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Page 20

by Jessie Rose Case

  Pete let out the breath he didn’t know he was holding. “Fuck that.” He said. “This way.” John told him leading him towards Arturo. Ash littered the floor. “How many do you think?” Asked Pete. “Not nearly enough I fear.” John told him honestly. In other words, they were still under attack. There were several booms in the distance from both the left and right. “Looks like a turkey shoot.” Said Pete grinning. Checking both his guns and ammo. “Incoming.” Called out Pierre just as six Vamps came out the bushes and they caught up with Arturo. The Vamps stopped fast seeing the welcome party. “No survivors.” Called out Arturo as he engaged them followed by his men. It was a bloody mess. More were coming their way. “Incoming.” He called out for mainly Pete’s benefit. The Vamps would have heard them coming. Nearly twenty more came at them. Arturo kept them moving forward. Hacking and slashing their way to the meeting point. Pete firing and dusting as he went. Rubin turned to take on one Vamp to expose his back to another. Pete fired and took him down. Rubin took the head and turned. Nodding his thanks. Both took up new targets.

  Arturo slashed across another Vamp. He wasn’t happy about the time it was taking to get to the meeting point. They could see his Vamp line coming towards them. “Pierre, tell them to circle around to us closing the gap.” He told him. Pierre nodded and took out his phone. Arturo raised his own phone and dialled. “Brandon we’re in place. …… Yes I understand.” Arturo dropped his arm. “They are closing the circle on their side.” Another boom went off in front of them. Several more screams from different directions. “Guess those traps just keep giving.” Pete told them. “Pierre tell them to start moving in.” Pierre lifted his phone and gave the order. Arturo and his party moved with them dispatching any Vamp they came across. Twenty minutes later Arturo spotted the Ware lines. Ten minutes more he could see Brandon. Five more and he could see the nearly completed two-mile circle. They were pushing what appeared to be approx. thirty Vamps into the middle between them. It was show time.

  “Master Arturo.” Brandon called out. “You are in my territory. Can I help you with anything?” Arturo hid his smile. “Ware. We heard the explosions along our border and came to investigate. Do you have a problem?” Arturo asked him. Brandon laughed. “No problem now Vamp. They pushed me too far.” Arturo nodded. “I see. And what are your intensions for these Vamps?” Arturo looked over them. He tried hard to contain his rage and disgust. They were battered and bruised. Several limping or dragging others. “They were in my territory I can do as I wish.” Brandon told him coldly. “I understand that Ware, but they are Vampire and not under your rule.” Arturo told him equally as coldly. “They are at my discretion unless their leader wants to come forward and claim them and make restitution. Is that you. Arturo?” Arturo sighed dramatically and waved his hand dismissively. “They are not of my house. I know not who they are. Mayhap you should ask them?” Brandon roared as did his pack. “If they have no master then they belong to me!” He yelled.

  “Several of the Vamps turned to Arturo. “Please master save us.” Arturo shook his head. “You have not sworn fealty to me. Had you done so I would gladly take you this day.” He told them looking at his nails with a bored expression. “Then break our fealty Master.” He begged Arturo. “I cannot only you can denounce your master and you have to all do it vocally.” As Brandon raged on. “They are mine Vampire. No tricks will save them this day.” Brandon’s performance was Oscar worthy. His pack screaming for blood vengeance. The group of Vampire facing such odds appeared to dither. Arturo had had enough. He called to his people. “We are leaving. The beast is right. I have no jurisdiction here.” He went to turn. “No master please. Our master is Marcus. Break the fealty I beg you.” Arturo sort out the eyes of Rubin. They had their answer. There was no mistake who was behind all this. And no surprise from Rubin. So, he had known, thought Arturo. Arturo called to Brandon. “My friend. Good hunting.” He told him as he clicked his fingers and the signal given. His Vamps withdrew. Arturo and his men turned away and left the way they’d come. “But I told you.” Could be heard as he left before the screaming started.

  Arturo felt no remorse. They had come to kill his people and humans. They reached the cars. Pete spoke. “I’ll have the boys out here first thing checking to make sure no mine’s or traps still exit.” “Thank you.” Arturo told him. Turning to Rubin he asked him. “You knew?” Rubin nodded. “He partitioned the Court for your territory.” Both Pierre and John stepped forward. Arturo held up his hand. “And the answer he got?” “He didn’t get one. I was sent here instead. It was before your request arrived. That just gave me access.” Arturo nodded and looked at the male. “You might want to clean up before you journey on.” He told him. Rubin was covered in much blood and gore. Rubin turned to Pete, “you have been an asset this day and I am in your debt. You may call upon me at any time warrior.” Rubin doffed his head to Arturo and was gone. Arturo felt weary. He got into his car. His men followed taking their seats and slowly they made their way back to the road and home.

  As they pulled up at the house. Arturo looked up at the place he called home in this town. It was the first property he’d owned. Well, the shack on the land was the first which he’d eventually torn down and had this built. It held everything that was of value to him. Regin. Arturo entered the house. It was quiet. Taking his scabbards off he headed to the ground floor bathroom and washed up. He walked back into the sitting room and poured himself a drink and dropped into the seat beside the fireplace. He took a long draw and placed his head on the back of the chair savouring the flavours bursting in his mouth. He swallowed and lifted his glass. “Second blood to me Marcus.”

  Regin woke entangled with Arturo. He had obviously come to bed late. She tried to wait for him but became too tired and had given in to sleep. She looked at her magnificent male. He was a sight to behold. Even in his Vampire sleep he held her attention. Made her body hot. He lay on his side with only his silk bottoms on. His upper body on glorious display. Regin felt her mouth go dry. She could imagine kissing her way down his body and slipping her hand into his pants bottoms and caressing his cock. Feeling it grow and becoming engorged. Regin licked her lips. She could have a taste. Just a little one. Maybe a few licks and rub her lips along it and over the end of his cock. She wanted to feel Arturo response to her lips on him and the taste of him on her tongue. Regin felt her body respond. Her clit pulse. Dam she needed to get up. This man could make her wanton in his sleep. Slowly she disengaged herself from his body and walked to the shower, grabbing her underwear on the way. She’d have to make do with the shower.

  Regin emerged refreshed. Glanced at Arturo still asleep and walked to her wardrobe. Grabbing jeans and a top she slipped them on and headed down to the kitchens. “Good morning.” She called out. Several of the staff including Carol and Alice were present. A series of “Good morning miss.” Rang out. Regin smiled at them. “If I could have coffee and some breakfast sent up to the sitting room that would fantastic.” She told them. There were several nods and Regin turned and headed back to the sitting room. She paused at the window overlooking the park area. It was beautiful. Jenson approached her. “Good morning mam. Your coffee. Can I get you anything else?” Regin turned to him. “I’ve ordered breakfast thank you Jenson but could you arrange for a table and chairs to be positioned outside this window so I can enjoy the park if I wished to with meals?” “Of course, mam.” He told her. “Thank you.” Regin walked on to the sitting room and took the coffee offered to her. “How’s the staffing problems coming?” She asked him. “We are fully staffed now mam.” He told her proudly. “That’s good. Any problems let me know. How’s the preparations for Sunday coming?” Regin knew it would be going to plan but wanted Jenson to know he had her support. “We are catering for around 800. It will be in the park mainly. We have the tables and chairs coming out of storage. Our storage, our people.” Regin nodded knowing what he was telling her. No outsiders. “The food is prepped and ready to go. Alice has been working hard get
ting everything that can be done in advance done. We are sticking to traditional afternoon tea as suggested. There will also be coffee available. Soft drinks and champagne for those that want it.” Regin nodded. “Sounds perfect but if I may offer a suggestion. Kia Royals would be perfect, make sure that fish and meat is labelled and small cakes where possible. The addition of prepared fruit would be a nice touch or trifle.” Jenson smiled. “Yes mam.” “It was a fantastic idea. Thank you, Jenson.” He smiled broadly nodded once and left her.

  Regin glanced out the window again. She felt the need to stretch. A slight knock at the door interrupted her. “Come in.” Carol came in holding her tray. “Thank you Carol. How are you?” Regin asked her. “I am well mam. Looking forward to Sunday.” Regin smiled at her, Carol genuinely appeared excited about it. “Really any particular reason?” Regin asked her reaching for her coffee. Carol went crimson and uncomfortable. “It will be nice to talk to people.” She told Regin. Regin nodded at her and tilted her head to the side. “Would you like me to introduce you to anyone particular?” She asked her. Carol’s face took on a surprised expressed. “Your far too busy to do that mam.” “I don’t think I will be.” Regin told her kindly. Regin waited. There was an emotional struggle going on in Carol’s face. There was another knock at the door. “Come in.” Carol stepped back. Charlee walked in and up to Regin he bent down and nicked a piece of bacon and plonked himself in the chair opposite her. Regin slapped his hand. Charlee chuckled and took a bite of his bacon. Carol took in a sharp breath. Regin turned towards her. She was looking at Charlee in awe. Umm thought Regin the penny drops. “Charlee meet Carol.” Regin indicated the young women he clearly hadn’t seen. Charlee turned round. “Hi.” He told her and turned back. Carol bobbed and left the room. Quickly. Charlee picked up the spare cup and poured himself some coffee. “You scared her.” Regin told him. “Did I?” He told her completely oblivious. Men thought Regin. Deaf, dumb and blind.

  “Did you hear about last night.” He asked her. “No Arturo came up late I was already asleep.” Charlee nibbled on the bacon eyeing more off Regin’s plate. She sighed picked up the house phone and called the kitchen for another plate and more coffee. Actually thought Regin that was a good idea. Breakfast with the day walkers. It would update her and keep a finger on the pulse. “Charlee. I want to set up a breakfast/brunch around 10:30 each morning to meet with the day walker staff. Its open invitation. Anything they want to discuss or talk about they are welcome to join me as long as they have passed it through you first ok. No more than 8. It means you have to join me each day Monday to Friday, unless other duties claim you, then I’ll ask Pete to step in or some of the others.” Charlee looked at Regin. “That would be great. I’m sure the staff would appreciate it Regin. Arturo’s good but he’s the boss and busy.” Regin cut up her sausage and popped it in her mouth. Soo good. She swallowed. “Ok let’s do it. So what happened last night then?” Regin ate and Charlee filled her in. A knock at the door announced Charlee’s breakfast. As Jenson placed his plate on the table, Regin nicked her bacon back. “Hay.” Charlee called out. Regin wagged her bacon at him. “Fairs fair.” She told him grinning.

  Regin listened to the abridged version of events from last night. “So how many do they think they got last night.” She asked him. Charlee shrugged his shoulders. “No way to tell. But going on the numbers from what they faced on both sides and the amounts of ash, they think upwards of 150.” Regin frowned. “How many soldiers does Marcus have if he can afford to lose 150 last night as well as those at the club and in the road and the ones you’ve been fighting for a couple of weeks now?” She asked him. “I thought we were looking at.” And she used air quote marks. “Possibly 200. You guys have seen and dealt with more than that already. And even if you count Jazels people, that’s what, possibly 250 all in and we must be way passed that by now. So what’s really going on?” Charlee looked equally worried. “I don’t know Regin. But your right. His numbers were either greatly underestimated or he’s managed to hide a lot from our people. We should know soon enough.” Regin put down her coffee cup. “I don’t like the idea that we’re in the dark. We need better intel if we don’t have it already.” “That’s what I mean.” Charlee told her. “James has been gone a while with Sarah they are out there trying to get it.” He told her quietly. “I don’t understand. What do you mean?” Charlee looked uncomfortable. “Arturo sent them on a special mission. They are to hunt out Marcus and go say hello.”

  Regin got seriously worried. She had no love for Sarah but putting yourself out there like that takes courage. “You can’t be serious. I get the why but how’d they expect to manage that and come back in one piece?” Charlee couldn’t fail but to hear the strain in her voice. “They are taking back the invitation.” He told her quietly. Shit, thought Regin. She hadn’t even thought about how that was going to take place. “This Marcus isn’t an idiot. He’ll expect them to be checking him out.” Charlee nodded. “Yep he will but they go as emissaries and they are protected in Vampire law.” Regin just raised her eyebrows at hearing that. Seriously! “Yeah, cos he’s real big on the law Charlee.” Charlee grinned. “Actually, everything he’s done so far has been within Vampire law Regin. His methods stink to us but actually, if you look at their history. It’s been a lot less bloody so far. Challenges and fighting are a part of Vamp society. Its expected. Your either strong enough to hold it or take it.” Charlee shrugged.

  Regin didn’t like it. James was a pain but he had a good heart and was a friend. She’d wondered why he had been absent. And Sarah. Arturo had said she’d been through hell. Neither of them needed this. “How’d we know where he is?” Regin asked. “There are only so many places he can be. This is a challenge so knowing where he is is not an issue any longer. Rubin confirmed the challenge so now it’s about protocol. He can’t hit Arturo’s compound and we can’t hit his.” Regin thought that sounded thin. “So how does he explain the Vamps invading the territories. Isn’t that outside any protocol?” She asked him. “Well until last night when they got the Vamps to out him, Marcus wasn’t known officially to be behind it. So until then. It didn’t count and now Rubin will be able to let the Court know.” Regin frowned. “He was there?” She asked him. Charlee nodded. “Yeah, but we’re still not sure what side he’s on.” Regin pierced her lips. “I should have zapped his ass.” Charlee laughed. “Just as well you didn’t.” Regin shook her head. “Bloody politics. So Marcus gets a ‘get out of jail’ free pass?” She asked “That’s shitty.” “No.” Said Charlee. “That’s Vamp politics. Moaning about it makes you look weak.”

  “So do we know where James and Sarah are right now?” She asked him worried. “They called in and spoke with Pierre. They are holing up in day light and will carry on tonight.” “Their safe?” She asked him. Charlee smiled at the level of concern Regin was showing. “Last we heard before sunrise, they had obtained a safe house.” Regin let out the breath she didn’t know she was holding. “Ok. So moving on. What else you got for me?”

  “I just need to go over the numbers for tomorrow afternoon. You might want Jenson in on this.” Regin agreed. Lifting up the house phone. “Jenson would you and Alice join me in the reception room please and bring any info for the afternoon tea you think we need to go over please and perhaps some more coffee enough for 4 please.” Regin heard his agreement and put down the receiver. Charlee thought how comfortable Regin was with it all. “How are you doing Regin?” Charlee waved his hand around indicating the room. “With all this.” Regin took a breath and let it out slowly. “Jury’s still out.” She told him. “You’re doing a good job Regin.” Regin shrugged her shoulders. “Maybe but this is Arturo’s not mine. It doesn’t feel like my home. It’s too vast. I understand why Arturo needs it. I just don’t feel like it’s me most of the time. Calling down to someone else to make coffee, just seem ridiculous. But they’re all good people. And we all have our roles to play do we not?” “When all this is over, you and Arturo can have some quality ti
me.” He told her. “Maybe but something tells me that spending time alone, together away from all this is not going to be that easy.”

  A knock at the door sounded the arrival of Jenson and Alice. Regin smiled. “Hi guys, thanks for coming. I just wanted to thrash out the details for tomorrow afternoon and Charlee has the numbers so it seemed a good idea to co-ordinate. Please sit and have coffee with us while we work out the details.” Regin indicated the two other chairs round the breakfast table. Regin poured more coffee for Charlee and herself and did new ones for Jenson and Alice. “Please help yourself to cream and sugar.” She told them taking her cup and several sips. “Ok. Well Charlee what can we expect?” “Sundown is at 5:46pm tomorrow. The Tea starts at 6.30pm so people will arrive from then onwards. We’ll have the gardens soft lit with Vamp eyesight as good as it is and the house lights on full. The patio at the back will be fully lit with the various tables and chairs set out. Jenson has confirmed this already. We have 273 single Vamps in attendance both male and female. We have 32 Vamp/human couples coming. Also 12 couples from Arturo’s senior staff plus you and him of course. We also have 412 humans who are staff here and extended families who are coming. We have children’s entertainers coming in all screened and used before. Plus we have a group to play live music. So its food and drinks for around 750. Not everyone will eat. Security has been arranged with mated Vamps and it will be double on the day. No one gets in without a full body check and ID scan.”


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