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Blooded Page 13

by Jessie Rose Case

  John moved forward to face them. “We have people tracking the Vamps that have been coming into our territory. We killed most but let a few go to see where or what they were up to. They crossed into your lands taking their feeds with them. These were humans we were too late to save. Once they were within your boundary they finished off their kills and shredded them across your lands. Before making a hasty retreat back across your boarder heading back down south. We think they are working out of Jazel’s camp and we are dealing with that. However, the aftermath of what they did to the bodies I’m sure you already know. We witnessed several Wares unable to control themselves when surrounded by so much blood. These are tactics used by our enemy of old. He drives Wares crazy on blood lust. They either go mad and attack the public or their own kind and anything else they come across. In the end, they have to be put down. Either way, it saves him having to work the problem. It’s done for him. He has no intension of stopping till your all gone. We have two captures if you would like to verify this for yourselves.”

  Brandon turned to his two men. Anger radiated round the room. “Johnny.” Nicky whispered. Claws lengthened and the air became thick with the need for pay back. “Gentleman.” Regin quietly addressed them with peace and calm. “We are not your enemy. We could have left you in the dark but in all good conscience could not do so. You are our neighbours and friends.” All three men took calming breaths. Brandon looked at her. “You are not a Vamp.” He told her bluntly. Regin smiled at him. “No I’m not.” “Arturo’s mate?” “Yes.” Brandon turned to Arturo. “I had heard you had found your mate. You are a lucky man. My blessings on your marriage.” Arturo genuinely thanked him. Brandon turned back to Regin. “Do you think it wise to mate now. What if your mate fails you. What becomes of you?” Arturo’s face tightened. Brandon was concerned for her. Regin felt the need to show him his concern was misplaced. These were Wares, they appreciated dominance and strength. She gave him a cold smile as she lifted her hands. They started to spark and arced charged particles across her fingers. She moved them back and forth dancing across her fingers. “My name, is Reginleif. I was reborn the daughter of a goddess. I love my husband. Arturo will not fail but should he do so, he knows, I’ll kick his ass for it and kill every fucker in the place.” Not one male in the room could miss the menace and conviction in her voice. Brandon cleared his throat. “Just as well you’re on our side then.” He told her. Regin inclined her head. “Your enemy is our enemy. My husband is merely offering to work with you.” She told him quietly pulling back on her lightning and placing her hands back in her lap. Picking up her glass taking a sip of her brandy.

  Brandon turned to his two men. Both were looking at Regin open mouthed. Then turned to him. There appeared to be a conversation that they could not hear going on. Finally, Brandon turned back to Arturo. “We have a deal. From this point on we work together to get rid of the threat.” Arturo walked forward and held out his hand. Brandon took it and shook on it. Regin sensed what had not been passed on to Arturo. And she told him. “They need a blood bond to keep the treaty binding but cannot do that with a Vamp.” The three males turned to her shocked that she knew that. “Is that true?” Arturo asked them. They turned back to him with worried expressions on their faces. Brandon answered him. “Your wife appears to have many gifts. We could hold to a verbal agreement but it wouldn’t be binding in our ways. Only a blood bond can do that, then the pack would have to follow.” Arturo nodded. “What entails a blood bond with your pack?” She asked him. Nicky answered her. “A marriage. A mating bond. A child. A blood exchange. Any or all would do it.” Regin nodded and looked at Arturo. “No. I will not allow it.” He told her. Regin raised her eyebrows at him. “Regin no. We can find another way.” She held her ground and continued to look at him saying nothing aloud. “You know I love you.” She told him though their bond. “And I you.” She felt him answer. “This is right and you know it.” She whispered and could see Arturo’s nod and struggle with it. Finally, he answered. “Regin will blood bond with one of you for our clan.”

  Nicky stepped forward. “I have no mate who will have a problem with her scent on me, it should be me.” He told his leader. Brandon looked at his friend who was showing enormous strength after such loss. “He cannot bite you.” Brandon told her. “No he cannot.” Arturo told him holding onto his emotions. Regin felt the tension rise and the need to intercede. “Arturo my love. I need a knife. I need Brandon to cut Nicky’s hand. I need you to cut mine. We will exchange blood in this way and at the same time, you will bite me and it will be done for all of us.” Regin knew she needed to be clear. “The only male in this room I am bonded to in life to death will remain Arturo. My blood bond to the pack is for Arturo and his clan. And for all our futures.” She told them. “Are we all clear and agreed?” Brendan addressed her. “You will become pack and we will fight to protect you.” He told her. Regin smiled. “Then we will fight to protect each other. Now let’s get this done.”

  Nicky moved up to Regin as she held out her hand to Arturo to cut. He did it quickly and efficiently. Regin hardly felt it. At the same time. Brandon did the same to Nicky’s hand. Both raised their hands to each others faces at the same time. “I bond our clan to your pack.” Regin told him. Nicky nodded. “I bind my pack to your clan.” Both put their mouths over the open wound given to them and drank. It was quickly over. Arturo grabbed Regin turning her to him and bit her neck hard. She held him caressing and soothing him while he drank and established him bond with her, whispering her love for him. Arturo let go of her neck and closed the wounds, then opened his wrist and gave it to her. Regin drank. Nicky let go of her hand that was already closing and bent over. His breath coming in short sharp intakes. “Holy shit. It burns.” He called out. He staggered as the blood rushed into his system sparking and firing throughout his veins. Brandon gave him an arm to hold. Nicky looked up at Regin who had been released by Arturo and now stood next to him. “Wow. That’s the most amazing thing I have ever tasted. Its potent.” He told her through strained lips. Regin patted him on the back. “Thank Arturo.”

  “Now let’s get down to business.” Arturo led them all to a table and they each took a seat. Arturo and Pierre talked though the problems and difficulties they had encountered that included the were territories. Every now and then a member of Arturo’s clan would come in with an update and they added this to the information before them. It began to look more and more like a battle plan. Conversations went back and forth for many hours. Same concerns and arguments. Jenson served more drinks and snacks. Regin thought about the problems being discussed. They were spread too wide on the Vamp side. But the Ware side was narrower. The way they dealt with problems seemed predictable to her. The trouble was, the Vamp area was too vast. The Ware smaller but the Wares weren’t enough or had enough fire power to deal with them and it was clear none of them were used to working the problem just their clan allegiances. Once the Vamps got around them, then they had open access to Arturo’s territory and it was a free for all. “You need to change the game.” Regin said quietly to herself. Trouble was. They all had sup hearing. All four turned to look at her. Regin smiled. Guess she was the only one to see it. “Our enemy is only too aWare of how both of you work. They are exploiting it. So do the unexpected. You need a way of supporting each other. Defending the easier target but not giving away that you are working together. Save that for the party. Take it to them. Stop them before they move in. And make it look like the Vamps are breaking treaties not working with the Wares. Word will get back, that not only are they having the desired effect on the Vamp and Ware territories but that they have set one up against the other. They will become complacent, smug and they will make mistakes. The trick will be to make it look effective. If you removed all boundaries and territories, it comes down to one thing, what line is easier to attack and defend?”

  They all turned back to the table. Arturo pulled out a paper map of the area. “Brandon mark your territory compared with how they
are getting into the territory.” Brandon lent over and marked the start and end of his territory. Then marked where the Vamps appeared to be coming in. Arturo nodded at him the took the marker and did the same for his territory. There was a clear path from outside Brandon’s, through it, into Arturo’s. Brandon looked at the marked map. “These areas here, here and here are mountainous. Their not going over them so they are using these two valleys that filter into this one at the edge of my territory then fanning out moving towards yours and crossing over. To go around would be another 40miles and that only gives one more access due to the same mountainous region.” Regin smiled. “Anyone got any dynamite?” She asked. Arturo grinned at her. “I am such a lucky man.” He looked at each man present. “This is what I suggest. We place explosives in those rocks that will block the passes. Arrange for an engagement of our men follow some Vamps back out. Plenty of shouting, fighting, threats to stop Vamps entering your territory and as they leave blow um.” “Works for me.” Brandon told him.

  “Good we’ll start with that as a working model and see how we get on, then we set up a boundary line across the narrow. Pockets of yours and mine with some overlap. Kill anything that gets over. We only have to defend till the night of the party then the gloves come off.” All three Wares nodded. “Pierre can work out the logistics with you. John the security issues. Do you need us to plant the explosives or do you want to do it?” Arturo asked Brandon. “We’ll do it. It’ll be easier if we do.” Arturo agreed. “I’d start circulating that the mountain area has become unstable.” Brandon grinned at them. “Meet back here tomorrow same time. We’ll do some work on our side till then?” Arturo asked. Everyone agreed. “OK we start this tomorrow. First lead we get, we blow them.” Regin stood. It was late. “Well gentleman. It has been a pleasure to meet you but I need my beauty sleep. I’ll be saying goodnight.” Arturo came around the table to her. Taking her in his arms he held her and kissed her forehead. Regin hugged him back and let him go. With a smile at each man. She took her leave.

  As the door closed behind her. Brandon turned to Arturo and quietly asked. “Is she really the daughter of a goddess?” Arturo nodded. “As close as you can get.” He told him. “Don’t suppose she has a sister or two at home looking for a mate?” Nicky asked. Arturo laughed. “Three of Regin? Dear god preserve us. No.” Nicky nodded wishfully looking at the closed door. “If we are good gentleman, I’ve got other business I need to see to.” Arturo held out his hand and shook each man’s hand before taking their leave. Pierre picked up the information on the table and walked behind Arturo to his office. “Do you think it will work?” He asked him. Arturo walked on. “Let’s hope so. It’s a promising start if nothing else.”

  It was late by the time Arturo got to bed. Knowing that Regin hadn’t slept much the night before because of him. He crawled into bed and held her. She turned towards him and he hushed her. “Sleep. I will be here in the morning.” He told her kissing her lightly. Regin sighed. Turned over hugging his arm to her. Arturo nestled into her back and breathed in the scent of her. He sensed the slight difference of the Ware blood. It was coursing through her veins. His hackles came up and he had to fight the beast. The temptation to mark and drink from her again dominating him. He pulled her closer. Tomorrow would be time enough he told himself. She needed the sleep.

  Arturo had woken her with a delicious demand for her body in the early hours. He had been dominant and demanding. He fed her his blood several times. Regin was sure she would ache this morning but didn’t. She felt wonderful. She had slipped from bed and showered not disturbing Arturo when she finally woke as the sun had come up. Regin had called down for coffee not yet sorting out a small coffee arrangement for herself in their rooms. Jenson brought it up with some pastries and the paper. Regin thanked him. “Mam just to let you know that the people will be here today to start on the UV and silver coating for all the windows.” “Thank you Jenson. I will need to meet each person before they have access to the house. Can you make sure that happens please. Ensure you find me. I do not expect to be going anywhere today. And that they start on the ground floor in your area first moving forward. Only after Mr Arturo is up will we do our rooms.” “Yes mam.” She smiled at the kindly man. “Thank you.”

  Regin finished her breakfast and dressed. She headed down the stairs as she sensed a new presence on the grounds. Jenson was heading up in her direction. “Mam the workmen are here.” Regin smiled. “That’s great Jenson thank you let’s see what we have shall we.” Jenson turned and headed back to the back entrance. “Gentleman. This is the lady of the house, she would like a word please.” He told them. Regin did a general sweep of emotions. Nothing sinister hit her. Some worried about children and wives. Some money. One agitated and keen to get this done so he could be out tonight on a date. Regin smiled at each one digging a bit deeper. She held out her hand to each person and introduced herself and thanked them for their quick response. Nothing seemed out of place. As she was pulling away from the one with the date a flicker of dark crossed her mind from his. His ‘girlfriend’ was a Vamp. And not one aligned with Arturo. What he needed to get ‘done’ was leaving a package behind him when they left. Regin remembered seeing a pool house down the driveway. “Good morning mam. This is my company I’m Brian Yarrey.” He told her. Regin took his hand. “Thank you Brian. We have a pool house down the drive. That’s the first place I’d like done please. If you wouldn’t mind driving down to it that would be great.” “Yes mam. Ok lads were moving down the driveway first.”

  As they got back in the vehicle Regin turned to Jenson. “I want day security here now. The blond one. Did he go anywhere near the house?” Jenson looked worried. “I don’t think so mam. But I left them outside while I came to get you.” Regin nodded. “OK that could only have been 5 minutes as I met you on the stairs. Get me security.” In less than a few minutes, a large male came towards her. He oozed menace and competence and carried an automatic rifle as well as a side arm. He wore a black vest and cargo pants and a cap over his face and ray bans. Regin was a little surprised they had military on the grounds. “Mam?” Regin held out her hand. “I’m Regin.” “Pete.” He told her returning her hand shake. “We have some workmen on the premises that came in the gates. I picked up on one that he has been ordered to leave a package in the house. It’s nothing to do with the company doing the work. He was left outside here for 5 minutes so this area will need clearing. They are down at the pool house on a ruse to do the windows. The male is blond and young. He must have it on him if he has not already disposed of it. He was eager to do so when I scanned him. Apparently, he’s in for a big night with his girlfriend when he’s done it.” “What are your orders?” He asked her. “I want him and the package made safe. Arturo will want to have a ‘chat’ with him later. The other men are to continue as requested.” Pete nodded once and jogged heading in the direction of the pool. She heard him talk into an ear piece and he was shortly met by several other men in similar clothing. Two headed back towards the house. “Thank you Jenson. Please show our staff where the men were while you came to get me and clear that area of staff ASAP. Don’t let them return until we know it’s safe. I’ll have coffee in the sitting room please.” “Yes mam.”

  Regin needed to keep her mind occupied. She had no doubt that Pete would deal with any threat. He was clearly military and competent. She paced for a while then picked up a book she had been reading and was on her second coffee when there was a knock at the door. “Come in.” Regin put down her book and looked up as Pete walked in. Regin watched this military man walk towards her. He was as big as a Vamp. Handsome too. All narrow hip and wide shoulders she had no doubt he was at the top of his game. “Mam.” Regin smiled. “Please take a seat Pete. I’ll get a crick in my neck looking up, your all so dam tall.” She told him. She could see him trying to hide the smile that was edged at the corner of his lips. “The err blond.” He told her sitting. “We have him in custody. A search of his personal bag showed us he had a pac
kage. One of my boys looked at it. It was a small device. Enough to have set off the fire alarms and maybe start a fire.” Regin leaned forward and poured him a coffee and handed it to him. “Cream and sugar?” She asked him pointing in their direction. She watched as Pete took off the rifle and set it to one side and took the cup.

  Regin leaned back in her seat taking her own cup with her. “So not a bomb. What do you think was the point of that?” Pete stirred his coffee. He’d doctored cream but no sugar. “Scare tactic. Maybe get everyone out the house for a fire drill, leaving it vulnerable or the people in it, or just to force everyone out. Or just a main person. Any of those work.” Regin looked up at him. “What do you think it was?” Pete took a big pull of his coffee and did so with surprising gentleness. “I think it would have caused chaos and with the fire brigade and others on the premises an opportunity to get to Mr Arturo or you or both.” Regin smiled. “Indeed. I agree. Do you know what is going on here Pete?” She asked him gently. “Mam I’m hired to ensure your safety and that of this house or in transit during the day and work with Charlee and John on night security.” Regin frowned. “You do not know why? That seems a bit short sighted. If you do not know your enemy how can you defend from it?” Pete smiled. “I had a similar discussion with your husband. I didn’t get very far and John would not discuss it without Arturo.” Regin turned away and looked out the window into the park.

  Regin let out a breath and turned back to the soldier before her. “My husband is used to being in charge and doing things a certain way. You’re a man of the world are you not? I am sure that in your work, you have seen many many unexplained things and somethings that defy an explanation or reality altogether. There are many things that go bump in the night Pete. There are worlds within worlds. Not all of them evil or bad but many are. I’m not nuts or crazy. I’ve just seen enough to know. We are to use a phrase, ‘the good guys’. Unfortunately, the bad guys want what my husband has created here and will kill everything and everyone in his path to achieve that. That monster will lay waste to everything and everyone. It does not matter if you are man, woman, child or other. He will murder them all or his men will if it suits his purpose. There will be nothing of the life we know if he wins. We are facing a war. Arturo is fighting for his life and those he loves. His family. If you work for him you are also part of his family. And he will protect those he cares for and their families. If he should fail. We are all going to find it hard to carry on and win but we will if we have to. That young man, was influenced to delivery that package. He probably doesn’t know much about it. Or why he had to bring it. But he would not have been able to stop himself doing it, even if it cost him his life. That, is what we are dealing with. Humans are easily manipulated. Are easily influenced or persuaded to do something. Human minds can be weak or just want to go along with it for whatever motive. We need to be vigilant and thorough. I’m not saying someone dropped the ball today. I’m sure checks were done. But if they can get through, I’m sure you agree we need to do it better and be prepared.”


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