Vipers Den Box Set: 1-3 (Vipers Den #1-3)

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Vipers Den Box Set: 1-3 (Vipers Den #1-3) Page 19

by J B Heller

  The morning passed quickly and before I knew it, we had finished lunch at one of the venders and were in my car on the way back to Tay’s place to get our sexless baby making on.

  Five minutes later…

  “How does this damn thing come off?” Nate was getting frustrated with my corset and I was laughing my arse off.

  “Stop laughing, Sugar, this isn’t funny. I’m trying to get you naked here!” he exclaimed.

  I just laughed harder.

  Another five minutes later…

  “My god, woman! These things are like a second skin, how do you get these on? Cause I sure as hell can’t get the bloody things off! Leggings aren’t supposed to be this complicated, Taylor!”

  Nate’s frustration with my wardrobe had me in hysterics. At this point, I couldn’t help him remove my clothing, even if I tried.

  Yet another five minutes later…

  I was finally naked.

  I lay in front of Nate as his eyes roamed over my body. I watched his lips quirk to the side as he came to my pubic region. I wasn’t ashamed of my body, I never had been and never would be. I relished the feel of Nate’s eyes eating me up.

  “I half expected you to have a full bush,” he said as he came to rest his partially naked body atop of mine.

  I huffed, “As if Reags would let me, that girl is a midget but a wiz with a wax pot. She’ll rip the hair from your unsuspecting body before you have a chance to tell her you just want a bikini wax.”

  Nate’s body shuddered with his laughter. “I can totally see her holding you down while she did it, too.”

  I sighed, “She’s strong for a little thing, she had one knee on my chest pinning me down and one arm across my legs as she waxed me up. But when I saw the cute little love heart, I couldn’t stay angry with her.”

  Nate burst out in a full belly laugh. “That is absolute gold!”

  “I’m glad you find her cruel and unusual punishment so amusing.” I playfully hit his shoulder.

  His voice lost all amusement and turned seductive, “Oh I don’t find it amusing, I find it extremely sexy. So much so, I want nothing more than to sink down on my knees and show you just how much I like that love heart, Sugar, I want to see if those lips taste as sweet as these ones.”

  I melted as his husky voice caressed my ear, then his lips crashed down on mine in a rough, deep kiss. My legs wrapped around his waist and I wished he had removed his boxer briefs when he took off his other clothes earlier.

  “Nate,” I moaned against his lips as I shifted my hips to feel the friction of his hard-on between my legs.

  “Soon, Sugar, soon. I’ve waited so long, baby, I’m going to enjoy every inch of you, and you’re going to be a good girl and let me.” He leaned back on his heels and stared down into my eyes, one brow quirked in challenge.

  I nodded, maybe a little too eagerly. I was so desperate for him, for whatever part of him he’d give me, that I was a panting puddle of need and want under his gaze.

  The left side of his full lips lifted in a smirk. “Good girl. I promise I’ll respect your wishes and jack into the cup for you, but I need to do this, do you trust me?”

  I nodded again, but I was seriously beginning to rethink my bright idea of taking sex off the table.

  Torturously slow, he moved down my body, trailing a path of wet kisses down my torso. I writhed under his lips as his hands trailed down the side of my ribs, tracing my vintage pin-up tattoos.

  “Shit, Sugar, you’re so beautiful,” he murmured against my flesh while he continued his path to my aching core. When he got there, he paused and inhaled a deep breath, closing his eyes as if to soak in my scent.

  “Nate,” I breathed, unable to stay silent.

  “Shhh, Sugar,” he whispered against me, and I shivered.

  He flicked out his tongue and I was a goner. I shattered as he worked me with his mouth. When I came down from my incredible high, he sat back on his haunches and magically produced the cup he was to use to collect his come.

  I watched in fascination as he stroked himself to the point of no return. He then reached over to my side table and grabbed the syringe, filled it with the creamy liquid from the cup and handed it to me.

  I swallowed past the lump in my throat, and placed it at my soaking entrance; it slid right in and I slowly pushed the end until it the contents were emptied inside of me.

  Nate licked his lips as he watched me, his eyes never leaving the apex of my thighs. “I’m supposed to come again, now that it’s inside me,” I told him.

  I eased the syringe out, set it on the bed beside me and began to massage my clit with my free hand.

  “No, let me,” Nate said and took over.

  My body arched off the bed as my second orgasm quaked through me.

  “What now?” Nate asked.

  “I need to elevate my hips and lay still for half an hour or so. Then we can do whatever you want.”

  Nate was lying on his side—naked—next to me, tracing my tattoos. “I’ll wait with you, then we can have a shower and watch a movie or something.”

  “Okay.” I said as I watched him grab a pillow from the head of the bed, I lifted my hips and he slid it under my butt.

  We were snuggled on my couch, watching The Avengers, when Nate brought up baby names.

  “Thor’s a pretty cool name, don’t you think?” he asked.

  I shifted so I could look into his face to see if he was serious. He was… “Yeah, just as cool as Hulk,” I mocked.

  He scrunched his brows. “What’s wrong with Thor? I think it’s badarse.”

  “It is badarse, if you’re a Nordic God. Not a little human baby,” I replied.

  And so began the great name debate. We continued discussing baby names until it was time for Nate to head back to his place, later that night.

  I was sad when he had to leave, but I knew he had to go home. Normal people don’t move in together and start trying for a baby as soon as they begin a relationship. We were already doing one of those things, and that was amazing and beautiful, but the other had to wait.

  “Don’t look so sad, Sugar, I’ll see you at work in the morning.” He slid his thumb over my bottom lip and I latched onto it. “Tay, baby, don’t do that. I won’t be able to drive with a raging hard-on.”

  I laughed and he kissed me one last time on his way out.

  Five minutes later I got a text from Nate.


  I flicked back my reply instantly.

  ~I actually don’t mind it, boy or girl?~


  I thought about it for a moment, Raven Summers. I actually really like the sound of that. Or would it be Seymour-Summers? I’d have to talk to Nate about it tomorrow. But for now I wrote back—

  ~It’s on the list.~

  Another few minutes passed then my phone chimed again.

  ~I want Thor on the list.~

  ~It is, it’s on the HELL NO list.~


  ~Completely serious.~

  I was, completely serious that is. There was no way in hell I was naming my child Thor, sexy Nordic God or not, it wasn’t happening. Not in this lifetime.

  The next morning I awoke with a new sense of purpose. I was sure Nate and I had made a little person yesterday, but we would have to wait a few weeks to find out for sure.

  We were going to do it again tonight, just to be sure it took. There was still a chance it wouldn’t work, but the women in my family were known for their fertility, that boosted my confidence even more.

  As soon as I walked in the door to the Den, Piper began to eye me suspiciously. “What’s up Pipe?” I asked as I made my way to the backroom. She followed me silently, but accusations were written all over her knowing face.

  She closed the door behind her once we were both inside. “You did it already didn’t you,” she stated, not a question, but a clear statement.

  “Did what?” I asked feigning ignorance.

  She narrowed her crystal
blue eyes on me. “You and Nate had sex, didn’t you? I know you did, so don’t play me, Taylor Jane. I can see it all over you. You’re smiling, an actual real smile, not that fake shit you’ve been throwing around lately, and you’re friggin glowing!” she huffed. “Why didn’t you call me, we could have done some ‘Let’s Get Tay Knocked Up’ girl’s night or something.”

  Piper and Tay were standing together by the coffee machine—where you would usually find Tay in the mornings—but with trying to make a baby, I thought coffee would be off the cards.

  She threw herself in my arms and kissed me like a woman starved. “Hey, Sugar,” I murmured against her lips when she finally pulled away.

  She beamed. “Morning.”

  Tay kept her arms wrapped around my neck and I kept my palms firmly planted on her tiny waist. “Should you be drinking coffee?” I asked, eyeing the coffee machine.

  She turned her head to the coffee machine behind her, then back to me, “Why wouldn’t I?” she asked cautiously.

  I couldn’t help but grin at her, I knew this was something she would fight for. “Because pregnant chicks or almost pregnant chicks, aren’t supposed to have caffeine,” I explained with what I knew was a smug expression plastered on my face.

  “I’ve never heard that rule,” she said. I could tell she was lying since she refused to make eye contact with me.

  “Taylor,” I waited for her to look at me, “do you want a baby?” I asked, obviously already knowing the answer.

  “Yes,” she sighed.

  “Do you want a coffee more than you want a baby?” I pressed.

  Another, deeper sigh, this time. “No,” she mumbled.

  I pulled her tighter against me. “That’s what I thought.” I kissed the top of her head then heard Piper clearing her throat. I turned my attention to her. “Hey, Piper, S’up?”

  “S’up? Are you fucking kidding me? You two are discussing babies, looking all lovey-dovey and shit, and all you have to say to me is— S’up,” she mimicked my voice.

  I laughed, what else was I supposed to do? This thing with me and Tay wasn’t exactly normal, but it made us happy; I really didn’t give a shit about anyone else’s reactions or opinions. So, I simply shrugged at my boss and looked back to my rockabilly princess in my arms.

  “This is so weird,” I heard Piper say as she left the room.

  Tay was smiling back up at me, one of her heart-stopping smiles, and I had to kiss her again.

  None of our co-workers seemed surprised about Tay and I hooking up, I found that strange, yet reassuring somehow.

  I decided to take Tay with me when I went to see mum on Wednesday after work, I knew mum would probably try to hit me if I showed up without her—now that she knew about Tay—and I didn’t want her using what energy she had being pissed with me. I’d much rather hear her laughing again, and I knew Tay would find a way to make that happen.

  “Hey, Ma.” I bent down and kissed her cheek.

  Her eyes sparkled. “Hi, baby, I’ve missed you,” she breathed against my shoulder as I hugged her.

  “Me too, Ma, how’ve you been?” I asked.

  One of her now bony shoulders lifted in a small shrug, “You were only here two days ago, and I’m as fine today as I was then, baby, so stop worrying.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, that’s not going to happen anytime soon. Anyway, moving right along, this is my girl Tay,” I gestured to Tay standing beside me and back to my ma, “Tay, this is my Ma, Trisha.”

  Tay stepped forward and bent down to give my mum a hug, “Hi, Trisha, nice to meet you.”

  I watched silently as one of the only women I’d ever loved, those women being my mum and her sisters, embraced the woman I was falling in love with. I swallowed passed the lump that had formed in my throat at the realization that I was falling in love with Tay.

  Subconsciously, I already knew I was falling for her, I wouldn’t have introduced her to my mum if I wasn’t already halfway there. Hell, I wouldn’t be tying myself to her—for the rest of my life—by creating a child together, if I didn’t already love her on some level.

  Their loud laughter drew my attention back to the moment. I shook my head, “What’s so funny?”

  “You are,” Tay said, still chuckling. “Where’d you go just now? You were right off with the fairies. I tried getting your attention but you were on another planet.”

  “Oh, I was just thinking. Sorry, got lost in my thoughts for a minute there.”

  “We noticed,” mum laughed again.

  I loved that sound. I smiled at her then shrugged, “Made you smile, even if it is at my expense. It’s worth it.”

  “Aww, when did you turn into such a softie? This must be your influence, Taylor.” Mum turned to look at my girl.

  “Please, Trisha, call me Tay.”

  I pulled out an extra seat and dragged it over next to mum’s bed for Tay to sit when she was ready, then I took my usual spot, kicked back and listened to them making small talk.

  They chatted for an hour before mum looked like she was ready to turn in for the night. “We better get going, Ma. We’ll come around again later in the week.”

  “Alright, baby. Sounds good.”

  We said our goodbyes and left.

  My mother and aunts had raised me, she was everything to me, and I couldn’t bear to watch this fucking disease ravaging my once vibrant mother, killing her slowly and painfully.

  I took Tay home and went in for a drink before heading back to my place.

  We sat on the couch with our drinks in hand: I had a stiff drink and Tay had a soda and lime. I knocked back my drink in one swig. I wasn’t dealing with mum’s cancer this time round, knowing it would be the last time, I couldn’t, I just—

  Tay wrapped her arms around me and guided me to her room. She waited for me to lie down on the bed, then crawled in beside me and held me tight.

  I don’t know how long it took me to pull myself together, but when I did, I looked up into Tay’s eyes and saw my pain reflected in them. She had lost her father to cancer so I knew she understood my breakdown; I wished she had never had to experience this kind of pain.

  “Hey, Sugar,” I murmured, my voice harsh and gravely.

  Tay stroked my cheek softly then shimmied down so her face was level with mine, then she pressed her lips to mine in a slow, sensual kiss.

  I was watching Nate sleep, like a total creeper, but I couldn’t help it. I still found it hard to believe he was here with me, in my bed, in my heart and possibly, in my belly.

  I had loved meeting his mother earlier, she still had so much life in her, I could see it, and I hoped and prayed that there was some kind of giant medical leap made in the near future. Even if it could just buy her some time to meet the baby we were trying to make.

  When my birthday had rolled around, I hadn’t wanted to make a big deal of it, so Nate had taken me out to a nice little bistro in town, followed by stargazing out at the lake. It was beautiful, peaceful and perfect.

  We fell into a routine that consisted of Nate picking me up for work in the mornings and taking me home at the end of the day where I would cook dinner for him. We’d spend the evenings making out on the couch or cuddling on the chair swing on my back deck, chatting about random nothingness.

  On Monday and Friday afternoons, we’d go visit with Trisha. She was such a lovely woman, my heart hurt every time I thought about just how sick she really was. She was too bright a soul to have to leave this world so early.

  Four weeks after we had done the insemination process—God that sounded so clinical, when in actual fact it was probably the most erotic thing I’d ever done with another person—it was time to pee on a stick.

  I was terrified.

  Nate was a huge comfort through it all though. He swore my boobs had gotten bigger, I didn’t see it, but I didn’t spend as much time touching them as he did these days.

  Nate’s body pressed up against my back while I washed the few dishes from our breakfast, hi
s arms slid around my waist, his hands landing on my still flat stomach. “Tay, Sugar, what’s wrong?” I could hear the concern in his voice.

  It took me a minute to answer him. “I’m afraid,” I told him honestly.

  “Of what?”

  “That the test will come up negative. I want this so bad, Nate, so bad it hurts.”

  His arms tightened around me and he rested his chin on my shoulder. “I know, baby, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t getting a bit excited about it. But even if it does come up negative, it could just be too early for the test to pick it up, and if it didn’t work, then we’ll do it again and again and again, until we get it right. Okay?”

  I released the breath I was holding and nodded, “Yeah, okay.”

  He stayed holding me while I finished the last few dishes and set them to dry on the sink. When I was done, I spun around in his arms and wrapped mine around his neck. “Thank you.”

  His lips quirked, “For what?”

  “For being you, for being so supportive, for even doing this with me. You have no idea what it means to me, that you would even try having a relationship with me, and—”

  He cut me off with a swift deep kiss. “Don’t thank me for being selfish,” he said when he pulled back. “I couldn’t stand the thought of someone else touching you, of someone else’s child growing in your perfect body. When I came to you to ask to be your donor, it was for selfish reasons, and I’m sorry, but Tay, Sugar, you’ve been mine since the moment I laid eyes on you.” He closed the small space between our mouths once more and kissed me for all his worth.

  I was breathless from his beautiful words; no one had ever felt that way about me before, and it made me wonder why I ever kept my feelings for him to myself in the first place, since he obviously felt something for me too.

  We could have been together all this time, so much time we had wasted, but I wasn’t going to waste another second.

  I grabbed his hand and towed him to the bathroom with me. When we got in there I rummaged around in the vanity until I found the box with the tests in it, then I handed it to him to do the honours. We were getting pregnant together, so we were finding out if our efforts were good enough together too.


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