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by Jessie Rose Case

  Jessie Rose Case



  A Vampire Romance (House Arturo Series Book 1)


  To all those ladies out there that fell in love with ‘Angel’.

  A word from the Author.

  Warning. This book is for those that like their sex hot and on the edge.

  Hello, I'm Jessie and I thank you for buying this book! I know you did not have to. There are so many choices out there. It's a wonderful feeling knowing that someone else will enjoy one of my stories. And for me, it's about telling a story that I'd like to read myself.

  I am not caught up in POV or literacy genius. It's simply not me or my style and I will never be that person, so I apologize to all those who are focused on the POV and the genius of literacy. I envy those that are.

  On the days where my pain and meds stop my thinking processes, writing these books have been my lifeline. It reminds me that I still have the ability to rise to the challenge and that I refuse to go quietly into the night. God forbid!

  But, I'm a person just like you, who wants to bring some passion into my life and yours, and put a good story out there that's hard to put down, that brings some escapism, sexy fun and pleasure into your reading. We all love a bit of that!

  And, I hope I achieve that for you in this book. I sincerely hope you enjoy it so much that you want to look out for the next in the series. And if I'm lucky, you will have had such a good time, you'll recommend it to your friends and I thank you kindly. My very best wishes to you and yours. Jessie x

  About the Author;

  Jessie, (pseudonym) is married with sadly no children but 3 wonderful dogs that fill her life with much laughter, joy and love. She is a ‘second mother’ to her foster children, now grown with children of their own who call her grandma and her husband’s two children and her nephews who she accepts, she spoils rotten.

  Having been a 30-year career social worker. Now retired due to ill health. And many years of supporting services across all sectors and leading several teams, Jessie has now turned her attention to another love of her life, books.

  In a career that required the ability to write court paperwork, lengthy reports, crate protocols and procedures, and having been published in a medical journal for a study on addiction, Jessie is now concentrating on producing stories she would love to read and buy herself. When not busy on her lap top you will find her cooking, reading her favourite authors or swimming in the sun.

  She hopes you can join her on the adventure….

  Contact Jessie and join her mailing list ...... @


  Copyright October 2016

  All Rights Reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal, except for the case of brief quotations in reviews and articles.

  Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is coincidental.

  Other Books By the Author


  (A American West Native Indian Romantic saga)

  The Awaking

  (A Bataari New World Sci fi Alien Romantic saga Book 1)

  The Beckoning

  (A Bataari New World Sci Fi Alien Romantic Saga Book 2)

  A Pairing

  (A Bataari New World Sci Fi Alien Romantic Saga Book 3)


  (A Vampire Romantic Novel Book 1 House Arturo)


  (A Vampire Romantic Novel Book 2 House Arturo)


  (A Vampire Romantic Novel Book 3 House Arturo)


  (A Vampire Romantic Novel Book 4 House Arturo)

  The Covenant

  Books 1 – 3

  Galactic Cyborg Heat Series

  Books 1 – 14

  Masters of the Demon Realm

  Book 1


  February 1287. Against all odds and in dire conditions. As the worse storms to hit the southern coast of England leaving whole areas of coastline gone, a child came into the world. His name Arturo.

  August 1989. Beneath a ‘fallstreak hole’ in the clouds and unexplained lightning strikes cutting through the sky. A child was born. Her name Regin.


  WARNING: Explicit Sex. Its hot and dirty!

  This is a Vampire romance. Part 1 of 2.

  Arturo was born into a world of hunger and pain. For over 700 years he lived with the knowledge that he was no longer human. Fleeing persecution and loss he made his way to the New World. The first of his kind to arrive. For 300 years, the leader for his clan. Yet, he has been alone. Unwilling to mate a human once more. No Vamp or human giving rise to his temptations. Until her.... Inexplicably drawn to her. He has never wanted something, someone, so much as he does her. He will have to fight to own her. Fight harder to keep her.

  Regin was born of lightning. She was born dead. The goddess Freyja having taken pity on the babe in the battle to be born. Regin never understood why. Had no reason to believe in a purpose in Freyja actions, or why the Fates took a hand. But there was no doubt she had gifted Regin on her rebirth. She had given her, the abilities of a shield maiden. The ability to fight. And Regin used it to good effect.

  A surprise encounter brings all that she knows into question. All that she is. All that she can be. It brings changes to her life she could never have foreseen….. Or maybe Freyja had ….
















  What was that incredible smell? Arturo looked around him. The night was warm and inviting. The usual smells of people, food, drink, disease, animals, rotting garbage and death surrounded him. He’d learnt to tune most of it out if he wanted to keep his sanity. Along with the noise that humans created. There was nothing silent about them. They had no idea just what a target they placed on themselves just by their own behaviour. It was amazing that any of them had survived at all. It would be so easy to rub them all out. To snap, the life out of them. Idiots. Just look at them he thought. Walking around, going into bars, restaurants and clubs without a care. Getting drunk. Walking the streets at night without a clue of the nightmare that could so easily destroy them. Only the soft lighting for cover. They were vulnerable. Weak. A target. And his job was to keep as many safe as possible. Arturo breathed in again. What was that incredible smell? Not often did something overwhelm his senses.

  Arturo breathed deep and tuned into the scent trail turning in its direction. Seeing in the dark held no problem for him. The street lamps were for humans. Another failing. He hadn’t been human for over 700 years, he didn’t need the light. He stood on the pavement and looked around him again. So many people moving about their business, going to dinner, or meeting friends, lovers, husbands and wives. Ignorant of the real world around them. Just as they hoped to keep it. The world still held sway to those that were ignorant of the real world. The world he lived in. Arturo followed the scent that drove him on. He hadn’t noticed it before on his several trips into this town. Nothing was familiar about it. He’d invested in this town as it was up and coming in the financial markets. It was thought of as ‘quant’. A nice town. Nicer than
many. Large. It had money. And it showed in its pretty market place and streets. All colonial styling with strings of lights between businesses. Music pumping out into the streets. It gave it a party atmosphere. It was after all Friday night. It drew people in. The perfect hunting ground, only no one hunted on his territory. Arturo continued to walk in the direction his senses told him to go.

  The itch he felt telling him he needed to hurry. He could not explain it. He just knew. Arturo started to jog at human speed. He passed those out for an evening’s stroll or on their way to a destination. Stopping once, twice to breath in that delicious scent, correcting his direction and jogging on. The slight breeze helping him. He could have gone faster but that would have drawn attention and he might miss a change in the air. It battled against his need for urgency. His beast clawed at him. He started to run. Down the street. Around the corner. Down another street. He stopped. He’d lost it. The sense of loss hammering into him. Bending to lessen the pain, he breathed in again. He didn’t need the air just craved more of that scent. He straightened and turned around in a circle closing his eyes, he took several deep breaths blocking everything out but the scent, trying to look like he was out of breath and not some demented being with his nose in the air sniffing everyone and everything. Shit, he realised he’d over run whatever it was. He slowly walked back and looked around him. A park square was up ahead. Several people were walking about. On the breeze, he caught the scent of something else. Something ….. other. Several of them. Hunting. Arturo stopped and looked around. No one hunted on his territory. The was unsanctioned. An invasion that would have to be dealt with. He suddenly understood why his time was running out. He walked forward with a determined stride. He would find it before it was lost to this world. He couldn’t explain it he just had to.

  Arturo could see three people some distance ahead. Two were a couple holding hands. He followed them as they moved off and a lone person remained moving along the path. Arturo frowned. This cannot be. He slowly approached the person. This female. He watched as she moved off the main path and headed into the park square. No. He thought. They would find her there. It would be easy for them. He looked at her. Too easy. Easy prey. The park was deserted. The trees in the centre providing cover and shelter from the lights. Why would she go in there? He wondered confused. Had she no sense of preservation? There was nothing to attract anyone at this time of night. The café was closed. He watched her move into the sheltered area under the trees. Even with his eyesight it was difficult to see her. What was she thinking? Even to humans she’d be a target in there. He walked in after her. And approached slowly.

  Regin knew they were coming. She’d felt it. At first it had been a surprise, a balm to her senses having expected the worst. It seemed welcoming, comforting even. Then it changed direction and turned into what it normally felt like. Death. Destruction. Madness. Regin took a deep breath to calm her nerves. This was nothing she hadn’t faced before, she reminded herself. She moved then into the shadows away from the people. Some night out this was turning into. Regin stopped. She looked around her. She couldn’t see the path she’d come from. This would do. She had her back to the café and would see them coming from three sides. She checked her bag and took out several items. She already carried the essentials on her. She loaded her pockets and basket. Regin checked around her again. This was good. Yet, confused, she felt the same comforting feeling fall over her again and turned towards it. She watched as a man approached her cautiously. No not a man she realised. His movements just too perfect. Too quiet. Just a bit too fluid. He tried hard to conceal it. It was clear he’d had lots of practice at it. Regin smiled. His pose was guarded. Proud. Assured. Confident.

  Regin realised this male was the take charge kinda guy. He was used to getting what he wanted. He liked being in charge. And strangely he didn’t feel like death. She looked at his emotional layers again. Regin frowned. She knew what he was but his layers made no sense. She’d been fighting them most of her life. Regin was intrigued. This was a first. She raised her eyebrows in question and allowed him to enter her space. He was a beautiful male. Dressed in tight fitting black jeans and a black T. He was a tall well-built male. It left little to the imagination. Piercing eyes. Long hair. Earing loops in both ears. Which amused Regin, it gave him a pirate look. Wasn’t that a couple of decades ago? And built, as her dad would have said ‘like a brick shit house’. He posed no harm to her. Regin smiled towards him. “Hello.” She asked, “are you lost?”

  Arturo looked down at the female. There was no doubt she was the source of the scent. He struggled not to lean into her, grab her by the neck and nuzzle into her shoulder. He pulled his beast back and smiled back at her. She wasn’t stunning in a human way. They liked their women stick thin, long and lanky. Based too much on looks. He detested their idea of beautiful. This was a real woman. She had curves. A nice smile. Lovely blue eyes. Intelligence radiated from her. Her hair had a boyish cut. He’d heard it called ‘pixie’ at some point recognising it. It suited her. And she carried a nasty scar that ran down her neck under her collar. Arturo’s emotions flared, became unstable. They dared touch what belonged to him? To damage his. Arturo shook his head to clear the fog clouding it. This woman did not belong to him he told himself. He took a deep breath and a step back. He needed control. It didn’t help much. The females scent was all over him pulling at him. But she was not his. She was not his. He kept telling himself. Pushing down his feelings as he remembered she’d asked him a question. “No. I’m not lost. But you cannot be here.” He told her looking around for the best exit for her.

  Regin gave him an indulgent smile. “I’m exactly where I should be. However, I don’t think you should be here. You feel different.” Arturo focused back on the woman and frowned down at her. “Different? What do you mean?” Regin studied him for a moment sifting through his layers. Did he not know? “You don’t feel like death.” Regin told him as she turned to look back in front of her. “But death is coming and quickly, you should leave.” She told him. “You can feel them?” He asked her. “Yes. I can feel their emotional layers. They are also projecting. Their confident. Intent. I can feel their layers, their history. Their need for blood and death. They’ll be here soon.” She told him.

  Arturo looked at this woman, he was worried for her. “Are you not frightened child?” Regin grinned and laughed. “This is not my first rodeo and I’ve not been called a child in many years. What’s your name?” She asked him. “Arturo.” Regin extended her hand. “Hello again. I’m Regin.” Arturo held out his hand and took hers in his. The moment he held it he felt her. Her energy. It pulsed around him. Crackled. Seemed to spark off him and light up his body. It was an amazing feeling. He was confused. She felt human. Not other. But there was something that was undeniable in the feel of her and her scent. Regin pulled her hand back and Arturo felt the lights had just gone out of his life. “If you stay, you will have to fight.” She told him. “Can you?” She asked. Arturo raised his eyebrows. “Seriously, you are asking me that? Do I look like I can’t fight?” He asked her indignantly.

  Regin smiled. Arrogant much? she thought. “Looks can be deceiving handsome. For example. The double earring loops and long hair, I thought that went out in the 90’s and I’m no fashion guru but on you. It looks good.” Arturo snorted. Had she insulted him? “I’d be more worried about yourself. If you’re not going to leave, stay behind me and I’ll protect you.” He told her. Regin studied him a moment. She didn’t need protecting but he wouldn’t know that. It wouldn’t be the first time that someone had underestimated her. She smiled and nodded at him. “Ok, together then?” She asked him. Arturo nodded. “Together then.”

  He would protector her, he told himself. She was safer with him than out there alone and when they were done here, he would make sure she was never vulnerable again. Arturo frowned. He did not understand his pull towards this woman but it was undeniable.

  Regin moved around him staying out of arms reach. She removed the it
ems from her basket and started to lay powder in a circle around them both. It was large enough for them both to fight in. She looked up to see Arturo frowning. She made it a strong thick line with no breaks about a metre out from them. When it was done, she placed her hand on the powder and concentrated. A charge dispersed and ran around the circle. Regin caught Arturo looking on with curiosity. She could see he was wondering what was she doing? Regin came back to him in the middle. “Don’t break the circle. No matter how much they tempt you.” She told him.

  “In that case you have just cornered yourself in here with me. Are you not worried that I might attack you?” He asked her feeling lighter than he had in many years. Regin smiled up at him. “No death in your layers. Remember.” Arturo tilted his head at her.

  He didn’t understand, thought Regin not unsurprised, like so many he only saw her vulnerability. They were close now. Their feelings and emotions were strong. Maybe 2 minutes out now by Vamp speed. “They’re here” she told him. Arturo stared at her. She wondered if he knew they were coming. And how close they were. He looked a little shocked at hearing her say it. Suddenly. Nine people emerged from the night. All at Vamp speed, ghost’s on the night. They slowed to human speed and five came at them head on and stopped. With the leader in the front. Two others moved and stopped either side of them. Flanking them. They were far enough away that it would take a human 2 minutes to reach them at running speed. For them, it was nothing. A blink of an eye. They had effectively blocked any escape. Good, thought Regin, that made it easier.


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