degree of honesty as your initial key to freedom. This more intimate level of honesty allows you to focus your attention on admitting what you don’t know how to do, including the confession of the one you don’t know how to love. As the truth sets you free, one moment of honesty at a time, the spaciousness or relief you are able to feel in your body prepares you to be receptive to love in a brand-new way. Throughout this process, it doesn’t even matter how good you think you are at supporting yourself since love is a magnificent force of divine power that is cultivated by how often you invite it in.

  In the new spiritual paradigm, it is essential to make peace with your emotions so you don’t have to be caught in a cycle of seeking out one particular feeling and avoiding its opposite along the way. As you awaken out of a world of polarity, you are no longer tossed back and forth between the highs and lows of life. This means endless gains don’t have to be followed by surprising losses simply because you have made peace with both sides, allowing either one to be an equal opportunity to love what arises. From this space of renewed freedom, bursts of joy are as valuable as overwhelming moments of despair. They may not feel the same, but both can be acknowledged as equally deserving of a love that only your heart provides.

  While you cannot pretend to equally celebrate both sides of life, it is quite surprising how quickly your attitude toward circumstances can shift when your heart feels safe enough to open. With love as your guide, you are invited to make peace with the true healing purpose of painful emotions so that anything other than feeling good doesn’t have to be viewed as bad. Usually, when a feeling is labeled as “bad,” it suggests “this is a really bad time to feel anything other than good.”

  When feeling good isn’t rooted in outcome or dependent upon circumstances, there is no gain or loss that comes your way for any other reason but to escort you into your next highest level of consciousness. Perhaps you experience yourself as a character who encounters endless losses just so you can be reminded of an innocence that is only here to be embraced. In an attempt to help you become more aware of this, the Universe arranges your life to bring your attention to the vulnerability that others in your past may have overlooked, ignored, abandoned, or betrayed.

  Throughout your past, there may have been instances where you naturally wished the people in your life could have loved you the way you wanted to be loved. Maybe they loved you in the deepest way they could at the time, but for some reason they weren’t able to provide the depth of acceptance and care that you required. Each one of these memories, in which love seemed absent from your life, is recorded in your cells. As emotions erupt, the memories that are ready to be released remind you of what it felt like during a time when you needed love the most.

  As a way of answering the call of innocence, loving what arises allows you to treasure your inner child in a way that no other person may have ever done before. By allowing the spontaneous release of cellular memory to remind you of the perfect moment in time to become the best parent your innocence could ever meet, you assist in clearing more space for a new heart-centered consciousness to emerge. In essence, you are using every reaction or sensation of pain, discomfort, frustration, fear, or discord to step back in time and love yourself throughout the course of your history.

  This experience helps you understand that there is a deeper meaning to being attached to your past. Whi
le many spiritual students work ferociously to relinquish attachments to past experiences, such attachments cannot dissolve until the one who grips the past has been fully accepted and adored. This also helps you recognize the cellular memory recorded throughout the cells of your body as the true meaning of karma. Many understand karma by the saying “What goes around, comes around,” often stated as a suggestion of vengeance.

  In truth, the experiences of childhood set the stage for you to revisit every suppressed feeling and denied memory as catalysts for spiritual growth. Seeing your feelings and memories this way not only helps you learn how to unconditionally love yourself the way no one else could, but also frees an entire planet by transforming the suffering of one into a gift of salvation for all.

  Every moment of reaction is like a cross-referencing system within your cellular body. Instead of facing every single memory or needing to keep digging up the past, every feeling is like a magnet attracting all cellular memories where you felt that common emotion. For example, in a moment of sadness, the innocence within your heart says, “I bring forth all the clusters of memories when I was sad, not loved, or not supported the way I wished to be. I ask for your assistance in helping me release these clusters by loving me the way I have never been loved before.”

  With each heartfelt embrace, you offer your body permission to release the cellular debris that is ready to be healed, no matter the circumstances or outcomes that seem to trigger it. As always, whatever arises emotionally is already being swept out of your field. Simply by bringing your attention to the part of your body where discomfort is noticed, breathing slowly into the center of the discomfort, and responding to your inner child with gentle loving attention, you are allowing cellular debris to be moved out at a more accelerated rate.

  As you take the time to reunite with your inner child, which can occur whether you are emotionally triggered or not, you become aware of a core of vulnerability that only wants you to be more attentive, loving, caring, and thoughtful than ever before. While it is both the Universe dressed up as the character you’ve taken yourself to be, as well as the child in your heart awaiting your support and acceptance, it is the role-playing of divine will that inspires love to come alive throughout the beauty of physical form. This reminds you that every step forward celebrates the spiritual evolution of the Universe knowing itself as the supreme innocence of all.


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