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Gray: The Boundarylands Omegaverse: M/F Alpha Omega Romance

Page 4

by Callie Rhodes

For now, he could still take in all the details of the woman standing in front of him, down to the jagged scar near the edge of her jaw, almost obscured by her tangle of long brown hair.

  One thing was clear. There was nothing wrong with her. Even now, the pure power of her omega nature awakening was causing all the blood to rush to his cock. His legs buckled as the full force of her new, shifting scent reached his nose, and Gray had to grab an overhead branch to steady himself as he fought for control.

  He won it back only by gritting his teeth, clenching his fists, and fighting like hell until he was able to line up his thoughts again with some semblance of reason.

  Now he was more sure than ever—something was wrong here…very wrong.

  There was no way that the beta authorities had forced some random woman onto his land who just happened to be an omega. The odds were infinitesimal. It was too much of a coincidence…especially once he started adding in all the other little details.

  Gray could accept the possibility that she'd been lied to and coerced into coming here. There had been no deceit in her scent when she'd finally scrubbed off all the crap they'd made her wear.

  But the location of her camp was what made it clear she'd been set up. Constructed a little over half a mile from his cabin, the tent was far away enough not to be obvious but still far too close for anyone inside to make it an entire week without being discovered.

  And then there was that beep—too high for her ears, but perfectly audible to his—emitted from a locked case that seemingly served no other purpose than to serve as bait, to lure him closer.

  Nothing about this situation felt right.

  What was worse, none of it mattered.

  Not when the heat in Gray's blood seemed to double with each breath. Soon he wouldn't be able to think at all. Desire would crowd out every last shred of reason until all that was left was the sinfully tempting omega.

  The poor, unwitting woman was already too far gone, so deep into her transformation that after only a few seconds she couldn't keep her hands off his body.

  Frustration arced weakly through Gray's lust. He knew he was fighting a losing battle. He couldn't turn away from her—it was pointless to try.

  She might be the last thing Gray wanted, but she was the one thing he couldn't resist.

  It didn't help that he'd found her physically attractive even before his touch had kicked off a chain reaction of hormones and pheromones that sent their libidos into overdrive.

  She had a voice like a diva who'd chased a bring-down-the-house performance with a pack of cigarettes, all sinful promise of things to come—completely at odds with her elegant, cool beauty that commanded respect and kept the viewer at a distance.

  She was no child; she'd lived enough to earn fine lines at the corners of her eyes that spoke of wisdom. Add to that her high cheekbones, patrician nose, and intelligent hazel eyes, and Gray could already tell that this spy was no ordinary beta.

  There was fire running through this woman's veins. Strength, determination, and resolve too. All this Gray had been able to tell before the image of her down on her knees, her cool, slim fingers wrapped around his cock as lush, pink lips strained to encircle the head, had flashed through his head.

  And fuck—Gray could feel in her touch that she was having similar fevered thoughts.

  She dragged her nails across his back as she trailed her hands from his shoulders to his waist, only to press him against her greedily.

  Damn, he could feel the passion in her touch. Real passion, not the manufactured, over-the-top act put on by the prostitutes down at the roadhouse every Friday night.

  Those sex workers had their place. Gray had nothing against them. Hell, sometimes he was the first to get in line for a ride when the itch became too strong, and he always showed his appreciation for their professionalism by tipping generously.

  But none of those girls ever touched him like this. Like they needed him. Like they'd shatter if they couldn't have him. Like he was the missing piece they'd been searching for their entire lives.

  The omega's caresses were hard enough to resist. But when she started moaning, her eyelashes fluttering and her body trembling, that's when Gray really began to lose control.

  Her voice, somewhere between a sigh and a pleading purr, was the sound of pure submission. Of an omega slipping past the point of return, saying goodbye to her beta life and plunging deep into her new nature.

  The last of Gray's will left him. He was powerless to resist.

  He wrapped his arms around the woman. He'd already forgotten the name printed on that damned badge, but it didn't matter. He knew more important things about her—the silky feel of her long hair, her deep, lush scent, the summer-sweet taste of her lips as he claimed them with his own.

  The omega kissed back with equal hunger. She clawed at him, desperately tearing at his clothes while simultaneously attempting to climb her way up his body.

  Gray held her at arm's length just long enough to tear off his clothes and kick the shredded remains away.

  Then he gave into what their primal natures demanded. He lifted her up, pressing her bare flesh against his. Her skin was cool from the water and the autumn wind. Tiny goosebumps covered her from her shoulders down…but not for long.

  Even now, Gray could feel her absorbing the heat of his body, taking it for her own. She writhed against him, her skin growing not just warmer but hotter by the second.

  Hotter and wetter.

  A possessive growl burst from Gray's lips as a wash of wet heat cascaded over his hips and down his legs. In the next breath, the scent of her slick filled his senses, pushing him beyond the edge of reason.

  There were no more thoughts after that, only sensation, as instinct took over. Gray clung to the woman as she strained to wrap her legs more fully around his waist. He kissed her even harder, even more urgently. But no matter how much he drank in her feel or scent or taste, it wasn't enough. It would never be enough.

  Only one thing would.

  Gray cupped her rounded ass in his hands as he stepped down into the hot spring. Pressing her back against the smooth concave stone that formed the back of the basin, he positioned her hips around him, ignoring her attempts to set the rhythm.

  Even in her lust-filled haze, the omega must have known what was coming next. The hunger of her kiss intensified until she was nipping at his shoulders with her teeth and digging her fingers into his back.

  The thrill of having an entranced omega wordlessly begging to be taken made Gray's cock so hard it ached.

  For a moment he held her rigid and still, staring her straight in the eye, savoring this last moment before everything in his life changed.

  Then Gray tightened his hands on her hips, and in one powerful thrust accompanied by a ferocious roar, he entered her.

  She was hot, tight heaven. Better than every dream, every fantasy, every other woman. The omega's body accepted him instantly, stretching and conforming to the shaft of his cock even as he drove all the way to the base.

  She cried out against his ear as her body was wracked with a shattering spasm. Not from pain—not from shock or fear or even pleasure.

  But from completion.

  Now that Gray could press his face against the long, slim column of her throat and drink in her full scent, he knew exactly what she was feeling. He felt it too. There wasn't a force on Earth that could deny how right this was.

  Gray had been dismissive of omegas before. As far as he could tell, the few who had found their way to the uplands had only brought discord to his community.

  But right now, buried deep within the ecstasy of this omega's pussy, he finally understood. This kind of maddening bliss was worth losing his damned mind over. It was worth losing everything for.

  The pleasure Gray felt as he pistoned inside her body again and again was so all-encompassing that he feared he might not survive its climax. What's worse, he didn't care.

  A fresh wave of slick poured from the woman's cunt, washi
ng over his cock before dissipating in the warm mineral water. Her bucking and clawing urged him on, and Gray began pumping his cock deeper and deeper. Her scent grew more acute with every thrust, intoxicating him like no drug ever could.

  Every move elicited a more passionate response—the harder his thrusts, the louder her cries. The deeper he took her, the harder she clung to him.

  Until without warning, she shattered—screaming and shaking and tightening her pussy around him with shocking strength. Gray howled, not holding back the savage satisfaction her pleasure brought him.

  Then—already hungry to feel it again—he kept going, fucking her until she reached another orgasm...and another. Again and again, she shook and bucked against him until the only sound Gray could make out was a sweet whispered prayer against his ear.

  Yes. God, yes. Yes.

  Eventually, having lost all track of time, all sense of place, Gray felt the unstoppable force of his own release approaching. A heaviness built in his balls, traveling up to take root in the base of his cock. One last time, he rammed himself inside her, all the way to the hilt.

  The heaviness in his cock abruptly transformed into a swelling that locked Gray deep inside the omega before he knew what was happening. Her cunt twitched around him, instinctually holding him fast. Their bodies took over: their natures, formed on the forge of the first alpha and omega, knew exactly what to do.

  Somewhere deep in the recesses of Gray's mind was the awareness that his knot had formed to finish what a single touch had started, joining them together in a bond that could not be undone. That thought loosed wave after wave of his come inside of her, filling her completely while his bellow of triumph filled the forest.

  That primal sound was like no other, signaling to every alpha for miles around exactly what had happened.

  Gray had found an omega and taken her as his own.

  Chapter Six

  None of this was real. It couldn't be. It had to be a dream. That was the only explanation that Olivia's brain was willing to accept. Every other possibility was firmly off the table.

  After all, there was no way that she'd actually just experienced the most intense sex of her life. Or that she'd had so many orgasms she'd lost track. Or that her body was currently locked together with the seven-foot-tall alpha that she had been extorted into photographing—the same creature she'd been fantasizing about for days every time he bathed in this very same hot spring.

  There was no possible way any of that could be true…could it?

  No, it was all too outrageous. Too ridiculous.

  How far back did this terrible dream go? Was it only the sex, or had all of it been a delusion—the alpha's discovery of the camp, the trauma of being forced to remove her protective clothing, maybe even the whole trip to the Boundarylands?

  There was no way of knowing. Not until Olivia woke up...though she wasn't entirely sure she wanted to.

  Right now, the dream was so vivid that Olivia could feel the steam rising up from the natural spring. She could experience the sensation of tension floating away as she was cradled in strong arms in soft, warm water. She was even vibrating along with the rumble of the alpha's chest, almost like the purring of a huge jungle cat.

  Olivia tried to take in a deep, long, steadying breath and enjoy the last moments of the dream, but an annoying voice in the back of her head simply wouldn't let her.

  This isn't a dream. It's all real. Every part of it.

  Olivia shook her head, denying the voice, and felt the tip of her nose brush against the alpha's crisp chest hair.

  Well, shit. That sure felt real.

  Was it possible...

  No. Absolutely not.

  If any of this was real—chest hair, or hot springs, or knots—then that would mean that Olivia truly had spent the last hour being ravished by an alpha. Not just being ravished, but begging for more. It would be admitting that she'd not only gone along with what he'd done to her, but she'd craved it.

  And that definitely had not happened.

  It couldn't have. Because that would make her an…


  Olivia wasn't even going to permit herself to think the word. Not now—not ever, despite the blazing hot images in her mind, the memories of her shocking behavior. It simply couldn't have been her writhing in his arms, screaming with pleasure as she was rocked by one orgasm after another.

  There had to be some other explanation.

  If this wasn't a dream, maybe it was a hallucination. One brought on by the chemicals she'd been subjected to since pulling on the suit. Maybe it had taken several days to build up in her system to the level that altered her perception of reality.

  Or maybe it had been something in that injection they'd given her that had knocked her out. Only God knew what might've been in that needle. Whatever it was, maybe it had the unfortunate side effect of creating hyper-realistic sexual fantasies.

  As far-fetched as that might sound, it was a hell of a lot easier to believe than that her life had changed at the touch of an alpha's hand.

  Any second now, the chemicals would leave her system, and the symptoms would recede.


  Olivia shook her head, trying to force the return of reality, but it didn't work. Instead of feeling the mental fog lift, all she felt was sensation returning deep inside her pussy. An undeniably real throb of pleasure that signaled that…oh God.

  It was still there.

  The alpha's massive cock was still inside her, stoking the fires of arousal as her body came to life again, her inner walls gripping him tightly.

  It hadn't been a dream. Olivia's desperate attempts to believe she'd imagined the last hours or days shattered, leaving pure panic in its place. She jerked forward, trying to escape from the alpha's embrace, but a sharp tearing pain stopped her.

  "Stop!" the alpha commanded, tightening his grip and holding her fast. Olivia fought him, slapping at his arms and twisting her body despite the searing pain it caused.

  He grabbed her wrists and held them behind her back, effectively immobilizing her. But Olivia couldn't stop. Fear had taken over her will, urging her to fight with every ounce of strength she had.

  After all, what was the alternative?

  The best-case scenario was that everything she'd ever believed about herself was a lie. That she wasn't a strong beta woman who worked ridiculously hard to prove that she was as talented and capable as her male colleagues. That her years of studying and improving her craft, her walls covered in awards and honors, could not change the fact that she was nothing more than a cock-starved omega.

  To admit that would be a fate worse than death, and Olivia felt tears streaking her face as she fought despite the white-hot pain between her legs. The only thing that mattered was her need to escape.

  Even if she managed to free herself, Olivia knew that the alpha might kill her…but if she stayed, he was sure to do something far worse.

  Goddamn, the omega squirmed and fought as fiercely as a cornered cat in Gray's arms. She had to know she had no chance of overpowering him and escaping, but that didn't stop her. She bucked and fought and even tried to bite him at one point.

  Gray had no idea what had brought about this violent fit. But the sudden shift in her scent communicated her terror loud and clear, every bit as pure and strong as her lust had been.

  His knot was still locked tightly inside her, and there was no way to hasten its retreat. If he didn't figure out how to keep her still, he was afraid she would injure herself badly.

  Her pussy barely accommodated him as it was, and fighting to free herself before his knot eased would rip apart the entrance of her cunt. Even now, the sharp iron tang of blood rose up from beneath the water. It wasn't much, just a few drops—but it was about to get a hell of a lot worse if she kept fighting.

  Bracing himself against the smooth stone bottom of the basin, Gray carefully shifted their bodies so that the omega was firmly pinned against the mossy bank. He gripped both
her wrists in one hand while he wrapped the other in her damp hair and used it to pull her head back so that she was looking him directly in the eye.

  "I said, stop," he repeated harshly.

  But she already had. She had no choice, given his weight against hers, but there was no small measure of defiance in her gaze. The fight in her was almost as strong as her fear.


  In any other situation, Gray would have been impressed by her sheer courage. It took guts to stare into the eyes of an alpha who outmatched you in every possible way, who held your life in his hands.

  Ordinarily, he wouldn't think twice about a beta's welfare. Shit, he'd left more than a few beta traders with painful souvenirs when they'd been dumb enough to challenge him. But in every other case, it had been stupidity, not courage, that had prompted their behavior.

  But the thought of hurting this woman made his blood run cold. Because she was not, in fact, a beta, but the furthest thing from it.

  This clearly wasn't something either of them had wanted—but that didn't erase the fact that it was happening. Fuck, it had already happened. The proof was still locked tight inside her.

  With effort, Gray spoke as quietly and reassuringly as he could. "I'm not going to hurt you."

  Her lips pulled back in a snarl. "You already are."

  "No, you're hurting yourself," Gray said, his patience evaporating instantly. "If you'd just calm the fuck down, maybe you wouldn't rip yourself in half."

  The omega's fiery hazel eyes widened incredulously. "Are you really telling me to just—just—shut up and take it?"

  "Just stay the fuck where you are," Gray spat. "You didn't seem to mind my cock inside you five minutes ago."

  She started at him in apparent shock, and then the blood drained from her face, leaving behind pure fury. Her scent sharpened with a hatred so raw he knew it came from deep within her, from a place of instinct and her nature.

  She began to fight him again, whipping her head from side to side, struggling against his grip with all her strength until Gray gave a roar that made the tops of the redwoods shake.


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