Vipers Den Box Set: 1-3 (Vipers Den #1-3)

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Vipers Den Box Set: 1-3 (Vipers Den #1-3) Page 20

by J B Heller

  As he took the box from my outstretched hand, I noticed I was shaking, shit, I was about to freak the fuck out.

  Ripping open the box I handed her one of the foil wrapped sticks while I read the little instruction pamphlet.

  “It says you need to remove the plastic lid and hold—” I paused to point at the end covered by the plastic cap, “that bit in midstream pee for at least five seconds, or until it’s fully soaked. Then put it on a flat surface and wait for three to five minutes.”

  “Shit, that’s easy. Hell, even I could do it,” I laughed softly, even though laughing was the last thing on my mind at that very minute. I was admittedly starting to freak out, just a little bit though.

  “Deep breaths,” I reminded her and myself.

  “Okay, yeah, sure, I can do this, it’s easy, no worries, a piece of cake, a walk in the park, a—”

  I cut her off, “Tay, just pee on damn the stick.”

  I watched her stand on shaky legs and move over to the toilet. She bunched up the full, almost puffy skirt she was wearing and sat down. “I can’t pee with you watching me!” she said, almost annoyed.

  I turned around to face the sink and turned on the tap for good measure. “Better?” I asked.

  “A little,” she chuckled.

  “Come on, Sugar, I’m just as keen to see what that stick has to say as you are, so hurry up and pee already.”

  “Don’t rush me!” Then she sobbed.

  Screw not watching her, I spun around and knelt down in front of her, holding her cheeks in my palms as fat, silent tears leaked from her hazel eyes. They were greener today than most others, they changed constantly depending on her mood or the colours she was wearing.

  “Don’t cry, baby, you got this,” I tried to reassure her. I didn’t think that peeing on a stick was that hard.

  “But what if it comes up negative? I want this so bad, Nate, so bad it hurts,” she cried.

  “We already talked about this remember, not five minutes ago, you got this. We got this, alright? I promise you I’ll double my efforts to knock you up if it’s negative, but I’m about 99.99% sure it will be positive, just sayin’.”

  More tears streaked down her cheeks as she nodded. “Alright, you can turn around again, I’m okay now.”

  I closed the small distance between us and kissed her deeply, yet softly. She sighed when I pulled away from her and crossed the small distance back to the vanity and braced myself to wait for her to get her pee on.

  We stood side by side, holding each other tightly as we watched the stick sitting on the bench. Ever so slowly one bright pink line appeared, I let out a shaky breath and concentrated even harder on the test, willing it to show another line.

  Tay was shaking in my arms, and I’d be lying if I said I was totally calm right now. I was sure the rapid thumping of my heart was unhealthy.

  Then it appeared, a second vibrant pink line.

  I released the breath I hadn’t realised I’d been holding.

  Holy. Shit.

  I’m going to be a dad.

  Suddenly, I couldn’t pull enough oxygen into my starved lungs. I tried to pull air in through my nose, but it was useless. I couldn’t breathe. My knees gave out, my head was spinning, and then it all went black.

  Just as relief began to flood my body, Nate dropped to his knees then passed out. My rock from moments ago was now out cold on the bathroom tiles.

  I got down and in his face, then plastered my lips to his, slowly sliding my tongue along his bottom lip. I knew he was awake when I felt his hands snake around my hips and pull me down on top of his hard body.

  He responded to my kiss, then took full control. One of his hands pressed the small of my back down hard until I could feel his now solid length through his jeans. His other hand made itself busy in my hair.

  I moaned at the exquisite feel of his body beneath mine, and I wanted him desperately. Was it time to put sex back on the table? I wanted to, so, so badly.

  We were having a baby! His child was growing inside of me, and we were going to be parents. Happy tears leaked from my eyes as the enormity of it dawned on me, Nate and I were tied together for life, for better or worse, we would always be connected.

  I wanted that, I wanted it before we got involved, and I wanted it even more now.

  “Nate,” I said his name on a ragged sigh, “I need you.”

  He groaned beneath me, “I want you so much, baby, so fucking much.” He lifted his hips as I pushed myself down harder on him.

  “Please, Nate, I’m done waiting.”

  As soon as those words left my lips, he was standing and I was in his arms as he carried me to my bedroom. I laughed, how had he moved so quickly?

  Before I knew it, I was lying naked on my bed, watching him undress before me. My eyes ate up the defined slopes and grooves of his chiselled chest, following their decent to the masculine V that led to my current favourite thing in the world. As I gazed, my fingers itched to reach out and wrap around his cock.

  But before I could, he was on me, pressing my body into the soft mattress beneath me. I relished the feel of his weight on top of me. My hips ground up into his, sending a shiver down my spine when I felt his tip graze my clit, I gasped.

  “Are you sure about this, Tay? I mean, absolutely sure? There’s no going back from here, Sugar, you understand? This is it, you and your body are mine now.”

  His words turned me on even more. “Yes,” I sighed as he slid himself inside of me, he didn’t stop until he was buried as deep as he could possibly go. Then he began a fast, unrelenting rhythm that had me clinging to his shoulders for support.

  I needed to come, but I knew I couldn’t like this. I pushed on his chest. “Let me ride you,” I said.

  He was more than happy to oblige me and swiftly flipped us so we switched positions. This was what I needed, I adjusted myself on him and bent down to kiss him.

  There was no better feeling in the world than his tongue in my mouth and his cock inside me, both stroking in just the right places. I moaned and pushed myself down harder on his length. “Nate,” I groaned as I felt my orgasm building.

  His hands wrapped around my hips and helped me keep my pace as my body began to falter. My movements became jerky and harsh. I ground down on him one last time as my orgasm ripped through me, leaving me limp and more satisfied than I’d ever been.

  Moments later Nate followed me into oblivion.

  I called Dr Lucy as soon as I had cleaned myself up and made an appointment with her, but I couldn’t get in for another two and a half weeks. I was actually reassured by that, it just proved how good of a doctor she was, to be booked out that far in advance.

  She had an ultrasound machine in her office, I knew this from my cousin, Becca, who saw Lucy through each of her pregnancies. Lucy had happily done scans whenever Becca had been feeling paranoid and needed reassuring.

  I was so excited I couldn’t physically contain it. I was bouncing in my seat the whole way to work. “Sugar, unless you want everyone at work to know before we see the doctor this afternoon, you need to chill,” he said smoothly.

  “I know, and I do want to wait, but I’m just so happy, Nate. You don’t know how long I’ve wanted this.” Happy tears began to stream down my cheeks again. “I thought… I… I never thought it would actually happen. I wanted it so bad. Have you ever wanted something so badly that you could almost feel it within your grasp, only to have it snatched away at the very last second? Or have it right in front of you and not be able to touch it? That’s what this is,” I placed my hands on my flat stomach, “I can feel it, and I will do anything to protect it. It’s almost too good to be true.”

  “Yeah, I know a thing or two about that,” he murmured then looked out the windshield as he drove.

  His jaw clenched slightly, and I watched his Adam’s apple bob up and down as if there was a lump in his throat. I reached out to touch him, but he flinched away from me. I didn’t let it stop me, I reached out again, this t
ime wrapping my fingers around his thigh.

  “Nate, what’s wrong?” I whispered.

  He swallowed again and spoke without looking at me, “Nothing’s wrong, I’m just really happy for you is all.”

  I furrowed my brows, “But what about you? Aren’t you happy for us?” I suddenly felt like hurling. Now that I was pregnant—he’d technically done what I needed him for and then we’d had actual sex—was he going to leave me because I had what I wanted and I’d put out?

  Oh God, I was dizzy, so I clenched my eyes closed, trying to stop myself from spinning out of control. I gripped the door handle and squeezed it for all its worth. A single tear slid down my cheek, but I didn’t dare lift my hand to wipe it. My other hand was latched onto Nate’s thigh still and I couldn’t let go.

  No, he wouldn’t do that to me. I tried to reassure myself but failed miserably.

  A few seconds later I felt the car jolt to a stop, then I heard Nate’s smooth voice telling me to breathe in through my nose and out through my mouth. I forced myself to listen to him.

  “Open your eyes for me now, Sugar, let me see those hazel orbs I love so much,” Nate urged.

  My eyes were sealed shut, brimming with tears that I knew would fall as soon as I opened them. I shook my head, refusing to look at him.

  I felt his warm knuckles stroking my face, and I leant into his gentle touch, loving the feel of his skin against mine. How could I live without this, now that I’d had him, I couldn’t bear the thought of never feeling his tender caresses against my flesh again.

  More tears pooled in the corners of my eyes.

  “Taylor Jane, look at me,” he said sternly, then softened his voice. “You’re freaking me the fuck out right now. I need to see your beautiful eyes.” He stroked my cheek again, coaxing me into opening my eyes.

  As soon as I did, I knew it was a mistake. His deep, chocolate pools were filled with regret. I heaved in as much air as my greedy lungs could hold, trying desperately not to completely fall apart in front of him.

  “Baby, I can’t make this better if I don’t know what’s wrong. Talk to me, you were so happy just minutes ago, what happened between then and now?” he was pleading with me, and I didn’t understand why.

  If he was going to leave me, now that I had what I’d always wanted, why did he care why I was crying? Why was he touching me so lovingly? Why was he—Oh God, my eyes shot open, why was he kissing my stomach?

  “Wh… wha…” I swallowed past the lump in my throat that was making it impossible to speak. “What are you doing?” I asked in the strongest voice I could muster.

  He looked up into my eyes and held me captive with the emotions I saw shining from within his. Then his lips quirked into a small smile. “I’m loving on my ladies. They obviously need it. Well, one of you anyway. You’re going all crazy emotional and I’m assuming she’s,” he kissed my belly again, “the cause of it.”

  “She?” I said so softly I barely heard it myself, but Nate did.

  He smiled even bigger. “Yep, she.” He rolled his eyes in mock annoyance, “She’s going to be a pain in the arse, I just know it. Spoilt and all girly, just like her mumma and her daddy isn’t much of a macho man so I’ll cave and give her whatever she wants whenever she wants it. Only macho men can be total hardarses to their little girls.”

  I looked at him, more confused than ever. “You’re not leaving me then?”

  He sat up so fast the sudden movement made my head spin again, just watching him. “What are you talking about? Who said anything about leaving? I thought we were going to… well… I mean, aren’t we going really good together? I thought we covered this already, this morning. I meant every word I said, Tay, you’re mine, and I’m not letting you go.”

  “I thought so too, but you went all quiet on me and said you were happy for me, not us. I thought you were telling me—”

  His eyes grew wide. “Shit, no, that’s not what that was. I’m sorry. I was just thinking. I guess I got lost in my head for a bit there, but, baby, you can’t freak out on me like that again, okay? If you start thinking crazy again, please just ask me what’s up my arse before you go jumping to ridiculous conclusions.”

  Finally, I was able to smile again. “Okay.”

  He sighed with relief and bent down to kiss my tummy again, then me. I was so happy, I felt like I was floating.

  Of course, everyone at work knew something was up when neither Nate nor I, could stop the painfully huge smiles from spreading across our faces all day.

  Nate even pulled me into the backroom for a quickie at lunch because he said it drove him wild knowing his child was growing inside of me. He had locked the door and covered my mouth with his hand as he bent me over the back of the couch and slowly made love to me.

  I didn’t feel bad, I knew that wasn’t the first bit of action that couch had seen.

  Over the next two weeks I discovered that pregnancy did insane things to my sex drive. Either that or I was addicted to Nate in a seriously unhealthy way.

  I couldn’t get enough of him, and it didn’t seem to matter where we were, my need for him was constant. Even right after we’d made love, I would want more.

  We were stargazing at the lake again, a few nights after we found out we were pregnant, when Nate brought up the name debate, “I still think Thor should be on the list.”

  “Seriously, you’re still going on about that. Out of the trillions of names you could get stuck on, it’s that one,” I complained.

  “It’s awesome,” he shrugged.

  “I thought you said we were having a girl anyway, so you want to call our daughter Thor?” I teased.

  He laughed, “Yeah, no.” He was silent for a few more minutes then said, “What about Skyla?”

  I rolled it around in my head a few times, and the more I thought it, the more I liked it. “Skyla Summers,” I said and loved the way it sounded aloud. That’s when I remembered that we hadn’t discussed what her last name should be.

  “Umm, I was just thinking, should her last name be Summers or Seymour-Summers?” I asked.

  “I don’t mind as long as Summers is in there. What do you prefer?”

  “Hmm, Skyla Seymour-Summers. Skyla Summers. I think it depends on if we give her a middle name or not. It would make her name too long to have both our last names and a middle name. What’s your take on middle names?”

  “I like your middle name, is it a family name?” he asked.

  “It was my mother’s name,” I told him, then I began to think about my mother and how happy she would have been to share this with us. My eyes glazed over, and I sniffled trying to hold back the tears that were desperate to fall at the thought of my mother.

  Nate felt my body shudder from my silent tears and pulled me closer to him. “What about Skyla Jane Summers?”

  I sniffled again. “Put it on the list,” I said through my tears. I really liked the sound of it, and I knew my mother would have been honoured to share her name with her grandchild.

  Before I knew it, two weeks had flown by and I was still as horny as ever. Not that Nate complained, but I was beginning to feel like there was something wrong with me. Was an increased sex drive a normal symptom of pregnancy?

  I had read that it was, but I didn’t expect it to be this bad. All day long, all Nate would have to do was smile in my direction and my dirty mind would start to conjure up excuses for him to come to the bathroom with me.

  I was beyond pathetic.

  I cried at the drop of a hat, I was horny 24/7 and I couldn’t eat enough avocados. Becca had told me that all these symptoms were a good sign and proof of a strong pregnancy. I didn’t buy it, but I went with it anyway.

  Here we were, sitting in the doctor’s waiting room, and all I could think about was, how good Nate smelled sitting next to me and how much I wanted to lick him. I squeezed my thighs together as a flashback to our time in the backroom on our lunchbreak today, popped into my mind.

  Nate leaned over to whisper in m
y ear, “Stop thinking naughty things or I’m going to have a hard-on when we meet your new doctor.” I blushed and went back to reading the horrifying pregnancy magazine I’d picked up when we walked in.

  Did you know that some women go up a shoe size, sometimes even two, while pregnant? My feet couldn’t grow, I wouldn’t let them. I was in an intense relationship with each and every pair of my shoes.

  When we were called in my nerves skyrocketed. This was it, I was going to see the tiny person Nate and I had created together. I swallowed back my emotions—I’d cried so many times today, it was ridiculous. When each of the girls had hugged me I’d burst into a new round of tears. Stupid hormones.

  We followed the nurse into an office and took our seats, and seated across from us was a short, brunette woman with the kindest eyes I’d ever seen. “Hello, I’m Lucy, what can I do for you today?” she asked in a rich British accent.

  Before I could answer, Nate was out of his chair and leaning over the desk, reaching his hand out to Dr Lucy to shake hers while introducing himself, “I’m Nate, and this is my girl Taylor. We’re pregnant and we’d appreciate the all clear to have lots of vigorous sex, please,” he said with a bright smile on his face.

  I on the other hand nearly died.

  My face heated with pure mortification, but then I heard soft chuckles coming from our doctor. “Nice to meet you, Nate, and you too, Taylor. Let’s sort out some dates and things with the pregnancy then we can talk about the vigorous sex, alright?”

  “Good plan, Doc,” Nate replied.

  “Call me Lucy, we’re going to get to know each other very well over the next few months, and it makes things more comfortable when we’re all on a first name basis,” Lucy said, looking between the two of us.

  I still hadn’t said a word, not a single one.


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