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Fallen Rider (A Lost Saxons Novel Book 7)

Page 7

by Jessica Ames

  Our journey takes us down a long stretch of motorway, before we pull off into the bustling city of Manchester. I’m surprised because I thought they’d take us off the beaten track, but this doesn’t seem to be the case.

  Lucas pulls the car down a smaller side road and stops at a gate at the side of a detached three-storey building. It looks so nondescript it would be impossible to guess what the place was used for, if it wasn’t for the sign over the door, declaring the DEVIL’S DOGS MC are here. If the sign didn’t give a clue, the rows of bikes parked on a scrap of land to the side of the building would.

  The main gate is pulled back and Lucas guides the car up beside the bikes and other vehicles, two of which I recognise from this morning. Then he cuts the engine before he turns in his seat and mutters, “Home sweet home.”

  Here? This is where we’re staying? The Devils’ clubhouse?

  This both thrills and terrifies me. Dane will be here, which is good, but Dane will be here, which is also dangerous.

  Things have already gone further than they should have between us.

  I glance at Sofia as Mum thanks Lucas and then we all climb out of the car. I’ve never been on Devils’ soil before. I see them plenty when they visit us, but I’ve never been to their inner sanctum. Nerves, for some reason, tingle through me as I stare up at the building. It’s smaller than the Saxons’ clubhouse, that much is obvious from the outside, but it does appear more fortified. There’s barbed wire across the top of the chain-link fence and huge security lights are screwed onto the wall. The gate looks like something that would be on Fort Knox. There are also brothers lingering around the outside, as if expecting trouble.

  Rabbit and Charlie appear at what looks like the back door of the building, and I feel my heart rate slow a little at the familiar faces. The Devils are allies, but this still feels dangerous. We’ve never stayed with another club before. This is new territory. The only thing that keeps me grounded is the fact that I know these men, that I’ve got to know them plenty over the years and I do, to an extent, trust them. I also trust that my brothers wouldn’t send us and their old ladies here if they weren’t sure it would be safe.

  Both Charlie and Rabbit do what Lucas does not and move to the boot to help us get our stuff.

  I sign my thanks to Charlie, although I’m not sure if the newest patched member knows any BSL. He does give me a nod, though, which I think means he understood.

  As we step towards the back door, my legs feel a little shaky. Maybe it’s the adrenaline and fear of not knowing what is about to happen, of stepping into the unknown, but I find myself wanting to cling to my sister or mother. I refrain from doing either, barely.

  My fear dissipates as Dane steps out of the clubhouse with Axel—another member of the Devil’s Dogs. Dane’s eyes are locked on mine, his expression hungry and my heart starts to thrum as he drags his gaze away. He can’t look at me like that—not in front of the others. I can’t hide my own need when he does.

  “The others are inside,” Charlie says as we approach the two men.

  Dane says nothing as I pass him, but I feel his eyes on me as I step into a small corridor. Charlie moves around us and leads us into a room off there—what I assume is their common room.

  As soon as we step inside, I see Beth, Liv, Paige, Piper, Cami, Jamie, Danny, Jesse, Chloe and Sammy. My gut stops roiling and my panic dissipates at seeing my family.

  Beth comes to me immediately and wraps an arm around me, then Sofia before going to Mum, who takes Beth’s face in her hands. I hug the other girls in turn.

  “Are you all right, darling?” Mum asks her.

  Beth nods. “We’re fine. The Devils have been nothing short of amazing. They’ve given us rooms. It’s three to a space, so decide who you want to buddy up with.”

  I glance behind Beth at the other women and feel my heart sink. How did this become our lives? How did we end up in a situation where we’re having to hide out in another club’s place? It just doesn’t compute. Two summers ago, everything was so different. We’d never heard of Simon Wilson, we weren’t at war with the Reapers and I wasn’t having inappropriate feelings about a man I shouldn’t be thinking anything about.

  We also didn’t have Beth, Liv, Piper, Paige, Cami or Chloe.

  The girls make room around the table for us to sit with them. The Devils’ clubhouse, I notice, is not as clean or new as the Saxons’. Everything looks old, worn, and drab. There’s also the definite smell of marijuana lingering in the air, mixed with the stale smell of old smoke. Our boys are clearly much better at housekeeping or our prospects keep things tidier.

  A woman wearing black jeans and a black Harley tank moves over to us. Her dark hair is pulled up into a high ponytail and she’s got on makeup that makes her brown eyes seem darker.

  “Hey, are you ladies okay?”

  Liv stands, juggling Danny in her arms as she goes in for an awkward hug. “Harper! I didn’t expect to see you here.”

  The woman, Harper, snorts. “Girl, I’m always here when Ax is, unless it’s some club business shit he has to take care of.” She pulls away from Liv and focuses on the baby in her arms. “So, this is the kid, huh?”

  “Yeah, this is Danny.”

  Harper strokes a finger down his cheek. “Hard to imagine the last time I saw you this kiddo wasn’t even born.”

  It takes my brain a moment to remember, but Harper and Axel took care of Liv after Simon Wilson attacked her. I recall she was sent away by Dean until it was safe to return. She stayed with them in a safe house until the issue was resolved. I know she found it tough, because she was newly pregnant with Danny and suffering morning sickness on top of worry for Dean.

  No wonder she’s on hugging terms with the Devils’ Sergeant-at-Arm’s old lady, though. Liv was there for a while, and we all had to act as if she never existed to protect her from her crazy ex—a crazy ex that eventually abducted both Beth and Dean, hurting them to try to discover the location of Liv.

  I would have said back then things couldn’t get any more insane—but the last few months have proved me wrong.

  Relying on other people isn’t usually our way, but sometimes you need help, and right now we’re in a terrible situation. I worry we may lose someone before long if things continue as they are.

  “If you girls need anything, just find me or Ella. She’s Dax’s old lady, but either of us can help.”

  As old lady of the president, she would have a lot of clout. In our Club, that position falls to Clara, because Derek doesn’t have an old lady.

  “Can we leave?” Jamie asks, sounding a little hopeful.

  “I can help you with everything but that,” Harper says, her face pulling into an apologetic grimace. “The boys say you guys have to stay inside. We’re essentially on a lockdown until this thing blows over.”

  “God,” Beth mutters. “I’m sorry we’re putting our shit on you guys.”

  Harper waves a hand. “Don’t be. It’s what friends do.”

  And that’s what we are—friends of the Devils. Would we do the same for them? I would hope so, and I hope if they ever need help in the future that the Saxons will be there for these people.

  “I think this goes beyond the call of friendship,” Beth disagrees.

  I think she’s right.

  We’re taken to the rooms we’re to use during our stay here. I’m paired up with Sofia and Mum, with them both taking the double bed while I’m on a small pull out sofa in the room. The space is clean, although it’s tired. It doesn’t matter. It’s safe and that’s what is important.

  “I’m going to get a drink,” I sign to my sister, who is sitting on the bed while Mum showers in the bathroom down the corridor. “Do you want anything?”

  Sofia nods. “Bring me back something. I don’t care what as long as it’s not fizzy. Do you want me to come with you?”

  I shake my head. “Wait here for Mum.”

  We haven’t been told to stay in the rooms, but it’s getting late, so
we’d come up to bed. Liv, Beth and Paige already bowed out early, but we left Jamie and Cami in the common room. God knows what trouble those two will get up to together.

  I head down to the kitchen and wonder if I should have got changed out of my sleep shorts and camisole. It’s probably not the best attire to be walking around another club’s clubhouse in, but I make it to the kitchen without seeing another soul, although I can hear music coming from down the corridor. These boys obviously like to party as much as my family do.

  I feel like a thief as I stalk into the empty kitchen and flick on the lights. They flicker a moment before illuminating the room fully.

  Moving to the nearest fridge, I pull it open and search the shelves for something to drink. There’s some beers, a few alcohopop type drinks, water, soda and something that looks suspiciously like home brew. I grab two bottles of water and shut the door.


  My heartbeat jumps in my chest as I spin to see Dane standing in the doorway. I put a hand to my chest, as though that can stop it from pounding out from under my ribs.

  “Sorry, darlin’, I didn’t mean to startle you.”

  I’m holding my phone in my hand, always having it on hand in case I need to communicate. I put the bottles on the counter, so I can quickly open the text-to-speak app.

  “You scared me half to death, arse.”

  He snorts. “I like your fire, little one. It gets me all riled up.”

  I watch as Dane moves into the kitchen further, shrinking the space. When he steps to me, his hands span my waist and I forget to breathe. I peer up into his handsome face and feel myself internally swoon.

  “I like having you here, in my domain, too. It feels… right.”

  I nod. I like it as well.

  “Your club decided to help,” I type into the text-to-speak app. It rattles off the words mechanically.

  “National will throw a shit fit, but we couldn’t stand by and do nothing. Dax isn’t that kind of man. Besides, I want you safe.”

  My stomach dips. “You did this for me?” I bring my eyes from the phone back up to his face.

  “I told you—I want you safe—and you’re not safer anywhere than under my nose.” He brushes a piece of hair that’s come loose from my ponytail behind my ear. “I can’t bear the thought of anything happening to you, baby.”

  I shake my head, telling him it won’t, that I’ll be fine. I’m not even on Dylan’s and the Reapers’ radars, but this doesn’t seem to assure him.

  So, I roll to my toes and press my mouth to his cheek. It’s meant to be a reassuring kiss, but he turns his head, so my lips meet his. Then he kisses me like I’m his reason for breathing. I let him take me, let him taste me.

  He lifts me and I wrap my legs around his hips, my arms locking around his neck as he gives me everything I need and more. The ache between my legs grows, and I want more of him, but I’m not sure here is the place to receive it.

  I ignore Slade’s voice in the back of my head, telling me this is a bad idea, warning me about going there with a member of a different club. I ignore everything but the feel of Dane’s hands on my bum, lifting me.

  He slides me onto the counter and parts my thighs so he can step between them.

  “I want you.”

  I want to tell him to have me then, but all I can do is nod.

  He slips his fingers into the waistband of my shorts and I lift my bottom, so he can slide them down my legs. I feel all kinds of wrong, sitting on a kitchen counter in a clubhouse that isn’t mine with my pussy on display, but I don’t care that someone could walk in and find us. I don’t care about anything but the man standing in front of me. And what a man he is.

  He reclaims my mouth and as he does I feel his fingers slip through my wetness. Two push inside me as I widen my thighs to give him better access. He slides them in and out of my pussy, setting a vigorous rhythm that has me squirming under his touch. I need more. I want more. He delivers.

  He pushes deeper inside me, as far as he can, and I feel a slither of pleasure roll through me as his thumb rubs over my clit. I’m going to come, I can feel it building. I want to come. I’m aching deliciously to go over that edge.

  My little pants are the only sound in the silence of the kitchen besides the sound of our kissing.

  When he pulls his fingers away, disappointment floods me, until he reaches for the belt of his jeans.

  He’s going to take me, here, in the kitchen.

  Excitement rolls up my spine as he pulls his jeans and boxers down enough to release his cock, which is hard and thick. I want it inside me, as memories of the last time we fucked assault my brain. Like muscle memory, my pussy clenches in anticipation as he lines up with my slit.

  He pushes inside me without any preamble and my back arches as he does. I let out a breath that doesn’t sound entirely sane as he pulls out and slams back into me.

  I grip the edge of the counter as his hands pull my bum closer with each thrust, his fingers biting into my flesh as he pounds in and out of my aching pussy. I want him deeper, need him harder and he obliges without me having to direct him like he’s a mythical mind reader.

  I come first, going over the edge with a harsh inhalation of breath before he spills his hot cum inside me. I cling to his shoulders, dropping my head into his neck as he slows his pace before pulling out of me altogether. He runs his hands up the back of my camisole before I raise my head and peer into his face, my eyes glazed, I’m sure.

  Gently, he releases his hold on me and untangles mine, so he can move over to the side and grab some kitchen roll. Then he starts to wipe between my legs.

  “We didn’t use anything.”

  I gesture taking a pill and he nods.

  “You’re on the pill?”

  I nod.

  “I’m clean too, but we should have used something.” He kisses my head. “I’m sorry, baby.”

  I shake my head. He has nothing to be sorry for. I was as complicit in what just happened as he was. I never once thought about using a condom.

  I pick my phone up from the counter where I placed it while Dane was shagging my brains out and type, “It’s fine. I wanted it too.”

  He kisses my forehead and slides me off the counter. Then he helps me pull my shorts up my legs.

  “You being here…” He snorts. “It’s torture. How am I supposed to keep my fucking hands off you?”

  I shrug, but smile, because I don’t want him to keep his hands off me.

  “We’re crossing a line here that I don’t think can be uncrossed, baby, because I don’t think I can give you up.”

  That’s good, because I don’t think I can give him up either—no matter what Slade demands.

  And that could be a problem.

  Chapter Ten

  The days are slow under lockdown at the Devils’ compound. We were only given a short time to pack, so we don’t have much with us. Beth and Jamie are still running Beth’s marketing business via laptops, so that’s keeping them busy, but the rest of us are slowly going crazy.

  Chloe and Jesse step into the room and we wave them over to our little corner.

  “I just heard from Noah,” Chloe says, sounding a little breathless as she tries to get the information out quickly. “The boys are all okay and things at home are currently quiet.”

  The little redhead is clutching her phone to her chest like it’s her lifeline. It probably is, since Weed is her world.

  “It still freaks me out hearing you call him Noah.” Sofia wrinkles her nose.

  Chloe’s smile is a little distant, as if she’s locked in a memory of him. “It took him some getting used to at first, too.”

  “You two are good together,” Beth says, rolling her glass between her fingers.

  “I think we’re in a good place now. Or we were before this lockdown situation.”

  “The good news is it won’t last forever,” I sign, and Sofia translates.

  “I hope not. I’m already missing Noah. Is t
hat pathetic? It’s pathetic, right?”

  “It’s normal,” Beth tells her. “He’s your guy.”

  Sofia shifts a little beside me and I shoot her a glance. I know her and Weed had a thing long before Chloe came on the scene. It wasn’t anything serious, but it must still be weird for my sister. I’m not sure if Chloe knows, or will ever know and Sofia isn’t the kind of person to rub someone’s face in it, so it’ll never come out.

  “How are you holding up, Jesse?” Beth asks the teenager.

  He shifts his shoulders, his head ducked a little, his dark hair curtaining his face as he does.

  “Okay, I guess.”

  “You guess?” Sofia jokes and he flushes a little, lowering his head again. Does the kid have a crush on my sister? She’s far too old for him, but it’s sweet.

  “I should have stayed in Kingsley and helped the guys.”

  “Kid, you’re sixteen. You’re exactly where you should be,” Chloe tells him.

  “I’m not a kid. Even Weed thinks I’m a man now,” he grumbles, sounding exactly like what he’s protesting against.

  Oh boy. Chloe has her work cut out here.

  “Yeah, and Noah said you had to come here. Don’t you think he might have sent you here for a reason?”

  Jesse’s brows draw together. “What reason?”

  “To help the prospects and Charlie keep an eye on things here?”

  He mulls this over for a moment, then stands a little taller. “Right. Yeah. I’m getting a drink. Does anyone want one?”

  “Non-alcoholic, Jess,” Chloe tells him, earning an eye roll.


  “I’ll have another ginger ale, please,” Beth tells him, while Chloe asks for a bottle of water.

  He takes off for the bar and the Devils’ prospect behind it. As soon as he’s out of earshot, Chloe sags into her seat.

  “I could kill Noah for telling Jesse he’s a man now. It’s all he ever says.”


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