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Blooded Page 14

by Jessie Rose Case

  Pete looked at Regin. He’d seen plenty in his time in the military and he’d seen just as much freelancing. Nothing she said surprised him. “How many is Arturo trying to protect?” Regin smiled. She knew she’d been right to tell this male. “Arturo holds the territory from here to Alaska down to New York. He’s fighting for all of them.” “Fuck.” Regin burst out laughing. “Yes I agree.” “Does he have the men for that?” Pete asked. “He’d need an army.” “It would seem so.” She told him. She liked this male. He had lots of experience fighting wars. “Tell me about yourself Pete.” Regin listened as he outlined his career and work and life. She was right. Military to his core and he came with plenty of experience in the field. He’d held a commission was use to strategy and planning and commanding men. “Pete would you join us for drinks this evening about eight? I would like your opinion on something. That is, if you’re still interested in working for us.”

  Pete studied the women in front of him. He’d heard the rumours running around the people he worked with. She was not completely human but he’d never met a nicer person. He knew she was more than she projected, he’d already seen she had some foresight of some kind. “Sounds like a good idea.” He told her nodding. Drinking the last of his coffee he stood. Picked up his rifle, he nodded to her once and left the way he came. It was clear that things were going to get hot and soon and he needed to be in the know.

  Arturo woke shortly before dinner. Showered and came down stairs looking for Regin she wasn’t in their personal rooms. He found her in the sitting room, crossed to her and kissed her. “I missed you.” He told her. Every time Regin saw him he stole her heart. Regin called Jenson and requested coffee and wine alerting that Arturo was now up. The only rooms left to do the UV coating were theirs. While Arturo had slept and the workmen were in the house. Regin had asked Pete to send up two men to guard the doors to their apartment. They’d left when only Regin and Arturo’s rooms were the only ones left and the workman had been asked to wait outside for him to rise before carrying on. She had told Jenson to feed them while they waited. Jenson came in with a tray. “Good afternoon sir.” He told Arturo. “I took the liberty of putting todays evening papers on the tray with some eggs and bacon.” Arturo smiled. “Thank you. Dinner at seven please.” Jenson nodded. “Janson tell the men they can do our rooms now.” He nodded to her and left them closing the door behind him.

  Arturo took the seat opposite her. “What did I miss today?” Regin laughed as if he didn’t already know. “That obvious a?” “Jenson was nervous.” “So we had a bit of a problem today. The company that was asked to come in and do the UV protection was targeted by we’re not sure who but can guess. We have a young man held on the grounds for you to talk to. He brought an incendiary onto the property. He had been persuaded to bring it and leave it in the house.” Arturo leaned forward and grabbed her hands. “Did it go off.” Regin shook her head. “No. I’d asked Jenson to let me scan them and found something in his head that didn’t feel right. Scanned a bit deeper and found a female Vamp using persuasion on him. I got hold of Pete, the new security and he dealt with it. He’s good. I’ve invited him to drinks. Hope that’s ok. He’s seen more than most. We could do with his expertise.” Arturo looked at his wife as he let go of her hand and picked up his fork. She was dam calm. “Sure your ok?” “I’m fine but someone is pushing our security. Also, Jenson tells me he made enquiries with that company only two days ago so it begs the question how they knew to target that young man. You might want to sweep for bugs and check your phones.” She told him. “Pete might be able to help with that he’s got military experience.” Regin was thoughtful for a moment. “It was a bold move Arturo. Coming into the house. It didn’t help that Pete did not have the full picture Arturo. He does now.” He nodded. “I need to go out tonight. I hope you would want to come with me. I need to check on a few things. It’s important. When I find out who did this I will rip him limb from limb.” Regin had no doubt he meant it.

  The afternoon passed into evening with staff coming and going. Having finished dinner they headed to the sitting room when Jenson told them that Pete had arrived. Regin walked into the room and smiled at the man. Walking forward she held out her hand to him. Pete took her hand and held it. He was dressed in smart casual wear and wearing a gun. “Nice to see you again. Thank you for coming. Please sit. Drink?” She asked him. “Scotch on the rocks please.” Arturo came up behind Regin and kissed her on top of her head and held out his hand. “Thank you for today. If anything had happened to her I would have gone mad.” He told him honestly. Pete took his hand and shook it. “I get the feeling that that would not have been good.” Arturo laughed. “Jenson I’ll do our drinks. Thank you.” Arturo turned back to Pete all business as Jenson left them and closed the door. “Our problem today. We seem to have possibly more than a security breach. Someone knew we had contacted that company. I need someone to check our phones, communications and this house, I need to make sure we are not being cloned or listened in on. Would that be something you can deal with?” Arturo walked over to the tray and poured three drinks. “No problem sir, I can get that checked first thing tomorrow.” Handing Pete his drink it seemed as good a time as any to discuss what’s being going on. “I understand that Regin has told you some of what we are facing.” Pete nodded taking a seat. “I find I must remind you that we have a confidentiality clause in our contract with you and I hope that we do not have to use it.” Arturo told him. Pete just nodded once.

  “So today Regin gave you some information on what we are facing. What she didn’t say is that the world we live in is different or was to yours before you came to work for us. Our world is full of creatures of the night. Who live hundreds of years. Who are hard to kill. Where some are allergic to silver, iron, copper, others burn in sun light or create lightning. All of them are super-fast. Super strong. And some have gifts that a human cannot counter. To those that are ignorant of other ways to live, humans tend to be either in their way, are manipulated or are a food source. Not everyone though is a night walker. And those that have power, employ day walkers. That is what you and your men are in this world. A day walker, although right now, not bonded to me. I would like to change that. It is someone who is employed by a night walker and who is generally human. The night walker in this case would be me. There are benefits to being so and can be offered, taken or not. It’s a personal choice. I make no demands on my staff.

  But taking the gift when offered will prolong your life and if you share it with your mate, when you find her or him it will be prolonged too and provide additional strength and healing. We are fighting a war. There are those that hold to the old ways. That believe in servitude of the human race and torture as a way to live. That humans are cattle and good for no more than food. I’ve held this territory for 700 years not allowing that to be the case. Now, I’m fighting an old adversary who wants to send us back to the dark ages. My people do not hunt or feed. We connect to our wives or husband and take animal blood or the blood of our mates or willing donors who enjoy the bite and sex. Nothing dies or has to. We eat food, drink and have families if we are lucky. Take wives and husbands and wish for children. And anyone who breaks the rules is dealt with. I do not tolerate disobedience. I am top of the food chain here. And I do expect and demand loyalty.”

  Pete calmly raised his glass and took a slug. That was a lot to take in. “So which are you?” Pete asked him. “Vamp.” He turned to Regin. “And you mam?” Regin smiled. “I’m something else. I’m embracing my inner Valkyrie.” She told him. Pete looked at Regin confused then turned back to Arturo. “And your people?” “I have a mixture. Day walkers, some you work with like Jenson and the staff here like Charlee, they have accepted the gift. Night walkers like myself and others such as Wares. All with the same goals.” Pete looked thoughtful. “And what is it you think I can do for you?” Regin looked at Arturo. He nodded at her. Turning back to Pete. “You are a warrior.” She told him. “Been in many battles. Your good
at strategy and implementing plans. I can work with you and your people on protecting yourselves and if you choose the gift, it will grant you more protection. I have some special weapons you and your men will find useful if you decide to come on board. We need that expertise. That calm precision. When other’s get riled, tactics and calm go out the window. They are ruled by their passions, emotions and rages. Plans and victories can fall on such things. And we need every advantage. If Arturo is losing his head. I need to know someone will knock it for him, sacrifice all others and bring him back on task and keep him focused on the end game no matter what the cost.”

  “Regin I’m not agreeing to that.” Arturo told her taking her hand. “Yes you are. There is more at stake than us.” Arturo stood and paced. “I want to shout out your wrong. That nothing matters more than you. That I must do what I must to protect you. 300 Years Regin. I waited 300 years. I cannot lose you. But my head is telling me your right and I do not like it Regin. Do not make me do that.” He turned to her. “Don’t make me do that.” He begged her. Regin walked to him and caressed his face with her hand looking lovingly into his eyes. “You will do what you must. You are what holds here. He cannot win Arturo. I will do what I must and so will you. The cost to do otherwise would be too great.”

  Pete was a bit stunned if he were honest with himself. He knew there were monsters out there but he couldn’t see it with these two or the people he worked with here. His instincts had saved him on many occasions. He only had good vibes here. These people were good people. And he understood battle and war. He would feel better being in the know and offering his knowledge he reasoned. He was being paid anyway so why not take a hand. It crossed his mind, this wasn’t his fight. But if what they had told him was true, it soon would be. And if Arturo failed through one reason or another then it may be too late then. It would be open season on humans. Pete knocked back his drink and looked into his glass whirling it around in his hand. “I’m in but I’d need to talk to my boys. They need to make up their own minds on this one.” He told them. Arturo kissed Regin and released her turning to face him. “You’ll be working with Charlee and John on this. Do you wish the gift?” Pete hesitated for a moment. He knew he would be better with it. “Yes.” Arturo turned and poured out what appeared to be a port and passed it to him. “Drink and be mine.” Arturo told him. Pete looked into the glass, lifted it and drank it down. He finished it and looked back into the glass. It did taste like port. He handed the glass back to Arturo. “Welcome to House Arturo.” He told him.

  A knock at the door had Valentina walking in and crossed to Regin and Arturo hugging them both and kissing them in the European way. Regin held her at arm’s length and looked at her. “Nice outfit.” She told her. Valentina was in all tight black leather pants and jacket. Her heeled boots came to her knee. Valentina smiled. “We are at war no?” Regin put her arm round her shoulders and squeezed. As she turned around, Valentina realised there was another person in the room. “O I am sorry. Am I interrupting?” Pete gradually stood. His eyes never left Valentina’s face. “Val this is Pete. He’s the leader of our human security forces and our war specialist he’s agreed to join us. Pete. Val. Don’t fuck with her she’s my girl.” Regin told him. Pete held out his hand to Valentina. She took it. And held it. Regin looked on and smiled. Arturo cleared his throat. “Let’s all move to the dining table, the others will be here soon.” Val appeared reluctant to remove her hand but did so and followed Arturo out the door. Pete turned to Regin. “Vamp?” “Yep.” “Old?” He said worried. “You should ask Val that. If you’re interested. If not. Keep your distance. It would be intense and consuming, more than anything you have ever encountered and if you are not ready for that. You should walk.” Pete was quiet for a moment. “I’m human.” “Yep you sure are.” She told him amused. “Come on the others are here.”

  Pete followed Regin into the other room. There were several people there that he already knew, mainly in the cross over of day and night security. Pete nodded to them. Val took a seat behind Arturo. It was clear where her loyalties lay. Arturo addressed Pierre. “Pierre, we have a guest you might want to see. His human. Probably influenced. See what you can get out of him when we’re done.” Pierre nodded. Val’s eyes followed Pete into the room. Her scrutiny making him uncomfortable under her gaze. He felt hot and wanted to run his finger round his collar but refrained from doing so. He certainly didn’t look out of place in the group of people present. They were all large almost beautiful men and beautiful women. The men could have been models, although they had a seriously dangerous edge to them. The mood was light if serious. Arturo introduced Pete to everyone. They nodded in his direction. A couple of ‘welcome’s’ were spoken. Pete took a seat along one of the walls. James he knew. He came and sat with him. Three large men walked in. They didn’t do small. They spoke of menace. Two stopped the other side of Arturo, one continued on to Regin and took her hand and kissed it.

  Arturo growled. The male smiled. Regin took her hand back. “Stop annoying Arturo Nicky.” “What? I have no idea what you’re talking about. I was simply saying hi to my blood kin.” He told them trying for innocence and failing badly. Without looking up Arturo answered him. “Your dog’s your blood kin I don’t see you kissing his hand.” The other two men laughed out loud. “True.” One of them stated. “Regin help me out here.” The hand kisser asked her. “Nope. You’re on your own Nick.” His grin got wider and he moved back to the other two and shrugged his shoulders. “Can’t hurt a guy to try.” He said. “Yeah it can.” Said Arturo and the obvious leader of the newcomers together. There were several back slaps and jeering following the joint comment. Both Val and Regin rolled their eyes. Pete supressed a smile. Male bonding. This he understood.

  “Ok.” Arturo repeated the introduction of the three new comers. Pete got their names and gave a brief nod in their direction. “Where are we people?” Arturo asked and several got up and moved to the table. Pete pulled his chair nearer so he could see and hear what’s going on. One at a time, the map on the table took on the information given to Arturo. Lines were drawn and cross out. Troops were moved, replaced or pulled out. Casualties were made known. Both human and other. New plans discussed reflecting the new information. John was clearly pissed passing on information on recent targets. Arturo addressed Brandon. “Where are we on closing off the passes?” He asked him. “It’s going to take a few days. We’re going to have to create something that will look like an avalanche and make them simultaneous. I’m putting out the word that we have had warning that there’s going to be a large quake and the mountains could become unstable.” Arturo nodded. “There’s no people in that area?” Brandon shock his head. “Not that we know of or smell but we’ll check for hikers and close any passes.” Arturo nodded. “We think that if we cover the blast and make them internal it will create a stronger blast but even with that we won’t be able to close it completely. There will likely still be a gap.” Arturo looked up and round the table. “Options?” The room was quiet.

  “Rig um”. Pete blurted out. Then thought he hadn’t been asked for an opinion. Not willing to back down he sat still and looked at Arturo. “What do you suggest?” John asked. Pete got up and moved to the map. “From what your telling me, you know where they’re coming from. Here, here and here. Your narrowing their access, it’s a good ploy. But he’s right, your unlikely to close them completely. So that means you are going to get a more intense invasion force condensed together in what’s left. They know Brandon’s people are fighting them crossing over into their territory so, land mine with silver and some of Regin’s weapons.” He looked over at her.

  “I hear she has some special weapons we can use. Also motion sensor mine’s, time blasts, fire blast triggers, voice activation mine’s, laser triggers. Throughout this whole area. And go old school. Traps. Mix um up. If one sets off a motion sensor here, they will run and spread out in these directions. Mine these points and then spread out. In the other directions put land mines a
nd traps. Things they can’t or won’t expect. A lot will just run into them scattering others in the same way. Surround those in a spider web of a combination of all of them. If chaos ensues, it will pick a lot of them off. Link them up to the centre and when that’s tripped, it sends a cascade of triggers along with wires and blows the lot at once that haven’t already gone. Anyone who gets through that will be easy pickings. Its good if your sure no humans are going to be using that area. And it will look like Brandon just got pissed off. And went OTT.” Several of the Vamps looked at each other. Brandon looked at his two Wares. Regin looked at Arturo. Val’s eyes never left Pete’s face.


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