White Wings Run Red

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White Wings Run Red Page 2

by Jacob Thompson


  Soul searching for peace,

  From shades of my past,

  Looking for love and hope,

  A joy that would last.

  Cutting flesh and bone,

  Never pierced so deep,

  As I lay my head down,

  For the eternal sleep.


  They believe me

  Void of emotion

  Yet deep inside

  There wells a fountain

  Deeper than

  The sky above

  Overflowing with

  Unconditional love

  To and fro

  It gently sways

  Against the walls

  This melody plays

  “Overwhelming joy,

  To you I’ll bring,

  Yet sweetness is tempered

  In the end with pain.”

  Without hesitation

  I seal my fate

  Numbness spreads

  As I walk away.

  Fountain of Blood

  Perfectly manicured,

  A house, a car, a girl.

  Yet no joy is found,

  In this spotless world.

  Living this life,

  Simply to live,

  Count down the days,

  Breath by breath.

  Painted smile hides,

  What cannot be seen.

  Sorrow and misery,

  Everlasting pain.

  A blackened heart,

  A wretched soul,

  One twisted with rage,

  Other, shattered and cold.

  Listen to the voices,

  Echoing in your head,

  Urging ever onward,

  Leading to the edge.

  “Surrender to my darkness,

  I will wrap you in love.

  End this perpetual suffering,

  With a fountain of blood.”

  Friendly Fire

  Your painted smile

  Of hope and joy

  Hides the fact

  You’re a broken toy.

  Crimson lines drawn

  In blackened sand

  Flow freely from

  Your open hand.

  The light is fading

  Heart grows numb

  Imps begin to feast

  Upon flesh and bone.

  Demons rejoice

  While angels cry

  Another soul is lost

  To friendly fire.


  The mirror of souls,

  Shines forth its light,

  Turning heart to stone,

  And blood to ice.

  Obscuring the truth,

  Upholding the lies,

  Extinguishing the flame,

  Hidden deep inside.

  Time ticks by,

  A moment passed,

  Guilt overwhelms me,

  For choosing this path.

  Red mars the purity,

  Of an innocence gone,

  Desecrated and broken,

  I weep alone.

  The mirror has shattered,

  Yet the image remains,

  As tears fall to the ground,

  About your shallow grave.

  Imprisoning Insanity

  Grey eyes drift shut,

  Seeking release from this dream,

  Red streaks white,

  Life's essence flowing freely.

  Sun shines brighter,

  Than ever it has before,

  Anticipation grows rapidly,

  Approaching the threshold.

  A glimpse of your smile,

  Yearning for your embrace,

  Yet hands find only emptiness,

  As you fade away.

  Screaming in silence,

  Struggling in vain,

  Insanity imprisoning the mind,

  The nightmare has reclaimed.

  My Litany

  On broken hands

  And bloody knees

  For peace I ask

  And succor I seek.

  Resist the sound

  Of siren’s call

  Whispering sweetly

  ‘Even angels fall’.

  With a weary heart

  I walk the trail

  Every step a litany

  ‘I will not fail.’


  Simple word.

  Complex feeling,

  Tossed around,

  Without true meaning.

  I love my cat,

  I love my dog.

  I loved the girl,

  I met at the mall.

  Fueled by laughter,

  Watered by tears.

  Inside my soul,

  There grew a fear.

  She had gotten

  Too close to me

  Seeing that which

  Should not be seen.

  Neither shades of doubt,

  Nor echoes of pain,

  My heart, from her,

  Could persuade.

  A subtle whisper

  A warm embrace

  Three little words

  My lips escaped.

  Opened my eyes,

  To the light of day,

  As I felt her kiss,

  Slowly fade away.

  Horns of Red

  The halo rests,

  Above my head.

  Innocence belied,

  By horns of red.

  White feathers fall,

  Off leathery wings.

  While tears cascade,

  And joy does flee.

  A single moment,

  I cannot change.

  Life bleeding out,

  Only death remains.

  Questions and Answers

  Time has stopped,

  I am not dreaming,

  My white sheets,

  The color is staining,

  I cannot speak,

  Someone is screaming,

  Color turns to gray,

  Vision quickly fading,

  Voices call to me,

  Asking and pleading,

  Questions tossed about,

  Answers they are seeking.

  Signs they had seen,

  Yet did not believe.

  Too late the revelation,

  They never truly knew me.


  Hear the wail,

  In the night,

  Of love gone,

  Endless strife.

  Demons dance,

  While angels sing,

  Evil bodies sway,

  Heaven’s chorus rings.

  The moment is here,

  The time is now,

  Answers I seek,

  Never to be found.

  Time stands still,

  The angels hush,

  Even demons of hell,

  Reign in their lust.

  The love I felt,

  I cannot describe,

  She took my heart,

  She gave me life.

  Like a phoenix,

  Born of flame,

  She lifted me up,

  Turned night to day.

  Now here I kneel,

  A moment too late,

  As crimson blood spills,

  From her open veins.


  The dream fades quickly,

  As daylight creeps nearer,

  The fog rapidly departing,

  My view becoming clearer.

  I meet these cold eyes,

  Blackened, dull, and lifeless,

  Their flame of hope snuffed out,

  Becoming gateways to the abyss.

  Wrapped in their embrace,

  They draw me deep within,

  Struggling desperately to escape,

  Yet this fight I cannot win.

  Trapped forever to rail in silence,

  Mocked by what could be,

  Destroy the remnants of my soul,

  As I surrender to this reality.

  Edge of Dreams

  This riotous livi

  Escape from reality,

  Feeding the hate,

  Growing inside of me.

  Seeping insanity,

  Taking control,

  Losing my mind,

  Stealing my soul.

  At the edges of dreams,

  Demons chip away,

  Twisting the visions,

  Into death and decay.

  Smile through sorrow,

  Laugh at the pain,

  Sharpen the knife,

  And pierce the vein.

  Bleak Winds

  I walk this world,

  Of heartache and sin,

  Eyes closed to the sun,

  Rage festering within.


  The new moon dawns,

  Illuminating my pain,

  The dark night's sun,

  Exposing my hate.


  My soul cries softly,

  Into life's bleak wind,

  "Take from me this darkness.

  Let it never return again."


  Resting in peace,

  Is it even possible?

  This simple request,

  Seems quite reasonable.

  After living a life,

  Of lies and deceit,

  Drowning young souls,

  Destroying their dreams.

  Basking in the light,

  Of darkened halls,

  Drinking the blood,

  Of innocent ones.

  Yet plead for mercy,

  From Death’s cold hand,

  As time draws nigh,

  To leave this broken land


  Head in my left,

  .45 in my right,

  Finger on the trigger,

  Threatening endless night.

  No more pain,

  No more sorrow,

  No more caring,

  What comes tomorrow.

  Spun the wheel,

  Shut my eyes,

  Just five chances,

  To stay alive.

  Lurking Eyes

  Overbearing hate,

  Undermining deceit,

  The lurking eyes,

  Always staring at me.

  Demons rending flesh,

  Tear into my mind,

  Imps brandishing flames,

  Searing my eyes.

  My soul cries out,

  Sanity slipping away,

  Guardian Angel screams,

  Red, are white wings stained.

  Shadows of war,

  Abolishing the light,

  Bringing darkness to all,

  A never ending night.

  So I hide away,

  The truth of my soul,

  Huddling in silence,

  As my name the demons call.


  I will seek you

  At the edge of the land

  At the beginning of the sea

  Under a canopy of stars

  I will find you

  In the rush of the tide

  In the caress of the wind

  In the colors of the sunset

  I will know again

  The love once shared

  The joy lost long ago

  The peace my soul longs for.


  Smoke and mirrors,

  Confound the heart,

  As a single word,

  Tears worlds apart.

  Lost upon the wind,

  Broken beyond repair,

  Wandering the wasteland,

  Of regret and despair.

  Mourning wasted moments,

  I search in vain,

  For the touch of the one,

  That can free me of this pain

  Heart of Sorrow

  I lost my passion,

  I lost my drive,

  I lost the joy,

  I had inside.

  Now I care not,

  What comes tomorrow,

  No love, no joy, no happiness,

  Mends this heart of sorrow.


  Blinding rage,

  The embers heat,

  Violent hate,

  Building steam.

  A spark ignites,

  Chaos reigns,

  Worlds explode,

  Bathed in flame.



  Screaming out,

  "What the fuck?"

  Where’s it end?

  Who’s to blame?

  Our field of white,

  With red is stained.

  New Endings

  Pain overcomes shock,

  Cutting to the bone,

  This, the deepest

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