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Page 15

by Jessie Rose Case

  Arturo raised his eyebrows and breathed in. “Well clearly we’re leaning too much on the quiet approach.” There were several chuckles and many grins round the table. James slapped Pete on the back. “I like it.” Arturo told them. Turning. “Brandon?” Brandon’s face took on an amused grin. “Yeah it works for me.” “Good. Thanks, Pete. Can you liaise with Brandon on what he needs and where to get it? I’m assuming Brandon you got traps already sorted. We can help with anything you need.” “Sure thing.” Brandon told him. “Ok moving forward, what we got?”

  Regin bent towards Val and she met her half way. Leaning back Regin whispered to her. “I like him. You could do worse.” She told her. Val smiled. It had been a long time since she had a lover.

  The meeting broke up early. Regin moved to Arturo’s side and slipped her arm round his back. Arturo leaned down to her and kissed the top of her head. Pete got up to leave. Arturo let Regin go and walked towards him. He held out his hand. “Thank you for your input tonight. I hope you can work with John and Brandon on this.” “No problem. In the military, there is rarely the quiet approach.” Arturo smiled at him. “You’re a soldier or was?” Valentina had walked up behind them. Pete turned to her. “Was. Private only now.” “Wanna see what we’re dealing with?” She asked him with a clear challenge. Val saw his indecision and was disappointed. She let it show. With distain, she told him. “Don’t worry I’ll keep you safe.” Pete’s jaw set tight. “I wasn’t afraid woman, I was simply trying to assess if I had enough fire power on me to keep you safe.” He told her annoyed. Val grinned. “Let’s go soldier boy. Anything you don’t have I can supply. Arturo. Regin.” Val turned and walked out the room. They could hear the discussion as they both left. “..not a boy and haven’t been for a long time woman.” Pete grumbled. “Ooo really soldier. I look forward to you showing me just how much of a man you are soldier boy.” Val told him. Regin suppressed a grin. Pete grumbled again. “Your get more than you bargained for if you keep the soldier boy bit up love.” He told her as the went out the door. Regin heard one word as the front door closed. Val said. “Delicious.”


  Gia came in towards them. “Cars are ready when you are.” Arturo turned to her. “Give us 20 minutes.” “You coming with us?” Regin asked James. “No I have another job to do.” She reached out and squeezed his arm. “Be careful.” James squeezed her hand back. Looked at Arturo and left. Regin climbed the stairs after Arturo into their apartment. Pulling at her clothes as she walked. Entering the sitting room of their apartment the dressing room was open and Arturo already there. Hanging on the outside door was a garment bag. “That’s for you.” He told her. “Val left it.” Regin picked up the hanger, read the note and pulled the zipper. A fitted leather outfit was inside. “If you’re coming out it might be an idea to wear it.” Arturo told her. Regin smiled. “I think I will. I must remember to thank her.” Regin put it on and finished the outfit with her boots. Regin walked out her bedroom and did a twirl. “Wod’ya think?” She asked him. Arturo stared. Regin looked like the Valkyrie of legend. She had her knee high boots on. A white blouse with short sleeves. A leather over bodice with criss cross leather straps and roman leather skirt over leather look stretch pants.

  “Wow I like it.” He told her. Arturo stood in his traditional going out wear. Black jeans and tight T. A full-length leather coat was on his shoulders, his hair tied back. “You don’t look bad yourself.” She told him as she walked up and kissed him hard. Arturo deepened the kiss. Regin broke away. “We are late and I need some of my supplies before I leave.” She said coyly. Arturo playfully pushed her in the direction of her new lab area in the room next door. “Hold that thought.” He told her. “When we get back I’m going to show you my full appreciation.” He told her walking out to the hallway behind her. Arturo checked his phone. Regin re-joined him carrying an open topped bag across her body. “Ready?” He asked her. “Yes. Let’s go.” They headed down the stairs to the waiting cars outside.

  Gia opened the door for her and Charlee was at the wheel. “Hay Charlee. You ok?” She asked him and nodded at Gia as she walked past getting in the car. Gia closed the door as Arturo got in the other side. He touched Charlee on the shoulder as he got in. Gia took her seat in the passenger seat. Arturo had waited until they were in the car before giving the destination. If there was someone who had tagged the house they wouldn’t know where they were going. “The club please Charlee.” Charlee nodded as Gia spoke into a hand set. There were two cars in front of them and two cars behind them. It was quite the convoy. Regin looked around her. “Quite the statement Arturo.” Leaning over and taking her hand and squeezing it. “It’s needed. We have to carry on as if nothing is going on.” Regin agreed. “The club is a meeting point. Its free ground. All are welcome. Other and human. There are no boundaries or restrictions. The only conditions apply to everyone. No drugs. No hunting. If anyone wants to see me discretely that’s the place to go. If they come to the house it’s obvious. Not everyone can afford to be seen or wants to be. This gives them the chance to make contact. This is my regular night at the club when I’m in town. If I’m out Pierre takes it. It could make me a target but I need to make sure I’m seen as business as usual. And I need to get a feel of what’s going on.”

  Regin didn’t like it. Arturo was putting himself out there. They’d know he was coming. They could be waiting for him. Arturo clearly knew this. Yet he was still going. Putting himself and his people in harm’s way. Regin wanted to tell Charlee to turn the car around and go back home. It was too dangerous. But she couldn’t. She had to live up to being his mate. His wife. She would never undermine him in such a way and make him look weak to his people and his enemies. No. She would have to see this through as he would. They drove for nearly 2 hours before reaching the centre of town. The roads getting more and more congested the nearer they got to the club. It was on the industrial side of town. Just on the outskirts of an up and coming area with a young feel about it. It had been compared to Greenwich village in New York. Regin remembered reading this on her visit to the town previously. It was ideal for a club. In the heart of those that would seek that entertainment. It was also perfect hunting ground.

  Regin sighed. So many people. With no defence of what was coming. They pulled slowly round to the back of club to the rear entrance. There were several of Arturo’s men lining the road. And two on the back door. They’d driven pass the front. The queue went down the road. Many of the patrons were scantily clad and female. Some of the males weren’t much better dressed. “Who decides who gets in?” She’d asked as they passed the line. Arturo looked up and scanned the line. “Anyone interested in my clubs have to register with documents and ID. At the door, we ask their name. Check their records with their ID. If they’re registered with us they get in as long as we have space. If not, they wait in line till there is or go home.”

  The car stopped. Two large Vamps were at the back door. Gia and Charlee stayed in their seats until Gia got the signal that it was clear. She nodded to Charlee and they both got out the car at the same time. Charlee opened Arturo’s door. Gia opened Regin’s. Arturo walked quickly round the car and ushered Regin in the door of the club. Regin was surprised by the interior of the hall. It was more like an executive’s hallway. They were greeted inside. “Is this wise Arturo?” Arturo stepped around Regin. “Blane. How’s business? Let’s walk to my office.” Arturo told him. Blane walked down the corridor and opened a door. Arturo followed him in. Regin behind them with Gia and Charlee. Two security Vamps stayed at the door as the door closed behind them. Arturo moved round the desk and sat down. Regin took a seat. Everyone else remained standing. Blane was an interesting Vamp. He had short blond hair. Strong features bordering on feminine. He was big like all the Vamps. He had a ruthless air about him. A strong voice with conviction in stark contrast to his looks. He must have sensed her eyes on him. He turned from Arturo and looked at her. Regin scanned his emotions. He was worried for Arturo. Loy
alty. Honour. Friendship. Were all close to the surface. He breathed in and took an involuntary step towards her. Regin waited. Blane shook his head and took a step back. He looked back at Regin. She smiled at him and winked. A frown crossed his face. “Blane. Meet my wife Regin.” Arturo told him.

  The two Vamps outside the door came rushing in. “We have a problem. We just been hit by a bunch of Vamps. Not ours. They’re cutting the place and people up.” Everyone moved and headed for the door. “Regin.” She turned to Arturo and raised her eyebrows. “Together.” She told him and rushed through the door. “Dam it woman. Don’t I get a say?” Regin’s laughter could be heard running down the corridor towards the screams. “Follow her.” He shouted as he rushed after his wife. Regin burst through the doors followed by Gia and Blane. It was chaos. People were screaming. Vamps were feeding. Others playing with their food. Regin headed for the first pair she came across. She unloaded two globes at them, they hit and started to burn. She grabbed the girl they had been toying with. “Get her and as many as you can out the door as fast as possible.” She told Blane. “House Arturo. Do not breath or come near me.” She shouted out. Regin moved forward grabbing two different globes and broke them over herself spinning as she went. She’d stand her ground here. The contents spilled all over her and the floor around her. She charged the particles as a Vamp covered in blood came at her. Regin waited until he was close, then deployed airborne silver and while oak into his face. He breathed in started to choke and lit up from the inside out, fire taking over and ashing.

  Regin realised she couldn’t use any more of her arsenal. It would scatter and catch Arturo’s people. She carried on her hips two vrank guns with her special mix. Regin turned to see Gia taking a hit from a Vamp twice her size. Regin pulled her gun and shot him. He went down hard. Gia turned and gave Regin a smile, then turned back and picked another target. Regin caught sight of Arturo fighting off several Vamps with a VIP corner of humans behind him. Mostly women. He was too far for her to vrank and help. Blane came rushing back towards her and Regin called to him as he took the head of one Vamp. “Arturo now.” She told him. “I am not to leave your side.” He shouted back at her. “You will do as I ask. His life before mine.” She told him. Blane looked at her for a moment. Nodded once and took a man with him to support Arturo. It left a gap with only Gia and herself. “Gia call for reinforcements from the cars.” She told her. “I’ve been trying but no one is answering.” Regin fumed. Dam it. She would have someone’s head for this. “You ready girl?” She called to Gia. Gia Laughed. “I was born for this shit.” She told her punching through a Vamps rib cage sending him to dust.

  Two Vamps came towards Regin. Regin guessed they saw her as an easy target. She was unsupported. Regin felt Valentina who came in in Vamp speed before the club doors burst open and she raced in dropping Pete who she’d been carrying. He was firing as he came in. Guns in both hands taking down anyone that was feeding. He wouldn’t have been able to keep up with Val in Vamp speed who having dropped him took on two Vamps. Valentina was a true battle maiden. She was fast. Deadly. Strong. They didn’t stand a chance. It was all over very quickly after that. The place suddenly very quiet after all the noise. Regin was pissed. Looking round the room. Such a waste. It was a lovely club or had been. To prove what? She spotted Arturo standing with Blane. Walking towards him she spoke. “I want someone’s fucking head for this mess. They knew we were coming. They blocked our communications. Stopped our reinforcements from getting in here.” Suddenly the cavalry arrived. Regin turned towards them. Eight of their men came rushing in with guns drawn. Regin felt like screaming. She raised her arms in the air and pushed them out in incredibility and stupidity at them. Seriously!

  Regin turned back to Arturo and stopped. She caught something fleetingly across her mind. And turned to what appeared to be a dark corner. “Arturo lights.” She called out. The lights came on. Moving out of the shadows came three Vamps. Not theirs. Regin raised her hands and sparked. Gia and Valentina appeared at her side. Two of the Vamps, either side of the leader of this little pack, why did they always come in three’s? Crossed her mind. Regin re-focused. The sidekicks appeared to be doing a zombie dance. Regin frowned she’d never seen anything like this. We’re they ill? Gia and Valentina moved nearer them but not in Regin’s line of sight. “He’s controlling them.” Valentina told her. “They don’t have much of Arturo’s blood in them. If any.” She told her. Regin focused on the leader. He was very composed. Wore his hair long, blond, it cascaded over his shoulders, blue eyed. He looked sharp. Three-piece suit with all the trimmings. And he was another big boy. There were several piles of ash around the three. Interesting thought Regin. She caught a glimpse behind them. Human females were sitting there. Regin could feel the fear.

  Arturo realised that Regin had stopped and was focused on something he couldn’t see. He felt out for her and moved towards her. “My men. Your scent. It is hard to control the emotions it brings forth. I am holding them but would appreciate, if you could turn it off or move away.” His voice was strained. Regin called to the women behind the three. “It’s safe to come out now. Come to us.” There was silence for a few seconds. “I don’t think so I’m staying with my man.” One of them called out. They were with these guys? Regin focused on the main man. “Tell um to turn off their sense of smell. It won’t affect them so much.” He looked at her with annoyance. “We did that already. And it worked until the blood flowed and they had to kill. Now your scent is pulling at them.” Regin nodded. “Val. Gia. Move away. No one breath if your dead.” She told them. Taking a globe from her bag she held it above her head. Charged the particles and broke it cascading glittering contents around her. The minute it hit the floor, a shimmering light rose from ground to the top of her head. The leader visibly relaxed. “Thank you.” He told her. The women came around him and rushed to the two who had now collapsed onto the floor. Arturo came to stand by Regin. Careful not to touch her. Regin looked at him. “They need your blood.” The leader came towards Arturo and Regin sparked again sending flares across her fingers. The new comer refocused on her. “I am not here to harm your master.” He told her. The silence in the room was deafening. Regin burst out laughing. And pointed to Arturo with her thumb. “In his dreams handsome.”

  The tension in the room broke and Arturo grinned at her. And turned back to his visitor. “Alexander. Nice to see you. It seems you picked a good time to call. Someone get those boys a drink of my port.” Arturo walked towards him and both men hugged. Alexander held Arturo to him and put him at arm’s length taking in the look of him. “It has been a while my friend.” He told him. “Indeed. Come let’s talk.” Arturo indicated his office. “Drinks for our friends.” He called out. Alexander grasped his arm and stopped him looking at Regin. “The female?” He asked him intrigued. “My wife.” Alexander turned to face him. “You mated. After Bronwyn?” Arturo gave a sad smile. “It took me 400 years to get over her passing my friend and no one tempted me in that way for all those years before Regin.” He told him touching his arm. Alexander nodded. “Has it been so long since she’s been gone?” He whispered. “Yes my old friend it has. Come let’s have that drink.”

  Regin took herself outside for some fresh air. She needed it. She moved into the centre of the street and brushed herself off, getting as much as she could off her body and clothing. Arturo would have to be careful until she got home and showered. Some of the residue charge will still be on her. Regin breathed in deep. She felt Valentina come outside. Regin was hardly alone with several of Arturo’s men walking the street on guard. “Are you ok?” Val asked her. Regin turned to her friend. “Yeah I’m fine. Got pissed. But fine.” Valentina went to touch her and stopped. Regin smiled. “It might sting but it won’t burn, not now.” She told her. Valentina touched her. You could see the impact it had on her. “Shit that hurts.” She told her. “But I kinda like it.” They both laughed. “Ok that’s not sick at all.” “Hay, I’m a Vamp. It’s what we’re like.” Val t
old her. Regin looked up at the sky and breathed deep. I was a clear night. It had a cold edge to it. After the chaos of the club it was so quiet.

  “Alexander…. He’s known Arturo for centuries.” Val told her. “I guessed.” Regin answered. “Bronwyn was his sister. He introduced them.” Regin turned to her. “Alexander didn’t try and turn her?” “Yeah he did, but she wouldn’t have it and fought him over it for years. They were very close.” Regin couldn’t imagine the pain of seeing that. “That must have been hard. Seeing your kin grow old and die when you could have prevented it.” Val nodded. “He respected her decision but it gutted him.” “Arturo loved her very much.” Regin told her. Val smiled at her friend knowing that she had accepted Arturo’s love completely. “He did. But she’s the past and you’re his future.” Regin knew that but it was still good to hear. “They are obviously blood drinkers.” Regin told her. Val answered her honestly. “Yes they are. Bill and Tony have human wives you saw them. You saw them but they are not mated. So the pull to you was strong. Arturo’s port will help with that.” Regin got that. “We should go in and make sure no one is killing anyone.” She told Val with a smile.


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