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Lessons From the Heart

Page 7

by Rachel Skatvold

  As they started to walk back into the gym for one last trip, she noticed Toby’s demeanor had changed. She stopped just outside the door and took his hand. “Is everything all right?”

  Toby sighed took off his cowboy hat. “It’s just hard without Cami here. She used to run a little petting zoo during the festival. I already knew she didn’t feel up to it ahead of time, but it just hit me I guess.”

  “I’m sorry, Toby. I know she’d be here if she could. I wish there was something I could do.”

  He looked down at the pavement and curled the brim of his hat. “You’ve already done so much, for my family, Lexie. This is something only God can help with.”

  “God’s going to heal her. I know it.”

  Toby nodded and she saw him wipe a tear off his cheek. “I believe that, too, but with all the medical bills, I’m not sure how we can keep the farm open. We’re already in debt and now with Cami’s hospital stay and a shortage of workers in the store, it doesn’t look good. My dad showed me the budget this morning and said we may not be able to open next season if things don’t improve soon. I don’t….I don’t know what to do. Then there’s Jonah to think about and…” his voice dissolved into heartbreaking sobs.

  Instead of offering more words of encouragement or advice, Lexie wrapped her arms around Toby and let him cry. It shattered her heart, witnessing a strong cowboy breakdown, but she knew he needed to let it all out. Cami had been right. Toby needed someone to be there for him and she was thankful to be that person.

  After a while, Toby composed himself and they went inside to gather the last decorations. When they were finished, the refreshments group told them there were some leftover pies and cookies in the kitchen they could take home if they wanted.

  Lexie looked over the treats, reading the names on the tin containers from those who’d donated them. A few of the names caught her attention right away. Charlotte Morgan had made a delicious strawberry cheesecake and Laina Gaines made some wonderful chocolate chip cookies—both ladies who went to their church. All at once, Lexie had a plan to help keep the Campbell Farm open.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Toby woke up early on Saturday and read his morning devotion. The scripture was from Lamentations 3:22-23. “The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.”

  Peace washed over him, thinking over the verse God had given him. It was a reminder of all He had done for him and his family in the past and a promise for the future.

  “Thank you, God,” he prayed. “Thank you for reminding me your mercies are new each morning.”

  After preparing for the day and eating breakfast with Jonah, they went right to work. Toby tackled his morning chores with more gusto than usual. He knew somehow God would take care of his family, but in the meantime, he would keep pushing forward and working hard.

  Around lunch time, Toby headed back up from the fields to grab a quick bite to eat. As he neared the country store, he noticed more people coming in and out than usual the past few weeks, since they were low on baked goods. When he made it inside, he noticed Lexie behind the counter, helping people with their orders. Then he saw Charlotte and Emma Morgan, Laina Gaines and a few other ladies from church working behind her.

  Lexie grinned when she saw him approaching. “I hope you don’t mind, but I called in some reinforcements. The ladies from church volunteered to rotate here for a few hours in the kitchen every weekend and afternoons until the big rush is over.”

  Charlotte looked up from the bowl of dough she was mixing, pushing it in front of her daughter to have a turn. “We were trying to think of a way to help, so when Lexie called us this morning with her idea, we came as soon as we could.”

  Toby gulped down his emotions and smiled at her. “Thank you. This will mean so much to my family. We’ll pay you for your effort when we can.”

  “You’ll do no such thing,” Laina said from beside Charlotte. “Think of this as a gift. Your family has always been so generous to everyone. It’s the least we can do to chip in when your family needs help. You’re a part of our church family. Families help each other, don’t they?”

  A smile spread across his face. “Yes, you’re right. They do.”

  Over the next month, Lexie was thankful to see so many church members step up to help the Campbell family. In addition to donating their time and resources, they also took up love offerings and asked sister churches in the area to do the same. So many people knew the Campbell family from visiting the farm and because of Cami’s animal rescue. As the news spread about her illness and the family’s hardships, other people began donating.

  At a lull in the activity on Saturday afternoon, Lexie stepped away from the counter to answer a text from her friend, Holly.

  Hey, I’m in Lander, Wyoming. (Central part of the state…) Just wanted you to know I landed a job for the local newspaper. I left Ohio a few days ago and am excited about my new adventures. Don’t worry, I didn’t tell Cole anything and haven’t seen him around in ages. For now, I’ll be staying at The Sweetwater Ranch for a while.

  Lexie’s heart skipped a beat and she paused for a few a while before sending a reply. You’re in Wyoming? What a fun surprise! Congrats on your new job. I landed one, too as an art teacher in a small town. Maybe I can visit when I’m sure it’s safe.

  That’s great! Keep in touch. I’m worried about you.

  She smiled. It was nice having someone who cared about her. I’m fine. Don’t worry.

  Lexie put her phone away and tried to catch her breath. She’d tried to sound enthusiastic about Holly’s arrival in Wyoming. It was wonderful to know she had a friend nearby and missed her like crazy, but the thought of Cole following Holly to Wyoming filled her with fear.

  She peered out the store window, catching a glimpse of Toby returning from clearing one of the fields for the next season. She smiled and her shoulders relaxed, watching him approach. Even with the extra money rolling in, Toby continued working as hard as before. Still, it was a beautiful sight to witness the hope in Toby’s eyes return, knowing the farm would survive the difficult season.

  She still hadn’t managed to find a time to tell him her secret about Cole, but kept telling herself someday she would find the words and the right time. However, as Thanksgiving approached, the time never seemed to come.

  Toby entered the store rubbing his hands together and blowing on them. “Wow, it sure has turned cold all of a sudden. I think winter is comin’ early this year. We have lots to do before then.”

  Lexie grinned and handed him a cup of steaming coffee. “I bet the winters are savage up here.”

  He nodded after taking a sip of his coffee. “Yeah, you could say that. After the fields are cleared, I have to work on winter proofing the chicken coop and the barn. The animals do fine in the cold, but I’ll have to prevent drafts and make sure to clean out the old straw and put new in. It’s the drafts and humidity that cause the problems.”

  She reached for his free hand and gave him a gentle smile. “All those things are well and good, but you should go see your sister first. If winter is coming sooner than usual, traveling will become more difficult. Trevor Morgan and Austin Gaines offered to come help. They could work on the winterizing while you’re gone.”

  Toby sighed and leaned against the counter. “I don’t like asking people to do my work for me.”

  “I know you don’t, but exceptions have to be made sometimes. Your sister needs to see you before the holidays and you need to see her. I know it hurts you to be so far away from her. Take Jonah along with you. I’m sure he misses his mom.”

  Toby pulled Lexie closer and kissed her forehead. “You know me too well, Miss Donoghue. I’ll take Jonah with me tomorrow. Want to come with us?”

  Lexie shook her head. “I wish I could. I still have to sort out and record all the grades for this quarter. I’m not as organized as the PE teacher who already has that taken care of. I’ve been m
eaning to tell him to stop showing off.”

  He chuckled at her sarcastic remark. “All right, well you head on home early and get started on it. I’ll see you Monday at work.”

  She nodded and took off her apron before standing on her tip-toes to give him a kiss. “See you soon.” Lexie headed out the front entrance and back to her car with a smile, but it soon faded. It was like living a lie, keeping part of her past from him, but what other choice did she have at the moment? He was so busy and didn’t have room on his plate for any of her problems from the past. Maybe after Thanksgiving when things calmed down, but for now she would keep it to herself.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Toby woke Jonah up and left for Cheyenne in the early morning hours before the sunrise. His nephew slept most of the way and they arrived at the hospital at around eight o’clock. They planned on watching a sermon on TV with Cami and his mother since he’d miss church back home.

  He bought some flowers for his sister in the gift shop and then headed up to her room on the fifth floor in the cardio wing. She’d been out of the ICU for several weeks, but her doctors still wanted to keep a close eye on her condition.

  When they walked into his sister’s room, he hugged her and then turned, surprised to be greeted by Levi. After a few minutes of small talk, they left Jonah to spend some alone time with his mom and headed down to the cafeteria to buy some breakfast.

  “I wasn’t expecting you here this morning.”

  Levi smiled as he wheeled over to the table with his tray of food. “I came up yesterday afternoon. Figured it would give your mom a break. She slept at the hotel and I told her to get breakfast for herself at a restaurant this morning.” He paused and sprinkled some salt on his scrambled eggs. “Hospital food is okay, but you get tired of it after a while. Believe me, I know.”

  He grinned and patted his friend’s shoulder. “Thanks, pal. I know both Cami and my mom appreciated your visit.”

  “It’s the least I can do. You can’t be everywhere at once.”

  Toby nodded as guilt swept over him. “I’m sorry if I was too hard on you after Cami’s collapse. I was exhausted with little sleep and worried about my sister. I didn’t mean to take it out on you. Especially when my actions caused you to lose Cami in the first place.”

  Levi sighed and shook his head. “There is no need to apologize, pal. Everything you said was completely true. All these years I’ve been neglecting the friendship I had with Cami to avoid past hurts. Yesterday I made it right.”

  “I’m glad.”

  His friend nodded. “Me too. Now I just need to make things right with my best friend.”

  Toby furrowed his brow. “Do you mean me? If anyone should be apologizing it should be me.”

  “That’s just it, pal. You’ve apologized enough for the accident and I’ve forgiven you enough. You were not responsible for me losing Cami. After the accident, I pushed her away. That’s the simple and honest truth. You can release yourself from the burden of guilt. It’s over and done with.”

  Toby hung his head and gulped hard to keep his composure. Everything his friend said was completely true. He’d been carrying around the burden for so many years and the guilt had continued to grow until it became a large boulder pushing him into the ground. Now with Levi’s kind words of reassurance, it had lifted. “Thank you,” he said, finally looking up with tears clouding his eyes. “I couldn’t ask for a better friend and brother.”

  Levi patted his shoulder, managing a shaky smile of his own. “Neither could I.”

  When Toby and Levi made it back up to Cami’s room half an hour later, his mom had returned and everyone was in a joyful mood.

  “Well, what’s all this about? Were you all throwing a party while we were gone?”

  Cami nodded, her face glowing and happy. “Yes, the doctor just left. He said the medication is working. If all goes well in the next few days I can come home for Thanksgiving!

  Chapter Seventeen

  Thanksgiving Day arrived in a flurry of excitement. Lexie came to the farm early to help with all the preparations for the big feast. Toby’s mom and sister had arrived back home the night before and were both exhausted, so she volunteered to help Toby make the turkey and stuffing. The other family members, including Levi, were in charge of the side dishes later in the afternoon.

  The house buzzed with excitement and Lexie’s heart swelled with love for the wonderful family who’d adopted her as one of their own. With her dad and grandparents passing away before she reached adulthood, it had been a long time since Lexie celebrated Thanksgiving. She sometimes spent it with Holly, but most of the time she ate a turkey and stuffing microwave dinner by herself while watching the Thanksgiving Day Parade on TV.

  Today was different though. She felt like she’d finally found a family to spend special times with. They had much to be thankful for with Cami home from the hospital and the farm saved from having to shut down. God had truly blessed them.

  Alone with Toby in the kitchen, Lexie stared at the turkey in front of her with wide eyes. “I have absolutely no idea how to begin preparing something like this.”

  Toby chuckled beside her. “Don’t worry. I’ll help you. Cami says I can’t cook, but she just means not as good as her. I have been known to burn pies every once in a while, but I can cook a turkey.” She chuckled as he went on. “It’s really not that difficult once you get the hang of it. Let’s start on the stuffing first.” He handed her a bundle of celery and an onion. “Here, you can start out by chopping these up and putting them in the skillet with some butter.”

  Lexie did as he asked and then they worked together to tear up the bread. Within about an hour, they had the stuffing made and in the turkey. Then they put it in a basting bag and loaded it into the oven.”

  Toby smiled after shutting the oven door. “There! That’s all there is to it.”

  She chuckled at his enthusiasm. “Oh, you’re one of those people who actually enjoys cooking?”

  He raised a playful eyebrow at her. “And what’s wrong with that?”

  “Nothing at all.” She moved closer and allowed him to wrap his arms around her waist. “I love that about you, Tobias Campbell.”

  “And I love you, Alexandra Donoghue.”

  She stared into his cerulean eyes, heart pounding. “You love me?”

  He smiled and tucked some loose strands of hair behind her ear. “Yes, I think I’ve known for a while now, but couldn’t put it into words.”

  She wiped away a few happy tears, hearing the wonderful words again. “I love you, too.”

  He pulled Lexie closer and kissed her lips, causing goosebumps to rise up on her arms. She let out a contented sigh and kissed him back. She’d never met anyone who made her feel so cherished and safe.

  A clanging noise caused them both to jump and they turned to see Toby’s dad reaching down to retrieve a pan from the floor. “Sorry, don’t mind me.” He hurried out of the kitchen almost as quickly as he had appeared.

  Lexie struggled to conceal their laughter while hiding her crimson face against Toby’s shirt. “Well, that was awkward.”

  Toby chuckled and kissed her forehead. “Welcome to living in a big family. I’m afraid there’s not much privacy, but we all love each other.”

  She laughed even harder while continuing to hold onto Toby’s waist. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  After dinner, Toby cuddled with Lexie on the loveseat watching old movies with his family. After all the turkey and other traditional side dishes they had indulged in, it was all they felt like doing. His eyes traveled around the room to each precious member of his family and silently thanked God for every one of them. He knew Thanksgiving could have been a sorrowful one instead of joyous, but God blessed them instead.

  Cami caught his eye from the recliner and giggled softly to herself. “I knew you two were meant to be from the very beginning. You tried to fight it, but look where that got you.”

  Toby chuckled and held Lexie’s
hand. “Yeah, I never thought the woman of my dreams would show up at the farm and home store, chasing a runaway cart of flowers.” He gazed down at Lexie who shook her head in amusement. “I guess God works in mysterious ways.”

  “I couldn’t have said it better. Although I do wish you would have allowed me to pay for that dent in your truck.”

  “Oh, don’t worry about it. Levi took care of that for me, didn’t you, pal.”

  His friend perked up from across the room and grinned at Lexie. “Yep, I sure did. But if you want to keep running carts into cars in the future, I’d appreciate the extra business.” Everyone in the room laughed at his joke including Lexie. After so much stress the past weeks it felt wonderful to share a lighthearted laugh with family.

  While everyone was still laughing and carrying on with more jokes, Lexie’s phone buzzed. She pulled it out and tilted the screen away from him. Her body became rigid before she moved away from him. “I’m sorry, I have to make a quick call. I’ll be right back.”

  Toby studied her wide blue eyes and furrowed his brow. “Is something wrong?”

  Lexie shook her head, forcing a smile. “No, everything’s fine. I’ll be right back. Save me a slice of apple pie if you cut into it while I’m gone.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Lexie’s heart drummed out a staccato rhythm as she stepped outside with her phone. Once walking a safe distance from the house and sitting under the shelter of the gazebo, she re-read the text from her friend, Holly.

  Cole is in Wyoming. Please call me ASAP!

  The bitter cold wind cut right through her sweater and Lexie’s hands shook so hard, she could barely scroll down in the contacts to find Holly’s number. When she managed to call, the phone picked up after only one ring.


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