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Blooded Page 6

by Jessie Rose Case

  Regin looked at Arturo. Had she just heard right. “Sorry?” She asked him. He nodded. “I told you I had been married before my turn and after that I had three wonderful women fill my life from time to time. But I never bonded or mated them. To do so would have meant an exchange of blood, I did not wish to burden them with that monster and was unsure they could handle it. It was a harsh time. I doubted they would have been strong enough to survive anyway.” Regin just looked at him. Not sure how to take this information. “And if you had?” She eventually asked. Valentina answered her. “If they were not too weak and survived, they would have blood bonded, exchanging some of their human blood with their Vampire, creating a bond that is reinforced on a regular basis. Its unbreakable. Only death can do it. It’s rare in Vamp society because of that and because the human life is given powers as a result. Powers that cannot be abused. Cannot be public. Only true life mates do it. The human gains the benefits of a longer life. Strength.” Valentina looked at Arturo. “And …..enhanced healing. Are, just some of the Vampire benefits.” Regin sat stunned and looked over at Arturo. She suddenly understood what he was trying to tell her. “I’m no charity case, or an experiment, you are not a god and you cannot fix this.” She told him flatly. “Don’t fight me on this Regin. I can try.” He told her looking every inch the undisputed god in his world. And that scared her.

  “No. My answer is no.” Getting up she walked to her lab and closed the door. Enough. This was crazy she told herself. Yes she felt drawn to Arturo but to blood bond whatever that was. To bond with him for life… for as long as they both lived? No. That could not happen. Why would he want to do this? Shackle himself to someone for eternity. No. What if he took too much blood and killed her. ‘And what if the others came and attacked at once’ her mind replied. She’d not be able to fight them all off. “Awww” she groaned aloud. The dam pro’s and con’s lined up in her mind. Accepting one. Rejecting the other. Over and over as she worked on her powders and weapons, it went through her mind. She argued with herself and used rationale to push her way through. Arturo had never taken human blood. Why would he volunteer to do this now? It made no sense to her. He’d held back before. Why now? He couldn’t want her blood that badly or her. She was broken. She had accepted that. She didn’t let it interfere with her life. She had a good career. Friends. And she kicked ass when she had to. It was a good life she told herself.

  She didn’t need more. It was already full….. Although … Arturo could really cook. She told herself smiling. And he made good coffee. Made her laugh. Had brought fun into her life. And he looked gorgeous with a capital G, despite the 90’s earrings thing going on. Cindy would be proud that she reminded herself of that bit. She smiled as she grabbed some more powdered oak. The last few weeks had been fun. They had worked together and it felt … nice. She had missed him when he wasn’t home if she was running late and he always left her food and brought her coffee in the morning. If she was really going to think about it. He did do a lot of the chores around the place too as a partner would. Sighing, she reached out and picked up her vrank gun and started cleaning it. He wasn’t offering partner though was he? She reminded herself. This was no good. At this rate, if her body would let her, she’d be jumping his bones the minute she walked out her lab door or equally running a mile. Putting down the vrank gun she leaned on the desk. Dam it. There was knock at her door. Regain jumped. She’d been so lost in her own thoughts she’d forgotten she had guests. How weird was that? Vampire’s in the house and she forgot? Hell had frozen over.

  “Regin we’re heading out. I’ll put the security on ok.” She looked over at the door. “Thanks Arturo. Night all.” She heard the others saying goodnight as they headed out. She seriously needed to switch off but the tumble weed in her mind was making that impossible. Instinctively reaching across the table and picking up several components, she worked on into the night. At the point where her body’s stiffness reminded her that she cannot sit for long periods without paying for it, she gave up. The pain had set in and only pain killers were going to help her now. Glancing at the clock she was surprised to see it was after one am. Taking a deep breath she started to rise. The pain was acute in all her lower limbs. Riding a wave from toe to hip. She waited as she knew she had to for her legs to engage and take her weight before she could move them. On solid ground, she packed up her stuff. Put away what she needed to and slowly exited her lab heading for bed. Her last passing thought, that at least now she was so tired she’d get some sleep.

  It was the first night she dreamed of him. She knew it to be a dream. It was a warm night and Regin had left her bed and gone outside for some cool air. She felt no pain. No stress in her legs or hips. She found Arturo in her garden. He was stripped to his waist. Cutting wood for winter. Regin didn’t realise he’d done that. She turned to look at the winter pile and realised that it was getting replenished and she hadn’t yet contracted for it to be done. Clearly Arturo had been doing it or in this dream anyway. Regin turned back to look at him. There was no doubt this man had strength. If you didn’t know it from the swing of the axe. You’d know it from the six pack he carried and Regin didn’t mean beer and his commanding presence. He was gorgeous to look at. Really look at. All male. From his long dark hair tied back at his nap to his feet. There was nothing small about this man. He was muscled where Regin didn’t know men had them. Regin smirked. She watched him swing the axe and cut through wood with ease. Regin recalled his eyes. They were a beautiful green. His face strong with defined features. He truly rocked that pirate thing.

  Regin wondered for a moment why women didn’t fall over themselves for him. Her friends had on seeing him. Arturo likes women. She knew that. So why did he not take advantage of that? Why was he offering her a bond? Only her birth set her apart. Nothing else. It made no sense to her. Arturo suddenly stopped swinging the axe as if sensing her and turned in her direction. He put the handle down and walked towards her. His walk strong and determined with only one direction in mind. Her. Regin held her breath. Arturo stopped before her and looked down at her. His height towered over her by head and shoulders. Raising both hands, he held the sides of her face and caressed her cheeks with his thumbs. Leaning in towards her, his expression full of love and devotion. He ran his lips across her cheek to her ear and whispered. “Hello wife.” And kissed her. Passionately. Unreservedly. Unforgivingly. Regin woke with a start covered in sweat and sat up. What the hell had just happened?

  Looking wildly round the room she realised she was still in bed. Wiped her forehead and looked at the clock. It was before her alarm normally went off but not enough to try and go back to sleep. Who was she kidding? There’d be no going back to sleep after that wake-up call. Regin slipped to the side of the bed and placed her feet on the floor. She waited for the strength to go back to them and stood up gingerly. Once up she headed to the shower. Her skin was buzzing. She needed a cool shower to wash some of that buzz away she told herself. Grabbing some underwear on her way in. She was showered, dressed and at her desk before Arturo came in with her coffee. She’d had to push herself but she’d done it. “You’re up early today.” He told her coming in on time. “Yeah had trouble sleeping.” She told him. Arturo sat on the edge of the bed facing her at the desk. “We need to talk about last night’s conversation.” He told her gently.

  Regin sipped her coffee. “Later?” She asked and hated the almost pleading voice that came out. Arturo looked up at her. And stared into her eyes. “You ok?” Regin nodded. “It was a lot to take in.” She told him honestly. “But we’re good yes?” He asked her. Regin couldn’t miss that Arturo was worried. She hadn’t asked for this and in many ways, he had brought all this to her door. She could feel his emotions. “Yes we’re good. You confused me Arturo. I don’t know how this all happened. It seems too fast, then not fast enough. An enemy is coming for you but now he’s also coming for me and this town. I’m all over the place. My mind is swinging back and forth, do this, do that, but… I guess I wouldn�
��t change things.” She told him. Arturo visibly relaxed. “I’ll see you later then?” He asked her reaching out and taking her hand in his. She found it hard to swallow. Still riding the sexy pirate from her dream. She couldn’t find her voice and just nodded as he turned and walked out her door.

  It had been a long day. A dose of unease had stayed with her all day and hit again now driving home. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to go home, she did. Just not sure she wanted to have this conversation. She wasn’t a coward. It just opened too many old wounds. Things long buried and forgotten about. It would bring stuff up that she had let go. It was what it was. Nothing could change that. Or could it? She cringed and frowned. Dam it. She’d been at it all day. Never far from anything she did. Did Arturo really think it would work she’d kept asking herself. Did they really have to do the whole blood bond thing? It was the 21st Century after all. If it was all about an exchange of blood, they could do that the modern way right? A blood transfusion? She could do that. If it sorted things out and fixed it. And it wouldn’t leave them bonded. Arturo would still have his freedom. This seemed logical. She could do that? Right?

  The argument with herself ran full pelt as she drove into her garage. Only Arturo’s car was here. Regin closed off the garage door and opened the pad into the house. The wonderful aroma of roast beef hit her. She genuinely smiled. That man could cook. She walked into the kitchen. “Hi. That smells incredible.” Arturo smiled at her. “Good evening. You only say that because your starving and your cooking is poor.” He told her with a pointed look. She puffed and tried to look offended. “Busted yep. Feed me.” She laughed and took her seat and tucked in. Eating like a starved person it tasted divine roast beef cooked to perfection. And with a yummy coating. Mashed potatoes and green beans. “I’m going to get fat at this rate.” She told him off handily while stuffing another mouthful. Arturo smiled. “Good.” Regin looked at this man sitting opposite her. He kept surprising her. “You like fat women?” Arturo put his fork down. “Regin I come from an age where women were heavier and sturdier. They had to be to survive. Some weight on a woman looks good.” He told her picking up his fork again. Regin drank her wine and thought about that for a while as she continued to clean her plate. At last Arturo pushed his plate away. Reached for the wine bottle and refilled both glasses. It was time she thought. He might take her suggestions better having eaten she thought. Seriously, did she just think that? She asked herself. Boy she was so brain dead. Clearing her throat, she started. “So… I was thinking today.” She blurted. “That this is the 21st Century and all that. We have modern advancements that weren’t around back in the day. The blood exchange thing. We don’t need to be bonded. We could just do a blood transfusion. It if worked. Great. You’re not stuck with me.” She gave him her best, I’m a scientist and I know look.

  Arturo swirled the wine around in his glass. He had let her finish. “Is that what you think Regin? That I’d be stuck with you? He asked her. “That this, is not a choice I make?” He watched Regin and made sure she felt his annoyance. “I think your trying to do a good thing. I don’t understand why but I get it, but apart from the extra fire power on the front line, which, I’d give you anyway, you don’t need to get yourself bonded to do that Arturo.” He lifted his glass and took a deep swallow of his wine before he put his glass back on the counter and waited a few moments before answering her. “I chose not to do this with 3 women I loved many years ago and many years apart Regin. I chose not to do that. Each time I loved each woman. It was a difficult, hard decision to make. Knowing they would live, age and die if the elements of the world at that time, did not kill them first and still, I would not bond to them.” He had to stop for a moment lost in his own history of emotions. Old feelings struggled to surface.

  “In all honestly,” he told her, “the reason was very clear. I did not want to. I selfishly refused to do it. Did I condemn them with that act? I don’t know. But I let them die as fate provided. At the time, it didn’t mean I loved them any less. Just that I would not risk them or burden them with this life. This is not something I feel I am being cornered to do Regin. On this occasion. With you. It is something I want to do above all else and you will be strong enough to take it.” He told her. Her face told him she still didn’t get it. That she still looked for an easy way out. “So ok we can try the transfusion thing.” Arturo shook his head at her. “No Regin. That won’t work. We both have to be emotionally and physically, fully invested in the event for the blood bond to take.” Regin wrinkled her nose. “We would be. Both awake. Both there. Exchanging blood. I couldn’t imagine doing that and not being emotionally involved.” She told him. O he liked her spirit and smiled as he refilled their glasses. Regin lifted hers and took a couple of gulps. He could tell this was not going as she had hoped. She was in the middle of her third when he took pity on her and answered. “That kind of emotional bond only comes through the exchange of bodily fluids Regin. Of an all encompassing physical joining, a sexual climax and at that moment, both enjoying the elation and joy of the other and the sharing of blood.” Regin choked on her wine. Why did she end up choking each time? Tears came to her eyes. He got up and patted her back.

  O my fucking god. Shit. Thought Regin. She choked a few more times and gained control of herself. Arturo stopped patting her and left her with a sensual stroke along her back. Or it could have been just a stroke to say cough up but at that moment, Regin wasn’t sure of much at all. She waved her hand in front of her face to air dry her eyes. Arturo took his seat. And just stared at her. Well that wasn’t unnerving much. She wasn’t sure where to look after that splatter telling him what a goof ball she was or his statement. Had he just told her he wanted to have sex with her? Was it getting hot in here? She felt flushed. And looked down at the table unable to focus on him. And not just any old sex. O no. Full on. No holds barred. Pushing all your buttons. Drained out. Dirty. Boneless kind of sex. The kind you crave and rarely got. You had to be emotionally bonded he’d said. Spent. It wasn’t just the blood. It was the emotion, the connection carried in the blood that did the bonding. That actually made sense to the scientist in her. Regin nodded to herself. The chemist coming to the fore. She knew he was watching her.

  He knew that he had shocked her. That she would try to find an out. But that was good wasn’t it? It was a step in the right direction. Last night she couldn’t even entertain it, it had been a flat no. Today, she’d looked to finding a solution that allowed it to happen. She was working the problem and didn’t care that Arturo watched the emotions fly across her face as she clinically worked it out. This is who she was and what she did.

  Finally, Regin looked up at him. “Why do you want to do this? Is it the draw of my blood? You’ve never had any human blood. Aren’t you worried what it will do to you? It’s not like we’re humping bunnies or anything.” Arturo tried not to smile. She was rambling from one aspect to another he found it endearing. He paused for a moment. “The blood bond is unique between two people. It creates a bridge between both souls. Neither of them crave others, in fact to do so makes them ill. It’s a failsafe of some kind. Only broken by one or the others death. It will prevent me craving other human blood. The why. Is simple. I am drawn to you like no other, I have ever known. I find myself wanting to be with you. These passed weeks have been a revelation to me. I crave this. You are in my mind day and night. I do not want to think about being without you and yes, there is a need in me to fix what has happened to you but that is not the overriding factor. It might not work. But either way, you will be more and we will have a life together for as long as that is.” Regin struggled with hearing all that. Had he just proposed? It was difficult not to be moved by his words and she felt the truth of them but had to be honest.

  “If it doesn’t work you will be burdened with a disabled human. You will be at a disadvantage and others will see it as a weakness.” Arturo stared at her. “That will not happen.” He told her. “Is this because you think you might die Arturo? That t
his is a last good win gesture? Cos I gotta tell ya, that doesn’t work for me. And you don’t love me Arturo. Hell, you don’t know me. You’ve only known me a few weeks. I could have a lot of issues you don’t even know about and get stuck with them. It’s a big decision to make on such a short amount of time.” Arturo smiled at her with fire in his eyes. “My dear Regin, I fell in love with you the minute you asked me if I was lost in that park and for the first time in many many years, I felt home.” Regin could not ignore the fire pouring out from him and suddenly coming at her on an emotional wave. She could so easily just say yes. She needed a reality check. “I don’t love you Arturo.” She told him honestly, sadly. Arturo tilted his head and smiled staring into her eyes. “You will.”

  Arturo had got up and left her then. Regin sat there looking at him as he walked away. ‘Arrogant arse’ she thought. Who says ‘you will’ and walks away all swagger and confidence? She smiled at her mimic. Strangely she didn’t feel threatened by what he’d told her. On a level she didn’t want to accept, it excited her, fired her senses. He wasn’t one to give up. You can’t just say ‘you will’ and expect it to happen. Who does that? She asked herself. Well clearly Arturo did. Regin loaded the dishwasher and wiped down. She was suddenly very tired. The strain of working and dealing with Arturo was taking its toll on her she reflected. Regin felt the pain in her knee pulse. Reluctantly she reached for a glass and painkillers. She’d feel better in the morning she told herself. Swallowing two. She put the glass in the sink and headed for bed. She dreamed.


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