White Wings Run Red

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White Wings Run Red Page 3

by Jacob Thompson


  I have ever known,

  I took a chance,

  Let her inside,

  Sunk in her roots,

  Ripped up my life,

  Heart now is stone,

  Veins flow with ice,

  No thought of remorse,

  As I end this life.


  Trapped in a prison

  No bars on the door

  Just silence in the air

  And blood on the floor.

  If I could just stand

  I could walk right out

  Yet, misery and despair

  My strings have cut.

  Tears of Shame

  The padded halls

  Whisper of pain

  Hands tightly knit

  Head bowed to pray.

  Noose is secured

  Around my soul

  Kick out the chair

  And let me fall.

  Demons of flesh

  Angels of stone

  With a drop of blood

  Snuff out the sun.

  Beg for forgiveness

  With tears of shame

  As I am carried forth

  Past your open grave.

  The Pied Piper

  Who is this man standing before them?

  "Come to me, little people, come gather 'bout"

  No name is given of the man so bold.

  Slowly they draw closer, warily they gather round.

  Random words begin spilling from his lips,

  Forming verses flowing into beautiful, melodic song.

  "Follow me to hope. Follow me to love.

  Follow me and together we'll right the old wrongs."

  Appeased masses swaying to the sound,

  Begin giving in to the rhythm of the beat,

  Minds trapped in their perpetual bliss,

  Follow blindly where the Pied Piper leads.

  The Spark of Life

  The spark was there

  When I was a boy

  It vanished in the air

  Taking away my joy

  Only one place

  Do I feel at peace

  Standing at a tomb

  The wind in the trees

  It is so quiet

  Near the grave

  Away from the riot

  Of the day to day

  I feel death's touch

  All around

  And try not to rush

  To be in the ground

  So I live my life

  One day at a time

  And hope the spark

  Once again does shine

  The War Within

  The light fades,

  As night begins,

  Angel and Demon,

  At war within.

  The Angel cries,

  Darkness overwhelms,

  Demonic shouts ring,

  Loose the Hounds of Hell.

  Angelic halo falls,

  White wings run red,

  Eyes shining in life,

  Now close in death.

  Serene Perfection

  While angels sing

  Of serene perfection,

  Demons summon

  Their faithful minions.

  With razor's edge

  The truth is known,

  Tears of blood

  Begin to flow.

  Screaming in silence

  With labored breath,

  To truly know life,

  You must first taste death.


  Go through the motions,

  Like a puppet on a string,

  Dead to the world,

  Imprisoned in this dream.

  See your eyes shining,

  So full of joy and life.

  Watch as sorrow sets in,

  Darkness smothers your light.

  Now emotionless and numb,

  Eyes stare vacantly ahead,

  I weep these tears of regret,

  For everything I left unsaid.


  Vapor of our soul,

  Blown on winds of life,

  Struggles to find substance,

  Before the coming night.

  Seeking the truth,

  In a world of lies,

  Watching our hopes,

  Shrivel and die.

  Grasping for answers,

  To give life meaning,

  Learning too late,

  We are just dreaming.

  The Ballad of Little Red

  Little red,

  Little red,

  Stop your hiding,

  Come out and play.

  I had you once, almost out,

  In my sight, soul was claimed,

  They took you in, safely away,

  So here we are, once again.

  Little red,

  Little red,

  Open the door,

  For me to come in.

  I had you once, almost out,

  In my grasp, heart in hand,

  They pulled you back, safely away,

  So here we are, once again.

  Little red,

  Little red,

  Hide while you can,

  You'll soon feel the touch,

  Of my cold dark hand.

  Welcome Death

  The gray runs red,

  Walls bleeding sorrow,

  Knife pierces the vein,

  Will be no tomorrow.

  "Destroy your soul,

  Shatter your night,

  Tear down your walls,

  Come to end your life."

  Eyes staring,

  Piercing deeply,

  Life fading,

  Fleeing swiftly.

  No hope,

  No rest,

  No peace,

  Welcome Death.

  Twilight Beckons

  Oh men of Earth

  Tremble in fear

  Weep for your children

  For their hour is near.

  Crimson rivers flow

  Sand turns to glass

  Blackened sky shines upon

  Fields of smoldering ash.

  The bones of our fallen

  Litter their path

  Leading them onward

  To the arms of death.

  The Yellow Road

  You came far to see the wizard,

  Followed the yellow brick road,

  Traveled through the forest,

  That led to his emerald home.

  One of you needs a heart,

  One of you needs a brain,

  One of you needs courage,

  One of you is displaced.

  Your heart let you withstand evil,

  The monkeys you defeated with wit,

  With courage you saved your friend,

  And together you defeated the witch.

  Your heart, your brain,

  You had them all along,

  And with your courage

  It’s time to send her home.

  Eyes of tin and straw,

  Look to the lion's evil grin,

  What are you waiting for, boys?

  Grab her and dig in.

  Coke and Gin

  Angels and demons

  Coke and gin

  Soul torn between

  Righteousness and sin.

  Time stands still

  As she walks in

  This angelic creature

  With the sinister grin.

  Eyes pierce the veil

  See to my heart

  Hand caresses gently

  Before ripping it apart.

  Broken and bleeding

  I fall to the ground

  And into the bottle

  Of sorrow I drown.

  Blinded Eyes

  Broken streets,

  Fading lights,

  Memories sharpen,

  Reality's knife.

  Cutting deep,

  Etching words,

  Lies and deceit,

  Becoming truth.

  Step by

  Choking dust,

  Blinds the eyes,

  Of hope and love.

  Truth of My Soul

  Overbearing hate,

  Undermining deceit,

  The lurking eyes,

  Always staring at me.

  Demons rending flesh,

  Tear into my mind,

  Imps brandishing flames,

  Searing my eyes.

  My soul cries out,

  Sanity slipping away,

  Guardian Angel screams,

  Red, are white wings stained.

  Shadows of war,

  Abolishing the light,

  Bringing darkness to all,

  A never ending night.

  So I hide away,

  The truth of my soul,

  Huddling in silence,

  Till the last demon falls.

  Eternal Slumber

  The sun blinding my thoughts,

  Darkness illuminating the path,

  Lips burn from questions,

  I was too afraid to ask.

  Soul searching for peace,

  From shades of my past,

  Looking for love and hope,

  A joy that would last.

  Cutting of flesh and bone,

  Never pierced to deep,

  As I lay my head down,

  For the eternal sleep.

  Ruby Lips, Alabaster Skin

  Her ruby red lips

  Promised me warmth

  With whispers of love

  She urged me on.

  I opened my arms

  To her sweet embrace

  Blinded by alabaster skin

  And an innocent face.

  The windows of her soul

  Drew me deep within

  I found myself lost

  In her intoxicating scent.

  I’ve crossed the threshold

  And now it’s too late.

  I have given myself to Death

  I have sealed my fate.

  Angel’s Wings

  Demons retreat

  Angels take flight

  Darkness gives way

  To morning's light.

  Twisted monuments

  Are all that remain

  Telling their story

  Of misery and pain.

  Weary and worn

  Wounded and scarred

  With determined steps

  She keeps moving on.

  Her strength may waver

  But she will not fall

  As the wings of Angels

  Carry her home.

  Breathe, Sleep, Dream

  Fire cuts

  Razor burns

  For this pain

  The soul yearns.

  Pale moon

  Shining bright

  Search the sun

  For the meaning of life

  Black spots

  Freckle the skin

  Ashes of peace

  Carried on the wind

  Stone cries

  Rain bleeds

  Open eyes wide

  Breathe, sleep, dream.

  White Fields of Yesterday

  Lies upon lies

  Shroud the truth

  To give one hope

  Of a brighter future.

  Yet this illusion is

  White fields of yesterday

  That misleads minds

  And destroys dreams.

  Crushing them beneath

  The souls of men

  That are forever haunted

  By what could have been.

  Whom I Used To Be

  Within her smile

  I've come to see

  Twisted reflections

  Of whom I used to be.

  Passionate, joyful,

  Genuine and pure,

  Open of heart,

  Confident and sure.

  Yet now I am cold,

  Wretched and jaded.

  This silence is palpable

  For all laughter has faded.

  Despondently, I search

  For the path that leads

  Back out of the rubble

  To whom I used to be.

  Broken Heart

  In guilt and sorrow,

  I bow my head.

  Whispering the words,

  Forever left unsaid.

  I took forgranted,

  The time I had.

  Always too busy,

  To sit and laugh.

  So I paint the mask,

  To hide the pain

  Of this broken heart


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