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The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need

Page 22

by Joanna Martine Woolfold

  Diet and Health Tips for Libra

  Balance is the key to Libra’s health and well-being—balanced diet, balance of work and recreation, and balanced relationships with other people.

  Libra’s cell salt is sodium phosphate, which equalizes the balance of acids and alkalis in the body and rids the body of waste material. It’s important for Librans to keep a proper balance between acids and alkali in the body, for too much acidity will interfere with proper kidney function. The skin is a good indicator of whether more sodium phosphate is needed in the diet: Skin tends to get yellowish and sallow when there is a deficiency. Good food sources for this mineral are strawberries, apples, raisins, almonds, asparagus, peas, corn, carrots, spinach, beets, radishes, tomatoes, wheat, brown rice, and oatmeal. Librans function best with a high-protein diet that is low in fat, sugar, and acid-producing foods. They should eat lots of broiled fish, seafood, and poultry (not too much beef or pork), low-fat cheeses, yogurt, plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, salad greens, and whole-grain breads.

  Librans’s sensitive skins immediately show the effect of lack of sleep, rich food, and too much champagne. They should drink plenty of water to keep their systems flushed out and free of toxins, and should avoid alcohol and carbonated drinks, which are bad for the kidneys. They should also use caution when trying new skin preparations, many of which cause the skin to break out. Mild exercise, especially back exercises, will strengthen a weak lower back and keep the body supple. Good posture will free Librans from vague aches and pains in the back.

  In general, Librans should try to surround themselves with beautiful things, pleasant music, and harmonious people. This is good advice for everyone, but emphatically important for Librans.

  Libra’s Erogenous Zone

  If you want to get on more intimate terms with Libra, try unobtrusively caressing his or her lower back when dancing or strolling together. The small of the back and the buttocks are very sensitive. When the relationship has progressed to the point where you are both in the bath or shower together, pay particular attention with a sponge or washcloth to Libra’s lower back and buttocks. Gently sponge this area and lave with warm water until the skin is rosy.

  Both male and female of this sign are very partial to having their buttocks rubbed, fondled, patted, and gently pinched. An erotic massage technique that is sure to put Libra into the mood for love is: 1) With Libra lying facedown, begin the massage by gently clutching one buttock in each hand and moving them in a circular motion. 2) With fingertips barely touching flesh, stroke buttocks up and down with featherlight touches. 3) Do the same, using just fingernails. 4) Using four fingers of each hand, place fingertips lightly on the buttocks, one finger at a time. Move quickly and lightly so that all the fingertips touch the skin in rapid succession. Position hands so that the fingertips will land in the cleft between the buttocks.

  By now Libra will be sexually aroused.


  Part of the Body Ruled by Scorpio

  The sign of Scorpio rules the sexual organs. Symbolically, this part of the anatomy represents life-giving force, and Scorpio people are renowned for their fund of energy and imagination. They have a reputation for being highly sexed, passionate, and possessive, the kind who do nothing halfway. A healthy sex life is essential to their well-being. Scorpio people even take out their anger in sexual ways; they use or withhold sex as a weapon. Sexual frustration or suppression of their intense feelings results in erratic and cruel behavior on their part.

  Natives of this sign are prone to problems and infections of the sex organs. Skin eruptions on the genitals, cystitis and diseases of the urinary tract, and venereal infections are ailments to which Scorpios are most susceptible.

  In addition, Scorpio people are subject to ill health brought on by emotional difficulties. Their intense natures brood and seethe over insults and injuries (often imagined). They seem unable to rest and relax, and as a result may suffer from exhaustion.

  The sign of Scorpio is ruled by the planet Pluto, which governs the formation of cells and the reproductive function of the body. Thus, Scorpio’s link with sex and regenerative forces is strengthened. As a rule, Scorpios have strong, voluptuous bodies and excellent recuperative powers—though some astrologers have remarked on the fact that more people born under Scorpio come to a violent and unexpected end than do natives of other signs. It’s been said that Scorpios look old when they are young, and young when they are old.

  Diet and Health Tips for Scorpio

  A healthful diet is important for Scorpio people in order to keep up their energy and a positive outlook on life. When problems strike they have a tendency to overindulge in alcohol and forget about food, which in turn makes them more unhappy, listless, and ill.

  Scorpios have a problem handling liquor. Of all the signs in the zodiac, alcohol has the worst and most immediate effects on Scorpio’s looks and skin. It is toxic for their system, it intensifies their already volatile emotions, and most Scorpios don’t know how to say no to a second drink.

  Scorpio’s cell salt is calcium sulphate, which is the prime factor in the repair of tissues and resistance to infectious diseases. The nose, mouth, throat, esophagus, reproductive organs, and intestinal pathways need this mineral for healthy functioning. A deficiency opens the way to colds and sinus infections that hang on forever, skin eruptions that do not heal, and infertility. Foods rich in calcium sulphate that Scorpios should include in their diet are asparagus, kale, cauliflower, radishes, onions, parsnips, watercress, tomatoes, figs, prunes, black cherries, and coconuts. Scorpios need calcium foods such as milk, cheese, yogurt, and cottage cheese. They should concentrate on a diet high in protein, fresh fruits and vegetables, and whole-grain breads. The following are particularly good for Scorpio: fish and seafood, green salads, beets, escarole, romaine, brussels sprouts, artichokes, lentils, wheat germ, almonds, walnuts, citrus fruit, berries, apples, bananas, and pineapples. Scorpios should not eat large meals, and the evening meal should be light. Bottled spring water is often better for them to drink than regular tap water.

  In general, Scorpio people need rest and recreation, exercise, and peaceful surroundings. Born under a water sign, they benefit from sea travel, vacations at the seashore, and long soaks in warm baths.

  Scorpio’s Erogenous Zone

  The genitals are everyone’s erogenous zone, but for Scorpio the genitals are where sexual energy is exclusively focused and concentrated. Scorpio starts off with intense sexual feelings, and genital contact adds fuel to the fire. Even a light fingering of Scorpio’s genital area will turn him or her into a volcano of passion.

  There is almost no wrong way to touch and fondle Scorpio’s genitals, unless you are inflicting pain. The following technique of erotic touching is one good way to begin sexual arousal: Using fingertips or fingernails, stroke very lightly starting at one knee, up one thigh across the genitals, and down the other thigh to just short of the other knee. Repeat in the opposite direction, but this time shorten the stroke by a few inches. Continue making each stroke shorter and shorter until you are just inches away from the genitals.

  Since much of the excitement in erotic touching comes from anticipation, any manual or oral stimulation of the genitals should be done very slowly, and you should not always follow through as expected. “Teasing” with your fingertips can spur Scorpio on to the sexual heights.


  Part of the Body Ruled by Sagittarius

  The sign of Sagittarius rules the hips, the thighs, and the liver. In human anatomy the hips and thighs represent locomotion and volition, and it should not be surprising that most Sagittarians are active people who love freedom, fresh air, sunshine, and the great outdoors. Physical activity is a must; they will stagnate and become ill if they don’t get enough exercise.

  Both men and women tend to have long, well-shaped legs. Sagittarians are graceful, coordinated, and well-developed and are often described as having a buoyant walk. Indeed, walking is their
favorite form of relaxation and exercise.

  Though usually lean and slender in their early years, they have a tendency to put on weight as they get older. In Sagittarian women the weight unfortunately seems to settle on the hips and thighs.

  Sagittarians are likely to incur injuries and ailments of the hips and thighs. The upper legs are the first part of the body to tire and weaken when Sagittarians are under strain. They often have chronic aches in the hips and thighs, and are very susceptible to fractures, sprains, and bruising in this area. They are vulnerable to sciatica, gout, hip disease, and sometimes lameness.

  Sagittarius’s ruling planet Jupiter governs the liver. In addition, recent astrologers have traced Jupiter’s influence on the pituitary gland. The pituitary, known as the “master gland,” regulates hormone production and physical growth. Sagittarians tend to have an active, sensitive liver that instantly suffers from overuse of alcohol. They are also susceptible to hepatitis.

  With a minimum amount of care, however, they enjoy long, healthy lives. There are more octogenarians who were born under Sagittarius than under any other sign.

  Diet and Health Tips for Sagittarius

  Proper diet is important for on-the-go Sagittarians. A poor diet heavy in fats, starches, and alcohol places an extra burden on Sagittarius’s sensitive liver and makes it harder for them to sustain a high energy level.

  Sagittarius’s cell salt is silica, which strengthens the nervous system, keeps the connective brain tissue healthy, and prevents numbness in fingers, legs, and feet. Deficiency of this mineral results in lank hair, dull skin, and sores and receding of the gums. Best sources for the silica that Sagittarians need are the skins of fruits and vegetables, raw salads, green peppers, figs, prunes, strawberries, pears, apples, potatoes, oats, the husks of grains, whole-grain cereals, and egg yolk. Foods that particularly do not agree with Sagittarius are fats, gravies, cream, butter, candy, and chocolate. They should go very easy on alcoholic beverages, to avoid damage not only to the liver but also to the skin, which coarsens and ages under the effects of liquor. To keep their weight at optimum level Sagittarians should eat a high-protein diet, with lots of broiled poultry and fish, fresh vegetables and fruit (such as brussels sprouts, beets, tomatoes, asparagus, plums, cherries, oranges, and lemons), eggs, skim milk, yogurt, brown rice, and whole wheat.

  Sagittarius people need constant mental stimulation, which can lead them to overwork and overplay. More than most people, Sagittarians have to have recreation and exercise, but moderation is the keyword. They should avoid the blistering effects of sun and wind, for their skin is apt to be quite thin and tender.

  Other good tips: they should drink lots of pure water, avoid smoking tobacco (which constricts blood vessels), eat four mini-meals a day rather than three large ones, and be careful when walking, riding, or participating in sports. Injuries to the hips and thighs are common among people born under this sign.

  In general, Sagittarians are healthy and optimistic, recuperate quickly from illness, and keep their good looks and sparkling smiles well into old age.

  Sagittarius’s Errogenous Zone

  The hips and thighs are special erotic areas for Sagittarians. They like to be touched and caressed in these places. Both male and female enjoy kisses, nibbles and delicate fingering along the inside of the thighs and around the hips.

  Try giving Sagittarius a rubdown of the upper legs with warm body oil. He or she is sure to find it sexually arousing. Use circular motions on the hips and vertical strokes on the thighs.

  Another erotic massage technique is to begin stroking the outside of Sagittarius’s thighs with four fingers while exploring the inside of the thighs with your thumbs. Stroke upward toward the genitals. Then stroke the inside of the thighs with the palm of your hand. Switch to using fingertips or fingernails and just barely touch the skin. Stroke upward along the inner thigh so that your fingertips touch the thighs and your knuckles brush against the genitals.

  By this time erotic sensations are shooting up the spine of your Sagittarius.


  Part of the Body Ruled by Capricorn

  The sign of Capricorn rules the bones, joints, knees, and teeth. Capricorns are known for their beautiful bone structure and stately carriage. Capricorn women often have a striking angular beauty, especially in their facial bones, which makes them very photogenic. Both men and women have strong constitutions, vigorous and enduring, capable of withstanding stress and illness. Their health seems to get better as they get older. Along with Leo and Sagittarius, Capricorn is noted for its longevity.

  Capricorn’s bones, joints, and knees, however, are vulnerable to accidents, fractures, bumps, bruises, and cuts. The knees tire more easily than other parts of the body. Many Capricorns complain of a bothersome trick knee and of bone aches throughout the body. Chief dangers to Capricorn are rheumatism, arthritis, neuralgia, stiff joints, and orthopedic problems.

  Capricorn’s ruling planet Saturn holds sway over the gallbladder, spleen, bones, skin, and teeth. Capricorns usually have good-looking teeth, but they require a great deal of care and dentistry. The skin tends to be dry and sensitive.

  Capricorn people are inclined to be introspective, moody, and depressed. Ill health and indefinable aches and pains can be brought on by their negative emotions. Worry drains their energy and spirits. Capricorns tend to have trouble with the demon drink.

  Diet and Health Tips for Capricorn

  A diet high in protein and calcium is a must for Capricorn in order to keep the bones, skin, and teeth in prime condition. Capricorns tend to do things in excess. They overwork, skip meals, then eat too much at one time. They should go easy on the highly seasoned and spicy food they are fond of, for it causes intestinal upsets. Gloomy Capricorns often seek solace in alcohol, which they do not handle well.

  Capricorn’s cell salt is calcium phosphate, which is the most important element in bone formation and composition of the skeleton. Lack of calcium phosphate causes rickets, misshapen bones, spinal curvature, tooth disorders, and pains in the joints. Foods rich in this mineral that Capricorns need are oranges, lemons, figs, celery, cabbage, kale, dandelion greens, spinach, broccoli, corn, peas, potatoes, walnuts, almonds, whole wheat, oats, and brown rice. Capricorns should include in their diet every day a fresh raw salad, fresh fruits and vegetables, lean protein, fish, eggs, and whole-grain breads. They need lots of calcium foods, such as cheese, buttermilk, and yogurt. Capricorns tend to get into a rut about food likes and dislikes, and often eat the same things every day. They should try to vary their diet with different vegetables, fruit, meat, and fish.

  They are bothered by dry, itchy skin, especially in wintertime. Oils from apricots, sesame, and almond are soothing and moisturizing, and drinking plenty of water will keep the skin clear and plump. Eating chocolate and refined sugar is bad for Capricorn’s skin. They should never overdo when sunbathing, for their skin will quickly take on the patina of old cracked leather.

  Other tips for Capricorn: They should keep warm and wrapped up in cold, damp weather. If they surround themselves with color, flowers, soothing music, and pleasant people, their mood should lighten. They should strive for good posture, sit up straight, and loosen their gait. Warm baths, moderate exercise, and long walks in the country are very relaxing for Capricorn.

  Capricorn’s Erogenous Zone

  The special erotic area for Capricorn is the knees. Capricorn’s slumbering passions are instantly awakened if you gently brush, stroke, fondle, or kiss the area around the knees.

  Either male or female Capricorn will be sexually stimulated by a sensual massage that starts in the small of the lower back. Use your fingertips or fingernails, and stroke lightly, just touching the skin. Make long strokes from the lower back, down along the buttocks, the backs of the thighs, and on to the backs of the knees. Return the same way, but this time shorten the stroke. Keep shortening your featherlight strokes until they are concentrated around the back of the knees. A variation woul
d be to use your tongue and lips in slow short circles on the skin around the knees.

  The effect on Capricorn is volcanic!


  Part of the Body Ruled by Aquarious

  The sign of Aquarius rules the circulatory system and the shins, calves, and ankles. The lower leg represents active locomotion, and Aquarius people are characterized as progressive and forward-thinking. They are generally strong and healthy, with good coordination, well-shaped legs, and slender ankles. They tend to be very active mentally, more than they are physically, and there is a slight tendency to put on weight if they are not careful. Often their health will take an unexpected sudden turn for the worse, and just as quickly reverse again. Their illnesses come on without apparent reason.

  The lower part of the legs and ankles is an area that is very susceptible for Aquarians. At times, their ankles swell and cause problems. They are prone to varicose veins and cramps in the lower legs. Accidents, cuts, bruises, sprains, and fractures are suffered more frequently on the shins, calves, and ankles than on other parts of the body. They suffer circulatory problems, hardening of the arteries, anemia, and low blood pressure. Cold weather is particularly hard on Aquarians, and they are prone to frostbite.

  Uranus, Aquarius’s ruling planet, governs the circulatory system and the pineal gland. The exact purpose and function of the pineal gland, which is found at the base of the skull, remains unknown. The ancients called it the “seat of the soul,” and thought it was what remained of man’s “third eye.” The sign of Aquarius is associated with the concept of unusual and mystical knowledge.

  Diet and Health Tips for Aquarius

  Aquarians need a healthy diet to maintain vitality and to keep their weight at the perfect level. Aquarius people like to immerse themselves in projects and activities, and that leaves little time for balanced meals. They are inveterate snackers, and often eat the wrong things while on the run.


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