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Whatever Arises, Love That

Page 11

by Matt Kahn

  The spiritual aspiration honored in a bodhisattva vow can often be depicted through the relationship between flowers and seeds. Just as a seed already exists as the potential of a flower, it must be grounded and exposed to the elements of nature in order to sprout roots and blossom into form. While seeds exist as the potential of flowers, they cannot sense the ecstasy of their own fragrance and release this perfume throughout the garden of humanity until they have come into bloom.

  To celebrate your willingness to blossom, as a way of assisting all seeds throughout the cycles of growth, it is important to release even the formal spiritual vows unknowingly made under the influence of an inflamed personality. While such vows were well intended, they most likely have kept you occupied in a spiritual ego, which can stunt the growth of your evolution. It’s not as if any particular vow didn’t have a purpose at the time they were taken. It’s that releasing them celebrates the fulfillment of their role that cannot assist you any further until they are released.

  Even when you believe that you are coming from the purest heart-centered space, there is one key point that reminds you that only egos negotiate such agreements or take on any vow.

  In every spiritual agreement or vow, there is a perception that you are making a commitment to the Universe as if you are someone or something other than the Universe in form. While an agreement can be made by a seed, that agreement is no longer valid to the reality of a flower. In order to transform seeds of divinity into flowers of truth, every vow or agreement that binds you must be resolved.

  Even when an agreement is made between two people, they are often agreeing to terms and conditions as if each person is something other than the Universe appearing in form. If both are rooted in knowing themselves as the totality of all, no need for an agreement would even arise. This is much like your fingers not needing to make agreements with one another in order to work together as a hand. Whether it is a child agreeing to the demands of a parent as a way of avoiding further punishment or hoping to earn their way into more loving approval, this kind of agreement often occurs in a state of duress.

  Knowing myself to have been a Tibetan monk from past lifetimes, I acknowledge the vows taken as some of the most beautiful declarations in existence. And yet, those vows were declared as something other than the Universe, either as a character or agreements between characters, as a way of negotiating terms and conditions within a Universe.

  It’s not as if you shouldn’t have ever made the vow or agreed to its terms, but it’s more a sign of the times throughout an evolving planet. As beings evolve, so must the spiritual paths that hope to inspire growth and expansion for those who yearn to awaken.

  Through these words, I can confirm that you have arrived at an exciting point in history. You have successfully fulfilled the aspirations of your deepest spiritual impulse. Through the experiences you have survived up to this point, you have completed every requirement that any agreement or vow brought your way. In celebrating a graduation into a new level of consciousness, it is time to lighten the load and free yourself of the past so you can enter this moment—fresh, renewed, and reborn. As you begin to see this moment as a spiritually aligned newborn, you bring to life the harmony of a brand-new reality.

  In honor of taking such a courageous step into the heart of surrender than ever before, I invite you to repeat the following healing mantra:

  As the master of my destiny and the creator of my reality, I accept that all contracts, agreements, and every formal vow that I have made were not made by the truth that I AM. They were agreed upon by an inflamed personality structure that I thought I was, but I now realize is not the highest truth of my being.

  I accept that neither the Universe nor my highest truth would ever or could ever hold me accountable to agreements made when innocently lost in exaggerated states of unconsciousness. I accept that I wasn’t wrong to take on such vows or make any agreements. These were part of a divine plan for me to incarnate into a world in which contracts, vows, and agreements were already in place. As I take the time to nullify them, I free myself and the world in the process.

  In knowing what I now know, I hereby nullify all contracts and agreements, known and unknown, seen or unseen, remembered and forgotten, throughout all cellular memory and my subconscious mind. I also release, relinquish, and surrender all formal vows I may have made as a monk or a nun. This includes the vow of poverty, the vow of chastity, the vow of renunciation, the vow of silence, and all misunderstood bodhisattva vows, agreements of victimhood, codependency, and martyrdom, as well as anything else believed, imagined, agreed to, or assumed by ego.

  By the appointment of my own divine authority, I allow these vows to be cleared and released out of this energy field, returned to the Source of their origin, transmuted completely, and returned to the purity, wholeness, and perfection of eternal light. As of this moment, I reclaim my complete and absolute power, allowing this personality to uniquely express the light of divinity that completes the mission I came here to fulfill. From this moment forward, I activate and embody a new heart-centered consciousness that heals, awakens, rebirths, and liberates all as I AM now. And so it is.

  Freedom from the Four Types of Inflammation

  By clearing agreements, contracts, and vows, you help free your personality from the four types of inflammation. For example, as you clear the formal vows of being a monk or nun that many empaths carry in the cells of their body, the personality is liberated from the identities of righteous and entitled inflammation. This allows you to rest in the humility of your heart without needing to be restricted by the framework of a specific role. In doing so, you no longer require a world to suffer in pain in order to provide you with an opportunity to share your gifts. Instead, you offer the magnificence of every gift that assists the world in evolving into higher levels of consciousness without needing anyone to suffer along the way. As agreements are released, including bonds to those who may have hurt, abandoned, or betrayed you, there is no longer a tendency to define yourself by a past you were always meant to survive.

  While many agreements are meant to be cleared, it is not necessary to clear every vow throughout your life. If you are blessed to be in a beautifully committed relationship or marriage where vows were taken as a conscious choice in celebration of love, those can only support your spiritual evolution. At the same time, no amount of agreements or formal vows can change the fact that one day you may wake up as a different version of yourself, no longer as the inflamed personality who participated in making such agreements. As always, trust the guidance of your inner wisdom to determine which relationships feel supportive and which vows are meant to be released.

  When a relationship reaches a point of completion, there may be a feeling of guilt for no longer desiring to be in such a partnership as if you do not have the right to make a new decision or fearing a Universe looking down on you for wanting something different. While this can become a chance to recognize guilt as the next one to be loved, it cannot replace the bold series of choices that only you can prevent yourself from making. For those in a conscious relationship, partnership, or marriage, the deepest commitment is to wake up each day and say, “Today I am not who I used to be. I’m a brand-new version of myself that only today can inspire. In this brand-new moment, I choose you again for whatever the day may bring.”

  This helps you build a relationship with your current reality instead of being shackled by the past. If there comes a time where you sense a journey with another has come to an end, it can only be the wisdom of the Universe guiding you forward into greater chapters of growth and expansion. This allows you to embrace every person much more deeply since the time spent together is so precious and uncertain. From this space, every relationship becomes an intimate expression of love in action. It invites connections to be rekindled in every breath, inspiring you to consciously participate in the relationships that you agree to be in.

  As you awaken, the importance of conscious relationships beco
mes a pivotal focal point. Such relationships come to life when agreements are made heart-to-heart instead of negotiated by ego. When agreements are no longer rooted in obligation, scarcity, fear, or coercion, you bring to life a timeless remembrance of the infinite choices that are always available.

  From one moment to the next, you are free to make choices in the name of love to discover the joy that you were always meant to find.

  A Monk on a Mountaintop Meditating

  In honor of the agreements and vows you have successfully cleared, I’d like to share a memory that came to me one day from a past life as a monk. I was shown a vision, as palpable as any object I can touch in this reality, of myself as a monk meditating on a mountaintop. During this meditation, I had a sensation inside my body that told me, “I am seconds away from experiencing nirvana.” For a monk, nirvana is regarded as the absolute realization and embodiment of truth, the highest of all spiritual attainments.

  As I sensed the impending arrival of nirvana, I was shaking while trying to hold my focus as I waited for my graduation ceremony to dawn. Just as nirvana opened up, my physical body as a monk dissolved.

  I immediately entered the light and returned to Source. This is what many descriptions of heaven or afterlife are referencing. I remember being so confused as I left my body. I began speaking to an angel who was there guiding me back. I asked, “I was just about to reach nirvana. Why couldn’t I have stayed moments longer?” I was so frustrated. The angel looked at me and said, “You would have always felt as if you were seconds away from nirvana. You would have been stuck in that moment of anticipation until the end of time.”

  When I asked the angel to explain more, he said, “You will always feel as if you are fingertips away from nirvana or moments away from your graduation because you were under the impression that you were something other than the Universe attempting to be completed. Can you see that you’ve been in nirvana all along, experiencing life as a person meditating or a monk in pursuit of it?”

  As those words were spoken, the truth was revealed on a cosmic level. I watched myself from an omnipotent view on holographic screens. I was shown flashbacks of my entire life that led to becoming a monk. I saw images of being raised in an abusive household where my personality became inflamed in an attempt to match the egos around me. I became aware of the unconscious agreement I was making, which was “Maybe if I become more like them, I’ll be spared more often.”

  As I lived in that abusive household making agreements from the negotiating standpoint of ego, I was hoping for mercy and to be spared from the abuse I had experienced. When I was of an age to care for myself in my late teens, I sought refuge in a monastery. As a way of trying to erase the memories and identity of being victimized by an abusive family, I took on the formal vows of a monk.

  In accepting such vows, I felt relief from the victimized inflammation of ego. From that viewpoint, I could see how I didn’t actually escape ego but reshaped it into a new spiritual character. By no fault of my own, I went from victimized inflammation into a higher state of righteous inflammation. I could also see how that wasn’t a mistake of any kind. It was the necessary step in my journey that couldn’t have unfolded any other way. I watched as each of those events led me exactly where I needed to be—sitting atop a mountain seconds away from nirvana.

  As I watched that lifetime, I realized the vows and agreements that I made, while wonderfully pertinent, vital, and essential at the time, were no longer valid beyond that point. In many cases, the catalysts that inspired clarity and relief at one level of consciousness became the very things that I outgrew as a way of going even farther.

  When I look back on that particular lifetime, on all of the agreements that I made with an abusive family, I saw that my way of being loved was to be abused less often. During times of abuse, the agreements I made were very valid for my survival. Even taking on the vows as a monk was essential to free me of the identity of victimhood, even if only to exchange it for a more spiritually sophisticated identity.

  As this vision ended, it was clear that I would no longer make agreements out of obligation or vows from a space of fear. I would make inspired, heartfelt choices rooted in the freedom of love.

  The most surprising part of all was as I gave myself permission to choose, I recognized the reclaiming of my power as the most primal fear I was meant to confront. Like so many energetically sensitive beings, in the end, you’re not actually afraid of things lurking in darkness, but intimidated by the light and power of your own divine authority.

  You may think you are afraid of insurmountable odds or the inevitability of loss, but perhaps the real fear is confronting and accepting how brightly you shine.

  When you stand tall in the supreme radiance of your innocent nature, letting freedom choose what only love can embrace, there are no obligations or motivations of guilt. There is only the will to be what you’re meant to become as a gift for all who appear before you.


  Mastering Relationships

  EVEN AFTER YOU REALIZE that you are the entire Universe playing in physical form, with others doing the same, the play still continues. We’re not here to end the play but to transform it into higher vibrations of consciousness. As the play expands, it provides everyone greater permission to envision the greatest dream they were born to live out.

  As you give yourself the love that only you can provide, you begin to notice how the more profound levels of spiritual evolution occur through the mastering of relationships. This includes the relationship between the mind and heart, which is reflected through the bond of a parent and their inner child. Additionally, it includes the mastering of the relationship between self and subject through your perception of a world around you.

  When all of the interactions you have with your family, friends, or in your workplace become opportunities to serve our awakening humanity, a master of relationships has been found. No longer can you be satisfied by being enlightened in private and inflamed in public, knowing that every moment of conflict is an opportunity to discover the invaluable gifts that life provides.

  It can be understandably difficult to engage in conversations and try to come from the purest state of love when you are around people who are not necessarily rooted in a similar vibration.

  Those who are on different wavelengths of consciousness may not be interested in the things that appeal to you or may be unwilling to give you the same amount of time that you are giving them. Perhaps they are unwilling or unable to give you the same level of patience you are offering them. Maybe they’re not as interested in knowing your life as you are in knowing theirs. They may not even be interested in knowing the depths of the spiritual journey that you’re so excited to discuss. When finding yourself in those types of situations, it can be difficult to consciously engage with others who operate from such a different standpoint.

  With love as your guide, you can be inspired to communicate in a way that brings your most treasured gifts to the surface, no longer waiting for others to be on the same spiritual page in order to show how much you care.

  At a subconscious level, the way others interact with you does not determine the quality of your experiences. Rather, the quality of your encounters is based on how freely you give or how much you withhold. This means your experience of discord with another is not actually based on what they seem to offer or take away from you but what you are offering or withholding from them.

  As you are willing to give more love, not less, even in the presence of behavior that you might think does not necessarily deserve such a gift, you can choose to engage in the most spiritually relevant and noble way.

  When someone says words that may not feel good in your body, seem sarcastic in tone, and are meant to judge versus uplift you, this only offers you greater opportunities to raise the vibration of your response.

  By responding to anyone’s criticism with love, compassion, and acceptance, you are stepping forward as a master of relationships to create
your own experiences, which has nothing to do with how anyone treats you.

  In the most revolutionary way, you come to realize that your experience is only defined by how you respond to others, as powerful seeds are planted for their journey ahead.

  The Healing Power of a Compliment

  Even when meeting someone in their lowest moment of shame, desperation, or peril, you can always support that person’s evolution and create a more enjoyable experience without negotiating with their inflamed personality. With love leading the way, you no longer require others to change in order to provide you with an uplifting experience, nor do you need to lower your vibration to match their energy until they evolve.

  This is precisely the invaluable insight I learned as loving what arises transformed each of my relationships and interactions. I realized that each of us is a carrier of a unique vibrational frequency that only we can bring to the world. The way in which we can transmit this energy is through the offering of a compliment. While complimenting can be misused in society and trivialized as a way of manipulating others to give you what you want, the spiritual purpose of a compliment acts as a selfless blessing of appreciation that reminds others how much they are valued.

  Perhaps one of the most spiritually relevant practices is offering this type of genuine compliment to everyone you meet, even if you’re interacting with someone whose beliefs or demeanor differs from yours. Even just by offering a brief moment of eye contact and a smile, you are transmitting your unique vibrational frequency to enhance their experience. Whomever you are meant to interact with is life’s way of reminding you who is next in line to receive such a gift.


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