Page 9
“Good.” She didn’t fancy being bitten, though it would serve her right if she were.
He pulled off his other boot and tossed it next to the first. After removing his headband, he reached for the box he’d brought from the longship and set it on the table at his side. Beside it he stood the bowl containing butter.
“Wife.” His mouth was a stern, straight line. His chin tilted. “Remove your boots and gown.”
“Aye.” She sipped from a tankard that contained cold infusion, then took off her footwear before tugging the laces holding her bodice closed.
When each string loosened, the pale skin of her chest was exposed. Finally it fell around her waist, and the cool air washed over her nipples. They peaked and twisted, and a tremble went through her belly, her internal muscles quivering.
Steinn sat forward. He darted his tongue out and licked his lips.
Gladys wriggled her hips and shoved at the material. It fell around her ankles, and she kicked that and her boots aside.
“Good,” he said, sitting back and nodding. “Now come here.” He tapped the tops of his thighs.
Her mouth was dry again already, and her buttocks tingled in anticipation. She’d promised to take her spanking with dignity, and that was what she must do.
But, oh, it was hard. To present her vulnerable round bottom, a part of her body she’d always held private, was not easy.
“Hurry,” he said. “We have other tasks to complete today.”
“Aye, husband.” She stared down at his wide lap and his worn leather trousers.
“Gladys,” he said in a low, warning rumble.
She ken him well enough by now to know if she didn’t do as he’d told her, he’d tip her over.
Setting her hands on his thigh farthest from her, she lowered until her breasts squashed onto his legs. She curled her toes and dropped her head.
“Mmm, nearly, but not quite. You’ll learn.” He scooped her up, tipping her head much nearer to the ground. Her feet lifted, as did her arse which really was the highest part of her body now.
“Good.” He dragged her against his torso and set his palm over her buttocks. “That is where I need you.”
She bit on her bottom lip and closed her eyes. Blood rushed to her head and face. Her pulse pounded in her ears.
“Haps you wonder how many strikes you should have.”
“I’m sure you will administer what you believe is right.”
“You are learning.” He traced the cleft between her buttocks, then the curve where they met her thighs. Slipping upwards, he stroked her pussy lips, dragging a shiver of desire from her.
She curled her hands into fists and tensed.
He chuckled. “Never fear, you will not be left wanting. That is not the kind of husband I am.”
“Ouch!” She jerked forward as the first slap landed. Square, hard, and fast on her right buttock. It was quickly followed by another on her left buttock.
Then he was stroking over the sting, as if brushing it away.
Gladys clenched her cunny. Wetness was growing; she didn’t know why. It wasn’t as if she liked the spanking.
But I do like his hands on me.
“It would be wise to hold on to something,” he said. “My leg, the chair, because now it begins.”
She did as he’d suggested, holding the chair leg with one hand and bunching his trousers into her fist with the other.
Slap. Slap. Slap. Slap.
He delivered the spanking with swift, accurate strokes.
She bit her bottom lip to stop from crying out.
Slap. Slap. Slap. Slap.
“Oh, Steinn, it hurts…”
“As it is supposed to so you learn your lesson.”
He carried on spanking her, his big hand heating her skin to boiling point.
She stared at the bite marks on his toe and her eyes filled with moisture.
That is why you deserve this. Not just for going into the forest alone.
On and on he went, until each strike became a blur with the last one and the next one. They all melded together. A mass of heat and sting.
Suddenly he stopped. He stroked up to her neck and moved her hair to one side. “You are doing well.”
“Is that it?” She was breathing hard, her words heavy on her tongue
“Oh, but please.” She pushed upwards. “I am sore.”
“Keep still.” He set his hand in the centre of her back to keep her tipped over his lap. “I have something for you.”
She closed her eyes. She knew what it would be—more spanks.
But that didn’t happen. Instead, he rubbed his finger down the cleft of her buttocks again, and this time it was slippery.
“Trust me.” He kept a tight hold on her. “And you will know great pleasure.”
“I thought this…was a punishment.”
“We are on the border now, of punishment and pleasure.”
“I see…I…oh…” Steinn had set the tip of his finger over Gladys’s arsehole. More than over it, he’d eased into the centre of her tight ring of muscle. “What are you doing?”
“I am showing you the French way.”
“The French way?”
“You wish to learn about exotic lands.”
“I do but…” Her words trailed off as he pushed in higher, filling her most private place.
She stared unblinking at his foot and tried to get used to the strange sensation.
“You are doing well, and you feel incredible in here.”
“Steinn, this is…”
“Do not say it is wrong, for it isn’t. It is good, and one day I will put my cock in here—”
“You will do no such thing.” She was aghast.
He laughed and wriggled his finger. “I can assure you by the time we reach that point, you will be begging me to.”
She gritted her teeth. She was sure that would never happen.
“And then you’ll beg for more.” He pushed in, knuckle deep.
Her arsehole clenched around him, and her pussy dampened. She blew out a breath and sucked it back in. Perhaps her husband was a monster after all.
“But for now,” he said, “you will have this.”
“Aye,” she said breathily. His finger she could take. His cock, not likely.
He withdrew, her hole closing fast. But instantly something was there again, something wide and cold and smooth and greased.
“What is that?”
“It is the pleasure plug from Francia. You will enjoy this inside you.”
“Not in my…”
“Ja, in your arse.”
He applied pressure, and to her surprise it eased in, aided by the lubrication.
“Butter works well,” he said. “I am glad.”
“You have…butter on it…?”
“I do not wish to hurt you.”
“Good.” She wasn’t sure his wish would come true. Her buttocks were smarting, and now her anus stretched wide.
She blew out a breath as the extension continued. Did he think that shiny, strange, cock-shaped object from his box would fit in her bottom?
It seemed he did.
On and on it slid. She panted through the dense, heavy invasion, accepting it, examining it.
Do the French really do this? Strange people.
“Good, you have taken it.” He’d sounded proud.
“It is…weighty.”
“It is, but do not fear, it has a protrusion to stop it getting lost, and it is very smooth and safe.”
He rubbed her buttocks again.
She didn’t dare think of his view—her raw, scarlet arse with a French…thing sticking from it.
“Try not to clench too much.”
He spanked her and she clenched. “What…ouch!”
“I told you not to.” He chuckled. “And it does not hurt, it is just different.”
Slap. Slap. Slap. Slap.
He resumed spanking her, not as hard as before, but enough to continue building up the heat on her raw skin.
It was impossible not to clench around the plug, but each time she did, a pressure grew inside her. It wasn’t unpleasant, it was thick and solid and new.
“Good,” he said. “You have done well not to cry out.”
“Thank you.” She was breathing hard.
“And now you will take pleasure.” He pushed her thighs apart and slid his fingers over her pussy lips. When he found her entrance he pushed in, two thick fingers.
Gladys groaned and closed her eyes. She felt so tight down there, as if the plug was taking up space.
“Mmm, so wet,” he said, pumping in and out of her. “You are the wettest woman I have known.”
“I am not.”
“Oh, but you are, and I adore it.”
As if to prove his point, soft, wet noises filled the room.
She tensed, shameful of the sound, but equally not wanting him to stop.
“And when you find pleasure there is even more,” he went on, “it squirts from you.”
“Steinn! Please, do not say that again.”
“Shh, I want you to do that now. Show me how good I make you feel by releasing your wet pleasure.”
She gasped, his sinful words thrilling her as much as shaming her.
“Come for me, wife.”
There was excitement in his tone as he slid in and out of her pussy, working the spot on the front wall that tore throaty groans from her chest.
“That’s it, you can do it.” With his free hand, he gripped her hair and held her head up so her back arched. It changed the position of the plug and seemed to tighten the space for his fingers.
The pressure became more intense. The filling sensation exquisite. She held her breath, concentrated on the pleasure that was growing, and hoped she wouldn’t embarrass herself by squirting onto his hand.
“Thanks to the gods, but you are beautiful like this,” he said. “Hot and red and wet and so willing to take pleasure.”
“Steinn!” she wailed. “Oh, don’t stop, please…I…”
He rammed in harder, over and over, so fast. It almost hurt, but it didn’t, it felt amazing, as did the bend in her spine and his grip on her hair.
“Now, Gladys, release now.”
She held her breath, suspended, nothing existing but him and what he was doing, and then she pulsed and spasmed, crying out in ecstasy. There was nothing she could do about the gush of release she knew was rushing from her.
“Ja, Ja.”
“More. Oh…”
He stayed with her for a long, pounding orgasm that had her dizzy and breathless.
“You are so perfect,” he said, finally slowing and then withdrawing. “And it gives me great pleasure to see and feel your pleasure.”
She’d closed her eyes, lost to the darkness of her own sensual world. So when he sat her upright and she opened them, it took her a moment to focus.
“My love.” He cupped her face, his right hand damp. “How do you feel?”
“And, still full.” She whimpered. Another pulse of pleasure had pulled at her pussy and reminded her of the plug.
“Which will make this more fun,” he said, smiling and standing. He drew her with him and eased her a few steps back to the table. Once there, he lifted her onto it, not so she was seated, but so she was on her back.
“Like this.” He bent her right leg up, then took her right hand. “Hold behind your knee.
She did as he’d instructed, the table cool on her skin.
“And this leg.” He repeated the action.
She was holding herself wide open for him, her pussy and arse exposed.
He stepped between her legs, shucking at his trousers. His cock released, his erection thick and long.
“Steinn?” Did he mean to fuck her, now, with the plug in? Her heart was still thumping from the last climax, her pulse loud in her ears. And would he even fit?
“You will need to relax,” he said, fisting his cock and stepping closer. “To fit me into your cunny.”
“It won’t, I—”
“It will.” He set his hands over hers, clamping them tighter to her knees. His cocktip prodded her entrance. “Now take it, woman.”
She held her breath as he eased in, his way well lubricated. He was so big and the space so small, taken up already by the plug.
“Relax,” he said, though his voice was tense and the tendons in his neck taut. “Take me. It will be worth it, for both of us.”
“I’m trying.”
Her legs trembled. She curled her toes. This husband of hers had dark ideas about pleasure. He wanted more from her than Angus ever had, and this was just the beginning of their marriage.
“Sweet, Gladys,” he said, watching his penetration. “Keep taking me.” He gritted his teeth. “Ja, like that.”
He was gaining depth, pushing up against the plug.
She was struggling to take him, her pussy trembling and tight.
“Good,” he said, “That is good.”
“Oh, but…”
“Oh, but you feel like a young maiden giving up your innocence,” he said, moving his attention to her face. “As though I am the first man to plunge to your sweet depths.”
“It’s tight.”
“Ja, that is the fun, do you not think?”
He leaned forward, sank balls deep, and found her mouth. His body pressed up against her nub.
“Now you will feel the joy.” He set his hands on the table either side of her head. “Wrap your legs around my body.
She did as instructed, holding him close with her thighs and crossing her ankles.
He ground onto her, dragging over her nub.
“Oh Lord!” she gasped. “Husband…”
“Wife.” He grinned. “Now you know why I did this, ja?”
“Aye, I do. Oh…please, more.” The sensations were wild. She was rammed full and her nub being stimulated by his dense weight. “Fuck me.”
“I am going to.”
He started working in and out of her, not all the way, but each stroke drew hard over her nub. Soon she was sweating, her breaths hard to snatch, and she was clinging to his shoulders.
“You are so giving,” he said onto her mouth. “You have made me very happy here in my new home.”
She stared into his eyes. In his soul she saw love and adoration and most of all truth. Steinn was an honourable and loyal man, and she was lucky to have him.
“I wish to give you sons,” she said. “More than anything.”
He smiled. “I wish for that, too.” He held still as deep as he could go. “Now come with me, let us find pleasure together.”
“I’m…I’m nearly there.”
“Good.” He ducked his head, buried his face in her neck and set up a strong, steady pace.
His body held hers hostage; the sweet intensity of pleasure grew. It became more than she could contain and soon erupted.
She cried out, clawed her hands down his back, and canted her hips to meet his thrusts.
He yelled, too, something in his own tongue, and his cock throbbed as he filled her with seed.
Gladys caught his face, hauled it from her neck, and kissed him, hoping that with her tongue she could show him how happy she was that they’d found each other. That her God and his had planned for this. Written it in the stars of destiny.
Her wild Viking was perfect for her, and she would be sure to show him how she felt, from this moment on.
Two Months Later
Steinn clicked the trap open and set it. He was confident he’d be successful. This area south of the village was proving to be rich in small creatures which made good dinners and the meat dried well. Their fur was also valuable and would keep him and Gladys warm on w
inter nights.
Winter always had to be carefully prepared for. He knew these hills, ridgeways, and corries would be no different to the ones he’d grown up in.
He straightened, stretched his back, and looked at his wife.
She was gathering garlic, and a melodic tune hummed from her throat. He didn’t know what the tune was, but he knew whenever she did that Gladys was happy with her day.
He smiled. Seeing her happy was important to him, more than he’d ever thought it would be. When she smiled her face changed from a frosty winter’s eve to a bright summer morning. Her mouth—which often sat in a tight, flat line—curled, balling her cheeks and making her eyes sparkle.
Odin, how I love her.
He stepped forward to check on another trap he’d set a few days previously.
There was one thing he wished for his wife, though, and that was to fall with child. Twice she’d had her monthly bleed since he’d married her. Despite having sex as often as two people could, there were no children on their horizon. Had he been home he would have visited the seer, asked the question, but that wasn’t an option for him here. No, now he’d just have to wait and see what the gods had planned for him.
“Steinn,” she called. “I have enough garlic. Shall we go to the river and drink?”
“Ja, it is a warm day.” He frowned at the empty trap. It didn’t really matter; he already had two rabbits and a squirrel attached to his belt.
Gladys wandered over, raising her gown as she stepped over a fallen log.
He admired her slim ankle and shapely calf. Haps he should take her here, in the woods, keep their chances of a child high. She rarely wore undergarments, so slipping his cock into his willing wife’s cunny was always an easy task and only ever moments away.
“I am parched,” she said, rubbing her throat. A shard of sunlight caught on her brooch. It was the one he’d given her on their wedding day, and now she was rarely without it. “This day is the hottest of this moon cycle.”
“I agree.” He stroked her hair, removing a small leaf which must have fluttered down from the canopy. He’d have to wait to bring them both pleasure. His wife’s thirst must be sated before exertion. “Come this way.”
He took her hand and led her through a mossy patch of land that rose and fell underfoot as though the rocks had been buried. A swarm of butterflies, patterned to look like they had eyes on their wings, flurried in front of them.