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The Vanguard

Page 33

by Jeffrey Ellis

  “You have faced down monstrous beasts and dark wizards without hesitation, but you fear to ask an old man a question. He will consent. He has told Absillion as much and only waits for you to find the courage to come before him,” she said.

  “How do you...Absillion spoke with the King about my love life?” he asked.

  “You are his children. The Vanguard are our chosen to defend your people and as such, your happiness and wellbeing are important to us. He discusses many things with the King about all the Vanguard. Ask your question and you will receive the answer you desire,” Asala told him.

  “I would normally not involve myself in your personal affairs, but we need the Vanguard to be focused and your constant state of worry is a distraction you do not need. Doga is going to test you again soon and I don't want your agitation over your mating rituals to distract you from preparing,” Asala told him.

  “Ugh. I will redouble my training efforts. I think I should focus more on magic. Doga is too fast and strong for me to be able to beat him with weapons,” he said.

  “That is a good strategy,” she said and sniffed the air. “Your mate approaches.”

  A moment later, Malka walked into the training facility.

  “Lord Marshall, you ordered me here for training. If you are still in your session with Asala, I can return later,” Malka said.

  “We were just finishing. I will leave so you two may train in a more personal manner and I will see you tomorrow for your training session, Malka. Remember what I told you, Baldric. You can only get an answer to a question if you ask it,” Asala said and flew off laughing, puffs of blue flame coming from her nostrils.

  “What did she mean by that?” Malka asked.

  “I'll tell you later,” he said as he pulled her to him and kissed her.


  “I don't agree with the decision but it's not worth division in the ranks. You'll have my full support,” Anna told Xavier.

  “It wasn't my decision either. I was blindsided with this. I just got back from Stonehenge a few minutes ago and this was the first I heard of any of it,” Xavier told her.

  “The decision is made and there's no use fretting over it. Did you get anything useful from your trip?” William asked.

  “That I did. It seems the spell needs a focus to maintain the bind for this long. It would have to be something small, something with her at the time the spell was cast and something you still have,” he told them.

  “That makes sense. Just because the magic is pagan doesn't mean it has different rules. All magic works the same at the base level,” Morgana told them.

  “In that vision or memory or whatever it was, Anna had very little with her. It might have been on the coach or concealed,” William said. “Anna, what is left from that time?”

  “Maybe the journal?” Anna replied then thought a moment. “No. That wouldn't be it. She started writing that after the Seal was formed so it didn't exist yet.”

  “It would have to be small for her to carry it with her and would need to be something she had a strong connection to,” Xavier told them.

  “The Knot,” Anna replied and put her hand on her chest. “The first Wardens wore Solomon's Knot as a pendant. It was made of gold on a silver chain and handed out to all who served in the first enclaves. She felt the Wardens were her family and had great pride and faith in her time with them. She was so loyal that when Arthur died, she replaced him as the second High Lord. I still have hers. It has been handed down through my family,” Anna told them as she pulled the amulet from beneath her blouse, took it off and held it up to show everyone.

  Morgana put her hand near it but did not touch it. “I can feel the power radiating from it. How did I not notice this before? Anna, can you move it closer to your chest again?”

  Anna did as she was asked.

  “If your eyes see what I see you would be amazed. The energy from the amulet flows around it and trickles in your direction but as it approaches you, it changes direction and instead flows into you and becomes effectively invisible. We have to destroy it,” Morgana told them.

  “What are those blue waves? Is that the magical energy?” Xavier asked Morgana.

  “You can see that?” Morgana asked him.

  “Sure. I thought everyone could,” Xavier told her.

  “Very few can see that. The gifts and skills of each individual wizard are different. Being able to see the ebb and flow of the Weave is a rare gift,” Morgana said.

  “Now, as to destroying this amulet. This will be tricky to do safely,” Morgana added.

  “Do we have to destroy it? It's a family heirloom and a first-generation Warden symbol. They're extremely rare and this is one of the few left in existence,” Anna said.

  “I'm sorry but we do. The properties of this amulet would just allow it to recharge if not destroyed and would be nothing but a temporary reprieve. To free you, we need to destroy it but doing so is going to release a vast amount of energy. To release that without killing you is going to be difficult. Even separated, your connection to it is very deep and damaging the amulet may damage you,” Morgana said.

  “Give me ideas. How do we destroy it without hurting her?” Xavier asked Morgana.

  “I don't know yet. I'll need a little time to research it. This is not a commonplace occurrence so it's not something I've dealt with before. Fortunately, magical artifices are a specialty of mine and it shouldn't take long to formulate a plan,” Morgana told him.

  “Until Morgana has a solution, the amulet goes in the vault downstairs. Access it as you need Morgana but try to keep it away from Anna unless you need to expose her for your research. That's at your discretion. Anna, you're on restricted duty until this is done. You're on base assignment reporting to Bethany. You're also restricted from the lower floors where the vault is at,” Xavier told her.

  “Now wait just one damn minute,” Anna said.

  “No, you wait just one damn minute. Like it or not, I'm in charge and my decision stands. If you have an issue with it, take it up with the Lord Marshall. William, you're still on active field duty but I'm putting the same lower floor restriction on you,” Xavier said.

  William said nothing and only nodded his head.


  “Where to now?” Sebastian asked.

  “It's going to be hard to top Rio. I want to come back. It's so much fun,” Chelsea said.

  “Maybe we can skip the beach next time,” Sebastian told her.

  “Why? You look so good with a full body,” she said laughing.

  “Let's go to Las Vegas. Dad loved it. He said it was his favorite place to go,” Sebastian told Chelsea.

  “Really? I grew up near Vegas but never went. I always heard it was loud and obnoxious,” Chelsea said.

  “So was dad,” Sebastian said with a laugh. “I still want to go. He always wanted me to go with him, but we could never find the time to take the trip. He can't be with me in person but at least he can be with me in memory. He told me about a number of places he especially loved.”

  “Let's do it,” she replied, and they disappeared.

  They arrived in the middle of the strip. Vegas was situated far enough away from both the coast and major fault lines that it was spared most of the cataclysm's effects. The strip was surrounded by massive buildings towering over it. They were brightly colored with flashing lights and holo screens advertising everything from gambling to prostitution to drugs. It was the middle of the night, but the city was still awake and going strong. There were hawkers lining the streets selling everything from maps to drugs.

  “Welcome to Gomorrah,” Chelsea said.

  “Hey, hey, hey! I see a happy couple looking to be happier. I can get you what you want. Male. Female. Both. I've got it all. My prices are the best,” said a man as he approached them. He was rather nondescript except for the fact he was wearing sunglasses in the dark.

  “Thank you but no,” Sebastian said as they walked down the strip.

  “Okay. Th
at's not your thing. How about we make the happy couple even happier in a different way. I have it all my friend. Uppers. Downers. Old fashioned narcotics and digital trips. I can send pure pleasure straight into your cerebrum,” he told them.

  “He said no. Now walk away,” Chelsea said.

  “Oh, she's a feisty one,” the man said then whispered.

  “I've got something extra special. Maybe you're into the exotics. I can get you fey. They're not cheap but they're worth the price,” he said.

  Sebastian stopped and turned to look at the man.

  “You prostitute fey?” Sebastian asked.

  “They have a right to make a living like anyone else. Fey gotta eat too and food ain't cheap in the new world. Everything is harder to get after the Cataclysm,” the man said.

  Chelsea put her hand on Sebastian's shoulder. “He's right. If they're not being subjugated and they're not violent, they don't fall under our jurisdiction.”

  Sebastian looked at the man. “I'm going to ask you a question and I will know if you're lying. It is not a good idea to lie to the Vanguard.”

  Sebastian's eyes turned white and he stared at the man.

  “Are all of the sentient creatures for which you broker prostitution doing so of their own free will and in no way being coerced or forced into that service?”

  The man looked at him. “What the hell is with your eyes, man?”

  “Answer the question,” Chelsea said and held up her wrists.

  “Oh shit, you're Wardens. Yea, they're all free. You can see for yourselves if you don't believe me. We ain't doing anything wrong and no one is hurting anyone so ain't no need to be bringing down the heat of the Wardens on us. We keep things peaceful,” he said.

  He looked into the man's eyes as he spoke. He felt himself draw into the man's mind and saw a hotel with dozens, maybe hundreds of fey living in it. Most could pass for human with concealing clothing. They were living and working together. Some worked as prostitutes, others in various industries. Some made the drugs they sold but all were working together in legitimate jobs, at least legitimate for this city. There was nothing in violation with any laws and they were productive citizens, at least as far anyone in Las Vegas was productive. It was called sin city for a reason but UniGov didn't frown on vices. They considered them a personal choice if no one was harmed. He also knew the man he was talking to was a fey. He was a shapeshifter and his natural form was much different.

  Sebastian's eyes flashed and returned to normal. “You're telling the truth. I would very much like to see your commune.”

  “You gotta promise me. No Wardens. No hunts,” the man said.

  “You have my word. You're not violating any laws or hurting anyone so there's no reason for us to hunt you,” Sebastian told him.

  “What's your species called?” Sebastian asked.

  “My what?” the man said.

  “You're a fey. Your natural form isn't human. What are you?” Sebastian asked him. “I gave you my word you're safe. It's okay. We're not Wardens anyway, we're Vanguard.”

  The man leaned in close. “We're called doppelgangers. And what is your species called?”

  “You're joking, right? You can't recognize humans?” Chelsea asked.

  “Humans don't smell like you do. I thought you were saurials at first, but your aura is wrong, and they can't shift,” he replied.

  “I'm sorry friend but you're mistaken. We're just humans,” Chelsea told him.

  “You're not the only one who can sense the truth. You believe that, don't you? You really don't know what you are. We'll talk more at the Haven. It's a private boarding house just off the strip. Come by anytime. I'll be here for a few more hours,” Bo told them.

  “The rest of the commune would love to meet you. We always welcome friendly fey and a fey in the Vanguard is something of an oddity,” the man said.

  “How so?” asked Sebastian.

  “You're a friend of the fey. You saved manticores in Tokyo. The llamia in Italy. Sure, you've killed a lot as well but only the dangerous ones. Only the ones who make life difficult for those of us who are peaceful. Humans might call you the Heroes of Syracuse, but we have a different name for you. We call you king and queen. We know who you are, Baldric and Malka. You were the last lieges of the fey and there are those of us who still give you our fealty. We await your visit,” Bo told them.

  “You've known this since we started talking?” Sebastian asked.

  “I did but had to judge whether or not you were here on business or pleasure,” he told them. “I'll explain everything at Haven.”

  “We'll stop by, but we'll give you time to be there since you're our host. In the meantime, we're going to find something to do,” Sebastian told him.

  “First time in Vegas?” Bo asked.

  “Yea. My dad came here a lot and told me of a few things I think we'll check out,” Sebastian told him.

  “You're in luck. It's a special night. Tonight's the coronation of the King of Vegas. The ceremony is over at the Gilded Sky's Corporate Headquarters, and Casino” Bo told them.

  “Las Vegas doesn't have a king. We have the Unified Government. Is the city trying to restart the Unification War?” Sebastian asked Bo.

  “Ha ha ha. You take things to literal, my friend. He's not a real king. It's this tradition the city has had going back hundreds of years. They have these impersonators who dress up like some old musician from back before WWIII and compete to be the “king” for a year. The winner gets a coronation ceremony and it's a big song and dance production where the king performs for the crowd. It's a Las Vegas thing. Just enjoy it,” Bo said.

  “Sounds like fun,” Chelsea said. “Thanks for the info. We'll see you in a few hours, Bo.”

  “Take care and watch your pockets. Not everyone in Vegas is here for fun,” he told them as they walked away.

  “Well, my king, want to go see a fellow monarch crowned?” Chelsea asked Sebastian.

  “I couldn't possibly turn down the chance to see that. Shall we, my queen?” he asked and put his arm out. She took it and they walked down the strip in the direction Bo indicated.


  Xavier sat in the sarsen hovel. He seemed unusually excited, even for him. He rarely had the cool, calm demeanor of others and seemed to always be enjoying himself but now was beyond that to the point of being giddy. It had been nearly a week since Boudicca told him Trish was awake but not yet able to speak.

  “Is she really coming out today?” Xavier asked.

  “She is. The process has already begun. A little while later and you would have been too late to see it,” Boudicca replied.

  He looked around the small, dark room and realized many of the vines were receding and the vegetation overall was much thinner. He could also see the occasional vine detach from Boudicca or unravel itself from Trish. The process was slow but steady and after about an hour, he could make out Trish's form under the thinning vines. Within another half an hour, she tried to set up but still had too many vines restraining her.

  “Don't just sit there. Help me get up,” Trish said to Xavier.

  He rushed over to her and started to grab at the vines then stopped and looked at Boudicca. “Is it okay to just pull them loose?”

  “It is. She is no longer tethered to Gaia,” Boudicca said.

  He pulled and ripped at the vines breaking Trish free and helped her sit up.

  “Are you okay?” he asked Trish.

  “Okay? I feel amazing,” she said as she stood up. She felt her stomach and back and there were no signs of the injury, not even scars. He took off his jacket and handed it to the naked woman.

  “A little embarrassed?” laughed Trish.

  “I've seen you nude a number of times. It's a bit chilly in here though so I thought you might like something warm,” he told her.

  “Such a gentleman,” Trish said and hugged her old friend. “Now let's get Boudicca up.”

  The process with Boudicca was much the same. They cleare
d away the vines and helped her stand up. Xavier took off his shirt and handed it to Boudicca. He still had his armor on.

  “We should return to Camelot. Everyone is anxious to see you,” Xavier told them.

  “I must return the henge to its original state first. It has served its purpose and should not be left as it is,” Boudicca said. “You may want to exit,” she said and then left the hovel.

  “Trish and Xavier followed her out.

  “Before you start doing anything, let me give the locals a heads up. If anything, unusual starts happening the GloCom contingent might not react well,” Xavier told them.

  He opened a comm. “This is Vice Marshall Xavier of the Vanguard. Can I speak with the officer on duty at the Stonehenge field deployment?”

  “Sir, this is Lt. Marshalls. How can we help you?” the officer replied.

  “The structure at Stonehenge is going to be reverted today. Our Marshall is out and healed. The monument will be returning to its original state. Can you get your people away from the hedge wall please? Give us a perimeter of, let's say at least fifty feet,” Xavier told him.

  “Yes, sir. Give us some time,” replied the Lt. A few minutes later his voice came back. “Done sir. You asked for fifty we've given you seventy-five. All troops and vehicles clear.”

  “Thank you, Lieutenant,” Xavier told him. “Can you have someone prep two sets of clothes, please. We have two women here, both approx. 5'6” who could use a change of clothing until we get back to Camelot.”

  “Yes, sir. We'll have something waiting for them,” replied the Lt.

  “Thank you. Vice Marshall Xavier out,” he said and closed the channel.

  “Vice Marshall? Since when? What happened to Chelsea? Was she...” Trish started to say it but then stopped.

  “Nothing like that. Sebastian and Chelsea on are on a leave of absence. They went traveling. Bruce is in charge and I'm second until they return,” Xavier told her.

  Boudicca leaped to the top of the keystone. She put her arms out and waves of energy started to flow from them and into the ground below her, channeling through the keystone itself. The hedges around the sides started to diminish. The great blue sarsen stones of the hovel receded into the ground and the area slowly reformed itself to look as they remembered. When she was done and the state of the henge was as she said. It was back to its original state as it would have looked when it was first completed. The stones were perfect and new. The entire monument was pristine. She started to climb down but seemed dizzy and fell. Xavier jumped across twenty or so feet between them and grabbed her as she fell, keeping her from hitting the ground.


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