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Temptation (Dungeon Elite Book 1)

Page 5

by Leigh Lennon

  Here are some of the unusual or rash behaviors I’ve let occur. First, I’ve contacted her. Ariel was about to go down on me. Her lips were so close to my dick, I felt her breath, yet I walked away, concerned Eve hadn’t gotten back to the apartment.

  Next, in my abhorrent behavior, I looked up her number. Well, I called Nina to find it on her application, but I initiated contact. Never have I done this.

  Let’s not forget the money I gave her to make sure she’s not left penniless until her first paycheck. Sure, I take care of my subs, but she isn’t one. And I’ve given her money like I care for her needs.

  Next, my fucking texts could be considered almost flirtatious as if she were a school-aged crush.

  And after all this, she’s going to be in the apartment next to me. How do I sleep, knowing her supple tits and the hips I want to be between are on the other side of the wall? Now, instead of thanking Jared, I’m going to kill him.

  Then there’s that last little bit of straw that broke the camel’s back. I’m pursuing her. I want her. I’ve never wanted anyone. Sure, I love pussy, but it’s always available. She’s not simply pussy. She’s the ultimate temptation.

  “Sir,” Nina’s voice comes over my intercom, “I’ve gotten your personal driver to the address you provided.”

  “Great. Thanks, Nina.” What the hell? I’ve said thanks to her more often than I normally do. Is this temptation of mine causing me to change, to be nice? Fuck, I hope not.

  Looking at my watch, I see it’s just shy of three p.m. I’ve not gotten shit done today. I’d had a conference call from my Los Angeles club manager I cancelled on. And I’m about to do the same for the Seattle club, too. But these assholes, two more of my best friends, can suck my dick if they can’t handle shit on their own.

  After sending a text to my buddy in Seattle, I sit back and wait, wait for the girl I might as well admit is my new fascination. My one and only temptation.

  There’s no knock, just an explosion of doors that open with Jared bursting in. “What the hell are you thinking? I know I told you she was great for you but not like this, shithead.”

  A couple of hours ago, I switched to bourbon. The doors are still open, and I stand, my bourbon flying out of my hands as I’m slinging it against the wall of the office. “I’m not sure who the fuck you think you are, but I suggest you shut the door and right fucking now.”

  Turning his back for a second, he closes the double doors, glancing back at me from time to time to make sure I’m not going to sling something at him. There’s so much I won’t tolerate, and at the top of my list is fucking disrespect. Money buys me a lot. I may have grown up with this shit bag friend of mine and may even consider him a brother when I’m not pissed at him, but at the end of the day, I still sign his very huge paychecks.

  “Have you lost your mind?” His hands are erratic, animated, and his face, red with fury. “Just five hours ago, you about had my balls for hiring her. Now, you’re going to what? Claim her? Fuck her? Make her kneel to you? I know I said she’d be a good submissive, but she isn’t an overnight sensation.”

  “First off, don’t mistake our friendship for the ability to have a say in who I fuck or what I do. And to answer your question, I sure as fuck want to claim her, fuck her, and make her kneel to me.”

  He looks down, his fingers pinching his forehead. “She’s not like us, Chad. I sure hope you know what you’re doing. We don’t fuck up girls who don’t know what they are getting into, you ass hat prick.”

  I sit, summoning calmness to surround me. “First off, I never force myself on anyone, so back at you, prick face. I don’t know what it is about this girl, but I want her.”

  Slamming his fists on my desk, he shouts at me. “It’s because you can’t have her! It’s why you want her without giving this girl a chance to understand us more.”

  He may be right. There’s no denying it, so I don’t.

  She’s in her new apartment, a small one-bedroom when I walk in with Nina and Todd Teely. All her mismatched luggage is in the small entryway, and she looks uncomfortable as fuck sitting on the plush purple velvet couch.

  “Kitten,” I begin, and she stiffens more at the name. I make a mental note to continue with this term of endearment. Fuck, am I doing this because I want her to be comfortable with me or to further my plan? The latter is fine. The first is not my style at all. But I keep these thoughts at bay and continue. “I have the contracts, and Mr. Teely will explain them.”

  With Nina next to Eve and Todd adjacent from the ladies with contracts in hand, I stand, watching it all.

  “Now, Ms. Lipton, all your other contracts are still valid. You’ll work during your scheduled hours. In addition, you’ll escort Mr. Westbrook to the dungeon three days a week. You’ll have meals with him if you are not working. The same applies as before; if he’s not here, you won’t be here.” She begins to object. “You’ll accompany him off site and on any business trips. If after thirty days from tomorrow, you don’t want to be trained in the ways of his lifestyle, you’ll say good-bye to him and be on your way with the agreed upon amount. If you do decide you want to be trained by him, you two will negotiate a new contract, and the money will be rescinded.”

  She leans forward, still in her ridiculously small dress with her boobs ready to surprise me and Todd. The thought of him getting a look at them before me has me wanting to shove this man out of her way. Is his dick as hard as mine from the thought of her tits?

  Fuck, what’s wrong with me? I’ve never been territorial.

  I’m in her room, in the threshold of the doorway, watching her unpack. She knows I’m here, staring at her ample ass and all the riffraff she’s pulling from her luggage. “Ms. Lipton?”

  She turns to me and smiles hesitantly. “Yes, Sir?” Her speech is forced, but she greets me the way I’ve instructed.

  “You might as well throw away anything you aren’t attached to. I have standards. You won’t be walking around the club in this stuff.” I honestly don’t care if she’s upset by my statement, and when she throws up her hands and turns on her heels, it’s obvious I’ve hit a nerve. But I thought I’d backpedal. “Look, Eve.” She softens from the stiff exterior she has showcased when I basically called all her shit—well—shit. “I know you’ve done what you could for yourself, but there are standards here.”

  Continuing to hang up her dresses in the closet, she turns for a brief second. “You’re already paying me a hundred big ones, Sir. I won’t have you wasting your money on me.”

  I’m smug, and I sport a self-righteous as fuck smile on my face. “Listen, Kitten, and listen good. Here’s the thing—a hundred thousand to me is like a hundred dollars to you. It’s no skin off my back to buy you clothes, especially when I know what I want to see you in. And furthermore, you aren’t winning a hundred big ones when I’m done with you.”

  I turn to leave before her mouth or the pouty look on her face make it impossible to ignore. Sure, I could spank her—her fucking attitude has earned it—but shit, I don’t want to scare her. And as the sky is blue, she’ll be mine.

  Chapter Nine


  He has the audacity to insult my clothing, then taunts me with his humongous ego along with the fact he’ll win this little bet of his. Well, fuck him and his ego the size of Asia.

  I don’t get a minute of reprieve from the asshole when he’s placing something sleek and black next to the end table in this apartment I’ll call home for the next month—and not a fucking day longer. He had told me he was leaving when his presence startles me, and I jump, only to see there’s a new cell phone for me. “I have my number programmed in it. Unless you are working, you are to answer me within five minutes, and that’s pushing it, Kitten.”

  “Could you please not call me this,” I almost yell, and then finish my sentence, “please, Sir.”

  “Oh, you’re cute. Haven’t we established I call people whatever the fuck I want to? Believe me, by the time I’m done with you, I’l
l have you purring for me.”

  I signed up for this, so all I can do is grin and bear it. I smile and take the phone from the end table, admiring its beauty. “You and Taya will be shopping tomorrow. You can get a case for it then. But tonight, we’ll have dinner together and you’ll accompany me down to the club.”

  “What would you like me to wear, Sir?” I ask and hope it’s not the catsuit.

  “Ah…” His arrogance never leaves his handsome face. “Look at you, Kitten, already learning. I have something on the way that you can wear both upstairs at dinner and downstairs during our first night in the dungeon. It’s going to knock my socks off. You’ll be begging for me, for my cock, and you’ll be giving me your heart.”

  Tilting my head to the side, I give a curt reply. “You don’t seem like the heart giving type, Sir?”

  “No, you’re right, but it won’t stop you from giving it to me anyway.”

  “We’ll see about that, Sir.” Again, my pitch shows him a little about my self-confidence.

  “We will, won’t we, Kitten?”

  He’d left me to the chore of unpacking. He hasn’t left the apartment—I could sense his presence which is just as big as his ego. The man, the fine as fuck asshole, has already gotten in my head. I may be thinking crazy thoughts of how his weapon could fill me, especially having experienced a dry spell as of late.

  I’m no prude, and I love sex. More so, I love being fucked with no strings attached. But this man would eat me alive and spit me out when he’s done.

  Just the name Kitten— which I secretly love but will not give him the satisfaction of knowing this—makes the cotton of my panties wet. I’ll need to change them. Just then, his low, gravelly voice permeates the apartment. “Ah, Kitten. Taya is coming by with your dress for tonight. I’ll have to see it to approve.”

  It was a comment, and my tone will betray me if I were to speak. Footsteps can be heard on the hard woods of the apartment, and I’m greeted with a light smack on my ass. Turning around, his white vibrant grin has my panties melting, but my anger burning as if I’m on fire.

  “Um, excuse me, what the fuck are you doing?” My question has him smiling.

  A chair is at the entrance of the bedroom, and he sits down, slowly, his arms over his head intertwined. “Now, Kitten, why did you have to go and do that? Swearing on top of not answering me.”

  “First off, Sir, what you said to me was a statement, so I didn’t think it needed an answer, and second, you fucking smacked my ass. You smack it for punishment. Smacking it to cop a fucking feel is not a punishment.”

  He moves his neck from side to side, working out the kinks. Let him work out his kinks on his neck and not on my ass.

  “Kitten, you just swore three times. Now, I have not wanted to spank you, not until you saw your first scene in the club, but fuck, I can’t let this slide. Now, come here, and I’ll use my hand.”

  “Fuck you! I did nothing wrong. If I do something wrong, then I’ll submit.” I prop my hands on my waist, standing my ground. If this asshole thinks I’ll give in, he has another fucking thing coming.

  “Oh, Kitten, you’ll be fun.” He stands to leave the room, then turns back for a brief second. “I’ll never force you, Kitten, but you’ll regret this.” Turning right, I hear the front door lock behind him.

  Seven o’clock rolls around and I’ve yet to hear from Taya on my clothes for the night. Nor have I heard from that asshole. I’ve not eaten today and am aware of it as my stomach starts to verbally complain. In the contract I signed, I’d agreed I could not wander around the club without Chadwick. But fuck, I’ve moved past hungry to hangry.

  Picking up my new phone, I change the name he programmed in for me, Kitten’s Dom, to the hot asshole who wants to spank me. With my hand hovering over the text message, I quickly type.

  Me: Sir, I’m hungry. Are you going to pick me up for dinner soon?

  Ten minutes go by, then twenty minutes, and I get a little more hangry over not eating all day. In desperation, I text Kira.

  Me: Kira, I’m in the club and am stuck in my room.

  In a minute, I have a lonely chirp letting me know someone is finally responding.

  Kira: Yeah, you should have let him discipline you.

  It’s all I get from Kira, and I realize this is my punishment. I sit down at the television to work the remote Taya said had tons of channels. The smart TV has a message for me.

  Kitten, you should have taken your punishment.

  Fuck this man! I’m about to break the fucking rule when a light tap alerts me to someone at my door. Opening it, I’m about to give Chadwick hell, but I find a server with room service instead. With my food covered with the fancy silver tops that I imagine seeing in an expensive restaurant, the gentleman wheels it into my room without a word and leaves it in front of my television.

  A note sits on the table. Opening it slowly, I pull out the small little piece of paper with a handwritten message.


  This is not how I envisioned our first night together. But you disobeyed me a couple of times. I can’t reward someone with a trip to my dungeon when you act like a brat. Of course, you’re not a prisoner. You can leave at any time, but the job and the contract would be null and void. I won’t ever deny you your basic needs, so here is dinner. When you’re ready to accept your discipline, simply text me—ready for my spanking. Have a fun night, Kitten.

  C. W.

  I’m so fucking hungry that I pull back the sterling silver tray top to a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, cottage cheese, an orange, a bottle of water, and a cup of apple juice.

  My pulse quickens, looking at my basic needs on the tray. I’m left to remember how I’d eaten this type of sandwich for years because my dad’s alcohol came before groceries. It’s just not disgusting, which it is, but it’s a reminder of my childhood I’d rather forget. Picking up my phone, I must have typed ten different messages, but then delete them right away without sending. Instead, I decide to tackle his dinner choice with a little tact.

  Me: What in the world? I’m not six. You can’t call PB&J a suitable dinner.

  My phone pings right away.

  The hot asshole who wants to spank me: Are you ready for your spanking?

  I sit down with my dinner, a fucking kindergarten lunch, and start to eat it as I cry.

  Chapter Ten


  I’m downstairs in my dungeon, chatting with Nina’s new Dom. The guy is an older version of myself, and I like him instantly. “I love the name Nina,” he replies, and we have quite the laugh over me switching her name just that easy.

  My phone vibrates, and I’d been careful with replying to my temptation—my fruit I want to pluck from the tree of knowledge of good and evil and devour.

  My Kitten: What in the world? I’m not six. You can’t call PB&J a suitable dinner.

  Through the music playing, Jared hears me chuckle out loud. I’ve never thought taming her would be easy but could still be fun.

  “Is she giving you hell?” Jared asks.

  “Ah, it’s just different. She has a submissive nature, though. She just doesn’t know it yet.” I grab my phone and start to type as that fucker Jared laughs next to me.

  Me: Are you ready for your spanking?

  Radio silence for the next couple of hours doesn’t bode well with me, especially after her out and out disobedience.

  The scene on the main stage is nothing compared to the thoughts rattling around in my head of my kitten upstairs, and how I’d like to put a ball gag in her mouth, bind her like the person on the stage, and tickle her to heighten her senses like the Dom is doing with his submissive in front of me. Fuck, I’ve never wanted a woman like I want her.

  I can’t hold on another second without checking in on my kitten. Turning to Jared, I lean in toward his ear. “I’m done for the night. You’re in control.”

  I run a tight ship. All subs are treated with respect. If within the club, a sub ever needs protec
tion, we offer it and ask questions later. I’m a big proponent for every submissive. So many dominants do not know how to train a sub properly, and for this reason, I bring submissives into the club under our protection—Jared’s, mine, and the dungeon master.

  Taking the back stairway to the private suites and the secret passage to my personal and office spaces, I find myself in front of Eve’s room. I knock lightly, seeing the time is eleven p.m. When she doesn’t answer, I let myself in with my key. Walking into the apartment hallway past the door that leads to her bedroom, I look in, and the bed is empty. Moving down the hallway, I find her cuddled up on the couch.

  Sitting across from her on the coffee table, I gently caress her shoulders. “Kitten, wake up, sweetheart.” Fuck, sweetheart? Have I lost my ever-loving mind?

  With the chocolates of her eyes opening a little, it takes her a second to adjust to the lamp light. “Kitten, I wanted to check on you.” Fuck, her eyes are swollen. She’s been crying. I’ve never cared if I made a woman cry, so why does my heart ache to hold her?

  “Kitten, have you been crying?”

  She stretches her arms above her head and sniffles a little. “Yeah, yes, Sir.”

  I know she isn’t doing it out of obedience, but she’s still her mouthy little self, and it makes my cock ache for a physical touch by her and just not any warm body.

  “Kitten, why are you crying?” I know the answer has a lot to do with me banning her from dinner and all I’d promised. Even checking out the club, I had seen a little glitter of excitement in her expression, though she had tried to hide it.


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