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Page 17

by Jessie Rose Case

Some part of that got through to him. He slowly visibly relaxed and sat down beside her holding her hand in his. Arturo took a calming breath. He would not be rushed. He needed to feel her. Bond with her again. Know she was well and unhurt. “I am fine.” She told him at length. “I know. But this is nice.” He told her while his men secured the area. Checked the other cars for their people. Moved equipment from them. Arturo held his wife’s hand. Gia walked up slowly. “We need to move sir.” She told him quietly. Arturo looked at Regin. She nodded once. There would be time later for recriminations. In one fluid movement. Arturo picked her up and carried her to his waiting car. He was taking her home and never letting her go.


  Regin stepped out the car. “I’d like my detail from tonight to come into the house please.” She told then then walked through the open door of the house. Arturo and his team followed her. She could feel his anger his need for justice. ‘I need a drink’ thought Regin. Opening the double doors from the hall she headed for the drinks tray in the sitting room. Picking up the decanter she poured half a dozen drinks. She took one and passed one to Arturo. Regin took a seat. Arturo took the drink and swallowed. He turned from her and looked at his people. He nodded towards the drinks at Carl, Ben, Toni and Jim. They had been hovering in the background and stepped forward and took one each going back to their positions. “Gia, Charlee, Alexander help yourselves.” He told them standing before the fireplace. Regin sipped her drink. Arturo squeezed his glass, Regin could see his fingers tightening. Feel his emotions rage. In a voice that told them all how close his beast was to the surface, Arturo spoke to his men. He whirled his brandy around in his glass. “What I want to know,” Arturo appeared to be shaking holding in his explosive power back, the room became oppressive. “…. is how this became one big fuck up.” He looked up at the four of his men then turned to Charlee and Gia. Regin swallowed her brandy and frowned not liking the course this conversation was taking. O no he didn’t. She’d break her rule of being a united front for his people and stamp on this right now.

  “My detail,” she threw at him, telling him just how pissed she now was, “eight security strong plus Gia, Charlee and Alexander. If one of them created this situation, then they deserve whatever you give them. If not, find the ones that did. There are four men gone trying to keep me alive tonight and I don’t even know their names. Do you Arturo? And these four.” Regin pointed at her four survivors who were statues fearing for Arturo’s rage. “Stood with me with severe injuries. One had a broken leg in two places, two fucking places Arturo and refused to stand down.” “Please mam it was our job.” Jim told her quietly. Regin turned to him. “I’m talking and not done. Shut it.” Regin turned back to Arturo. “One was so badly cut up that I thought he was going to bleed out. Another had a broken arm. The last one a broken hand and ankle. Though he didn’t say about the ankle. I felt it. Gia broke her arm in two places. Charlee was knocked out and so was Alexander. And not one of them backed down. They fought like tigers. For me Arturo. So don’t tell me I have to worry about their loyalty cos I don’t believe it. These.” Regin indicated Jim, Carl, Bob and Toni. “Are my security, I’ll take no others, unless they wish to work with someone else and I want the names of those that didn’t make it so I can pay my respects.” “And if I don’t agree?” He snarled at her. Regin coolly took another swallow then looked up at him clearly in control despite his display of dominance. “Eternity is a very long time husband.” She told him. His men were visibly shocked, so was Alexander. Gia however, seemed to take it in her stride. The atmosphere was tense. The room very still.

  It struck Arturo painfully he’d never intended to upset Regin. She’d been through enough tonight. It had been one shit storm after another, she deserved better. And she was calling him out on his anger. It was misplaced here. She could see it and had no problem telling him. He knew it was his fault that she was on that road alone. His fault that she had gone to the club. It was his fault and he would pay for that now. He drew his beast down. “You are right on both counts Regin. I will not apologise for my anger, I am your mate and nothing would have prevented me taking vengeance, it clouds our judgement but I will remember that you had to remind me.” He leaned over and kissed her forehead and whispered, “I am so very sorry Regin.” Then he looked over at his men. “Thank you for saving her life. Regin is right. We lost good men this evening and we need to morn them and find out how this happened.” It was a clear dismissal of sorts and the men took the hint, finished their drinks and left.

  They had been thanked and Regin was happy with that. She’d made her point. She felt sadness that she had had to make the point. These people still had lives and if you didn’t remind them of what they are fighting for. Then all would be lost.

  “Gia are you ok?” Arturo asked her. “Yes. Regin remembered we carried blood. In the chaos of defending, it was the last thing I was thinking. We were trying to contact you but our phones were damaged or had no connection. We sent messages anyway. And Regin saved us all. Her circle kept them off us and allowed us to take them on. Till they got clever and hit us all at once. Must have been about thirty of them all told. We took out about a third but the circle was crashing under the strain of those that were left hitting it at once. Regin did what she does best and fried them. I think Marcus was there Arturo.” She told him. “Regin called him out. He showed himself in the shadows. Full of bluster and confidence, till Regin shot him down. She er, told him what he had tried tonight wasn’t good enough even on her worse PMS day. He got enraged. Regin laughed at him. Told us too as well. We all did. I don’t think he knew how close he came. He ran with his tail between his legs but he won’t forget that. Regin a female, had called him out and he lost.”

  “How’d you know Arturo?” Regin cut in, she’d lived it and didn’t need to hear it again. “I sensed you, a sharp feeling of anxiety, fear and determination. But I put it down to the events at the club. I knew you were in good hands. I was swamped with emotions and filtering yours wasn’t easy. But it kept coming back to it. Then a strong sense of sorrow hit me. I called to Pierre and asked if you had reached home. Obviously, you hadn’t. I got distracted with another meeting but the feeling persisted. I eventually got interrupted. One of the messages got through to security. They had no contact for me as all the senior staff were out with us. They put it through to the house. Only Jenson had my direct number. He was on his way back from dinner. Once he got in and found the message he called me. I did not take the message well and need to talk to him tomorrow.” Arturo said rubbing his forehead. “I called back security and asked for location tracker info on your cars. Two were not working. One was. I was not doing well at that point Regin. My beast was screaming for blood. We hit the cars and came after you.”

  Regin blew out a breath and leaned back in her chair. Not a good night for all of them. Regin reached out her arm and touched him. “I never doubted you were coming.” She told him. Arturo shook his head. “I failed you Regin.” Regin grasped his hand. “Even if you had not arrived in time. You did not fail us. You gave us the strength to fight.” Arturo didn’t look convinced. Regin wasn’t going to win this battle. It was clear to Regin Arturo felt guilty. That he needed a target. Regin squeezed his hand. “I’m going up. Long day.” She told him getting up from her chair and leaning forward and kissing him. Raising her hand she caressed his face. “You were always coming for me Arturo. We both know that and I am not the kind of woman who screams crying in the background. I will always find a way to fight, you do not need to fear for me but I was very happy to see you love.” Regin kissed him again and walked to Gia and held out her hand to her. “Thank you.” Gia nodded, clasped her hand and let her go. Regin walked out the room and headed for the stairs.

  They watched her go. “You should have seen her Arturo.” Alexander told him looking back at his own glass. “I came around injured my leg was trapped and my hand broken and I could hear the fighting but couldn’t get enough control to open the car door
they’d rammed in for our protection. Charlee and I were stuck in the car. She was in control of the situation, showed no fear, confronted them head on and kept her men safe and when they started to break through, she became the bearer of the heavens. She was magnificent. Power surged through her. I’ve never seen anything like it. She struck them hard pulling on the elements within her. She radiated power and killed them all.” Arturo looked at the door Regin had walked though. “She’s getting stronger.” Gia told them.

  Regin had showered and changed into her PJs before collapsing into bed. She woke laying on her front to the delicious administrations of her husband reacquainting himself with her body. Regin had bordered on the cusp of sleep thinking she was dreaming of him. It was erotic and arousing. She was hot and needy. Arturo had removed her PJ bottoms and had kissed his way up her legs. Regin had moaned as he parted her thighs to give himself better access to nip and suck along the inside of them. Regin wanted to rub her crutch into his face. She felt his hand run up the inside of her other leg and enter her slit. Regin arched back into him and Arturo stroked her slit back and forth as his mouth kissed her flesh. Regin instinctively pushed back against him giving him better access to her body. Arturo playfully bit her ass. Then soothed it by lapping at it. Regin thought the sting was delicious and sinful. Arturo moved his fingers finding her open to him and he slipped a finger inside her. “Yes.” Regin whispered.

  Withdrawing his finger he pushed it in again. Harder. Deeper. Regin moaned. He withdrew his finger and pushed in two. “Arrhhh.” She called out in delighted surprise and came fully awake with Arturo pumping her with his fingers deep inside her. Regin was wet and her clit pulsing with need. Sensing her rising emotions. Arturo removed his fingers from her body and as he leaned back on both knees, he brought her body up on all fours in front of him. Regin dazed from the delicious sensations Arturo was sending throughout her body, looked back over her shoulder at him. Arturo knelt proudly between her thighs gazing into her eyes. She watched as he settled himself behind her. Regin felt the head of his cock run up and down her slit and settle at her entrance. She licked her lips and sensed his fleeting inquiry across her mind. “Yes.” She thought. Arturo smiled and rammed into her. Regin lifted bodily at the intrusion. She was tight. It bordered on painful, she was so full. Could feel every fraction of his cock inside her. Her muscles along her virginal wall rippled and Arturo moaned. Regin smiled she wasn’t the only one affected. Regin pushed back onto him. Seating herself on him. Arturo held onto her hips and started the rhythm he wanted. Regin met him push for push grinding herself against him. She needed him to fuck her. Needed to feel alive. “More.” She told him and braced herself against the mattress. Arturo released her hips, leaning forward he grabbed the top of her PJs under her chest. In one swift movement, he ripped it away from her body exposing her breasts and nipples to the cool air and his hands.

  As he fucked her from behind, his hands covered her fleshy globes and stroked her nipples. Regin arched back giving him better access as his pace picked up. Regin was close to coming. So close. She needed to feel more of him. Pulling off the top that still covered her arms and shoulders, she now knelt naked before him thrusting her arse up to meet him. Arturo ran his hands around her body and caressed her back down to her ass and squeezed them as he pumped faster. Regin felt the climax rising in her body. She was so close. Her toes curled, her body shivered with the tension. Regin needed more. So dam close. Regin started to climb up the headboard with her arms, pulling her legs nearer with every deep thrust from Artruo. Bracing herself against the wall and on her knees, she had freed Arturo to fuck her faster and harder. Arturo settled slightly under her ass, repositioned his cock, instinctively knowing what she needed, he slammed back into her as he reached up with both hands and pinched both nipples. Regin screamed out as she fell over into the explosion of pure joy of her climax hitting her. Arturo slammed into her again and again hitting her sweet spot. Regin came again on another cry. She felt her come slipping free of her body. Not letting her go, Arturo continued to push her harder and faster. Regin felt herself coming again. Arturo moved a hand round to her clit and as he stroked and pinched it, he bit down on her shoulder, the euphoria crashing into her as he took her blood into him. Regin screamed his name again on a begging cry as with one last thrust Arturo spilled into her.

  Regin collapsed against the wall panting. Arturo wasn’t much better off. He braced his hands either side of her head on the wall and took steadying breaths. He was still buried deep inside her. He braced himself on his forearm covering her body with his. With his right hand he caressed her. Running his hand lazily over her breasts, nipples and stomach heading towards his goal. Regin’s head was on her hands braced on the wall. She couldn’t move if she wanted to and she didn’t want to. Arturo found her slit and stroked her. “Mmm.” Escaped her. Still buried deep inside her, he instinctively started to move again. Pulling back on his cock and pushing forward. He started a steady slow rhythm. Arturo continued to stroke her clit in time with his rhythm. He knew it wouldn’t take much for Regin to come again. It had been so intense that time, the emotions were still raging throughout both their bodies. He increased his pace and pushed in deeper. Regin started to pant. She was close. Her nipples hard as pebbles. Arturo held his pace. Feeling how close she was to coming. He waited until she was on the cusp, then pushed down hard on her clit as he upped the pace from slow and deliberate to piston fucking her.

  Regin cried out as her climax slammed into her again. For a second she thought she’d blacked out., as Arturo continued to bury himself deep within her as if he couldn’t get close enough to satisfy his need of her and rode the emotional and physical friction flooding him tipping him over the edge, he came a second time. Exhaustion finally catching up with her, Regin started to slip falling into sleep. “I love you.” She told him as she drifted off. Arturo pulled her to him and slid them both to the side and lay across the bed. Regin didn’t move. She gave over to the security and protection of her male. She sensed rather than saw Arturo grabbing the corner of the comforter and drawing it over them. “I told you you would. I love you too wife.” He told her kissing her lightly and holding her tightly to him. Regin smiled and sighed, “arrogant ass.” And drifted back to dream.

  A phone was ringing. Regin could hear it. She tried to turn over and ignore it but found that Arturo had her securely against his side. Sliding out from under his arm Regin looked round for her robe. She smiled. her PJs had lost in the battle last night. Regin closed her eyes and remembered the feel of Arturo in her, over her, behind her. Her body pulsed in memory. Delicious. Regin felt her nipples harden. The phone was still ringing. Dam it. Thought Regin. Leaning forward Regin grabbed her robe off the chair and slipped it on and headed in the direction of their sitting room. Regin lifted the handset. “Good morning.” She spoke into it. There was a quiet chuckling on the other end. Regin rose her eyebrows. “Good afternoon Regin.” So ok, it was later than she expected. “Is there a reason you are calling this early Valentina or was it just to annoy me.” She told her. Regin could hear Valentina laugh. “I wanted to know you were ok but I called to let you know your needed down stairs.” She told her. Regin rolled her shoulders. “I’m ok Val thank you. Ok give me twenty minutes.”

  Regin made it in fifteen. As she walked down the stairs and looked out the windows, she could hear people talking. The doors to the reception room were open. Regin walked in. She smiled. It was nice to come down and the windows were uncovered. She was a surprised to see a number of people present. Val was sitting in a chair and waved. “Thanks for the outfit. I really liked it.” She told her coming forward and kissing her on both cheeks in the European way. Charlee came towards her. “You ok Charlee?” She asked him worried. He hadn’t looked good the night before. “I’m fine now, Gia gave me a little blood it does wonders and Arturo insisted I have his Port so I’m good. These are some of the day walker staff. They’d like to talk to you.” Regin nodded. “Ok.” Regin continued in
and spoke to them. “Good afternoon. I understand you’d like to talk to me?” Several of the people looked at each other. One stepped forward. “We heard about last night. We’re sorry for the loss of your men. We know there’s a fight coming and we want to do what we can, we have guns and vests but we’re human. We wondered if it was possible to use some of the weapons you used last night to help us?” He asked her. Regin smiled. “What’s your name.” “Greg. Most of us work in security with Charlee, some of us work in the grounds.” Regin nodded. And spotted Pete in the corner with Valentina.

  Regin waved him over. “Pete. Would you offer some thoughts on this as our new head of day time security and strategy?” Pete came towards Regin and stood with her. He addressed them. “Most of you are family so you already have enhanced speed and strength, I know it’s not Vamp speed and strength but it’s better than anything else. I’m glad to see you come forward, we’re going to be going over several strategies that we will be employing. We’re going to have a few surprises for them. For a start they won’t expect you to be a challenge to them but you will be. And they won’t expect that. That gives us the advantage. You’ll have some new toys too. I’m going to be talking with Regin on her arsenal. Its impressive but not everyone will be able to use it. They have their own day walkers. They will be ruthless killers, so if they attack don’t be soft on them. They came here with a purpose and they won’t think twice about taking you out. We will find defensive positions for our non-combatants to go. I would imagine they will be targeting our vulnerabilities to get to our Vamps. You can expect them to hit us hard. If they can take us out and wipe out some or all of our Vamps. Jobs done. I would expect that they are looking to make some kind of attack during the day. Possibly early or late in the day, when things can be more open to the change in security, so we will work on that.


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