Book Read Free


Page 12

by Jessie Rose Case

  Regin felt herself coming. Lightning struck outside their window. Regin felt its power surge through her. The tingling moved up her body, she knew how close she was, she held her breath as the wave peaked just out of reach and crashed over her pulling her under. She came screaming his name and clinging to him.

  Arturo wallowing in the sensual frenzy running along his cock and was unable to hold back, his mouth opened as she came, he leaned forward and bit the inside of her thigh. As the blood hit his senses he exploded into driving his seed deep within her. Regin came again. He had never felt anything like it. She drew everything from him and gave him so much back. It was a wonder to him all over again. How had he lived without this? Moved with emotion, Arturo licked closed where he had bitten her. Releasing her legs gently, he withdrew from her body and moved to the side of her. Wrapping her in his arms. He was never letting her go.

  Regin woke to the morning chorus outside her bedroom window. She was well loved and comfortable. Arturo was wrapped around her. She slowly disengaged from his embrace and headed to the bathroom and took a shower. She needed coffee. Quietly she wrapped her robe around her and headed back into the sitting room. Remembering that she needed to call staff. Regin pulled the cord hanging down the side of the fireplace. Not really sure that was right she picked up the telephone next to the settee on the end table. Within two rings it was picked up. “Good morning.” Said Regin. “I’m not sure if I did the correct thing in pulling the cord but could I have some coffee sent up to my rooms please.” “Good morning miss.” Said a female voice. “I will bring it up right away.” “Thank you.” Regin told her and put the phone down. Regin wasn’t happy relying on someone else for something simple like coffee. She’d have to speak with Arturo about setting up a little coffee station in their rooms. She could do that herself it was crazy to have to call someone to bring it. Regin got up and walked round to the windows and pulled back the curtain a little to look out. It was a beautiful morning the park looked lovely. A knock at the door had Regin turning as it opened. A ‘maid’ came in with a tray. “Good morning mam.” And placed it on the breakfast table. “Thank you. What’s your name?” The maid smiled. “I’m Carol mam.” “Thank you Carol. Do you know if the windows are UV protected? I’d like to open the curtains if they are.” Carol looked confused. “I’m sorry mam I don’t.” “That’s ok Carol who would know?” “That would be Jenson mam.” Regin smiled at Carol. “Could you ask Jenson to come and see me when he’s free please.” “Yes mam.” Carol gave her a little bounce curtsey and left. Ok thought Regin that was way too weird.

  Regin sat at the table with the tray and poured herself a coffee from the coffee pot. They had also brought her the morning papers and some pastries. This was the life she thought. Not real. But the life. Regin opened the paper and started reading what passed for news in Montreal. She was on her second cup when there was a quiet knock on the door. Jenson entered and bowed. She was really going to have to have words about that. “Good morning mam. Did you wish to speak with me?” “Hi Jenson. I just wondered if the windows were UV protected?” “I’m sorry mam. No they’re not. The master didn’t think it was needed when previously discussed so it has not been done.” Regin thought that was short sighted of Arturo and he probably felt the same now that he had experienced the benefits. “Jenson, I’d like that done on all the windows as soon as possible please.” “Yes mam. I’ll make the arrangements today.” “Thank you.” Regin told him turning back to her paper.

  Jenson went to turn and stopped. “Mam. I’d like to thank you on behalf of the staff regarding Sarah. We were aWare she had her problems and tried to work with it but no matter what, she unsettled the staff. We have lost a number of good people because of it and keeping some staff has become problematic.” Regin put down her paper and frowned. “Did you discuss this with Arturo?” Jenson looked chagrin. “Err no mam. Knowing the master favoured her it was difficult.” “Are we short staffed Jenson?” Regin asked him. Jenson looked embarrassed. “It would be helpful to have several more staff. It’s a large house and the upkeep requires sufficient staff.” Regin nodded remembering her comment to Arturo that she wouldn’t be cleaning it. “I understand. Are you able to contact any of the old staff that felt the need to leave and inform them that they will not have to worry about the same issues again, if so that would be helpful. Otherwise contact who you normally do and employ who you need. Don’t run short Jenson. That just causes stress. I’d rather we were overstaffed not under. Offer bonuses to all staff in thanks of a difficult time and have finance set that up please. We will be having a party in the next two weeks and I want all in house staff that we know. No strangers. If you need extra help, ask the staff if their family can help and we’ll pay them accordingly. I’m sure Arturo will let you have the fuller details later.” “Yes mam. Again. Thank you.” Regin smiled at him and watched him leave.

  Regin finished her breakfast and dressed. And headed downstairs into the family room. All the curtains were closed and lights were on. This was crazy thought Regin. Sighing she turned and walked towards the front door. Turning the handle Regin opened the door and stepped outside. It was a beautiful day. Regin strolled outside and walked along the path. You couldn’t but notice the security. Staff were on the grounds. Some working keeping it looking good, others, making sure it stayed that way. Regin found a pretty garden area off to the left and took a seat. The sun was shining and it was comfortable. Regin closed her eyes and basked in the sun. It was so peaceful. Regin wasn’t sure how long she stayed there. She started feeling hungry. Regin got up and stretched. Looking round she was still on her own. It seemed a lot of space for just one person. Regin headed into the house and headed for the back. Thinking that the kitchen must be in that direction. Regin found the back door and looked in. It was the kitchen. Pushing open the door Regin went in. She walked though the boot room and utility and into the kitchen. There were several staff working.

  It took a few minutes for someone to realise that it wasn’t a member of staff that had walked in. Regin smiled. They’d turned around to find her standing there. As they stood still so the other members of staff turned to see what was the cause. Regin looked around and smiled at them. “Good afternoon.” A chorus of. “Good afternoon mam.” Was spoken. The person by the stove came towards her. “Can I get you anything?” Regin turned to her. “Yes thank you. Could I have a sandwich and a drink?” “Of course. Ham, turkey, beef, cheese. What would you like?” “Turkey salad would be nice with some mayo?” “No problem mam. I’ll have one of the girls bring it up.” Regin didn’t want to upset anyone but she really didn’t want to go to the sitting room and eat alone. “Would it be ok if I ate down here somewhere? I don’t want to put you all on edge or anything. It’s just a bit weird being up there on my own.” “We’d be happy to have you. Come, there’s a table just through there.” Regin was pointed in the general direction and followed her nose. She found the table and sat down. A turkey and mayo sandwich appeared with crisps and some fruit. “That’s perfect, thank you. What’s your name?” “I’m Alice. I’m the head cook here.” Regin held out her hand. “Nice to meet you I’m Regin. Have you worked here long?” Alice smiled. “I’ve been here for 10 years more or less. Mr Arturo is a good boss. I like my job.” Regin bit into the sandwich. It was good. “That’s nice to know Alice. Any problems you come and see me ok?” “Yes mam.” Alice left her to enjoy her meal. Some coffee appeared towards the end. Regin thanked them and took her coffee upstairs. She entered her sitting room and sat down. She was flicking through a magazine when Arturo made an appearance.

  Regin turned to him. Dam that man. He looked so good in just PJ bottoms and an open loose robe. All those muscles on show with his hair hanging long and straight. He was a handsome devil. Arturo lifted his arm and rubbed at his head and face. Putting on more of a show. Regin was very appreciative. Her man was hot with a capital H. “Well good morning.” She told him with a smile. Arturo looked up and held out his hand. Regin put do
wn her coffee and magazine and walked towards him walking into his arms. He held her tight. Kissing her forehead. “I missed waking up with you.” He told her. Regin laughed. “You mean you missed doing me.” She told him. He had the good grace to squeeze her. “Yes. So how are you going to make it up to me?” “O I’m sure I can think of a few things.” She told him. Arturo laughed. Regin let him go and walked back towards the settee. “Come on. Let me get you some coffee.” Regin pick up the phone and called the kitchen. Alice answered. “Hi Alice. Mr Arturo is up could we have more coffee and breakfast for one please.” Regin listened to the other end. “Thank you.” She told the person and replaced the receiver.

  “Alice? You’ve been busy while I’ve been sleeping.” Regin picked up her coffee and sat as he came over to her. “I went for a walk and then took myself round to the kitchens for some lunch. It was good to see everyone and get introduced. I err told Alice if she had any problems to come to me. Hope that’s ok. And mentioned to Jenson about the party. He wants to discuss it further with you. I also need to tell you that Jenson was finding it hard to keep staff here. I told him to hire what he needs hope that’s ok.” Arturo sat opposite her. “Trouble finding staff why, we pay well?” Regin just sat and looked at him. She didn’t want to say. “Sarah?” He whispered. “Yes sorry. They’ve been understaffed for some time. Jenson didn’t like to say.” Arturo frowned. “He should have said its part of his job.” Regin pierced her lips and raised her eyebrows. Really? Arturo looked at Regin. And with a resounded tone told her. “Ok. I know.” “Good cos for a moment there I thought your judgement had left you.” Arturo looked away holding back his amusement. She didn’t let him get away with anything.

  There was a knock at the door and Carol came in with a tray. She did the curtsey thing and brought over the tray. Placing it on the table. “Is there anything else I can get you mam?” “No Carol that grand thank you.” Carol did the bobbing thing and left them. Regin turned to Artruo. “We need to have a chat about the bobbing thing. It’s not the 1800’s and its embarrassing.” She told him. Arturo grinned around tucking a mouthful of his steak and eggs into his mouth. “So tell them to stop.” He told her. So ok then. “I also need to tell you I told Jenson to put UV and silver lining on all the windows. Sitting in the dark with all the lights on during the day is crazy. You don’t need to Arturo.” He swallowed and stuffed more into his mouth. Between mouthfuls. “Well to be fair I wasn’t up much during the day Regin and it was only me. Fine. I’d like that.” He told her returning to his food. Regin sat back and smiled at her man. There was no getting his attention with food on the table. She quietly drank her coffee. Just happy to be in his company. She did love this male.

  Arturo finished his meal. “How is it that the Vamps here do not target your staff for blood.” She asked him. Arturo looked up from his phone a little amused. He had been expecting a question like this. Regin’s mind would want all the explanations to explain how this life worked. “All the people here, including my staff, are blood joined to me. It prevents the Vamps from being ‘tempted’ by the human blood working here. As most Vamps are not blood bonded, that is most of them. We keep eyes on those that are not mated and I don’t bring in strange or new Vamps into my homes. If we have any, they stay safely at compounds until they have control of their urges. I won’t have my staff at risk on either side Regin. If one of my people attacked one of my staff, no matter who they are, it’s a death sentence and they know it.” Arturo’s phone pinged. It was just after three in the afternoon. He opened the message. “Seems we will be having company this evening.” He told her. “Three of the Wares are coming to talk. They will be here around nine so we’ll have dinner before and serve drinks when they get here.” Regin put down her coffee. “Is that good news?” Arturo looked up from sending a return message. “Let’s hope so. They don’t like the changes that are occurring any more than we do.” Regin thought about that. “You know there’s a saying, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” She told him ruefully. “Use that Arturo charm and get them to join forces where you need them to.” “Are you telling me my charm works?” He asked her wiggling his eyebrows at her. Regin patted his hand. “Not on me handsome.” Arturo burst out laughing. Getting up he leaned over and kissed her. “I’m going for a shower. Join me.”

  Arturo’s men and women came in to converse with him over the next 3 hours. The older ones came first awake before the sun set. All with updates on what was going on in their areas. They were containing it for now. But expected things to get worse before they got better. Dinner was a sober affair. Regin recognised many of the people from her house and was introduced to several mated pairs who worked for Arturo. She was surprised to see a couple of male humans mated to female Vamps. Only one pair was blood bonded. There were several with female mates. And a number of single Vamps. Regin had been anxious at their reaction to her. But it had gone well. The conversation was business. And dinner delicious. Coffee was served and people lingered, enjoying the company and reluctant to leave the sense of normality.

  Jenson approached the table and bent to Regin. “Your company has arrived mam.” “Thank you Jenson.” Regin looked across the table to Arturo. “I’m afraid we will have to leave you. Our company has arrived.” Regin stood. Arturo followed. “Pierre. John. If you would join us. Jenson please show our guests to the reception room and serve drinks.” Jenson bowed his head and left the room. “My apologises. Pressing matters to attend to. Please stay and enjoy. Should we still be in conference please use the banquet exit.” Arturo, Pierre and Regin followed after Jenson entering the adjoining hallway. “Regin what do you feel from our new guests?” Regin pushed out her senses. She answered as she read them. “There are three of them. Their emotions are similar. Anger. Distrust. Disapproval. Wariness. Concern. Anxiety. Loss. Curiosity. Hope. One is suffering bereavement. Is vulnerable.” She told him frowning. “No intension of betrayal or fight?” Regin shook her head. “Not with us.”


  Regin walked behind Arturo with Pierre and John behind her into the reception room where their guests were waiting. Three of the largest men Regin had ever seen were standing in the room by the ornate fireplace. They were good looking in casual jeans and T’s. They could have been body builders or very big lumber jacks. Jenson was filling several drinks orders and handing them out. The males faces wore a distasteful expression as Arturo walked in. Regin guessed that to Wares, Vamps didn’t smell good. It was a different reaction when they smelled her. All three looked directly at her and breathed in. An expression of euphoria came over their faces. They looked at each other and then stared at her hard.

  Arturo led Regin to a seat facing their three guests. He continued passed her and held out his hand to the obvious leader of the group. That male shook his head and refocused on Arturo. “Thank you for coming. I’m Arturo.” Surprise at being treated so civilly was evident on the man’s face. But he automatically held out his hand in return and shook it. “Brandon and these are my seconds, Paul and Nicky.” “Drink mam?” “Thank you Jenson. I’ll have a brandy.” “Make that three.” Arturo told him. Arturo turned back to his other guests and held out his hand to both of them. Again both male’s appeared to be shaking off some heavy thoughts, they were weary but took and shook his hand. Arturo took the glass handed to him by Jenson. Regin scanned a bit deeper. She was worried for the male with the bereavement. It was raw. Too raw. A child. Regin sat ridged. How awful for this male to go through such a thing. “This is my wife Regin and my first Pierre and my first in security John.” Arturo indicated to both of them.

  Regin felt the need to go to the male suffering so much. His emotions overwhelming. His service to duty bringing him here rather than mourning with his family. She put her drink down and walked to the male to the surprise of those around him. She embraced him. The male stood straight and still. Regin spoke. “I am sorry for your loss. If we could help change that we would.” Regin released him and looked into his eyes. “Such a wort
hy brave male. Duty before your own sorrow. Your son would be proud.” She told him. The male took a deep breath, her essence would be all round him. She sent soothing thoughts to him. As he visibly relaxed, Regin returned to her seat squeezing Arturo’s hand as she passed him. He lifted it and kissed it. There were tears in Nicky’s eyes.

  Arturo addressed Brandon. “We both have a problem. Unauthorised Vamps are coming across your land and into our territory. They are killing at will and causing havoc both here and with your people. They need to be stopped. We have increased our numbers in those areas to tackle it. Staying out of your territory. But it seems to me we have the same problem. We’ve lived side by side for many many years without too much of an issue and I’ve been happy with that arrangement. Any of mine out of line have been dealt with. The same could be said of yours. Although we are not natural partners, we made it work. However, this new activity is the result of a new threat to both of us. What’s coming now, is going to break that peace apart. They are old school. They will want to wipe you out as they do us. Trying to take as much territory as they can.” Arturo let that sink in. Brandon was the first to speak. “If you have a turf war its nothing to do with us. I have my own people to think about. I agree in the past we have made it work and although I respect what you’re saying, we do not know that we will not have the same arrangement if you fall with the new master.” Arturo looked at Brandon. “I understand your feelings on this. I really do but I don’t think you get the full picture. John enlighten our guests.”


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