Book Read Free


Page 23

by Jessie Rose Case

  He was right. The house was starting to catch fire. It was eating away at the ceiling in the hallway and making its way up the stairs. The leader shouted out in frustration that the fire engine was on its way. That they were out of time. Sarah heard the order to put gasoline round the house and set it on fire leaving her no escape. She could hear them running back and forth and the smell of it. If they got through that before the engines arrived she had no place to defend from. Sarah gave the front door one more look to make sure it remained blocked. She moved into the lounge, grabbed the baseball bat and pulled both beds back to the kitchen and stacked them. Sarah turned on the tap and picking up a jug covered herself in water. She covered her hair and body with a blanket and did it again soaking herself. It wouldn’t offer much but it might be enough. Sarah could hear the fire engine it was nearly here maybe five minutes out. She could smell the fires set around the house. Sarah picked up her phone and checked the time. 20 minutes to go. Putting it back in her pocket Sarah got low on the ground and waited.

  She heard the engine pull up and the car with the winch drive off. That left one car or two if there were eight to start with. Sarah knew that didn’t mean any of the men had left. Just that a car had. If she went out the front now, she could walk into a trap. She heard the slamming of the engine doors, men running around spotting fires. Hoses being dragged out. Hydrant being connected. Sarah knew she was out of time. She slowly moved to the back door and picked up the other blanket, she moved to the tap and wet it and picked up SUV keys. Going out the front door was not an option now. The fire had engulfed the hall and top floor and was eating its way towards her. She couldn’t hear any noise above the fire. Sarah leaned into the garage door it was quiet. She couldn’t hear the fire beyond it. Sarah removed the steel bar and locks and opened it a fraction, not wanting to cause a down rush of fire, it would kill her and peered into the darkness. She couldn’t see anybody or fire heat. Smoke was pilling into the kitchen now. Sarah opened the door a bit more and stood back with the other wet blanket in front of her. No fire rushed in. Sarah grabbed the baseball bat and stayed down low. Opened the door further. The space appeared intact but the ceiling looked under stress. No light or fire coming in. It hadn’t been breached. Yet. Sarah used Vamp speed to lock the back door once she was through it and open the SUV and climbed in locking the doors as she did.

  Sarah sat there for a moment unsure what to do. She looked above her and saw the fire had reached the top of the garage ceiling. It was now on fire. It would soon be dropping. She wasn’t out of this yet. Sarah checked the clock on the car. She had 8 minutes to go till sundown. ‘Shit’ thought Sarah she was gonna have to make a run for it. She waited. Looking around she was grateful the garage had its own electric supply separate from the house. She could still use the garage door. Sarah remembered seeing a baseball cap in the glove box. She reached over and opened it. It was there. Pulling it out she put it over her head. There were gloves under the driver’s seat in case of engine trouble. Sarah opened the drawer under the seat and pulled them out putting them on. Sarah grabbed the spare blanket and threw it over her. Her sun glasses would help with seeing. Sarah pulled down the visors on both sides of the car. The car came with some UV protection as well as being bullet proof. If she knew for sure her attackers were gone she would have just driven out. But she didn’t know what was waiting for her if anything. She grabbed her phone and sent off a quick message to Arturo and James letting them know what had happened and that she was leaving the safe house.

  What a joke, she thought. Safe. Taking the keys, she turned the engine on. She knew the noise was gonna bring attention. She pressed the clicker to open the garage door. She rolled the car back towards it. The garage was really on fire now. Smoke everywhere. It was just as well she didn’t need to breath. The ceiling was starting to fall. She couldn’t wait any longer. Sarah slammed her foot on the gas and rammed the roller door as it was partially lifted. It buckled. Sarah slipped the car into first and ran it forward directly into the path of a firefall from the ceiling. “Fuck.” She called out. Sarah gritted her teeth. She slammed the gear shift into reverse and hammered the gas. She hit the door full on, hitting the horn with her hand to give far warning she was coming out and the door gave way splitting up the middle as she came reeling out. Sarah skidded down the driveway and into the road as she rammed on the breaks. She was out as the sun went down. Sarah ripped off the blankets and gloves. And to the confusion of the firemen who were coming towards her, she slipped the car into first and drove off like hell was on her arse.

  Sarah drove hard. She made several turnings and got on the main road. She couldn’t see any obvious tail. Grabbing her phone she placed it in the holder and put it on speed dial to Arturo. It rang twice. “Sarah you ok?” “I’m out, the house is toast sorry Arturo I had to burn it to get out. I’m now on the road back. I’ve had to leave James. I don’t know where he is exactly but I could swing by and pick him up. I don’t think I’m being followed.” She told him. “No. James has been redirected and I’ve sent a car for him following your info earlier. I want you back here as soon as possible. I got your text. So tell me what do you have that had them so worried.” Sarah looked round her and checked her mirrors again. Nothing. Taking the turning for the interstate highway. “I’m not sure what they thought I’d seen but I saw enough. I ran the boundary as requested. I could see and hear quite a bit. There are plenty of soldiers there Arturo. Marcus has come prepared. From what I overheard he’s pissed about the pass being closed off and Jazel’s compound being toast. He’s not happy he lost so many men. He’s blaming them and killing his own. I heard a couple on patrol say that Marcus had taken out his anger on those that came back. And that if that happened to them, they wouldn’t be going back.”

  Sarah shrugged as she continued. “I’m not sure how that would work.” She told him. “He has a master’s bond I expect. And there was a lot of activity around several buildings. Plenty of coming and going. They were dragging several humans out of one of them. I don’t know what happened. But they looked dead to me Arturo.” “So he’s feeding his blood drinkers by bringing in humans?” Arturo asked her. “I think so but they were cut up bad so whoever he’s doing it is out of control or he doesn’t care. Or he could be making more. The Vamps with the bodies looked stressed but there was no blood lust that I could see.” “How many do you think he has?” He asked her. Sarah changed lanes and checked her mirrors. Still nothing obvious. “From the voices and movements, I heard I’d say he has about 500 with him. He’s a match for our regulars but any advantage he may have had with the fodder has now gone. Those I saw were seasoned soldiers. Seemed to know what they were doing. There were some discontented voices but most got on with the job.” “Ok who came after you?” Arturo asked her. “Seems Marcus is hiring those he needs and paying for work to be done.” She told him dryly. “It was capture not kill Arturo. Apparently, Marcus wanted to say hello. I wasn’t keen to go.” She told him. “Get back as soon as you can. When you cross into our territory I’ll have a car meet you.” He told her. Sarah nodded to the phone. “One other thing Arturo. I saw Marcus from a distance. He looked different. Changed. And he was openly feeding ripping into a young girl who was screaming as she died.” Sarah’s voice trailed off. It had not been something she’d wished to see. “She appeared young Arturo.” She told him. “Get back safe.” He told her and disconnected. Sarah put her foot down. She’d had enough of this place.

  Arturo turned to Alexander. He’d joined him for breakfast. “I thought he’d stopped that practice?” Alex said and frowned at him. “I guess not so much.” “Wont the Council have something to say about that?” He asked Arturo. “Maybe or maybe not if they think that it’s our business not there’s. He’s not in Europe, so they may not think he needs to be tied to it and actually, that serves Marcus well. He probably thinks he now has a free reign. Nothing to stop him.” Alex took a deep breath. “Jesus. You know how sick he got before the Council stepped in. I c
ouldn’t stand by and watch that Arturo. Not again. If you need my people they are with you.” Arturo reached out and took his offered hand. “Thank you. I will not stand by either. If Marcus of old has returned he needs putting down and this will be the opportunity to do it.” Alex picked up his phone. “I’ll email my First and get them over. I could bring 200 with me?” “What about your territory?” Arturo asked him. “Quiet. Let’s hope it stays that way. Besides, Marcus came after me as well the other night so I owe him.” A knock on the office door interrupted them. Regin poked her head in. “We have a party in 30 minutes. You might want to get ready?” Arturo extended his hand to Alex again. “Stay and enjoy the evening. This is the reason we are fighting. We all need the reminder.”


  Arturo walked back to their apartment. Taking out his phone he sent instructions to John for Sarah. As he entered he saw Regin come out of the dressing room. She looked stunning in red. A full ankle length dress of silk that fastened at one shoulder. He walked to her and kissed her. “Beautiful.” He told her kissing her again. Regin held him. “You don’t look bad yourself.” She told him. “But you need to get a move on if we are going to be down stairs on time. Do you have your speech ready?” Arturo patted his back pocket. “Yep all ready to go.” He told her. Regin smiled. “Don’t be long.” Giving him one final kiss she left him. Arturo quickly washed up and dressed, then headed down to the festivities.

  Pierre was waiting for him at the bottom of the stairs with Alex. “James is on his way back. Should be here in about an hour.” Pierre told him. “Sarah?” Arturo asked him. “Met at the boundary and with our people on the way back.” Arturo nodded. “Meeting tonight at midnight. All senior staff and ask Brandon and Alex to join us please.” Pierre nodded with a fierce determination on his face. “Right, let’s do this shall we.” Arturo smiled at Pierre. Pierre’s face was not happy. “I hate these things.” He told him. Arturo slapped him on the back. “Don’t let Regin hear you say that. Or there’ll be one every week!” “Hell no.” Pierre told him not holding back. Arturo laughed. “Come on.” And led him out into the gardens. It looked beautiful. Almost a wonderland of magic. Lights were all over the trees and hanging between them. Some twinkling others creating a string of light. Tables and chairs were dotted throughout the main garden and terrace, white table clothes and chairs, centre table lights and flowers, laid with cups and saucers, plates knives and forks. It looked wonderful. Music was playing in the background. Children were running around being face painted and entertained by professionals. People were walking up the driveway in their Sunday best arm in arm or hand in hand.

  Arturo had a moment. It seemed unreal. He turned to Alex and Pierre. They were both as stunned as he was. Pierre was the first to speak. “It is like the days of my youth. Taking Sunday walks in the park and enjoying the evening with family.” His voice broke and Arturo could have sworn he saw tears in his eyes. “I have not seen this in many years.” Pierre told him quietly, looking around the garden. The people mixing and talking. The relaxed laughter. The party atmosphere. Children running about enjoying their freedom. Couples loving. Families enjoying the event. “I agree with him Arturo. It is a wonder to behold. Regin did a great job.” Alex told him.

  Arturo looked round and smiled. He couldn’t be prouder. It was indeed a wonder to behold. Arturo watched as Regin networked through the people and tables. Gia and Valentina along with Pete were with her. They were introducing the single security Vamps and Pete to his people, some of them with family. Introductions were also being made by Jenson as well for the house staff and family. Arturo watched as Regin turned and noticed them. She gave her apologises he assumed and left those she had been talking to and walked towards them. “Here comes trouble.” Alex murmured. Arturo smiled. “Well, you all look good enough to eat.” She told them, turning a bemused smiled on her face. She reached up and kissed Arturo. “You have a speech to make and then we can all sit down to eat. Maybe we could all do a bit of networking boys before that?” She told them looking pointedly at Alex and Pierre. “Always a pleasure Regin.” Said Pierre cheekily and moved towards Gia. Regin then looked at Alex and raised an eyebrow. Alex cleared his throat. “I’m not known here much Regin so I’ll stick with Arturo if that’s ok?”

  Arturo looked at Regin. She gave them her best ‘I’m thinking about that’ look. Arturo looked at Alex. He was decidedly uncomfortable under Regins gaze. “I think that would be just fine.” She told him. Arturo could have laughed at the relieved expression on Alex’s face. This old, well battle worn Vamp running scared over what Regin might say. It was most heart-warming. Arturo watched as Regin slipped her arm though both his and Alex’s arm and led them across the grass to their waiting company. The next half hour was spent in getting to know his people and introducing Alex as a friend of the family and encouraging people to find their seats. Arturo couldn’t remember enjoying himself so much.

  A persistent tapping on a microphone brought everyone’s attention on Jenson. “Dear family,” he started looking visibly moved. “I have the great pleasure of introducing our gracious host and leader of House Arturo. Arturo.” Suddenly everyone was on their feet and clapping. Arturo bowed his head in several directions and headed to the microphone. As he passed Regin he grasped her hand and kissed it then placed it over his heart. No one could be in any doubt the love this couple shared. Arturo let go of Regin’s hand and walked to the microphone. He turned and addressed the people. They quieted for him. “Thank you Jenson.” Arturo looked out around the people in front of him. What a collection they were. “I had, this wonderful speech all worked out, all politically correct and encompassing everyone, not leaving anyone out. But you know, I don’t need that. I look at you all here. Some on your own, some in couples and families and I realised when I stepped on this law earlier that only one thing mattered. Family. No matter who we are, we are family to each other. And no matter what the future holds, it is that family that will protect us and stand with us. And I for one am most grateful for your friendship and your company. My dear wife would tell me its love that bonds family, that bonds us. I’m not a thinker like she is but in this I believe she is right. No man goes against his wife, those males here married or mated know what I’m saying.” He told them laughing. Several men nodded and laughed with him. “So it maybe friendship, passion, love or camaraderie but here and now, there is no doubt in my mind, we are all one. All family. All ……House Arturo. Thank you for being with us.” Arturo bowed deep to those present. And a roar went up, clapping and shouting. Arturo rose and put out his hands in a placating manner. “And now I believe we have nourishment and entertainment. Jenson over to you.” There was more clapping as people took seats.

  Regin walked towards Arturo. He had surprised her with words that came from his heart. He loved these people and she knew it. Arturo grabbed her hand and placed it on his arm and guided her over to James and Sarah who had just arrived as he had finished his speech. “Sarah, James. We’ll catch up tonight meeting at midnight. In the meantime, enjoy. Are you both ok?” Sarah looked around at the garden. Regin wondered if she liked it. Although with her emotions turned off it might be hard for her to judge that she guessed. Regin frowned. That’s no way to live, she thought. James was speaking and she turned to him. “ ….mess. Kept me waiting, don’t get why other than that they could. Interesting that those boys that came for me were not keen on Marcus and they were surprised to hear you didn’t need anyone to fight your battles for you. They also told me they were training for the challenge so we can guess that he’s not coming alone.” Arturo laughed. “Never any doubt of that. Marcus never fought his own battles if he could get someone else to do it.” Arturo told him.

  James gave a disgusted face. “Anyway I gave them something to think about, if we’re lucky some dissention in the ranks might happen.” Arturo nodded. Regin caught Sarah stiffen slightly and followed her gaze. A youngish man was coming out of the kitchen with a tray. Regin concentrated on him. C
onflict. Anger. Defiance. Denial and Refusal. Fear. As Regin realised something was wrong. She saw him start to do that ‘funky chicken’ thing. Sarah moved forward. “Arturo I saw him at Marcus’s he was the one being dragged out an out building. I thought he was dead.” Sarah told him quickly. “He’s fighting compulsion.” She told him. Arturo clicked his fingers and both Gia and Pierre were at his side. “The male with the tray take him inside and hold him. Take that tray with him. I want to know where he’s been before we serve anything and how he got in here and if he’s alone.” They nodded and at Vamp speed grabbed the male and lifted him out of the garden into the house. “He seemed …. relieved when they picked him up.” Said Sarah oddly. “I will go and help.” She told them and disappeared after them.

  Arturo turned back to James. “Find me John I want to see him in the house. Ask Alex to hold the fort while we go sort this out.” James nodded and headed off. Arturo entered the kitchen. Jenson was standing with Alice. “Did that man get near anything?” He asked them. “No sir. Alice was particular on the food side everything was stored in the cold store and locked up. None of the drinks were in here. We were about to set up the bar outside and everything is in the cellar, including juices. We checked when they brought him back and it was all secure.” Jenson told him. “So all the food is good to go?” He asked Alice. “Yes sir.” “Right. Anything that was left out I want put through the dishwashers on the highest temperature wash before it gets used. Use other items if we can. Just a precaution. Any food not in the cold store throw. Only things that were stored and were not accessible are we going to use ok. If people have to wait then they wait for the tea’s and coffees. Get out the other items to keep them busy ok, send out a round of Kia Royals and juices to get everyone going.” They both nodded. “Sir I feel this is my fault. I did not see him come in.” Arturo placed his hand on the man’s shoulder. “Not your fault and out of your control. Now let’s get on with the party ok.” Arturo moved through the kitchen to the house and followed through to the stairs and down to the basement. The male was tied to a chair. Straining badly. The compulsion hitting him hard. Arturo gave the nod to Pierre.


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