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Vipers Den Box Set: 1-3 (Vipers Den #1-3)

Page 8

by J B Heller

  I turned slowly to face her. She was about three feet away from me. I knew I could disarm her, and I was just about to when I heard a car door slam. The sound of footsteps quickly crunching over gravel caused me to pause. It was Kade, and he began dribbling the biggest pile of shit I had ever heard, clearly trying to win her over.

  “Don’t do this Jamie, we can be together, you look amazing. Oh, my God, did you do this for me? Change your hair and your clothes just for me?” he pleaded.

  He stood with his hands out in front of his body, begging her to stop. Tears filled her eyes the moment she glanced over at him. Lowering her hands, she now had the gun pointed at the ground.

  She sniffled. “I told you I would do anything for you. But you wouldn’t tell me what you wanted, so I had to find out for myself. It’s her, she’s what you want.”

  Kade closed his eyes and inhaled a deep breath. “Not anymore, Jamie. Not now that I can see just how much you meant everything you said to me. I thought they were just words, but now I can see you would do anything for me. Please, give me the gun before someone sees and rings the police.”

  Tears streamed down her face. Her cheek was turning blackish-blue and had swollen up like a balloon. I smiled knowing I at least got to hit her once before the cavalry arrived.

  Suddenly, she shook her head and raised the gun back in my direction. “No, she’ll come between us again. I have to get rid of her so we can be together.” Her lips quivered as she spoke.

  Kade’s brown eyes grew nearly black. He swallowed hard as he tried again to plead with her. “We can’t be together if you’re in jail, Jamie, think about this.”

  I could see the wheels ticking over in her warped mind. “You’re right,” she said “there is only one way for us to be together now.”

  She changed the direction of the gun and pointed it straight at Kade’s heart. I reacted before I had a chance to think. In three seconds flat I had her on the ground, pinning her down with one arm pulled up behind her back. I pushed her face into the gravel with the gun pressed against her temple. Nobody threatens my man.

  I’d never been as terrified in all my life as I was when I pulled up in front of Jamie’s place to find her holding Piper at gun point. I’d called the police on my way over after Colby had informed me about Piper’s intended curtesy call. I wanted to reach through the phone and kill him for telling her where Jamie lived. He knew Piper’s temper as good as the rest of us. He should have known better. But it wasn’t Piper’s temper I was worried about. I had no idea what Jamie was capable of.

  After that everything moved so quickly. I rambled a heap of shit I thought would bring Jamie down from the edge, but all it did was drive her closer. My brain didn’t even have time to fully register what she meant by ‘one way for us to be together’ until she’d turned the gun on me. Before I could blink Piper had disarmed her and pinned her to the ground.

  I didn’t hear the police sirens or the crowd of people gathering around the scene we had created. But I was thankful for it, it meant there were witnesses to the whole incident. Without a doubt, Jamie would be doing time, and hopefully while in the slammer or asylum as the case may be, she would get the psychiatric care she obviously needed.

  Three months later…

  “Piper, baby, wake up. We gotta leave now,” I whispered into her ear. She’s so cute when she’s sleeping, and so pissy when you wake her up. Swinging her arm around, she pushed me away from her.

  I laughed at her weak attempt to shoo me away. “Come on, baby. Trust me, you’re going to love it, but you have to get up now.”

  “You’re not going to leave me alone, are you?” She mumbled from under her pillow. I’d been at this for half an hour already. I knew it would take freaking ages to wake her up so I’d packed the car last night and gotten up extra early to give myself the time needed to wake her.

  “Nope. Please, baby. I’ll make it worth your while tonight,” I promised as I kissed the tip of her nose.

  She peeked out from underneath the pillow and glared at me. “You better.”

  She shoved me off the bed and slid out from under the covers. She sauntered past me to the bathroom and turned on the shower. Damn it. I wanted so badly to get in with her and give her a preview of just how worth her while I’d make things tonight. But if I did that we’d never leave, and the whole thing would be ruined.

  My phone vibrated in my back pocked, and I pulled it out to see a text from Rhett.

  ‘She up yet man?’

  ‘Just.’ I replied.

  ‘We’re leaving now. See you there dude.’

  Piper walked out of the bathroom in a towel. I was still sitting on the floor where she’d left me, and she gave me a bit of a kick on her way past me to her closet.

  “What exactly am I supposed to wear for this big surprise?” she asked as she browsed through her clothes.

  “Just chuck on something comfortable.”

  She turned and raised an eyebrow at me. “Like pyjamas?”

  I rolled my eyes. “No, not like pyjamas. We’re going for a picnic breakfast afterwards if that helps.”

  She didn’t answer me, just turned back to her clothes and kept going through them until she found what she wanted. She slipped on her underwear and bra, then slid a strapless orange sundress over her head. It fit snug around her beautiful breasts and flared out around her little waist. I watched her walk over to her dresser and grab a brush, combing through her long black hair.

  There is not one single doubt in my mind that this is the woman I am going to spend the rest of my life with.

  “You going to sit there day dreaming, or are we going to hit the road?” she barked.

  Forcing back the desire to keep her locked in our room all day, I jumped to my feet, grabbed her hand, and dragged her out to Cherry. Yeah, our room. I officially moved in the day after the shit hit the fan with Jamie.

  “So, are you going to give me any clues as to where we are going, or why you dragged me out of bed before sunrise?” she asked as we are pulling out of the complex’s security gates.

  “Nope.” I took her hand in mine and rested it on my thigh as we drove toward the coast.

  Ten minutes later we were driving along the coast road as the sun rose above the ocean, changing the colours over the water. I glanced over at Piper, soaking in the smile that had formed on her face. . I squeezed her hand and, without taking her eyes off of the beauty painting its way across the morning sky, a contented sigh left her full lips.

  Five minutes later we pulled up at one of the beaches we used to visit often in our teens. She noticed Rhett’s car, but didn’t say anything even though it was the only other car around at this hour. She met me at the front of my car and took my out stretched hand. I led her to the small, almost overgrown track that leads onto the sand.

  Stopping, I turned to her when we hit the soft sand of the beach. “Give me your sandals.”

  She didn’t argue, just slipped her sandals off of her feet and handed them to me.

  “What’s going on, Kade?” she asked.

  I stayed quiet, placing both our shoes by the path before I took her hand in mine and walked her closer to the water. I stopped when the cool tide was finally lapping at our bare feet. We stood there together in the shallows, soaking in the splendour before us.

  The sun was sitting level with the horizon. Pinks, oranges, and yellows mingled in the sky around it. I took that moment to gain my composure before I turned to face the love of my life.

  “It’s beautiful, Kade. Really beautiful. Do you remember doing this what seems like forever ago?” she murmured.

  I smiled at the memory I knew was playing through her mind. “I do. I was seventeen, and you were fifteen. That’s the day I realised,” I swallowed down the lump forming in my throat. “It’s the day I realised I was in love with you.”

  Her head turned quickly toward me, a mixture of fear and what I hoped was love flashed in her sapphire blue eyes. She still hadn’t said those wor
ds to me. But I saw it in her eyes sometimes. And I hoped that was enough.

  I dropped to my knee, her left hand still in my right. With my free hand I pulled a small ring box from my pocket. I flicked it open with my thumb and held it up to her. The ring that sat inside was vintage white gold with butterflies carved out on each side of a small, flat set diamond. Smaller diamonds encrusted both the band and around the butterfly’s wings. It was stunning and unique – just like my Piper.

  I cleared my throat. “Piper, ten years ago in this very spot I knew I would love you and only you for the rest of my life. Today, I brought you here to ask, or beg if I have to, for you to be my wife.”

  Those words caused her eyes to water. I prayed they were happy tears. Dropping to her knees in front of me, she let go of my hands and presented me with her left hand. I smiled and took the ring from its box, slipping it onto her finger. It was a perfect fit.

  “Kade, ten years ago in this very spot, I hoped you would kiss me. But you didn’t,” she said softly.

  I dropped the ring box and took her face in my hands, kissing her with all the passion and love I held for her. Her hands slipped into my hair and she moaned into my mouth. I instantly regretted asking Rhett and the others to meet us here for this moment. I would have preferred to take things further, but not with an audience. I may be a little kinky, but I wasn’t an exhibitionist.

  I gently pulled away from her. Her eyes were shining with all the emotions I always hoped she would one day feel towards me.

  “I love you too, Kade,” she whispered against my lips.

  Those words sounded better than I could have ever imagined. A single tear escaped me, nothing could have prepared me for the power those simple words held.

  “Congratulations, man, it’s about bloody time!” Rhett’s hand gripped my shoulder and squeezed.

  I helped Piper to her feet and that’s when she noticed the small gathering of our closest friends and family. Rhett had picked up Kallie, their mother; Tay and Pixie from The Den, and my dad. The girl’s squealed and swooped Piper up in a hug while my dad lingered in the background.

  I separated from the small group and went to stand by my dad. We had never been big talkers, he and I. But it didn’t mean we weren’t close. Our bond was just unspoken. He wrapped one arm across my back and clamped his hand around my shoulder. That was all he had to do and I knew he was proud of me.

  “Your mother would have liked her son. She’s a beautiful girl. A little too out there for me, but she’s perfect for you.”

  I smiled at his words. “Thanks, Dad.”

  Letting go of my shoulder, he wandered back up the beach toward the path leading to the cars. I knew today would have made him think about mum, but I wanted him here for this. I remembered mum telling me about the grand gesture dad had made when asking her to marry him. That was part of the reason I wanted him here. I took a page out of his book. He’d proposed to mum in the very spot where he realised he was in love with her, under the giant jacaranda tree at my grandparents place.

  I stood there alone, watching Piper with her girlfriends and mother. I looked around and saw Rhett off to the side with his phone pressed to his ear. I couldn’t imagine who he would be talking to at six in the morning, but right now I didn’t really care. I didn’t have a care in the world. I had the girl I’d been pining over for the last ten years and we were about to start building a future together.

  Life was good. No, life was great.

  When Kade came to me asking me to be his fake girlfriend I thought he had lost his mind. I went along with it out of desperation. Never did I even once contemplate the thought of us actually being a real couple. But things have a way of working themselves out. Being with Kade is the most natural thing in the world.

  When I close my eyes now, I can’t even imagine a future without him in it.

  He is my past, my present, and my future.




  Copyright © 2015 JB Heller

  All rights reserved.

  Cover Design: JeB Designs

  Editing: Ashley Mac Editing

  Formatting: JeB Designs

  I hadn’t thought about my past since the day I walked away from it, until today. Jake Kennedy just walked into the Den and he’s staring at me like a long-lost lover. Technically, that’s what we were, but I hadn’t seen him in nearly twelve years. He still looked like the Jake I remember, just older.

  When I heard the doorbell chime I glanced towards the reception desk, and there he was. I froze in place, my scissors held in mid-air, poised for the next chop. He must have felt my eyes on him because in that moment his mesmerizing blue depths locked with mine, and I was held captive as a myriad of memories flooded my mind.

  My scissors hit the floor, snapping me out of my trance. I blinked twice, but he was still standing there; he wasn’t a figment of my imagination. I bolted to the back room, leaving my client without a second thought, slamming the door shut behind me.

  I’d been watching her from afar for the last week, but nothing could prepare me for those heart-stopping emerald eyes coming into contact with mine for the first time in twelve years. Tia Malone, she’s just as breathtaking now as she had been then. Although she’d changed her appearance, I would know her anywhere. I could never forget the girl who stole my heart, then disappeared without a trace.

  I had so many questions: Why didn’t she tell me she was leaving? Why didn’t she take me with her? Where has she been all these years?

  But from the look on her face before she ran out of the room, she didn’t want to see me, let alone talk to me. Well, too bad, sweetness, cause I’m not going anywhere.

  The girl behind the reception desk cleared her throat to draw my attention back to her. “I’m Reagan, how can I help you?” she asked me.

  It took me a second to get my bearings. “I need to talk to Tia.”

  The expression on her face told me she had no idea who I was talking about. That confirmed it, she’d changed her name. I figured she must have since I couldn’t find anything under her given name. But what would she have changed it to? I stood there racking my brain, but I kept coming up blank.

  I was still standing there when one of the other stylists came up to the counter, hands on her hips and a scowl on her pretty face. “I’m Piper, this is my salon. What do you want? From the way my girl just took off out the back, I’m willing to bet it’s not a haircut.”

  She wasn’t backwards in coming forward. “I need to talk to her.” I motioned my head in the direction Tia had disappeared.

  The owner, Piper, raised a single brow. “Well, clearly she doesn’t want to talk to you, so I suggest you leave.”

  I shook my head. “You don’t understand. I need to talk to her. Please,” I begged. At this point I don’t think there was anything I wouldn’t do if it meant getting answers, begging included.

  Piper sized me up before giving a slight nod. “Take a seat, I’ll go talk to her. But if she doesn’t want to see you, I won’t make her.” Then she turned on her deadly high heels and strutted in the direction I’d seen Tia run.

  I took a seat in the waiting area. Leaning forward resting my elbows on my knees, I laced my fingers together to stop my hands from shaking. I kept my eyes on the door they had gone through, waiting for the owner to come back…

  I’d backed myself into the corner of the room facing the door. I slid to the ground and waited. Any second now someone would come through that door looking for me; I just hoped it wasn’t Jake. I wasn’t ready to face him or my past.

  When the door opened, I released a sigh of relief; it was Piper.

  She came and sat on the floor beside me. “So, you wanna tell me what’s going on? Cause there’s a guy out there insisting he needs to talk to you.”

  I shook my head, I couldn’t. Nobody here knew about my past, and I wanted to keep it that way. But with Jake showing up, I knew I’d have to tell Piper something. I chewed o
n my bottom lip and Piper wrapped her arm around my shoulders, pulling me into her side. She rested her head on top of mine. “It’s okay, chick, I got your back.” She gave me a squeeze, then got to her feet and left the room.

  That was one of the many reasons Piper is one of my best friends. She is fiercely loyal and protective of those she loves. I knew she would take care of Jake for me, for now anyway. But he would be back.

  When I saw the door open again and the owner walking back out, I jumped to my feet.

  She started shaking her head before she even reached me. “I’m sorry, dude, it’s a no-go.”

  I dropped back down into my seat with a thud. Shit. I gripped my hair and pulled.

  The owner sat in the seat next to me. After a minute I glanced over at her. She was watching me, curiosity burning in her bright blue eyes. She was beautiful, but she was no Tia. No one ever compared to my Tia. After all this time, I’d finally found her and she didn’t want to talk to me.

  In my head I’d imagined her running and jumping into my arms when she saw me. I’d thought she would be just as ecstatic to see me as I was to see her. Maybe I was just another part of her past that she didn’t want to remember. But I remembered her, damn it, I never forgot.

  “What’s your name?” the owner asked me.

  I reached my hand out to shake hers. “I’m Jake, Jake Kennedy.”

  She shook my outstretched hand in return. “What do you want with my girl back there, Jake, Jake Kennedy?” She gestured to the room Tia was hiding in with a flick of her chin.

  “I used to know her, a long time ago. I—” I didn’t know what to say. I couldn’t tell a complete stranger that I was in love with a girl who left me behind. I couldn’t tell her that I needed answers, I needed closure. I needed Tia.


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