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Blooded Page 5

by Jessie Rose Case

  Valentina moved not sure if she should shake hands or not, but Regin stopped her. “Don’t come near the door it will hurt and you won’t get in anyway.” Regin watched as Valentina took a step back. “How did you know about Jose?” Regin smiled and shrugged her shoulders. “I just do. The same way I know you haven’t fed from a human in hundreds of years. That you enjoy the life you have now. You are content with it. Accept it. Find it a calling if you will. You are fiercely loyal to Arturo. And you were or are, intimate with him.” Valentina stared at this human. “Did he tell you that?” “Nope. A blind man could see that in you.” Valentina turned away and sat at the island. Picking up James glass she finished off his wine before answering her. “That’s good vino. Arturo doesn’t reciprocate the feelings. We were close for a while.” Valentina appeared to smile at the memory. “But, that was many years ago and it was not a love match for him.” “Not my business Valentina.” Regin told her. Valentina laughed. “My dear, if Arturo is calling you his partner, it is very much your business. He hasn’t looked at a woman in that way for a very long time.” Regin didn’t know what to say to that. Valentina cleaned the island away and put things in the dishwasher. “More wine?” She asked Regin. “I think that’s a good idea. You’ll find it in the pantry behind you. Should be dozen bottles of either in there.” Valentina came back with four and put three in the fridge. “Actually I think Arturo has stocked you up. You have quite the cellar now. Glasses?” “Top left of the sink. There’s some cheese’s and fruit in the fridge too.” She told her. Valentina nodded.

  Arturo came up the stairs with James. “Regin we’re going to need chain.” He asked her. “You’ll find it in the garage.” “James can you get it? Through that door over there.” Arturo asked him as he realised Regin was still in her lab behind her protective barrier. He came towards her. “Problem?” “Nope. Just thought it better to wait until you can explain to Valentina is all.” Arturo turned away. Valentina was at the island cutting some cheese, with bread and fruit on her plate. Regin got down off her chair and swept up the powdered barrier. She walked to her seat in the kitchen and retook it. Arturo reached out to touch her arm.

  Regin turned to him. The waves of uncertainty and fear he had for her reactions to this new development hit her. He was worried about her. What she would do. Regin smiled at him. “I’m fine.” Arturo held her gaze for several moments then turned to Valentina as James came back in with several chains and headed back down to the den. Turning to her. “Regin is special.” He told her. Valentina raised her eye brows. Regin burst out laughing. Arturo turned to her confused. “She thinks we’re fuck buddies and your enamoured with me.”

  Regin was rolling in her chair having far too much fun at his expense. Arturo stared at her. “And that would be funny why?” He asked her straight faced. Regin’s face dropped and Arturo smiled turning back to Valentina. “Regin is special.” He told Valentina again. “She was born special. She has abilities that can help us in our fight. She also has some unique weapons we can use. She’s a fighter in her own unique way but it would seem that if you are a human blood drinker, her scent is over-ridingly delicious and calls to you. Something in it that attracts our kind. A pull. A lure. The scent can be overwhelming to your senses. I have never scented anything like it. I think for each of us it is a bit different. James was able to control it on scenting. He thought it delicious but controlled it. Jose clearly couldn’t – that would be the human in his veins. I find myself craving the scent, it’s difficult to ignore and as you know, I have never taken human blood.”

  Valentina looked at him. This male she had loved so deeply. “I don’t think your craving has much to do with the scent Arturo.” She told him quietly.

  Ok that was enough for Regin. “Yeah and on that note, I’m off to bed. Nice to meet everyone.” And headed to her room.

  “She isn’t worried about leaving us all here?” Valentina asked him. Arturo lent back against the kitchen units. “No. She can protect herself and knows I will.” Valentina nodded. Valentina went to speak again and Arturo held up his hand and looked down towards Regins door. It was closing. He dropped his hand and Valentia continued. “It has been many years since you took a human mate Arturo.” Arturo turned to her. He knew what that cost her. “Regin is not whole. She has a disability. She refuses to let it stop her. She hides it well. She walks around here as if nothing is wrong. But it takes it out of her. But she makes it work for her too. Don’t underestimate her. Anyone who does gets dead real quick. And I’m not sure Regin is all human either.” He said turning back to look at her door down the hallway. “In fact. I don’t think she’s much human at all.” He told her the story of Regin’s birth as James came back into the room. “A Valkyrie? Cool. Where do I find one?” Arturo ignore the comment and remembered there was a reason James came. “James you never said why you were here.” Valentina answered him. “Jose. He said that he had information that could not wait, that he needed to speak with you urgently. So we headed out.” James nodded. “Well.” Said Arturo. “I guess we need to see what Jose thought was so important. I’m guessing. That it will be a bit different now.” He told them looking from one to the other. “Let’s find out shall we.” They headed down into the den.

  Regin woke the next morning to coffee and Arturo sitting at her desk. Regin realised he was sitting there the moment her mind woke. She watched him sit in her chair waiting for her to stir. He’s hair was tied back. His head was down, leaning forward, his elbows on his knees. An earring glinted in the light. He was still wearing the same clothes from last night so she guessed whatever the conversation had been with Jose, it hadn’t got too bloody but had gone on for some time. Arturo was very still. Looking at his hands. Turning them over. Head bent. Uncertainty came off him in waves. She felt his anxiety. He was also very tired. Tiredness in a Vamp was not good. It led to mistakes. Regin feyned waking and stretched. She looked over and smiled. She was surprised he had not picked up on her change of breathing as she woke. Sitting up she made a grabbing sign with her hand. “Coffee.” Arturo smiled at her and took it to her.

  “Thank you.” Regin took a sip as Arturo sat on her bed. It was clear he was pre-occupied. “Pennie for them?” She asked. Arturo sat up and looked out the window, clasping his hands together. “Jose’s gone. Troubles coming Regin. A lot of it.” “Can I finish my coffee or do I have to kill something now?” She asked him trying to lighten the mood. “No, not now. But soon.” He told her solemnly. Regin rested her head back on the head board. “Ok so business as usual until it’s not.” Arturo turned his head to look at her. She was a bed head mess but he liked it. “Nice PJs.” He told her. Regin took on an indignant face. “Hay I’ll have you know these are the height of PJ fashion.” Arturo didn’t look convinced. But didn’t move. He lifted his hand and took hers in it. Slipping his fingers through hers. Holding it tightly. It was such a tender moment that Regin was unsure how to respond. Arturo’s emotions were … yearning and something more. That scared her more than the Vamps coming for them. Regin disconnected their fingers. “I need to get to work” she told him, gently. He nodded. “Be careful.” Regin was now worried. “The scary stuff doesn’t come out till it’s dark.” She told him. Arturo seemed pained. He looked away from her back to the window. “I’m not sure that’s true Regin. There are plenty that walk the day. We’ll talk when you get back ok.” Arturo got up and left her. Regin sat there drinking her coffee for a bit. If Arturo was worried she needed to listen. She’d go armed from now on.


  Regin entered her driveway and pulled into the open garage doorway. There was already a car in there and two others were sitting outside. Regin turned the car off and engaged the garage door. She watched it start to lower and got out the car. Her senses telling her Arturo, Valentina and James were here. Regin engaged the security pad and walked into the hall way to the kitchen. She could hear what they were saying the minute the door opened. “…did well last night. Dam kids are going to get them
selves killed if they keep taking that shit.” James was in mid flow. “Keep talking the dealers out that’s all we can do.” Arturo answered. “Good evening.” Regin called out entering the kitchen. Both James and Valentina were sitting at the Island and looked up. Arturo was stirring a large pot. Regin walked over to him and touched his arm. “I don’t know what’s in that pot handsome but I want some.” She told him squeezing his arm then taking her seat at the island. James poured her a glass of wine. “Thanks.” She told him. “Just some seafood pasta.” Arturo threw over his shoulder to her. “Sounds yummy.” She told him smiling.

  “How was your day?” Arturo asked her. Regin smiled at him. “Good. We’ll have it up and running soon.” “Brian give you any more trouble?” He asked her. Regin smiled. “Naw, he kept whinging on about our output again, that could be better if we tired this or that, the usual but no problems so far it’s all good.” Both James and Valentina looked from one to the other. “Been up long?” Regin asked him while nibbling on a bread stick. “Yeah a while. Couldn’t sleep. Sorted out the upstairs a bit more, changed a few things. I think it looks better. You’ll have to come and take a look. Tell me what you think?” James interrupted and started slapping a time out sign with his hands. “Ok that’s it. Enough of the domestic stuff. Its creeping me out. The boss doesn’t do domestic.” Regin grinned at Arturo and pointed with her bread stick to James. “He’s your friend.” She told him. Arturo ignored both of them and poured pasta into the sauce. He tossed it twice and put the contents in a large bowl and put it on the island along with cheese and a salad. Arturo handed the pasta tongs to Regin as he kissed her head. “Ladies first”.

  Regin sat content dinner had been amazing. Arturo really could cook and everyone seemed to enjoy it. This is nice thought Regin. She’d never had people over for dinner. It was just too difficult to do on her own. Not being able to stand for long periods and getting tired too quickly didn’t work with cooking. Regin watched her guests, the conversation was light and mainly between the three Vamps. Regin was ok with that. She had work to do in her lab tonight so wanted to excuse herself early. Swallowing the last of her wine, she pushed her plate away. “Wow I’m done. That was amazing.” She told him reaching out and touching his hand. Arturo looked up from his own plate. “We need to update you on what we found out last night. It’s not great.” Regin looked round the table. They had worried expressions. “Ok…. spill.”

  Arturo took a deep breath. “There’s an old adversary coming. It seems he has already recruited Jose. He’d been working for him since before Jose came to us. Might have been the reason Jose showed up in the first place, but that’s not clear. What is, is that my old adversary seems to want to make a foothold here. Apparently, he thinks I have too much power. Wants a bit of it for himself. He’s a blood drinker Regin. A bad one. So are all his followers. Jose said he has ideas that he can, amongst other things, run this town. Control it. Use it to feed his army.” Regin sat stunned. “How do you know him? How old? How many? When?” Arturo took her questions one at a time. “I’ve known him since the 1500’s and the land wars between the crown back in England. He’s not as old as I. Was not as powerful then. Now, I don’t know. But he was viciously ruthless. A predator. Sick even by those days standards.

  The Council had to step in and stop him under punishment of death. He was too public about it, fed off the vulnerable and took pleasure in the torture. The young. The numbers of his abuse I do not wish to think about. I do not know how many are coming but Jose said he was building an army, so that would suggest a hundred or more, maybe two. The when. By the next full moon. They will rip this town apart.” Arturo shuddered at the memory of his village. “This is madness on Marcus’s part.” He told her reaching out to squeeze her hand as he carried on. “We will not be able to hide this from the humans. They will notice when a town starts to die and a horde of Vamps are on a killing spree. I don’t see what he thinks he is going to gain other than a war. The Vamps here won’t stand for it and the Council would get dragged into it.” Regin’s emotions of fear permeated the room. “Maybe that’s exactly what he wants.” She looked at the three of them as she spoke. “He wants a war. Not only getting rid of you but letting the authorities and public know that they exist. Maybe he’s tried of this Council controlling him. He wants the freedom to do what he likes, to let them all know he’s powerful and can’t be stopped.”

  Shit thought Regin. “So if he’s coming for you, if you leave does he go elsewhere? What’s the plan? You do have a plan right?” She asked him and looked at the others. “I’ve called my people they’re coming.” He told her quietly. “How many is that?” She asked him. “In my territory, there are over 5000 Vampires Regin and they are mostly loyal to me. I have called on 200 to attend me here. Others are protecting property and people.” “What territory? You said you were here on business. They going to be blood drinkers?” Regin couldn’t stop herself from asking. “I have a territory here I am responsible for. There will be many that drink human blood Regin.” Fuck thought Regin confusion and worry plaguing her. That’s not good. It would bring them straight to her door. She’d be constantly battling. Fuck that. Arturo broke into those thoughts as he told her. “Those that drink blood mainly drink it of their mates or are loyal to me.” “Wont that still make me a target to them?” She asked him annoyed. “We don’t think so.” Valentina cut in. Regin turned to look at her. “Those that are mated. Bonded. The bond should be stronger than any pull to anything else. And we will tell them all to turn off their sense of smell around you and Arturo can reinforce the bond with them.” “But you don’t know do you?” Regin threw at her. Arturo answered. Regin looked back at him. “No. This is all new to us. But you are with me and that should help.” Shit. I’m with him so that should help? What was that shit? This was not going to end well. As she saw it, if she didn’t get shit on by Arturo’s people, she would by the newcomer thinking to be a god. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  Arturo could feel Regin’s anxiety in her heart rate and the worry on her face. Feeling her withdrawing from him. That was unacceptable. “I am the leader of my people here Regin. Not all blood drinkers are killers. My word is law.”

  Regin didn’t know what to say to that. When they got hungry little else seemed to matter. They sure as hell didn’t wait around to ask any questions about who you are or who you’re with or ask if you wouldn’t mind donating a pint or three. Not the killers anyway. Yes, Arturo and his people do seem different. She had to give him that. They’d not tried to invade her space or drink from her. Even Arturo had been nothing but polite and courteous and …. loving. Regin frowned. He was going to have to leave.

  Arturo knew she did not believe him. “We were talking about your birth earlier.” He told her changing the subject. Regin frowned. “My birth?” Regin looked confused at the change in conversation. “Yes. Lore, the Lore we live by, tells us that a Valkyrie is born of both the goddess and Odin and her parents. The goddess blesses the female at the point of her death for her struggle in life. A reward for her battle in life. In your case, you were battling to survive your birth and the unusual hole in the sky might have brought you to her attention. That’s very unusual. You hadn’t had a chance to fight in this life yet or to be a warrior. So you got the human part from your parents and if your father is right and I think he is, the goddess gave a bit of herself at your re-birth. What you’re missing is the blood of an angel/god….. Normally referred to as Odin.” “I don’t see what that’s got to do with anything. I don’t need it and it’s not like I can just pop to the supermarket and buy some.” Regin told him sarcastically. It was clear she was unable to stop herself. She was pissed. Arturo understood this was coming at her, whether she wanted it or not. And for someone who liked being in control. This was hard for her.

  “Actually you don’t have to buy it at all.” James told her knowingly. Regin turned to look at him. “What are you talking about?” She was irritated and annoyed. Arturo watched as her fingers started to
spark. James stepped back. “Do you know how the first Vampire was made?” Arturo asked her calmly bringing her attention back to him. Regin turned. “A fallen angel kicked out of the heavens?” “Yes. That’s right. He was my maker Regin, several centuries later. I carry his blood. Before he left me to die. He told me he’d been kicked out of heaven and raged the Earth to cause despair and destruction to spite his God who created him.”


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